Cross stitch pictures
By simbad
Well with the weather so grotty outside there’s not a lot of gardening to be done, in fact where is the garden,lol?
Finished making all my christmas cards now, so thought I’d do a bit more of my other favourite hobby, cross stitch, I know there are a few others on here who like their crafts so thought you might like to see a few of my pictures:-)
Love fairy and fantasy pictures, this ones in my dining room.
Derwent water design, there are quite a lot in this series, must get a couple more.
These 2 have lovely glittery threads in them which you can’t really tell in the picture, pretty but a pain to work with
This one was done for my daughter years ago when she was mad on horses, still in her room.
This took ages to complete, such tiny stitches, don’t think I could do it now without my magnifying light,lol.
Anemone Lady in my daughters room
Daffodil Lady another from the same book as one above
And the final one in the series Poppy Lady, still waiting to be framed.
Love this picture, this ones done in Blackwork, with gold and cream beads, on aida with a gold thread in it.
Another waiting to be framed, can’t decide whether to frame this or have it as the lid on a jewelry box, what do you think?
Completely forgot about this, oops, took ages to do too, its going on my upstairs landing, really must get round to getting it framed.
Hope you enjoyed my pictures, keep warm, and roll on spring:-)
2 Dec, 2010
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Oh well done........I do so admire anyone who has the patience to sit and create such fine work.
2 Dec, 2010
Being a bloke, who doesn't know much about these things, they all look fantastic. These will be worth a fortune in years to come surely. Have you ever exibited Sinbad, because they are worthy of that.
2 Dec, 2010
It's nice to have different hobbies. They all look well made, and it's nice to frame something you've made yourself :o)
2 Dec, 2010
they are lovely! you will be on one of those kirsty allsopp programmes soon ~ making things to decorate your home ~ they always mean so much more.
how big is the one that you cant decide about? i really like the sampler with the letters. i made one once for my mum and dads 40th, i still quite like it ~ i put all the family on it.
do you use one of those magnifying glasses that has a light on it?
2 Dec, 2010
Wow, what a lot of work! Lovely pics Kathy. Isn't your garden in a wonderful elevated position. I can just see in the photo, all the fields over towards the river...lovely! A nice view makes so much difference to a home doesn't it. I miss having that in our new house...just other houses to look at. IN our old house we had a lovely view of the Tay and Fife and the Rail Bridge.....oh well. My daughter now lives in a flat in Dundee which has panoramic views all the way from the sea at Barry, just two miles from here...all the way up to the Fife Hills over the river from Perth! She has wonderful views.....I could stare out of her windows all day. She often tells me what the weather is coming from the sea!
2 Dec, 2010
forgot to say i thought how fabulous the garden looked, loved the open space and the view
2 Dec, 2010
Lovely cross stitch work!....I am a fan too.....have a drawer full of stuff waiting to be framed and some to be hung....running out of walls. I'm ashamed to say I have a piece of work on my frame that I haven't touched for at least 4 years (blush!!).....can't even remember what the pic is....its stuck behind a chair.
My eyesight isn't as good as it was; I have a magnifier with a light....but still find it a bit difficult.......Must really give it another go.....when I've finished the jumper I'm knitting......
2 Dec, 2010
Thankyou everyone glad you like them:-)
Aaaw thanks Littlelegs, shame this sort of thing isn't worth more the time that goes into them,the dolls house took me over a year to complete, just doing a bit in the evenings, but whenever I've watched antique shows they never sell for much.
Lol Stickitoffee funny you should say that, quite like that programme, have had a go at lots of things,used to crochet shawls for a baby shop, didn't get much for doing it, but lovely to see them in the shop window, can't draw though, unlike my brother who's a brilliant artist.
The one I can't decide what to do with is around 7x8inches, yes I do use one of those magnifying lights, brilliant invention,lol.
Your sampler sounds lovely you'll have to put a picture on, this sampler was from a really good book I have called Celtic Cross stitch by Carol Phillipson, made a couple of lovely book marks from it too.
