Freecycle bargain today ... edited!
Whilst waiting for a cake to bake this morning, I viewed the local Freecycle ‘Offers & Wanted’ notices on-line and the following message had been posted 17 minutes earlier:
‘Random shrub in pot, green & yellow (I think that’s called various) – evergreen but no idea if it flowers as only been living here two months – any takers?’
I replied saying I would be interested, we arranged a mutually convenient time for me to collect the unknown shrub.
Hmm … ever taken on more than you can cope with?
The young lady ( who was heavily pregnant and carrying a toddler in her arms) suggested I parked my car close to the alleyway at the back of the terraced houses and she would open the back garden gate for me.
That’s when I saw this large Viburnum tinus ‘Variegatum’ in a very heavy pot …
The poor lady couldn’t help me with shifting it … I could barely move it and then had a brainwave … walked round to the nearby convenience store to seek help from any strong men who might be working there!
Well, the poor young lad who came to help is probably resting his weary muscles now. He tried to roll the pot, in a beer barrel kind of way, no joy. With me holding the very thick stems and him holding the pot, we succeeded in getting it to the car and with an almighty show of strength (on his part) it was in the boot.
When I got home, with the car backed on to the drive, I piled up some old blankets, rolled the pot out of the car boot and thought what a bargain I had got myself. The price of £19 is still on the pot, and the plant label says it cost £6.49 so it was worth the effort. I just can’t help wondering how that lad’s body must be aching!
The Freecycler has offered more shrubs since this morning, with the comment “May require muscle to transport from garden to car”!
This morning my OH dug a deep hole for the Viburnum to be planted in while I set about removing it from the blue pot. After some root pruning, it finally came out, along with two house bricks and a bucket load of pebbles!
I have just phoned the shop and spoken with the young lad, said I’d like to give him some beers or chocs, but he said Staff are not allowed to accept gifts from customers.
Hmm, we’ll soon change that!4 Mar, 2014
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lol...what a brilliant story, and what a fantastic bargain. I love the blue pot Shirley! Don't you have blue pots at your front door? From your daughter?
4 Mar, 2014
I have blue pots for my blue door .
Great pot and find Shirley well done.
4 Mar, 2014
Angie - I can still picture his perspiring brow even now! I hope to plant the Viburnum in a raised bed at the back of the garden .....
Karen - you are right about the blue pots either side of the front door - a Christmas gift from our son and d-in-law - clever girl for remembering! They each have a Coprosma in - soon to be re-sited to the back garden - that way I can buy new shrubs for the pots - it's a continuous cycle really! I do like the idea of this new blue pot staying in the front garden though - shall have to find a suitable shrub for it - oh dear - a trip to the GC coming soon! :o)))
4 Mar, 2014
Fantastic! More plants! :))
4 Mar, 2014
What a bargain Shirley , goodness knows how you managed to get that huge pot out of your car by yourself without it smashing to the ground ... I reckon you should take that young boy a nice bar of choccy next time you are that way he deserves it :o)
4 Mar, 2014
Oh Shirley what are you like?? mind you its a lovely looking plant as is the pot., it never occurs to me to look at the freecycle sites, actually I don't know whether we have a local one, have to check it out..
4 Mar, 2014
Nothing like a freebie shirley, it looks a great pot and plant....
5 Mar, 2014
Amy - I have been scolded by OH for doing so - he moved it to the back garden until I find the right place for it - may remove an old Buddleia and plant it there. :o)
Thanks Hb and Lincs - you would be amazed at the items offered on Freecycle, from furniture to kitchen utensils, books, CD's, children's clothing and toys etc. etc. :o)
Thanks Holly - I am so pleased to have both plant and pot :o)
5 Mar, 2014
Well done Shirley a great find, Im not suprised that Micheal scolded you though "Naughty Girl" its a good job you got such a kind young man to help you, two great finds in one day lol
5 Mar, 2014
Well done! a fantastic find. I didn't know about this site, but I shall certainly be taking a look in the future.
5 Mar, 2014
I have looked for this site before , but never found it ! What a bargain ! Definitely worth all the effort !
5 Mar, 2014
Thanks ladies - just Google Freecycle and then your area - e.g. Freecycle Lincolnshire - then follow the steps to enrol. There are 'Wanted' and 'Offers' - no money is exchanged.
5 Mar, 2014
Wow what a bargain Shirley, lovely pot and plant. May have to go have a butchers at my local freecycle, see what I can find.
7 Mar, 2014
Hope you find a bargain or two, Sam ... I have just added some pics and comments to this blog.
8 Mar, 2014
Good grief, no wonder it was so heavy. Viburnum looks lovely in that spot. Hope you'll show us what you plant in the pot :-)
8 Mar, 2014
It will be going to the South facing front garden ... choices galore!
8 Mar, 2014
Had to laugh at your blog, Shirley, I have been in similar situations after buying bits and pieces from Ebay (collection only!). Pot and plant look great - well done :)
10 Mar, 2014
Thanks Gee - I was viewing Heucheras on Ebay yesterday - spoilt for choice!
11 Mar, 2014
There seems to be new heuchera/heucherellas all the time, Shirley. I try not to look at them any more :)
11 Mar, 2014
11 Mar, 2014
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Was obviously meant to be Shirley. The pot matches your garage door. I'm sure the young lad was pleased to have done his good deed for day. I'm sure he's had a hot bath to ease his achy muscles, if he has any aches that is. I hope you didn't do yourself any damage either.
4 Mar, 2014