My garden at the start of August
By scottish
August has pretty much began the same way June and July did…wet! It’s been quite dull with very few breaks in the sky today. To be honest I’ve been busy painting the upstairs of the house and only had to venture outside to take in the washing that I rather optimistically hung out first thing!
Between yesterday and today I have taken a few pictures of some of the plants which are trying to put a brave face on and share their blooms. There has been a few casualties of the flooding – a Cotinus, an Exochorda, some Aconitum and a Choisya is just about hanging on in there! The sad fact is that the part of the garden that flooded this year – never usually shows any sign of excess water and in a normal year – these plants would have probably survived! The dilemma now is future planting – what do I plan for? Everything that is still showing signs of life will be left and I’ll see how they get on over winter.
For my records and hopefully for you to enjoy here are some pictures of things in the garden…….
The Kilmarnock Willow (Salix caprea). Despite being moved in full leave has settled in and survived the move. Some of you may remember the absolutely gigantic concrete lump under here from a previous blog.
Planting to the back of the pond – the pond is situated in part shade – planting includes Polygonatum, Dicentra, Hostas, Ferns, Primulas, Astilbe and Pyracantha.
Part of the side garden – rather ‘staged’ looking but I like it! Again, in part shade – Hostas, Ferns, Heucheras, Primulas, Dicentras and Zantedescia all enjoy it here.
I planted this little row of Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’ to form a little hedge between the gravel and the lawn. I thought it would make a wee change from a box hedge and I will keep it clipped to shape. There are some grasses (Carex and Uncinia) planted in between the plants which I hoped would provide a bit of interest until the plants were ready to be clipped. They don’t seem to like it there but they are surviving so I will leave them meantime.
Astrantia ‘Snow Star’ has been the star flowerer of the year – what you can’t see is what is growing behind
Mahonia x media Charity – I was a bit concerned about this but is now showing signs that it has settled down.
New foliage of Viburnum tinus another plant to provide evergreen foliage for winter.
This next shrub is decidious and planted for it’s autumn Colour Enkianthus cernuus var. rubens has purple/red foliage and puts on a good show.
This border was previously the site of an old shed. The fencing was replaced last year and the trellis has been erected over the last couple of weeks. I like it as it provides a bit more height to the fence and provides a bit more privacy. To be honest, it would be really difficult to gain absolute privacy without planting huge trees which would just not be suitable in such an area.
I have quite a few pots and containers around the garden but find I just can’t seem to display them at their best – here are a few….
A few evergreens in pots (Pittosporum, Picea and Chamaecyparis).
A couple of Acers – to the left Acer shirasawanum and Acer palmatum ‘Orange Dream’ both showing signs that the weather is more like autumn than summer.
Photinia ‘Pink Marble’ a Morrison’s bargain and a gift from my mum.
The first of the Hydrangeas to flower, first time to flower for this one. It was kept in a pot when I moved home and was planted in the border 2 years ago, I cut it right back to the ground as a few of the stems managed to get damaged but I have to admit this it has rather thrown me. It is planted in the side garden – the Rhododendron, Azaleas and Camellias love it here and I would have expected this to have blue flowers. Not that I mind as my others are blue and white so I now have 3 different colours.
The Leucothoes are also thriving in this damp wet weather…..the foliage on Leucothoe ‘Red Lips’ is looking great. Sadly I lost it’s neighbour Curly Lips when I accidently stood on it and snapped it.
A few grasses next….
I’m not impressed with this one – I think that is my fault though as I’m sure it’s not getting enough sun where I have it planted.
This grass was one which I received as a gift from GOY member Scotkat (thanks Kath) last year. It is snuggled in here until I can find a permanent home for it.
This one is doing really well down by the end of the pond – Carex morrowii ‘Ice Dance’
No blog would be complete without the obligatory shots of some Heucheras. This is just a little selection of some of mine…..
Unknown Heuchera – possibly Purple Palace. I seem to remember buying ‘Purple Palace’ at some point yet I can’t find a label.
Presently planted underneath the Kilmarnock Willow and enjoying being there I hasten to add Heuchera Marmalade – a favourite with me and many other GOYers.
Heuchera ‘Strawberry Candy’ – flowers are a very sweetie pink, rather aptly named.
A few shots of some of the flowers which have decided to grace my garden with their presence over the last day or two….
This scented leave pelargonium smells very lemony – I have to admit to buying this in flower. Where on earth I’m going to keep this for winter goodness only knows.
