September already!
By scottish
It’s September already, you can see that autumn is beginning to set in. I was so optimistic mid way through August that we were to have a late flush of summer, whilst it certainly has been brighter – there still hasn’t been 3 days clear of rain. Nights are drawing in, there is a chill in the air and the central heating has been on once or twice!
Whilst a few of the Acers started putting on their Autumn colour last month, it is now starting to show around the rest of the garden. The Kilmarnock Willow looks well past it’s sell by date, the peonies are in rapid decline and most of the Hostas are resembling paper doillies.
Cotinus Golden Spirit Autumn now running through it’s veins…….
Obligatory Hydrangeas for this time of the year….
The latest addition to the garden
Hydrangea paniculata Pinky Winky. Flowers on new growth and takes full sun. This replaces a Rhododendron which has now been moved to the opposite side of the garden, to get the shade it requires.
There are a couple of plants around the garden doing what they shouldn’t be at this time of the year – flowering….
This red azalea has rebloomed
Third time lucky for Brunnera ‘Jack Frost’
The Wedgewood Rose new this year and climbing up the arbor seat. It has been trying to flower non-stop over the summer but the rain has played havoc. This is the best flower for a while now. There are still plenty of buds but I fear their fate is sealed if the rain doesn’t stay away!
Astrantia Buckland and friend – Astrantias are great – they never fail to produce a 2nd flush later in the year if cut right back.
The continual rain fall in June and July ruined all these blooms first time around – Phlox paniculata – Violet Flame obviously not a floriforous but still welcome colour!
Although technically not flowering again…continual dead heading has meant this plant has constantly flowered throughout ’non’summer…
Trifolium rubens (Nobel Clover)
Adding some zing into the garden with their bright colours…..
Helenium Moerheim Beauty
Geum ’Lady Stratheden I took the shears to all the Geums as they were rather disappointing – all now showing signs of putting on flowers later this month.
Achillea ‘Terracotta’ which has now been renamed as Achillea YELLACOTTA. The gorgeous Terracotta colour does fade to yellow and in the past I have chopped these of to promote new flowers but have left them this year just so I could have some flowers!
These 2 make a very stunning combination – the sedum (in a container) however is very lanky – I think due to the wet weather, if anyone has a different theory I’d be pleased to hear it.
Lobelia the others in the garden have been completely destroyed by the slugs – this being a new addition has so far failed to succumb!
Sidalcea Party Girl this was planted to contrast with the Blue buddleja but unfortunately the Buddleja has finished flowers so I have been unable to get the effect I was trying to create….always next year (I’m getting a bit fed up telling myself that)…
Alstromeria Inca Glow and Monarda Prairie Night
Monarda Croftway Pink. Both Monarda are suffering from powdery mildew now. I am patiently waiting to collect seeds from these and the Helenium for Nariz.
Veronicastrum virginicum f. Roseum just a hint of pink to these insect attracting blooms.
Tropaeolum speciosum this plant grows happily into my privet hedge and can by all accounts be very difficult to get established.
This is the most successful I’ve been in trying to get a self set seedling to grow – but it is in the wrong place but I am very nervous about transplanting it as it is at this point it promptly dies on me.
Festuca glauca ‘Elijah Blue’
Potentilla nepalensis ‘Ron McBeath’ not just happy meandering through the Cotinus it has now widened it’s horizons and making friends with Weigela florida Monet
Ajuga reptans ‘Burgundy Glow’ beginning to spread it’s way around the front of the pond. It’s foliage looks good against the stone surrounding the pond.
Speaking of the pond, I have noticed this last few of nights there are a couple of frogs hopping around the garden. I can’t be sure if they are the frogs which originally started life in my pond as tadpoles but as I haven’t noticed them before – I tend to think they may be. I haven’t been able to capture them in a picture yet but I have provided this little frog house if they so choose to use it…….
Thank you all for stopping by and taking the time to visit. A little hoverfly to end my September garden…..
and his tiny friend…..
2 Sep, 2012
Previous post: My garden at the start of August
Next post: A wee job for a Sunday morning
Which direction does your hedge face Scottish? I would love to have tropaoleum in mine - tried seed once but it failed to germinate. Those insect pics are great.
2 Sep, 2012
Thanks very much Grandmage. the tropaeolum is listed on RHS as fully hardy and it certainly is in my garden.
