Happiness is . . .
Yesterday I saw a Blue Tit high up in the branches of the Plum tree in the garden behind mine. A few days ago I thought there was some bird activity around the nest box, but as OH and myself had trimmed back a large Pittosporum we hoped we had not put them off.
The box is a good location as there is a feeding station close by, with Peanuts, Sunflower Hearts and Fat Balls, so they probably thought “Hmm … a good restaurant near to the house, plenty of shrubs and trees to find aphids in and even a supply of water in the bowls and dishes the home-owner leaves out.”
I was cheered up no end to see them this morning, hope you enjoy the pics.
Spot the little head!
Here comes the other half of the pair, leaning back to let the other one fly out
Not the best action shot!
Back already, that was quick
Such busy little birds
This bird box was on another fence a couple of years ago, it became home to Bees so we cleaned the three boxes out, re-sited them and so glad we did.
21 Feb, 2014
Previous post: More auction bargains
Next post: Freecycle bargain today ... edited!
Everything seems early, the blackbirds were chasing each other and a huge flock of rooks flying around.....last years spring was so late by comparison....
love the photos Shirley, and the action shot!
21 Feb, 2014
You won't get anything done now, Shirley, you'll be too busy watching all the goings on in and around the bird house. Lovely photos, they really are cute little birds.
21 Feb, 2014
The birds are all lovey/dovey here as well, lol, the pampas is being pulled apart already.
We used to have a big old plum tree up near the fishpond and had a box in there, even though the pathway went below the tree so was constantly in use the tits still used it every season, I used to spend ages watching the blue tits from my armchair, unfortunately the tree became dangerous and after finding half on the floor one day we had to remove it, there are always bluetits building around here but I have never discovered their nesting place and they refused to use the box when I placed it elsewhere, I miss watching them, so thankyou Shirley for sharing yours, they are smashing photo's.........
21 Feb, 2014
Lovely you have nesting birds I too had my box moved last year according to the RSPB you have to face them north west or west so the chick s don't get the sun on them which will burn them. Mine was facing east now its facing west.
21 Feb, 2014
I think these are one of my favourite birds, Shirley ! Two blue tits have been examining our nest box ! I know that they find about three and then choose the best, so am keeping my fingers crossed ! Lovely pictures Shirley !
21 Feb, 2014
That's lovely Shirley, hope Megan doesn't find them.
21 Feb, 2014
Well done, and I love the nesting box. It's great when you see it being used, isn't it? OH put one up on a fence behind our Hydrangea petiolaris, and a robin has been going in and out. A blue tit peered in when the robin was inside earlier, but was soon seen off! We're just hoping the robin manages to persuade a mate to live with him!
21 Feb, 2014
Thats a smashing subject and really is a nice feeling to see other people enjoying what nature lets us see,
ie the birds, etc.
If you really think about all of are only landlords when it comes to the garden and if we dont pay the rent in as much (keep the place in mans idea of what a garden is)
Nature just reclaimes it back to how she thinks it should be.
21 Feb, 2014
Lucky you Shirley, we haven`t had any takers for our box as yet.
21 Feb, 2014
Amazing. We used to have the blue tits nesting where the central heating flue is. Since I had the hole filled I don't know where they go.
I do hope they set up nest now.
21 Feb, 2014
How lovely,Shirley..our nest box was only used the first year,which was quite a while ago..and is now well camouflaged with Ivy growing around it on the high wall..It has also become the prowling area of our local cat since he arrived..! Shame we have nowhere else suitable to move it to..I hope yours do well..:o)
22 Feb, 2014
How lovely shirley, one of my fav birds, when im out walking I hear the great tits and bluetits singing along with the other birds.... now I know its nearly spring....
22 Feb, 2014
How lovely for you Shirley, and love your pictures, we have lots of birds on the feedersbut I havent seen any visiting the bird boxes yet, fingers crossed though as we are usually late up north! if not I will enjoy sharing yours with you ;0)
22 Feb, 2014
Are they extra early this year? I suppose it's because it has been mild. Lovely photos & blog Shirley. x
22 Feb, 2014
Great photographs, it is so wonderful when the birds adopt your garden, I love the box, not surprised they moved in.....keep us posted please.
22 Feb, 2014
I was unable to log on to GoY at all yesterday ... no idea why but am so pleased today to have read all of your lovely comments and stories of Blue Tits.
