Bees and Hoverflies
are loving the Sedums in the garden …
Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’ is another flower loved by them …
Hellebores attract them too …
Asters and a pale lemon Potentilla received visits from them …
Finally, I think this Sunflower saw a visit from a green Shield Bug.
Here’s looking forward to another sunny day tomorrow!
14 Sep, 2019
Previous post: One month ago ...
Next post: Farewell Mum
Sandra, not only are there many Bees & Hoverflies, we seem to be having lots of Butterflies around. They have finally turned up!
When I bent forward to cut an old Hellebore leaf off I realised a spider web was right in front of me ... can't tell you how I shrieked when I saw the spider moving within ... horrible things ... :o((
14 Sep, 2019
What a gorgeous blog!
Each photo is a true reflection of this time of year when the sun is shining and the insects are enjoying the warmth.
Must get helianthums for our garden, yours is a pretty colour.
I am off into the garden now to look for butterflies, bees etc!!
15 Sep, 2019
How lovely! And you have sunshine! It's like November dark and gloomy. Oh won't be for ever I'm sure.
15 Sep, 2019
Thanks Chris ... a PM is on the way to you ... :o)
Oh Karen, I'm so sorry you don't have sunshine. I just took down the manger baskets as the plants are looking 'leggy' now and it was so hot in the garden that I had to find some shade to sit in whilst emptying the baskets. The soil is so dry that I'm going to water the borders soon.
15 Sep, 2019
Love the bugs, I just went and looked at my Sedum, which has flopped into a circle of flowers with bare middle, and it is full of bees and hover flies!
It might be overcast Karen, but I bet the plants prefer it to this unseasonal heat, everywhere is so dry and dusty, trying to plant anything involves more strength than I have to get the trowel in, and then what chance would they have? I can practicularly hear your plants sighing with relief from here!
15 Sep, 2019
Honeysuckle, a couple of my Sedums have also 'flopped' and could do with moving as I aim to re-position them. Not a hope of doing it yet though as the insects are loving the flowers!
16 Sep, 2019
It has been dry and dusty here in the Chilterns too, the height of summer watering regime is still with us. I bought half dozen alpines at a local garden centre on Friday, out all day Saturday so they didn't get any attention 'til yesterday when they were too dry to plant .... I dunked them in the pond and will give the rockery, their new home, a good soaking again today. They could do with some of your weather, Karen.
16 Sep, 2019
Isn't it grand to see so much wild life in the garden Shirley ( NO not spiders( ・ั﹏・ั)) like you, it is very warm, spent an hour watering the borders last night! desperate to move the plants!!
Love your Sedums, some of ours have flopped now, especially the ones I forgot to Chelsea chop!!
16 Sep, 2019
It's lovely to see so much activity still in the gardens! I was so pleased to see the enormous amount (compared to many years lately) of bees on the flower spikes of the Veronica the council gardeners planted around the edges of the flowerbed in the gardens of our block of flats.
16 Sep, 2019
Thanks Shirley. The sunshine has appeared here today! :)
16 Sep, 2019
Lovely blog Shirley! There does seem to be lots of insects around at the minute. We’ve had lots of butterflies, the usual varieties.
16 Sep, 2019
Dotty, it's ridiculous how I dislike Spiders considering their size! They just freak me out ... :o(
Balcony, so many flowers seem to be showing up in late Summer, love them! Oh, btw, you remember the Mina Lobata (Spanish Flag) flowers from a couple of years ago? The ones the seed I saved failed to germinate? Today I spotted some in full bloom in my garden, growing up an arch, along with some Ipomoea and a Clematis so the foliage wasn't obvious. Fancy them being dormant for a couple of years, then growing, very odd, but welcome!
Karen, hip hip hooray!! :o))
Thanks Kate, plenty of White Butterflies here, but not so many others. They must all be further North!
17 Sep, 2019
It's nice to see our flowers attracting insects. I hope your sunny weather has lasted a while Shirley, like it has here, for humans and insects to enjoy :)
21 Sep, 2019
Hello Hywel, we certainly have had some warm and sunny days of late. Rain is forecast to start falling in the early hours of tomorrow and the garden really does need a drenching!
21 Sep, 2019
Yes, I remember the Spanish Flag! My seeds failed to germinate as well so I haven't been able to grow them - yet! Maybe next year I'll buy a packet of seeds & give them another go!
My Ipomoea (Morning Glory) are still flowering at the moment but having had a rather poor summer they haven't done nearly as well as other years. But that's to be expected as they originate in a much warmer climate than we have in the UK. The very windy conditions we have had this year have meant that the leaves have been burnt & lacerated - not very conductive conditions for flowering!
28 Sep, 2019
Go for it Balcony ... I love the Spanish flag flowers!
Shame about the Morning Glories ...
29 Sep, 2019
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It's a lovely time of year,for the insects etc,Shirley....They must sense they need to make the most of the time they have left..We seem to have had a lot of the Green Shield bugs this year..I would have preferred not to have one in my hair,all the same ! Luckily ,eagle eyed Russell spotted it ..eek ! Go on,you can laugh ,I know you want to x
14 Sep, 2019