RHS Malvern Spring Festival
We had a few days away recently, stayed in a log cabin near a place called Ledbury, near Hereford. A part of the UK we have not visited before, the weather wasn’t too kind but we enjoyed the break, especially our visit to the Malvern Spring show.
As I still haven’t got to grips with my camera you will see some of the photos are very, very bright!
Here’s where we stayed …
Alternative accommodation were these pods …
Loved this view of the hills …
Ledbury has some very striking buildings …
We arrived at 9am on the opening day of Malvern show, along with many other early-birds! The car parks were already quite busy …
I thought of Andrewr when I saw these giraffes … companions for Maureen perhaps! …
Other wares for sale … if your bank balance is high!
The floral marquee was full of delights … the photos as I said earlier have come out too bright on some of the exhibits!
Clematis ‘Crystal Fountain’ is beautiful …
We found Vicky on her Plantagogo stand … such a pleasant lady with a very infectious laugh! When I mentioned GoY she said that Dottydaisy was going to be at Malvern … but I think Dotty missed her … :o(
Now to take a look outdoors … ‘An Andalusian Moment’ was fabulous and was voted ‘Best in Show’ … was barely mentioned on the BBC Gardener’s World programme though!
I’m sure you will recognize these presenters …
‘The Cotswold Way’ garden …
The ‘As mad as a Hatter’ garden was superb … a total contrast of colours on either side.
‘The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland’ garden …
‘Beating the blues’ garden … very simple but striking.
‘The Bees Knees’ garden … designed for a Beekeeper.
‘The Organ Donation garden’ …
The ‘Out of Darkness’ garden shows planting for a shady area … I was really taken with this garden.
‘Constraining Nature’ was a lovely garden … with plasma-cut steel panels depicting intricate fern fronds at the back.
A few of the many plants for sale …
I had a chat with the lovely Harriet from Hayloft Plants … she was pleased that I am delighted with my Dianthus plants recently ordered from her company!
The weather was turning grey and chilly …
Time to leave just as a rainbow appeared.
Thank you for reading my blog on the Malvern Spring show.
19 May, 2015
Previous post: Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens
Next post: My front garden today
Shirley - Maureen sends her regards. She says "whatever you do, don't get a wildebeast for your garden. They are horrible creatures and will just as soon eat you as not. Oh - and zebras are grumpy."
19 May, 2015
Lovey blog Shirley....th bright photos are lovely, its so grey outside!
Did I heat Plantagogo got gold a Chelsea yesterday!
thanks xxx
20 May, 2015
Really enjoyed your blog Shirley lovely photos!,the carved horses are amazing !
Wonder if the giraffe stall was the same one we bought our stag and heron from know they were off to Malvern.
Like the log cabin too what a great place to stay :-)
20 May, 2015
Sheila, there were so many little touches in the Andalusian garden, so well thought out. I agree with you about the setting for the show, makes a change for us to see hills!
Lol Andrew, cannot imagine a Zebra being grumpy!
Pam, Plantagogo did indeed win a Gold, their seventh! They have exhibited a new Tiarella 'Angel Wings' which has made it as a finalist in Chelsea Plant of the Year 2015. Fingers crossed for them ... :o)
Simbad, pleased you enjoyed the photos and I agree with you about the carved horses, they were stunning.
20 May, 2015
I love that part of England. i was last there as a sixteen year old in Hereford' on a choir trip. I really hope I'll go back there one day. The photos werent too bright on my Ipad Shirley. They were all good! New camera seems good to me. But then you probably think all my pics are too bright!! Lol! That Andalucian garden was amazing, it was exactly like the hill top village we visited when we were there. So many potted pelargoniums etc! The Spanish really love their flowers don't they, and their homes. The weather looked cold. Its always good to see Vicky, she is so lovely and bubbly! :)))
20 May, 2015
Got more from your pics than we have seen on the tely Shirley. Malvern is such a lovely setting but we didn`t make the show this year, however, we often do our weekend shopping there.
20 May, 2015
A spectacular show Shirley and far to many fabulous entries to choose a favorite I would love one of those horses in my garden ,I'm glad you had a magical day thanks for showing to us who couldn't be there :o))
20 May, 2015
Thanks Shirley, really enjoyed the trip to Malvern. I have been a couple of times and always enjoyed it, but you really need a couple of days there don't you. So much to see, and I find it rather tiring these days. Lovely photos.
20 May, 2015
Fantastic photos, Shirley, hard to pick a favourite, they are all so good. Lovely picture of Monty too and great photo of a whole rainbow. Brilliant blog, glad you had such a good time.
20 May, 2015
Thank you for sharing your trip, especially Malvern show. Must try to get there next year.
20 May, 2015
Karen, it was chilly, with just one short, sharp shower. I really enjoyed the change of scenery, the South Downs are the closest we get to hills down here!
Phyl, was it Malvern where you met up with some GoY folk one year? I recall an incident with a broken pastry fork !!!
Amy, it's another visit crossed off my 'To Do' list!
Hello Sylvia, so glad we went, almost put it off before knowing Mum would be safe in her new home. I shall e-mail you later with more info. :o)
Gee, we did smile when taking the photo of Monty as we could hear folk asking where Nigel (his lovely dog) was! It appears he was at home with his Mum.
20 May, 2015
Ledbury and the surrounding area are beautiful. I remember going there some years ago.
