Looking back at my aeoniums..
By sandra
The weather was not so good here at Corseside today so I thought I’d use my time to sort out some pictures on my computer.
I’m a succer for a succulents, in particular Aeonium
They come in many shapes sizes and colours.
They are so easy to look after but they do need protection from the frost. But thrive on neglect….
In summer when I’m busy in the nursery the they are not nagging me for water or feed. I dont have to deadhead them as they rarely flower, to me they look like a flower all the time.
Taking a cutting is easy too. This is one of my favorite jobs which will need doing soon…:-)
I use a mix of at least 50% sand to 50% compost. Make sure they are watered well when you take a cutting, but don’t water again till the soil is bone dry. In spring the roots usually appear within 3 – 4 weeks
The only things to watch for is not to over water…keep an eye out for vine weevil.
Another fun game with them is to collect the seeds when they do pop up a rare flower.
This one aeonium cuniatum flowered for me a few years ago. The flower reached around 4 feet when it was fully open. I couldn’t resist trying the seed.
I was delighted when one seedling appeared.
But I was truly amazed when its mates arrived..
way too many for the nursery so many were shared around friends and family.
hope you enjoyed the pics…
happy gardening
10 Jan, 2014
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I enjoyed seeing your Aeoneums Sandra. I like them too. I've never seen one flowering ... You did well to germinate the seeds.
10 Jan, 2014
Its amazing what detail is picked up on these digi cameras Stera...
I love having a go with fresh seed hywel many fail but these were amazing. If only I could get my purpureum to flower....
11 Jan, 2014
Well done you!
11 Jan, 2014
Hi Sandra ...
your plants look lovely ... so healthy :o)
11 Jan, 2014
wow what a lot of seedlings! Great blog, I collect aeoniums myself but have never seen one flower.
11 Jan, 2014
thanks Louisa. don't you just love them never can decide which is my favourite. i usually get one or two flowering each year but i do have a silly amount. Mostly the flowers start to appear on late summer.
11 Jan, 2014
Great blog, love aeoniums. Its fantastic that you had a huge towering flower and then got so many seedlings from the seeds...amazing stuff!
16 Jan, 2014
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You probably have enough of the cuneatum to be going on with now! I like the little whiskery edges.
10 Jan, 2014