All change!
Last Tuesday morning we came back from a shopping trip to find one of the sunhouse doors had been torn off the hinges in the windy weather, luckily no glass had been broken.
We noticed the back panel of the building was damp, not surprising considering the amount of rain there has been recently, but the wood was rotting around the other door and both windows, so we decided it had to go as it had served us well for some years.
Between OH and myself we emptied it, took a shelf down and lifted the carpet, removed the remaining door and both windows, managing not to break a single pane of glass in the process, phew! However, we did later remove every pane as it was safer to get the wood parts in the car ready for a drive to the household waste and recycling centre. It then looked more like a bus shelter!
There were so many Woodlice, even some Snails and a scary looking Beetle. Had I known they were living within I may have stayed away!
Luckily for us, our daughter and her partner were free on Sunday to come and help OH demolish the remainder of the sunhouse … here they are … not quite The ‘A’ Team but ready and willing. My job was to provide them with tea/coffee/bacon butties etc.
Let the demolition commence …
Just over an hour later all done and dusted, well swept actually, but you know what I mean.
Now, across the opposite corner of the garden is a raised bed, with many pots surrounding it on the patio. Bear with me here, it will make sense, honestly!
Inspired by Ange’s recent blogs re. clearing/cleaning plants away, I decided to follow suit but needed the pots to be moved away first. I knew just the place to put them all …
Add the table and chairs from the old sunhouse and voila!
Looks just the spot for a cuppa before I get on with clearing the raised bed.
I removed lots of Welsh Poppies, young Forget-me-nots and a Sorbaria Sem. The Meerkat family were my dear Mums and I don’t have the heart to get rid of them, despite not really liking them at all!
Before I spread the chipped bark I need to plant any, or all of these. Salvia ‘Hot Lips’, Fuchsia ‘Lady Boothby’, Alstroemerias. Unsure yet where they will go.Thanks for looking in to my ‘All change’ blog.
25 Sep, 2023
Previous post: Propagating Sedums
Next post: More value than a night out!
A great result after everyone's efforts. It's good that inspiration came about what to do with your new space. It looks good.
26 Sep, 2023
You all worked very hard and it was a good job done!
Great idea for another sitting area.
We had two of these summer houses in Willow Cottage but decided to leave them there as it was too much trouble to take them to bits and then have them rebuilt and as Rick's disability was getting worse would have had to rely on friends.
26 Sep, 2023
Well done the A Team !!!!..
Saying that Shirley you and hubby did well removing all the glass without breaking any...It looks great now so enjoy admiring your raised bed from your comfy seats whilst deciding what is going where.....
26 Sep, 2023
Julia, we couldn't have done it without them. We had a quote from the local Council waste disposal to take it away for us, £70, so Alec and his Dad will come over one day with a van and take it all away for us for £30 ... sorted! They will also take those big wooden steps for free as Alec's Dad would like them. I love it when a plan comes together ... :o)
26 Sep, 2023
Eileen, there are now a further two pots to go up there as I potted up the two Salvia 'Hot Lips' plants this morning, another job done. I think the table and chairs will be ok outside, but they will definitely be stored in the garage for the Winter.
26 Sep, 2023
Thanks Ange, I was determined to be ruthless with clearing that raised bed and have cut back all the Hellebore leaves, probably the wrong time of year to do it though. My next job is to plant some more Crocus bulbs for the Spring, then spread the chipped bark over it.
26 Sep, 2023
Rose, we both said that the last two Summers were so hot at times, that we found ourselves sitting in the shade of the Grapevine more than in the sunhouse!
Oh yes, this morning when I opened the curtains to the patio doors, the Grapevine was up against the window and part of it had collapsed with the weight of the grapes on it! That's never happened before, so I was out there early, cutting leaves and some grapes off before we could fix it back up to the wires. Never a dull moment!
26 Sep, 2023
Sue, it was so funny when daughter turned up wearing a hard hat, not what I expected at all.
When we decided to load the car with the doors and windows, OH said 'Well, I don't want that glass breaking' so we removed all of it. It was quite easy though as the wood was so flimsy in places, that with a chisel and some care, we got them all out and into an old waste bin to transport them.
26 Sep, 2023
Klahanie, thank you for your comment, I am slowly getting used to the different view!
26 Sep, 2023
A good job well done! The space now looks really nice! your helpers did a good job of dismounting the summer house in such as a short time! 👏
26 Sep, 2023
Plenty of grapes to eat or give away then Shirley!
27 Sep, 2023
Will you be putting something in the summer house's place Shirley, or just leave it as a place to sit.
27 Sep, 2023
Thanks David, they did work well as a team.
Rose, the birds will feast on the Grapes, they have far too many pips and are a bit sour for me.
Hywel, that's a decision yet to be made. I would like to hide the view of the back of the garage in the garden behind ours, possibly a trellis screen planted up but that's not going to be done any time soon.
28 Sep, 2023
Great work done by all & the new space looks good with the pots on. Plenty to think about when planning for next year. Ty for posting your garden news.👍
28 Sep, 2023
It's looking very nice now Shirley. Yes, a very good job well done and quickly too! A smashing corner for you both now..:))
30 Sep, 2023
What a mammoth task.Shirley, but as the A team made short work of the demolition,and I notice,under Michael's expert supervisory role , looks brilliant ,and another alternative place to sit, but I guess by the time comes to be able to do that again, next year, it will probably house lots of pots etc ? A job well done. :o) xx
1 Oct, 2023
Thanks Josie, I am getting used to the 'new look' area now!
Janey, it still looks weird to me, not seeing a building there I mean. One idea was to have a small water feature ... not sure yet.
Sandra, you know Michael, no time like the present for getting a job done! All the old wood panels and roof have been taken away now.
2 Oct, 2023
Oh yes! That would look great and lovely to sit by. Just think of the birdlife that would enjoy it too. A water feature would give it a focal point, that it was before..:))
2 Oct, 2023
Janey, there are an awful lot of water features around, so it will be fun to look at some.
3 Oct, 2023
UPDATE ... new Summerhouse installed on January 30th! See blog posted on February 1st.
1 Feb, 2024
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that looks a grand refurb Shirley. Do your chairs have to be brought in if it rains or can they stay out?
The pots look very settled on the old s.h. base
25 Sep, 2023