A wee job for a Sunday morning
By scottish
I have an expanse of gravel directly outside my back kitchen door. The gravel was originally put down as a ‘makeshift’ surface on which to house a trampoline and a shed. Over the last couple of years – both the shed and the trampoline have been banished from the garden.
Would you believe me that when I moved in here the area was totally covered in bark chippings – what so wrong with bark chipping I hear you say…….it all depends on what purpose it serves. After the builders had moved out – I decided I wanted to get rid of that bark and do something else. After spending days raking out all the bark – I noticed something odd – the soil was very ’’bouncy’’ it’s about as best as I can describe it. I decided to have a wee dig and find out what was causing it. Down the spade went – can you imagine my face when after the first couple of spade fulls I came across a whole lot of buried chip board wardrobes and kitchen units. I do wish I had a picture to show you – but take my word for it, there was half a skip full!
The gravel area has now decreased somewhat as I have returned some of the area to plants and a pond (see previous blogs). Still a vast amount of gravel split down the middle by a path. To one side the whirlygig stands for the washing (yes, I have got rid of the washing poles too!) The other side was rather bare and empty looking – so here is how I have decided to make it a bit more interesting……
This is the only before picture I have – not an early frost just an old pictureThe area to the left of the path also has a small raised bed which used to house an apple tree, which, incidently, I hated the minute I planted it! It is now home to a Cornus alternifolia Argentea underplanted with some Dianthus.
Looking up towards the shed – you can see the new border all filling out with plants, my garden seat which has been pretty much redundant all summer and the little adjustments I made this morning……
A close up of my little project…..the inspiration for this came from Sharnford’s garden pictures so a very big thank you.
The large stone was already lying around the garden, the fossil at it’s base was an ornament brought from the house. The stepping stones were placed at random. Just how difficult is it go get ‘random’….lol!
The planting consists of Thuja occidentalis Rheingold, Hebe Green Globe and Mossy Saxifrage.
I have bought some dwarf flowering spring bulbs, Dafodills, Tulips and Iirs to plant in some of the gaps. Which will introduce some spring colour and I can use the stone to place seasonal pots throughout the rest of the year. I spent all day yesterday going to various stores trying to source large black pebbles – no luck, so a triip to the beach is on the cards.
Can someone please tell me if I should take account of the depth of the gravel when planting bulbs or does it not matter?
Thank you for reading, I hope you like what I have done!
9 Sep, 2012
Previous post: September already!
Next post: Flowering in September
Now come on, own up; you've had Alan and the gang round, haven't you?
Seriously, what a transformation! It's inspired.
9 Sep, 2012
Thanks Sticki :)
TB......I wish!!!!! Thanks - note from the early picture all the fences which blew down in a gale on New Year's Day!!
I hasten to add that the only fences which didn't blow down that day were the ones I put up :))
9 Sep, 2012
You must be THRILLED . . . it's looking wonderful Scottish! As for the bulbs - I would think it would be the same as planting them in the soil - i.e. whatever depth is advised, if you can get them deep enough?!
9 Sep, 2012
Its hard to believe its the same garden!
9 Sep, 2012
Wow! Angie that is such a transformation. It is lovely. It is good to see the before and after photos.
9 Sep, 2012
Its you alone who 'd do it, Angie ? You' re a landscaper very gorgeous and beautiful it is:-))))))) Its going to be one of the fabulous garden ,love the the way you put the step stone and the plants:-))))
10 Sep, 2012
That's lovely! What a job you must have had in sorting out the builders' dump! Aren't they b****rs! When we moved into our Essex house around 17 years ago the people we bought it from had not been gardeners, so had done very little apart from upkeep of the lawn. Then I started to get 'green fingers!' Digging around, we found enough bricks to build a BBQ and to surround a small flower bed (stuck in corner-wise). Then I wanted to plant a large shrub, so started to dig deeply ..... until I found my way blocked by something solid! Two large blokes (Partner and friend), half the Indian Continent of tea and several hours later and they had unearthed 7 solid bags of cement and ballast! Add to this various lumps of concrete and strips of metal brick strapping and - like you - I must have half-filled a large skip! Your garden is looking lovely now! :o)
10 Sep, 2012
I think it's brilliant. You've made a vast improvement. It's also nice that you had some inspiration from a friend on here :o))
I've heard of people burying things like that before :o( What a stupid thing to do.
