New garden fencing
Our garden fencing was goodness knows how many years old, with trellis added by ourselves about fifteen years ago and was looking decidedly worse for wear.
The garden behind ours is now devoid of any greenery as the Plum tree, a massive one, was felled last Autumn, along with a couple of shrubs, leaving us with a view of the back of their bungalow.
Here are a couple of photos pre-tree felling.
The squared trellis was slowly falling down, partly due to the huge Pigeons constantly landing on it and partly due to age and weather. We found a fencing company, who turned out to be the two most efficient young men. They had done two sides of the garden, the bin area plus the side passage in just two and half days! One admitted to being ‘a little OCD’ with the finish of the job … and it shows. Getting behind and around the side of the sun house can’t have been easy.
Prior to their arrival I cut an old, but still healthy, Pyracantha down to about eighteen inches as I think it will re-grow and just support itself against the new fence.
Now an issue arises on the other boundary fence as there is a Cotoneaster horizontalis and a couple of climbing Roses that will need support. Both OH and I are reluctant to use fixing screws or nails for this and need to decide whether to find some kind of support or remove them. I would love to keep one of the Roses, Perennial Blue, a gift from Karen many years ago. Photo of this gorgeous Rose added to blog. The fence panel behind it was ruined last Spring when new neighbour’s dog threw himself at it, trying to get to our cat. OH patched the panel up as best he could, hopefully now if the dog does charge again he will just blunt his nose!
The only existing fence panels to remain are the two that make up the bin area, one covered in Ivy, the other is a yellow berried Pyracantha, both easy enough to maintain.
Finally the side passage, just about wide enough to wheel the re-cycling bins through. The men even added a shiny new bolt on the gate, something we hadn’t asked them to do!
Here’s that Perennial Blue Rose, such a pretty and long flowering one. We have put an obelisk in front of it for now, just to hold it back.
We have booked the same two men to build us a garden path across the lawn to the little sun house, lifting those old concrete pavers too and continuing the path on that line.
Lots of changes to the planting this year, hopefully more evergreens, all in good time.
Thanks for reading this blog, take care and stay safe.
11 Mar, 2021
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They've done a really good job for you. It does make a difference to the look of the garden. You will enjoy replanting for the new season.
11 Mar, 2021
Looks a sturdy, quiet attractive fence Shirley. They definitely have carried out a very good job haven’t they! I can see why you have asked them back.
Your garden is looking very immaculate, I do hope you find a way of supporting your climbing roses, it’d be a shame to remove the them - fingers crossed!
I do like the way you've hidden your bins! Great idea.
I’m the same, although I don’t have really any extra space - more evergreens!
11 Mar, 2021
What a marvellous neat job ... it’s such a treat to have work well done, no wonder you’re asking the two young men to come back 🙂.
11 Mar, 2021
A very good work down, it is so nice when you work with tradesmen that take pride....very rare
11 Mar, 2021
All looking good
11 Mar, 2021
Looks grand Shirley, job well done, its so good and also a relief to find someone who takes pride in their work, lets face it one hears so many complaints about cowboy outfits.....
11 Mar, 2021
Thanks everyone for your lovely comments.
Julia, the sun house isn't great quality, just from B&Q some years ago and I find it gets far too hot for me on a sunny day! Roller blinds may have to be fitted this year.
I am looking forward to visiting nurseries and garden centres before too long.
11 Mar, 2021
Looks good Shirley and also makes your garden look bigger !
What happened to the arch? I love that rose ! What a gorgeous colour!
11 Mar, 2021
The vertical slat fences look so much better than the horizontal ones which seem to warp so easily after a few years. Job well done.
11 Mar, 2021
Rose, the arch is still in situ., but I realise, now that I've looked at the pics of the back fence, that it is between the two! It has a 'Rambling Rector' rose on it, but that's possibly not a 'keeper' as it only blooms once a year for about three weeks and I would like a repeat flowering Rose. All depends if OH and I will bother to dig it out!
Siris, I was concerned that it would look a little 'industrial' but have to say that I really like it now. The gravel boards, which we didn't have before at the base, will stop the fence rotting too.
11 Mar, 2021
Wow, it looks really good. Lovely work and I've had at times found it so hard to find good workmen. Can understand why you would ask them back. X
11 Mar, 2021
A splendid looking fence which will make your garden very secluded and sheltered. It will have the effect of a walled garden and really protect your plants.
They did an excellent job for you.
12 Mar, 2021
If the rose isn't too old, it might be worth digging it out Shirley!
12 Mar, 2021
Your new fence looks very good, Shirley!
12 Mar, 2021
I appreciate all of the comments from you lovely folk!
Rose, I think that rambling rose WILL be dug out. Just need to ask OH to assist ... :o)
13 Mar, 2021
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that is one very substantial fence. Its good that they take pride in their work. We need a new fence as ours has been in place for 25 yrs now.
11 Mar, 2021