This bird box was bought at a National Trust place in the West Country a few years ago ... and I have checked back and found a pic of a Blue Tit on it on 20 February 2011 when the box was on a different fence ... so they aren't really any earlier nesting.
22 Feb, 2014
They are lovely little birds. Our nest box wasn't used last year - wondering if we positioned it too high as the old one was lower and was used.
Your action shot is great - not easy to catch them leaving!
22 Feb, 2014
Aaaw thats lovely to see :-)
OH took one of ours down to clean out just the other day bit late but its quite high up a tree and you won't get me up a ladder!!! the hole had been made bigger by something, my first thought was woodpecker as we have seen them on the feeders here but on closer inspection found hazel nuts hidden in there so think maybe a squirrel had been using it!!! lol, it is a bigger than average box that was made for us by our nephew at school years ago.
23 Feb, 2014
Thanks Stera - perhaps your birds don't like the idea of a 'high-rise' home ... :o)
Simbad - I wonder if a Dormouse has gnawed at the hole, then used the box, as they like to fatten up on Hazel nuts prior to hibernating. I think they make a Summer nest for sleeping & breeding - then hibernate on or below ground. That, or a slender Squirrel ... lol!
23 Feb, 2014
I wonder Shirley, did think it was a bit small even with the enlargement for a squirrel lol, but couldn't think what else it would be with the stored nuts, its so strange you should say that as we've been clearing a pile of twigs and branches in the wood just today and found a small nest made from what looks like grass cuttings among the twigs on the ground it would be lovely to think it was a Dormouse!!!,if so hope its an old nest and I haven't disturbed it too early from its winter sleep.
23 Feb, 2014
Simbad - I have just Googled 'Hazel Dormouse' and found lots of interesting facts about them - see what you think. Looks to be your culprit!
23 Feb, 2014
Oh my goodness I just googled Shirley and everything certainly fits!!! we only have a small wood but there are quite a few hazel trees in there and we also have a rough track that runs along the bottom of the garden with plenty of brambles,which I see is one of their favourite foods I grow several honeysuckle too, there's also a native hedge around our property with hawthorn etc so plenty of food,there were some eaten nuts in the box and looking at the way they eat them in the picture that fits too they definitely weren't split open, so exciting, I see there are scattered populations in the midlands, must admit to not being to tidy in the wood we go more for the natural look lol log piles etc, thanks for your detective work it would never have clicked otherwise :-)
23 Feb, 2014
Very exciting Simbad - they are quite rare these days. Your local Wildlife Trust might be interested (contact details on Google)- I know that in Staffordshire they do surveys and keep records - I was lucky enough to go out with them once and actually saw a dormouse - adorable, and such a privilege.
24 Feb, 2014
Hi Shirley ..
super photos ... lovely to have the Blue Tits setting up home in your garden :o)
24 Feb, 2014
Hi Terra ... I love to watch their activity ... also a Dunnock, a Wren and a Robin all feeding today ... I must be putting the right food out for them! :o)
24 Feb, 2014
Maybe you'll need to put up more nest boxes!
24 Feb, 2014
Hi Shirley I love your blog i think it is lovely to just watch the birds :0)
24 Feb, 2014
Lucky you Steragram I've never seen one in the flesh :-).
25 Feb, 2014
You have to have a license to handle them, so this was fantastic as the leader actually held it in his hand so we could all have a close look. Its a thing I never thought I'd see! It was absolutely gorgeous.
25 Feb, 2014
i seem to be inundated with cats so have not really got anywhere i can put a bird box or feeder of any description. back of the house is south facing so anything would get roasted.
25 Feb, 2014
Wonderful pictures Shirley.
4 Mar, 2014
Terra - there are three bird boxes in the garden, just one occupied so far ... :o)
Thanks Sue, I know you love the birds too!
M'dad, this bird box does face South but is partly shaded by a large Pittosporum shrub ... it's been used before so they don't seem to mind the warmth!
Thanks Klahanie - I have been watching them go to and fro this morning :o)
5 Mar, 2014
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Are they nesting earlier than usual Shirley? It's so mild here...I don't think we will get our hedge clipped now. It's breaking bud, and there are a lot of birds using it for shelter. There are sure to be nests in there soon! Thanks for the pics. You can't beat a blue tit for the cuteness factor! :))
21 Feb, 2014