It is one of those plants that is difficult to get to grow but if it likes it then it stays!! Motinot (I think) also grows this in her garden. I've been trying to get this going else where in the garden for 4 years but I think I lift the seedlings when they are too young, so will leave this to grow bigger and continue to grow it up a support for another year. One of it's other names is ''Scottish Flame Flower'' - there are some amazing images on google of it!
The Sedums - are quite heavy I agree but I also suspect that my garden may be too moist for them and have been trying them in a container, which hasn't improved them I'm afraid. The good thing is that they are quite resilient and never fail to come back.
2 Sep, 2012
My hedge faces West Steragram - shame about those seeds. If my attempt this year is successful - I can always do one for you next year - seedlings come up everywhere - but I don't have a clue where they originally came from. No neighbour has it in their garden. TBH, the hedge is a pretty poor specimen for a privet hedge but this plant is what stops me taking it out.
2 Sep, 2012
Still plenty to admire Scottish, lots of mine are lanky or sprawling as well, forever out there moving and hiding stakes as supports, the wet combined with very low light was the cause I think....
2 Sep, 2012
Lovely garden! Just look at those Heleniums - can't wait! ;o)
3 Sep, 2012
Lovely...lots going on there....
3 Sep, 2012
Looking good! I heard September is supposed to be warmer and drier than average so there's still hope for that late flush of summer we've all been waiting for ;o)
3 Sep, 2012
You've got lots of nice plants and they seem to be flourishing with you. I hope the autumn brings some nicer weather for you to be able to enjoy them
I like that little hover fly :o))
3 Sep, 2012
Thank you Scottish, that would be great. My hedges face east and north though, but still, worth a try. I know privet is supposed to be trimmed twice a year - that would damage them wouldn't it? I once saw some growing through a conifer hedge and they were lovely there, but my conifer is the one that faces north unfortunately.
3 Sep, 2012
Lovely lighting on so many beautiful plants. I love the softness in the air on a sunny day at this time of year. We actually had a sunny day today!
Really eye-catching photos.
3 Sep, 2012
That was lovely. I particularly like the rose, the Nobel Clover, the alstromeria/monarda combination and Ron Mc Beath. I bought him a few weeks ago as the zingy colour just shouted out to me. I have what was labelled as Tropaeolum speciosum but is in fact a different one - nice, but not the T. s which I always coveted. Yours is lovely; mine isn't flowering yet. I like the hoverflies too - great photos.
3 Sep, 2012
Thank you all for your lovely comments - they are appreciated :)
Lincslass....I'm imagining you in and out staking and trying - I've given up on that task this year.
Thank you Michaella and's hoping for a good September, it's been great so far!!
HB - you won't be disappointed with your Helenium - it's colours just scream summertime!!!
Hywel, thank you too. So far September has been impressive - long may it continue :)
Steragram - no problem doing this for you. I will keep a beady eye on seedlings in spring time! There is a down side to it growing in the hedge - and you nailed it!!!! As I only managed to identify it last year - the hedge had been trimmed as normal up until then. This year - the hedge has not had a 2nd cut and really needs it but what to do? Enjoy the flowers and let them set seed or trim the! I'm determined to have this in the back garden - so I can enjoy it more :) My local nursery has this growing in a HUGE pot up a trellis, with a big signs saying ''NOT FOR SALE' right next to it, so it needn't be grown over a hedge to look good. It also prefers acid soil.
Wildrose....a sunny day always makes the garden look good. They have been rare this year :)
TB - thanks for admiring my plants. Shame about your Tropaeolum speciosum, have you identified it yet? If my experiment works - you can have one too :))
4 Sep, 2012
Having checked Google images, I'd say it's either Tropaeolum tricolor or T. tuberosum; they look pretty similar and as I've only seen it in flower once, last year when I bought it, I'm not sure which.
If your experiment does work that would be lovely - and very kind of you.
4 Sep, 2012
It's nearly half five in the morning and I suffer from insomnia. Not a problem, as I have just enjoyed a wonderful trip around your garden. Loved the photographs. Thank you for sharing. Now maybe I will gently fall asleep and dream of my garden looking as colourful. :-)
9 Sep, 2012
Thank you Hannah - must be awful to suffer insomnia. I hope you managed to get some sleep and had nice inspirational dreams :)
9 Sep, 2012
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Loads of colour still left there Scot. wonderful pics. I love that tropaeolum, is it hardy? and as for your Sedum, mine has sprawled and flopped over too, maybe too much rain for them and they have got too tall and dropped, the flowers are quite heavy arent they?
2 Sep, 2012