Alchemilla erythropoda, a dwarf lady’s mantle. I’m hoping that this won’t be as floppy as it’s bigger cousin.
Summer always looks as if it’s here when this flowers – Helenium Moerheim Beauty rather slug eaten underneath but so long as it flowers who is looking?
Trifolium repens ‘Purpurascens Quadrifolium’ I have this growing in a container. I just love the foliage on it and I do hope it doesn’t spread too much, she says with her fingers crossed :)
Pink hardy geranium ‘Wargrave Pink’ quite new to the garden so long as it flowers it’s more than welcome.
Dianthus Firestar doing a little mingling with Dianthus Artic Fire
Geranium Brookside – this one has taken a bit of a battering as it is planted near to where the cats access one of their favourite hidey holes. However, it’s coming away now.
Hosta sieboldiana var. elegans flowering despite being moved at the wrong time.
A close up of the flower. Rather frosty looking close up don’t you think?
I thought I would end with a couple of ‘wildlife’ shots….
First butterfly of the year. Small tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae)
Hoverfly enjoying the last of the Sanguisorba.
Thanks you all for popping in to read and sorry it was so long – it didn’t start out like that :)
1 Aug, 2012
Previous post: Wee ginger bumble bee
Next post: September already!
No problem with it being long - more to enjoy. What a lovely garden you have and you take great photos too. I love that frosty hosta close-up. You're right to include the obligatory heucheras. Are we all obsessed with them, or what? Is the trifolium some kind of cultivated clover, only it looks very similar? And well done for finding a butterfly to photograph; they're in sadly short supply this year.
1 Aug, 2012
Lovely garden and plants Scottish...:))
1 Aug, 2012
Loved the little owl at the start too- forgot to say.
1 Aug, 2012
looks amazing scottish!!! i like the heucheras! i liked pretty much everything though to be fair lol! lovely little things in containers too! :-))
2 Aug, 2012
love the hydrangeas! Love the entire garden..thanks for sharing. I have mine in a pot as well and the growth is rather slow, but i just hope it blooms again and again!:)
2 Aug, 2012
Its all looking wonderful that 'staged' area lovely colours...well done! :))))
2 Aug, 2012
Your garden is looking pretty and colourful.
Wonderful to see the butterfly :o)
2 Aug, 2012
What a beautiful blog. I'm going back for another look in a mo. That 'staged' area is gorgeous, I love it! You captured the tortoiseshell beautifully too...This is the only kind of butterfly I've seen in my garden so far this year...aren't they beautiful, that little row of blue dots around their edge is wonderful! The plants you have shown us are all looking really well Scottish, and that Enkianthus is going on my 'wish list'! :D
2 Aug, 2012
..the clover too...putting this on my faves for future reference!
2 Aug, 2012
It is brilliant Angie - how can you not be impressed with that lovely red grass - ours is on the pond edge and less vivid than yours - you have so many I have in the garden makes me smile - I really like picture 3 !!!
2 Aug, 2012
Well you still have some lovely plants and blooms. But i share your feelings about the whole summer and it's effects :o( Chin up next year will be better - so I keep telling myself. lol Jx
2 Aug, 2012
I love your garden Scottish, you have some beautiful plants and your Helenium Moerheim Beauty is a lovely colour, how tall is that one?
2 Aug, 2012
Your garden has done amazingly well Scottish, storms and flood damage to these beauties. Trifolium repens looks splendid and I like the pebble bowl area. The Heuchera does look like Purple Palace...Mine only came in to flower just over a week ago. It looks great.
2 Aug, 2012
I agree with the name of your Heuchera being Purple palace Scot. i have those too, such a deep colour, i love them. You have some beautiful pots and your garden is a delight.
2 Aug, 2012
Thank you all for enjoying my garden. So many lovely comments and they are all really appreciated.
Hywel...a lovely compliment, thank you.
Tuesday...yes the Trifolium is a form of clover - 4 leafed -although it's not sharing it's luck with me. Another one for wildlife.
Michaella, thank you too!
Leighanne - I'm pleased you like it :)
Garden4kyro...I hope your hydrangea blooms for many years for you. I do like them. This one is now permanently planted in the ground - they love the Scottish climate - how do they cope in Florida?
Pixi and TT, thank you for your lovely comments.
Karensusan...yes the tortoiseshell b'fly is gorgeous - was reading all about them after Pimpernel told me what it was. There was another in the garden today so that's a bonus too! The Enkianthus is gorgeous in Autumn. It didn't flower this year - flowers are very similar to Pieris. I'll post a picture when the colour changes. The clover is good for wildlife.
