first week in August.
By seaburngirl
I’ve not done much in the way of the garden recently but it still has some nice plants.
I dug out the front border to get rid of the couch grass and planted it up at the end of June. there is too much blue/mauve so that will be adjusted later in the year.
This Agastache is mauve but the seed packet had it as a much pinker colour, so a bit disappointed with them.
the Penstemon heavenly blue is flowering its socks off. it has not stopped since July.
This is a lovely dwarf Lysimachia called candela. sorry the photo is blurred
As you may know the apple tree has blown over. well this phlox is still putting on a show in spite of the tree.
The east side of the garden has 2 hydrangea in it and both were from a casualty corner at a garden centre £1 each and they have repaid me ever since.
This is Annabelle and the flowers are the size of footballs this year.
This is one called red disc. the picture on the label has it a lot deeper pink than it is.
Opposite the front border is the window border [it is under the window therefore obviously named :o)]
From a distance it looks lovely but there is couch grass in here so that will be the next project.
I also bought another Eucomis yesterday. It is called ‘Nani’
I’ll do another blog on the various pots and the back garden another day.
- 6 Aug, 2017
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I like blue and mauve too. Your garden looks lovely :)
6 Aug, 2017
A riot of colour in the window border, set of nicely by the green of the lawn.
6 Aug, 2017
I too like the colours and actually I always find blue and mauve soothing in a garden, your window border is so bright and full, I like that look in a garden, love the white hydranga, I only have pink here and mine is full of flowers, the blooms on that are huge this year as well, guess somethings don't mind our erratic weather.....
6 Aug, 2017
It's looking lovely, hydrangeas are lovely, but the Eucomis has it for me. Beautiful
7 Aug, 2017
I love blue also,doing a border at the mo trying to get some blue ideas.
7 Aug, 2017
I love both your borders,Sbg..and all the hot colours in your window border are stunning...are those orange ones,Heleniums ? just so lovely..Annabelle is a real beauty ,and I keep wondering whether to get one..I like the White one makes me want to have a fresh start with my long border,after seeing yours..or to rearrange it,at least !
7 Aug, 2017
I also like your purple front border, and the window border is stunning. That penstemon heavenly blue is...well, heavenly. I also love Annabel. What a beautiful garden.
7 Aug, 2017
Your garden looks great. Love the window border.
7 Aug, 2017
the helenium is Sahin's early flowerer, being on the go from early June. its my hot bed.
the blue border also has pink and white but the lilacy/blue is taking over and needs softening with more pink/white.
thanks for the compliments.
7 Aug, 2017
I think it looks great, but it is strange how you plant a bed and it seems to be inundated with one colour, I have noticed that this year! Theming and in vogue I expect you could say! Your Helenium is lovely and I definitely need something as striking in my garden. Your new Eucomis is lovely, I have only ever had the slightly insipid normal ones, which tend to blend into the background!
8 Aug, 2017
Leave those Mauve plants. The Bees like them because they are 3 deg. warmer than other flowers.
8 Aug, 2017
There are some really great plants there. Really like the phentermine.
8 Aug, 2017
Love the Hydrangeas.
Do you have to ask where the "Casualty Heap" is?
(I used to ask where the rubbish dumps were to look for possible Bonsai "specimens". Found some real bargains. )
8 Aug, 2017
I will remove some of the agastache and put else where in the garden and plant other bee /insect friendly plants but in pink/white to balance out the colours I want in this bed.
several gc don't have casualty corners anymore which I think is a real shame. they seem to prefer to dump/compost them rather than reduce them.
lisam do you actually mean phentermine? this is also known as α, α-dimethylphenethylamine, is a psychostimulant drug of the substituted amphetamine chemical class, with pharmacology similar to amphetamine.
what is the connection to the plants I have in my garden?
9 Aug, 2017
That's a lovely Eucomis, I shall have to look out for Nani.
Your window border looks lovely & full of flower, what is the bright pink one near the car?
Couch is such a pain, I took every plant out of one of my borders & dug out all the couch but I must have missed some cos it's back again.
Blues & mauves make the distance appear further away & hot colours closer so looks like you've done it just right.
10 Aug, 2017
its one of the Phlox 'cherry' I think but as usual I have mis-placed the label.
10 Aug, 2017
Thanks, I have P Coral Flame, not as tall as yours but its been flowering for ever.
11 Aug, 2017
You have a lovely garden,SBG! I really liked you window border - it's just after my heart! :-))
13 Aug, 2017
I think it all looks splendid, you have worked hard....
20 Aug, 2017
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Can 't have too much blue for me. Perhaps a touch of lemon or pink would lift it?
6 Aug, 2017