Walk down the garden
By sewingkilla
Walked down the garden today, carefully LOL! Took the camera with me so i could add some pictures to my blog, and there in front of my very eyes was a fairy door!!! Yes while i’ve been off my feet the fairies have moved in, well would you believe it!! My grandaughter will be so excited!
The Perennial wallflower has done so well this year, my friend gave me a cutting and is gutted as mine is so much better than hers LOL!! The forget me nots are all out, even a white one and some of the blues have a tinge of pink, they are so pretty
The Honesty is lovely now, i pull it up when its finished flowering but leave one or two for the seed, the Spanish bluebells are in bud, keep saying i’m going to dig them up and plant the English ones but they are pretty although they dont have a scent, there are white ones too at the bottom of the garden.
The cowslips are still flowering their little heads off,
sorry got the photos all mixed up somehow!!
Finally the Bleeding Heart taken today, hope its another nice day tomorrow, forecast is good, not that that always means it will be !!!
19 Apr, 2009
Previous post: Parcel!!
Next post: that parcel
Very nice pictures.
19 Apr, 2009
Fantastic photos, Skilla .
I hope you feel even better tomorrow...
19 Apr, 2009
Glad you are feeling a bit better Love the photo of the bleeding heart
19 Apr, 2009
Good photos
19 Apr, 2009
Don't worry about the pics being mixed up. I get that trouble too. Glad you're a bit better.
19 Apr, 2009
Lovely walk, thanks! Your flowers are all looking really healthy, even the fungus! hehehe! Love all your plants too...
19 Apr, 2009
what fungus? oh on the tree trunk you mean? its an offcut of an old pear tree we had to cut down, wondered what you meant then!!
19 Apr, 2009
What a Lovely Blog SK i really enjoyed it & its good to see u up & about 2 :)
19 Apr, 2009
Fancy the fairies moving in when you weren't looking. Hope they did a bit of gardening for you too, while you were unable to do it! Glad you're feeling better - don't try and do too much too soon.
19 Apr, 2009
Got fairy at bottom of my garden Sk but no door as yet,if I wish hard enough maybe one will appear, glad you are able to get out a bit now even if only with camera,its still progress and your photo,s are lovely..........
19 Apr, 2009
Lovely photos.......I think the fairies must be moving in soon...
20 Apr, 2009
Pics are amazing..Keep on clicking and sharing, please!
20 Apr, 2009
with plants like these you are bound to feel better soon.
20 Apr, 2009
hi i love your fairy door and am very jealous, my grandaughter who is 4 would be soooo excited, your flowers are so pretty
22 Apr, 2009
Obviously the fairy queen has received news you have been out of sorts and a bit wobbly. As it is in her best interest to keep all Goy gardeners fit and well she gifted you with a fairy door to allow the garden guard fairy through to sprinkle you with magic fairy dust thus making you well enough to come out into the garden and tend her precious garden kingdom (or should that be queendom) enjoy the sunshine! :0)
So pleased your feeling better x
22 Apr, 2009
Glad you are feeling better - watch that back though. It must be quite a bit warmer in Lincolnshire, I haven't got any flowers on my rosemary yet but the honesty are in flower although a bit behind yours. Mind you things are changing really rapidly now the weather has picked up.
23 Apr, 2009
Glad you are feeling better, take it easy though, nice photos.
23 Apr, 2009
soo many lovly flowers to help u eel better.
23 Apr, 2009
Lovely pics, esp of the cowslips.
I agree with you totally about f-me-nots and the honesty, v pretty flowers.
24 Apr, 2009
Lovely! :-)
26 Apr, 2009
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Love your pictures, glad your up and about.
19 Apr, 2009