I'm pleased you enjoyed the Malvern show. Guess which photo I liked best ? ! ;D
20 May, 2015
Now was there any need to mention a little accident with a fork involving one who has gained the unearned reputation of being clumsy? I suppose you thought it funny when I fell over in Tetrarch's garden? I reckon Goy members bring out the worst in me:-) Thanks for this lovely blog, I have followed the show on TV, but far too much talking and not enough of the exhibits and plants for me, so your blog a breath of fresh air:-)
21 May, 2015
How wonderful so many exciting things to see, very inspirational, Im putting it on my favourites so I can come back and l can savour it at my leisure, pleased you had such a lovely day and was able to meet up with Goy friends;0)
21 May, 2015
Hywel, hmm, let me think, could it have been the photo of the Cacti display by any chance? Lol!!! :o)
Oh Dear Ba, touched a raw nerve there did I? You know it's all done in jest! Was it last year, or two years ago when you went to Malvern and met up with other GoY members? Do you hear from Tet at all these days, not seen her on here for some time.
Blimey Carol, thanks for putting this on your favourites! :o)
21 May, 2015
Right first time ! How did you guess :D
21 May, 2015
Put it down to knowing you for some time on GoY!!!
22 May, 2015
22 May, 2015
I really enjoyed the tour Shirley ! I felt like I was actually there ! Its hard to say which was my favourite though as they were all lovely ! Did you chat to Monty or Joe ?
I haven't been on here as much recently and only did a blog the other week , which was my first for ages , due to a combination of my husbands illness and this silly ( polite word !) lap top which keeps freezing. How is your Mum ? It must have been heart breaking to have to let her go into a home ! But you will have peace of mind that she is being well looked after now.
23 May, 2015
Morning Rose, from a very sunny South coast! No chatting to Monty or Joe, although we did meet Joe years ago at Hampton Court Palace flower show and shared some of our picnic with him! Did you know his father is Clive Swift, the actor best known for the husband of Mrs. Bouquet (Bucket) in 'Keeping up appearances'?
Sorry to hear of your problems, hope they resolve soon.
I've just been telling Ba that Mum is settling in well, although she thinks she's only there during the day and comes home each evening! They put on lots of activities and the staff are really lovely, so it's a relief knowing she's being pampered and is safe. :o)
24 May, 2015
Shirley, I first met Floribunda, Spritz and Louise etc in 2011at Malvern. 2012 I met Stroller , Stickitoffee, Daylily, Willinilli and Poppylover there and shortly after met up with Flori and Sticki again at Tetrarchs in Bristol. Amazing how time flies:-)
24 May, 2015
Oh I am pleased you managed to put your pics on, I can do a blog with different photos, it is just getting around to it..
We were in Ledbury last year, a delightful place, this was our area, so the countryside is very familiar to us, and my OH does miss it, he would move to Malvern tomorrow if I agreed, but, I would miss the sea.....
I really enjoyed your slant on the show, and was so sorry to miss Vicky twice!!
26 May, 2015
lovely blog pity we had to have a picture of Monty.
27 May, 2015
DD, I loved the Ledbury buildings, nothing like it around here! Michael would happily move away and live in the middle of a field, given the chance, but like you, I would miss the sea.
Ha ha Brian, not a Monty Don fan then? I imagine you prefer seeing his dog, Nigel!
27 May, 2015
No I didn't know that Shirley ! I must tell Rick !
Lucky you sharing a picnic with Joe !
Its sad about your Mum, but she is in the best place .
Thank you for your good wishes about my husband Rick.
27 May, 2015
Shirley almost any garden presenter other than him he makes the most dreadful Gaff's when doing gardener s world, I find watching him is like reading a book which I feel is what he has done before the program is recorded. They same the viewing figures increases when Nigel is on ,that says it all.
27 May, 2015
Ba - it does seem ages ago when you all met up - do you keep in touch with all of them?
Brian, I'd like to see the 'out-takes' from the GW programme - I bet there are some real gaffes!
28 May, 2015
I did try with Tet, but she was very down. I do try to keep in touch with Bev, sometimes via Pam and I have been in touch with Phyl too. I was in touch with Barbara through much of the winter. I'm not very good at keeping in touch though, so much gets in the way lately:-)
28 May, 2015
No worries Ba ... life gets in the way of GoY for me too! Keep smiling ... :o))x
29 May, 2015
Oh yes Shirley, Malvern looks well worth a visit :-)
31 Jan, 2018
Definitely! I liked the relaxed atmosphere far better than Chelsea or Hampton Court Palace shows ... not half as crowded either ... :o))
31 Jan, 2018
Sounds perfect Shirley! Glanced at your Rambling Rector blog too, it's a beauty!
31 Jan, 2018
Dawn, I'm hoping that rose performs well again this year. The arbour has been replaced as the old one was falling apart, that meant the rose had to be taken off and laid carefully away from husband and sons big feet while they cemented the new arbour in!
1 Feb, 2018
I hope the Rector enjoys climbing your new arbour Shirley.
1 Feb, 2018
Thanks Dawn ... :o))
1 Feb, 2018
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Fabulous photos Shirley - thank you so much for sharing your Grand Day Out! I agree about the Andalusian garden which we hardly saw on Gardeners World, (which was a shame). At least Plantagogo had a mention on this evening's prog from Chelsea . . . and I liked the Out of Darkness garden too. Isn't the setting for the Malvern Show wonderful - so glad you enjoyed it all!
19 May, 2015