Our refurbished inner front door
By scotsgran
I wrote about my OH’s new hobby ( learning to work with stained glass) in an earlier blog. There was a few requests to see his progress. He is still at the apprentice stage but I’m very proud of what he has achieved so far.
1. The transom above the front door was used as a starting point
The inner front door was an insult to that lovely transom. This is how it looked for the forty years since we moved in.
Four main pieces of glass were surrounded by small stained glass panels. Unfortunately both the four large panels and the two small panels at the bottom had been replaced, prior to us moving here, by rippled clear glass similar to the glass used in bathrooms. The surviving panels are colour matched to the transom because they are original pieces.
We were able to find fairly good matches for each of the plum, sky blue and pine green glass used in the 19th Century when the house was built. Because we had no idea what had been there it was trial and error to see what would work on paper before attempting any production. The first two panels were copies of one removed from the top of the door but the central panels proved much more difficult. We eventually settled on a simple design and he made all four pieces identical.
When all six panels were made it was exciting to watch as the first one was put in place. If we ever had any doubts about doing the work they vanished immediately.
and it was out with the next panel
and in with number two.
Out came number 3
and what a difference.
Seeing the original and the new together was such a pleasure.
It took four days to remove the offensive panels and insert the new ones but considering he has never done any work like this previously I am bursting with pride. .
We are so pleased with our “new” door. It is simple but so effective.
I hope you don’t mind that this is not about gardening.
3 Apr, 2013
Previous post: What I bought at the Kincardine SRGC Show.
Next post: My shopping basket at the SRGC Show Edinburgh
Its Brillant Walter what a transformation,may be apprentice but fast learner.
3 Apr, 2013
Thank you Sticki and Bjs it just goes to show you are never too old to learn. He was 83 in October and counts his blessings. I thought it would have taken a lot longer to do all this work but once he started it was like an obsession. He was as anxious as me to see what it would be like.
3 Apr, 2013
That's a brilliant transformation, well done him it looks great and I agree, you're never too old to learn!
3 Apr, 2013
My congratulations to your OH on a brilliant job,it looks beautiful ,and so in keeping with your house..no wonder you are so proud of him..at his first attempt as well..that is great :o)
3 Apr, 2013
Thanks Louisa and Bloomer.
3 Apr, 2013
Looks very good, amazing what can be achieved.....
And I like occasional non gardening blogs.........
3 Apr, 2013
Isn`t it amazing what enthusiasm and dedication can achieve. Your OH has produced a design thoroughly in keeping with the period and made a marvellous job of it, Scotcat you have one talented hubby.
3 Apr, 2013
That's very impressive.Well done to the artist.
3 Apr, 2013
It looks amazing, well done hubby you are right to be proud of him, he has transformed the door........
3 Apr, 2013
It looks wonderful, what an achievement. Just had to put this blog into faves!
Any idea of what the next piece of work will be!?
You must smile everytime you see your door!
3 Apr, 2013
what a clever chap. you have every right to be proud of his achievments.
3 Apr, 2013
Congratulations to you both !
3 Apr, 2013
Wow Scotsgran no wonder you are proud, it looks fantastic! Thank you for sharing, I'm inspired by this!
3 Apr, 2013
That looks great, Scotsgran, congratulations to OH.
3 Apr, 2013
Thank you all. I am pleased you are all so appreciative of his hard work. Lulu I'm like the original Cheshire Cat. Always smiling. He has started on making dinghies. I found a free pattern for a dragon which he quite fancies. Our grandchildren will love it if it ever gets off the drawing board. I constantly go through the hall just enjoy our new door.
3 Apr, 2013
Fantastic...it's. a great skill!
3 Apr, 2013
What a beautiful transformation! Congratulations, it is a brilliant design, so in keeping with the original that it's hard to believe it isn't all of a piece. I love the way it reflects the border. Lovely!
3 Apr, 2013
Walter..... Well done!! I was going to ask just how many times you've been in and out to the hall to check Sheila but that a stupid question really isn't it?
A dragon..... The kids are going to be amazed when they see that!
Just goes to prove.... You are never too old :)
3 Apr, 2013
I love what your hubby has done Scotg. it has tranformed your door into something quite beautiful. You must be very proud? Great blog......no gardening to be done as yet, so this is great to read.
3 Apr, 2013
Absolutely beautiful! A really lovely simple design, I love the colours.
3 Apr, 2013
Yes, I give up on the gardening, boy that wind is cold. Might go play in the studio/greenhouse! Need to get cr dative again!
4 Apr, 2013
I meant creative! Honestly iPad makes more mistakes with the spell check ON!
4 Apr, 2013
It's probably the cold going for it's brain Lulu. Thanks everybody for looking and your lovely comments.
4 Apr, 2013
What a fantastic job, Scotsgran and what a clever hubby you have ! No wonder you're proud !
5 Apr, 2013
Thank you Rose.
5 Apr, 2013
Hi Scotsgran.
I like the colours chosen.
Good job :o)
6 Apr, 2013
Thank you Tt. We were very fortune in being able to source glass made using the same technique as the original glass and a pretty near match of the colours.
6 Apr, 2013
That was lucky ..
the colours fit in so very well .. :o)
6 Apr, 2013
Yes they are almost a complete match with the original glass. I can't get over how much better it looks and how we managed to live with the bad repair job for so long.
7 Apr, 2013
7 Apr, 2013
Thank you Mandym. Its great to have all the lovely comments.
7 Apr, 2013
If only he'd taken it up years ago, eh?
When he gets his 'papers' he'll be run off his feet.
He's a natural. Fantastic workmanship!
8 Apr, 2013
He has been retired for 23 years Mouldy so is not looking to be that busy lol. Over the years he has turned his hand to lots of practical jobs around the house. I think he would say this has been both challenging and the most satisfying.
8 Apr, 2013
Diy & renovation is one thing, but the stained glasswork, that's pure artistry!
It's a cut, if you'll pardon the pun, above the rest. Lol.
10 Apr, 2013
I think now its done he wonders how he dared try it but nothing ventured etc.
10 Apr, 2013
Fantastic transformation Scotsgran I salute your talented Hubby.
11 Apr, 2013
Thank you Cosmosjane he is enjoying his new hobby very much.
11 Apr, 2013
That looks brilliant Scotsgran :o)
18 Apr, 2013
Thank you Annella he is making sail boats at the moment from odd pieces of glass he had left over and a few new pieces. The glass is very expensive at about £10 a 25 x 25 cm sheet. We have been trawling the internet looking for cheaper stuff and hope to buy a better selection when we next visit Bristol. I think he is now seeing other jobs which are needing doing and wants to get on with them but the weather is not good for any kind of DIY as yet.
18 Apr, 2013
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An apprentice? Oh my! But it's fantastic! What a beautiful door you now have, he is very talented. Fabulous job, brilliant!
3 Apr, 2013