The battle with the brambles continue...
By sandra
Another lovely day in the garden today…having made great gains on Thursday and with a day to recover. I was eager to get back to it today. The sun shining is the best energy giver I know and I was keen…
so with coffee in hand off I went for the next round of bramble bashing..
This patch is huge, I planted it back in the day when all these plants were cuttings. Harmless Gentle little plants liveing together in harmony. Its usually survival of the strongest in my garden but today I decided to give a few of my favorites a helping hand.
This phormium and cordyline clump is one of my favorite bits of this garden and I soon cleared away all the dead leaves and brambles.
Then I cleared away under the grevillea, untangled the brambles from the twisted hazel and found the bottlebrush.
When brambles are poking out the top of small trees it’s time for action. Wise woman one said..keep your weeds smaller than your plants…
There was an exciting event later on in the day when the lesser spotted youngest son made an appearance to help me clear up, for which I was very grateful.
Its opened the area right out now. Clumps of crocosmia and iris that were fighting with the brambles and shrubs will now be able to breath.
So today it went from this…
To this…
Resulting in one of these…
That’s HALF the space done…… and with rain forecast tomorrow I will have to find something a bit gentler to do in the tunnel.
The other half will have to wait.
With the moon rising it was time to call it a day.
Happy gardening
11 Jan, 2014
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Hi Sandra .. well done !
lovely weather today ..
I was busy gardening too :o)
11 Jan, 2014
What a joy to be able to have a bonfire, banned around here, when I do get the odd whiff of one, so many memories come rushing back, of country bonfires in the past.
11 Jan, 2014
No snow please garden thinks spring is here...
wasn't it lovely Terra...we had the all the dogs out on the rampage with us.
Lizziebee it is lovely to have a big burn at the end of a days gardening.
11 Jan, 2014
I love a good bonfire too. Well done Sandra, you're making a big difference.
I don't suppose you want a big carex pendula do you? For tipping if not.
11 Jan, 2014
Thanks for the offer Stera but i'm pretty sure there is one hiding out under the brambles in the other half of the garden.
11 Jan, 2014
Great work, we had a lovely sunny day today too, but sadly too busy to do any gardening!
11 Jan, 2014
Oh my you have been busy, love that you sighted the lesser spotted variety of son. How good of him to make his timely appearance. lol. Great to see the smile in the garden too. You have such a big task and it is good to see you out and enjoying the weather. Must have been pretty miserable over the last few weeks with all the rain and wind that your side of the country has had. Keep up the good work it looks amazing. Soon be springtime. :O)
12 Jan, 2014
Thanks Olive its just the encouragement i need to get me to finish this bit. The good news is its the worst bit of previously tamed areas...It will feel good when its out of the way. So good you have had it so mild too..:-)
12 Jan, 2014
I bit you feel pleased with yourself. I would if I'd made so much progress.
Beautiful day here today too but just hovering around 0 degrees, so too cold to lift turf.
hope you had a good potter in the tunnel today.
12 Jan, 2014
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Keep up the good work Sandra :o) Your patch is improving all the time ...
I'm pleased you had a nice day. It's been lovely here too ...
Rain tomorrow, but it's better than snow !
11 Jan, 2014