Snow still holds delight
By seaburngirl
It does for some anyway.
She just cant resist the snow and this had tracks in it that are from Renard and the local grey cat. Sadly they didn’t photograph well.
I know for many of you the snow is a miserable experience but it does give the garden a different dimension.
This is a lovely small evergreen fern that does well.
This is the view from the conservatory window with Acuba, Camellia and Mahonia.
5 mins later we had a gentle snow fall and that was just after i’d cleared the paths.
Back indoors one of the Dendrobium orchids is flowering. I had given it up as lost last summer when it got ignored for months.
Flower detail.
Toria has taken a keen interest in indoor plants and has been after this String of Turtles for a while. She got one back in the late summer and this last few weeks it has produced green flower spikes.
Tonight I will be helping hubby fit some suspension springs to his AJS project. Thermals will be needed.
Lets hope you are all staying safe and warm.
10 Feb, 2021
Previous post: Not a painting but not gardening either.
Next post: Middle March and things are looking cheerful.
Your snowy pictures are very atmospheric, SBG.
The dendrobium is very forgiving. I had one that thrived on neglect in the shower room and it pushed out flowers twice a year. I'm envious of Toria's houseplant. I found one in the summer too, but it doesn't look as luxurious as hers. Any tips??
I'm shivering just at the thought of being out in this cold tonight. We're due -6 tonight. For us, that's very cold!
10 Feb, 2021
I like snow. It is bright and sunny.
10 Feb, 2021
Hi Anget. the string of turtles is in diffuse light, this window faces south but as you can see it is shaded by a net curtain. She mists its regularly and waters when the pot feels a bit light. Its in a macramé hanger that she made herself.
I have had a reprieve he thinks its too cold for the grease that is needed!
10 Feb, 2021
Thankf or that, SBG. Mine's facing North, so that may be the problem. I do follow the misting regime. Clever girl with the macrame, it looks very professional
I'm glad I don't have to worry about you being out in this searing cold :-))
10 Feb, 2021
I like the snow too, but we haven't had quite as much as you have, just a thin covering as yet. Very cold today tho' & I did go out for my usual walk. I like the String of Turtles plant & theOrchid is beautiful also.
10 Feb, 2021
I like the quiet softness of the first’s so white and almost luminescent-especially when darkness is falling.
Not too keen to drive in it though..
Loving the cat pic!
10 Feb, 2021
I didn't do a cat picture Kate or do you mean the one of Toria looking at the footprints in the snow?
I also like the muffled aspect of snow. It brings a different aspect to the garden.
10 Feb, 2021
I don't mind the snow once I get the walk cleared and my car dug out. My snow is still a thick layer from last week and hasn't melted much and it glitters like diamonds. It's really good for the spring bulbs and roses.
11 Feb, 2021
Love the snow pictures Seaburn! Seeing Tora reminded me of our grandchildren who loved the snow even up to teenage years. When we lived in Willow Cottage which was on a hill with a lot of land, Lauren, the eldest and myself made a snowball, rolled it down the hill until it was too big to roll! Happy times!
11 Feb, 2021
Lovely photo's Seaburn, I like the snow as long as I don't have to go out in it, we've had a fair bit here, fast as we think a thaw has set in we get another layer, my garden doesn't look as pristine as my neighbours, the dogs are really enjoying it and its fun to watch them playing. Very pretty orchid, I can't grow them here as they just don't like my house, after years of taking advice I've now given up trying, I do like Toria's houseplant, its a beauty and looking very healthy, I could do with a pot like that for my String of Pearls....
11 Feb, 2021
We haven't had any snow at all so it is a welcome sight to see it on other people's photos.
It does look pretty.
11 Feb, 2021
Yes, sorry Eileen. I meant to say the one with Toria. It’s a bit different, liking it!
13 Feb, 2021
I have to admit to hating snow these days...did we really love it so much when we were children?... nowadays I'm terrified of least everyones gardens look the same and the bits which aren't so good are covered up :-))
13 Feb, 2021
That's why I go out immediately to clear the walk, so nobody falls. A good pair of ankle high or knee high winter boots with thick socks are essential to keeping you safe and warm. We used to build igloos in the back yard and carve out a set of furniture from giant snowballs we made. My dog (a collie named Skipper) loved the snow and always tried to knock me down. lol. He was just overwhelmed with excitement because he loved the snow so much. However, when Spring finally rolled around, we were all very relieved. Good memories!
I love that Dendrobium. Is it a challenge to keep alive? They are rather pricey so I'm hesitant to get one and all the orchid shops I knew are gone because of the virus.
13 Feb, 2021
Lovely to see everything covered in snow - but from inside a warm living room!
That Orchid is beautiful! I have one that has just finished dropping the only flower that opened! For some reason all the buds except one turned brown & dropped off! 😞
13 Feb, 2021
Love looking at the snow,dont like it when walking or driving especially if its icy (age thing lol).The orchids look fantastic, i like the flower shapings and the feeling they emit , saying .... just look at me ,beaut.
btw ajs now thats a proper bike,dad had a velocette in the day love to see that.keep safe sbg and all x.
14 Feb, 2021
We had an Ariel leader that was 'dropped by a runner on Heartbeat back in the early 90's. The one that had all the leg fairins etc. I think there are 5/6 photos of some of the bikes posted by me just recently Jake.
They are doing a new AJS that does look the part but they don't like their side stands unless the road is perfectly flat. I have seen a few 'roll' away onto their sides !
14 Feb, 2021
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Thermals plus more thermals I should think. I'd ask him to wait a few days...
Your garden does look nice under the snow but I reckon best seen from the house. The orchid is very beautiful - worth waiting for!
10 Feb, 2021