10 Sep, 2012
Wow! What an amazing transformation. That looks really lovely now Scottish. Isn't it great when you get inspiration from other goyers? It happens to me all the time! I'm so sorry about the burying....lazy ignorant people...sigh...just made a whole lot of work for you....sigh. Never mind...you sorted it out really well!
10 Sep, 2012
Thank you all for your kind comments and compliments. They are truly welcome and encouraging.
Sheilabub....thank you and thanks for the advice re bulbs - I put some in today will finish the rest tomorrow. Then sit back and wait :)
Steragram - it amazes me that 18 months ago - all I had was 5 Rhoddies, 2 sick Camellias, an Acer and a couple of herbaceous perennials. Thank you
Thank you HB - the dark green cuprinol was inspired by your garden too - your garden is my idea of how a garden should look.
Scotsgran...Sheila - pleased you like it, I wish I had done before pictures 5 years ago when I first moved in. Huge Shrubs and Trees covered the back third of the garden where the deck and shed now stands. I took these all out by hand whilst waiting on planning permission for my extension.
Junna, Salamat - I'm pleased you like my work :)
Nariz - thank you very much - you had a much worse job than I had - another reason why councils should not charge for uplifting such waste!!
Meadowland - thank you for liking my 'random' :))
Hywel - it is nice to get the inspiration and create something which suits our needs.
Karen...thank you - all's well that ends well, isn't it?
10 Sep, 2012
Dear Angie wow what a transformation its fab.
Well done .
10 Sep, 2012
I had to read your comment twice, Nariz - thought you'd unearthed two large blokes!
10 Sep, 2012
Its great Scottish, the whole garden looks lovely, well done you, sounds like a lot of hard work over the years to actually get a garden out of what was a tip..
10 Sep, 2012
Thanks Kath - just breaks up the gravel and adds a bit of interest.
TB - I did have to read it twice myself!!
Lincslass - thank you. It has taken me a while to get this far. The longer I spend on this site - the more I want to do. All taking time and more importantly budgeting - a trip to the GC for one thing always ends up being 3 or 4!
11 Sep, 2012
Gosh yes Scottish, I`ve been a lot braver about trying new ideas and different plants and shrubs since joining goy, it would be nice to say the budget didn`t have to come into it but afraid it has to, mind you if I could afford all and everything I wanted, I don`t think it I`d get as much pleasure out of my garden..
11 Sep, 2012
What a dream of a design you`ve achieved Scottish, good enough to be in any house and garden magazine, no holding you back then ~ other than the budget and we all know how long the wish list gets.
11 Sep, 2012
Goodness me Stroller - that is some compliment. I'm glad you think it that good. I'm truly flattered.
That wish list - just gets longer and longer. Thankfully the garden can't get bigger and bigger along with it :))
12 Sep, 2012
Fantastic transformation,you must have worked so hard,and what a result!
14 Sep, 2012
I suppose the best you can say about your chipboard burial is that........ at least it was not fly tipped down a pretty country lane. Your transformation of a gravelly waste is another GOY inspiration. I imediately recognised where your ideas came from. I was attracted too, but age and strange back pains warned me away! I have settled for status quo without the intrusive bulbs growing in my annoying circular waste patch. We have had 5 discarded mattresses to disentangle in one project, enough square granett setts to border a decent sized lawn. Odd shapes of white marble everywhere in one border. Naughty workmen avoiding costs of legal disposal....I suppose in your case.
14 Sep, 2012
Thank you Tropicalbabe - I don't mind hard work - I always find something to do!
Dorjac you are correct re fly tipping - a lot of it goes on around where I stay as we are quite rural. GOY has inspired many things in my garden, which I supposed is one of the purposes of the site. I am so pleased with the improvement in my gardening skills since I joined.
Granite setts and white marble would have been a welcome find in my garden - but 5 mattresses - the mind boggles sometimes doesn't it!!
I think it was more of the previous owners rather than workmen. The house was very run down when I bought it and probably hadn't seen a workman for decades!!!!
14 Sep, 2012
That looks very attractive Angie.
I'm adding this to GoYpedia :o)
17 Sep, 2012
thanks you TT and welcome back - you and the gang have been missed :))))))))))
17 Sep, 2012
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love the stones and plants in the gravel, amazing changes!
9 Sep, 2012