OMG it's been an exciting day...;-))
By sandra
today was the day i collected the cactus collection from Mr. Ashton.
(follow on from ’i love phone calls like this)
one van and two estate cars….Mr. Ashton, my step dad Ken, and brother -in-law Dewi all ‘volenteered’ to help….
i was so excited but nervous especially when Mr Ashton offered to transport some in his own car….that meant he was going to inspect my cacti…luckily the last three days have been spent cleaning moving and arranging our small collecton of cacti and large collection of camping gear, tools, and othe stuff that had been dumped in our shed.
it took well over an hour to pack the three vehicles. Dewi was the first to loose blood from a cactus spine attack…followed closely by me..but appart from that only a few spikes so i think we did well considering how many we moved not once but twice.
i knew there was a lot to move but i didnt realise just how many….
lots still have flowers and there are many still to come.
there were a few monsters……
the monster on the right is our Jack. ;-))
it has been a wounderful day but all we managed was to put them in the shed. tomorrow the fun begins. getting to know our new inmates. all the cacti are named but its going to take a while and a few phone calls to Mr. ashton before we manage that….
27 Jul, 2009
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having them all with labels is just the iceing on the cake Trees. i had a little go at dead heading one with the tweezers and to my amazement there were seeds......if you were closer i'd share a few with you...;-))
27 Jul, 2009
I remember my wife doing the same with tweezers, and yes she too wondered what the little black bits were.
They look lovely all together but I shall wait for the phonecall when you want rid......
27 Jul, 2009
there are over one hundred different cacti.....i cant wait to get started tomorrow. need to pot some on and water all of them. but i have to start with the agaves..there are two different ones.
i wounder how long they take to grow from seeed???
27 Jul, 2009
Such a great collection of Cacti Sandra, they look in great shape,good job you had plenty of help,Jack seemed really busy!!! Lol. well done you deserve a well earned rest:~)))
27 Jul, 2009
One of youre Agaves looks like the Royal agave, Agave victoriae-reginae.
a nice Mother in laws cushion, Echinocactus grusonii.
Make sure you do your home work though Sandra as I know a couple of my wifes cacti are quite expensive, as they have come from cacti nurseries and not your regular garden centres.
Seed... You were not planning to go any where soon were you?
27 Jul, 2009
Its all amazing Sandra, good luck with them :-))
27 Jul, 2009
~brilliant~lucky you!
27 Jul, 2009
You have a wonderful collection there Sandra but I dont envy you the repotting bit,mine never flower although I do get babies sometimes from some of them......
28 Jul, 2009
What a wonderful collection. You'll enjoy them.
28 Jul, 2009
another reason for you to visit us Hywel...
28 Jul, 2009
Yes :o)
One day I will.
28 Jul, 2009
wow this is amazing
certainly some monsters there, but allvery pretty
and a very handsome monster called Jack
x x x
28 Jul, 2009
thaks Moonkins. he's a lovely boy..;-))
28 Jul, 2009
Aah thats good he looks just what you need
big and strong with all your new friends
x x x
28 Jul, 2009
hes chosen one for his room. typical boy its a bit
28 Jul, 2009
boys eh!
x x x
28 Jul, 2009
Lol, I dont know what you mean Sandra HeHe :-))
28 Jul, 2009
aha heres one of the biggest kids out
hows you Ian?
x x x
28 Jul, 2009
Who me ????? :-))
I'm fine Mookins, waiting for a delivery from Ebay !
28 Jul, 2009
im not ever using ebay or paypal again
anything exciting?
x x x
28 Jul, 2009
just a couple more water butts.
28 Jul, 2009
I was told there had been some suspected fraudulent use so for security reasons they shut down my account... which is brilliant yes by all means be safe. but they are holding my money for 160 days!!
xx x x
28 Jul, 2009
That sounds a bit drastic? They don't suspect you of fraudulent use though do they?
I was just wondering if this was a fraud in itself?
28 Jul, 2009
thats the thing I cant get a straight answer from them, "we dont like the way you conduct your bsuiness, we reserve the right"
hubby said what the hell have you been selling?
so roll on Januray time and I can have back my £312!!
xx x
28 Jul, 2009
Thats a bit strange ??? have you had any dis-satisfied customers?
What were you selling????? Lol
28 Jul, 2009
Back to the cacti, Sandra - WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28 Jul, 2009
Oh sorry Sandra I didn't mean to hyjack your blog. Lol
28 Jul, 2009
Ian and Mookins you were just getting to the interesting
i have been in the cactus shed all day. apart from going into town to get some new pots for the two agave. i've spent most of the day picking off all the dead flowers. its amazing how many they had . it must have been awesome sight.
28 Jul, 2009
Hi Sandra, These really are beautiful and I didn't meen to take over but I seem to be becoming a bit of an Ebay expert lately. A member on here was telling me about a deal that went wrong and I managed to find the seller from a partial address and a list of items that she had bought.
Just call me P.I. Digs Lol
28 Jul, 2009
no worries Ian
well done u. my sister got ripped off over christmas . but she got her mony back. i've had no problems on there.
28 Jul, 2009
No, me neither, then again I only seem to buy stuff and not very expensive stuff at that Lol
28 Jul, 2009
Cricky Sandra! So many Cacti! Will you keep them all and display them as 'The Ashton Collection'?
So. Mookins. What were you selling? lol
30 Jul, 2009
I never get tired of looking at these, they're great ! ! !
Mookins ?
30 Jul, 2009
Yeah. Mookins?
30 Jul, 2009
x x x
30 Jul, 2009
yes Sid they are staying as the ashton collection. maybe in a year or to they will become the ashton/williams collection......
i get all day with them tomorrow Ian. i'm going to try and pot onn acoulpe of the bigger ones. ouchhhhhh
30 Jul, 2009
we are all dying to know what u sell on ebay moonkins....???
30 Jul, 2009
nothing now. it was only shoes and dvds I no longer wanted?
sorry to dissapoint
xx x
30 Jul, 2009
Strange....maybe they didn't like your taste in shoes? Or was it the DVDs? lol
30 Jul, 2009
I can assure you my shoes are gorgeous hehe just too many, the dvds where hubbys so maybe... hehe
never mind hey life goes on
xx x
30 Jul, 2009
I love your attitude to life Jen. :-)) Well done you x x x
30 Jul, 2009
Oh ian you make me blush
x x x
31 Jul, 2009
Sorrrrrrry Lol, I know this, if someone had hundreds of pounds belonging to me I wouldn't be so calm about it. I think I would be kicking someones door in! ! ! :-/ Grrrrrr
31 Jul, 2009
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WOW how jealous am I.
They all look fantastic.
I look forward to seeing a pic of everyone with their name.
27 Jul, 2009