Paul - it's not that I don't like the grass - I just expected it to be a bit thicker looking if you know what I mean. I knew you would like my little grotto area - there are lots of ferns in there - but you can't see them all for the other plants. It's amazing that we have so many of the same plants - yet our gardens are totally different. I just don't have the confidence to do a garden like yours!
Jane...roll on summer 2013. Thanks for your comments.
Drc....the Helenium is labelled about 1m in height - which is about what it is. It's a very zingy plant and grows with an orange rose and achillea terracotta in the hot border.
Pimpernel....I thought you would like that Trifolium - your kind of plant I think!
Grandmage thanks for the compliments and thank you both for confirming id for the heuchera.
Don't think I've missed anyone out - I double checked before I clicked :)
2 Aug, 2012
Thanks Scottish.
2 Aug, 2012
Great blog of a wonderful garden.
As everyone has said you have some beautiful plants :-)
2 Aug, 2012
Lovely pics Scpttish and , as a rain expert, I can say it probably helped with the successful moving of you Kilmarnock willow in full leaf etc lol. You have such lovely plants, I'm looking forward to seeing your enkianthus in flower and what a star that astrantia is, very aptly named. I know what you mean though about planning for next year, I've put gravel under some plants this year in my front garden .... so next year will probably be a drought!:-)
5 Aug, 2012
5 Aug, 2012
Beautiful, colourful garden...
sorry... I have a busy summer...
... I'm trying to catch up with blogs.
16 Aug, 2012
Artists' eye for the combinations- Great pics & beautiful garden !
17 Aug, 2012
Thanks all for your comments - they are appreciated :)
17 Aug, 2012
Enjoyed your blogg this morning - have not been in the garden (or on this site) for weeks now, apart from watering my hanging baskets. However, after reading this and admiring your plants, I am inspired and I'm off to work in the garden now.
My east border was under water again on Monday. Can't think what to do about this before next year's gardening season - it used to be so dry there that plants struggled. Ah well, maybe I will find inspiration while I am outside.
Best wishes,
31 Aug, 2012
Anne, I'm pleased my blog gave you the wee kick start you needed :)
Haven't been in the garden much myself - very disheartened just about describes how I feel about it at the moment!
Like you I'm trying to plan what to plant where the flooding was - a few more plants have bit the dust so to speak.
I'm thinking of trying a Cornus to replace the Cotinus - can't find anything with red/purple foliage that will survive if it floods again - I think I'm correct in thinking that a Cornus will cope with the wet. I've bought a few astibles in Morrisons too. I don't want to through money away so will start of with cheap plants.
I hope you managed to get lots done - although it has been really miserable here today so I hope it didn't put you off too much :))
31 Aug, 2012
I've really loved your Blog on your garden, loved the bowl of stones with the pink mushrooms, liked it all and so much colour too, Thanks for showing us,
xx Jackie xx :o))
31 Aug, 2012
Pleased you enjoyed Jackie :)
1 Sep, 2012
I always like your blogs and photos. You have the real touch of knowing exactly what goes where. I am also fascinated that all of you do so much with pots. We tend to have a few on the deck or entrance but not in the gardens. How do you ever keep up with the watering? I find that even if we get rain, you still have to water the pots! And what do you do with them in the winter? We have been very lucky this summer, rain coming when needed, although we did go through a bit of a dry spell. Anyone coming over to the East in the US would think summer was just one blue sky after another. And that is what is was last summer. But not always. I am crazy about plants and other people's gardens, big, small, a bit nutty, and particularly ones just starting out. So this site is just right for me!
7 Oct, 2012
Wells, thank you ever so much for enjoying my garden - it's a great feeling that others admire it :)
As for the pots - I can't comment for anyone else - but most of what I grow in pots wouldn't cope with my moist soil - therefore prefer drier conditions - which means less watering. I wrap the pots with bubble wrap and huddle them all together in the winter. A couple of the larger pots go into my neighbours greenhouse (I don't have one and they don't use it). A job that my son does for me - in return for me being such a wonderful!!!!
Like you I do enjoy looking around other people's gardens. I've picked up so many hints, tips and ideas from others on here.
I'm glad you've had such a good summer - your winters are much worse than we get here. I've only ever been to sunny Florida. Your part of the states is a stunning part of the world - I always associate it with the autumn scenery - it looks heavenly!!
7 Oct, 2012
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Your garden seems to be doing well in spite of the weather. You've got some lovely plants and they all look so healthy :o)
1 Aug, 2012