Yes Karen we do have some wonderful views, Rob came up here one night after squash, just as the sun was setting, came home and said he'd seen a plot of land for sale we just had to buy it, and here we are 9 years later, Robs cousin designed the house, and a friend built it,every room except the utility and bathroom face that view, don't mind washing up thats for sure,you can see 3 counties on a clear day, don't need to go out on bonfire night,lol, your daughters flat sounds lovely :-)
2 Dec, 2010
I'm just the same Amblealice, have 4 unfinished pieces in a drawer, must get them finished, have a whole wall with nothing on upstairs just crying out for pictures:-)
Haven't done any knitting for ages, when the kids were little I used to do loads, now they're older they don't like hand knitted things, did make myself a jumper last year though.
2 Dec, 2010
how fantastic to design a house around the view ~ wish they were all like that.
in the wool shops they have some fantastic wool at the moment ~ makes very interesting scarves ~ very quickly.
2 Dec, 2010
I'm just the same too AA....At least 5 pieces all half done. One I haven't touched in at least 10 years. Shame on me!!
Simbad, all your cross-stitch looks fantastic. I really like the two angels. In fact, I have those patterns but haven't ever started them....maybe I should.
3 Dec, 2010
Well done to you !
I love cross stitching too and at the moment am making cross stitch cushions and rugs for my dolls house that I will decorate one day. Very tiny stitches so only do it during daylight hours as even with a good light it is not very easy at night.
Trouble is with doing so many pictures I run out of room to put them all - do you ?
I made a Christmas angel which had gold thread and small beads on it and the thread was a real nightmare to work with as it frayed out really quickly. Do you find that too ?
Like Gilli I have several pieces that need finishing - all on my long list of jobs to be done.
At the moment I am trying to get other long outstanding things done - yesterday it was putting some tiles up as a splashback above my cooker and I also hung a small shelf unit that I have had for over 3 years - this has been put in my spare bedroom that my grandaughters use. It needed two picture plates putting on the back of it so that I could hang it.
Both jobs now finished so on to the next - making a no longer used large burgundy velvet curtain into a throw.
Trouble is list doen't seem to get any shorter - old items crossed off and new ones added !
Keep up the sterling work you are doing.
3 Dec, 2010
wonderful simbad. I too do a lot of these when time permits. Have you seen any of the danish floral designs they are very realistic too. I have many waiting to be framed too.
I'd put that one in a lid as you suggested. My pin box has an embroidered lid, oh made the box out of turned wood.
3 Dec, 2010
These are just Brilliant, such patient work and hard on the eyes! I tried cross stitch once in 1980 and gave up after a day, I just couldn't keep it neat!!! I do so love these.
3 Dec, 2010
Well done Simbad, they are lovely pictures, I also used to do this, and may put some pictures up, but have found that I can't do it any more, as it affects my eyes. I have quite a few unfinished, and my daughters are not interested. Maybe they will finish them when I am no longer around....
3 Dec, 2010
Must go and have a look in the woolshop Stickitoffee, my favourite one closed a few years ago, a real Aladdins cave piled to the ceiling with so much stuff, a lovely old gentleman ran it who still has an allotment near us, must be over 90 now, he knew were everything was in that shop, always friendly, the lady who took over wasn't so friendly and didn't stay open for long, so only have a Boyes and 1 other wool shop now which doesn't have so much choice.
Fancy that Mariek I have a dolls house too, and bought a book recently with tiny cross stitch rug patterns, haven't attempted any yet, just bought some lace to make curtains, have decorated most of it and made the stairs and varnished them, mine has a shop at the bottom, think I'm going to make it bridalwear, you certainly sound busy with all your jobs:-), luckily I still have quite a lot of wall space left to fill have quite a long corridor upstairs.
Thanks SBG, no haven't seen the danish floral designs, thanks for that I'll have a google, you'll have to put some pictures on and of your box made you made from turned wood, bet thats lovely :-)
Thanks Lulu, yes my eyesights not brilliant, very shortsighted have to use a magnifying light.
Thanks Cinderella, such a lot of people on here seem to do cross stitch, would love to see some pictures of yours:-) my daughters aren't interested either or in gardening for that matter, hope they are as they get older or who'll look after all my daylilies when I've gone:-)
3 Dec, 2010
i have a dolls house which we bought just cos it was cheap [for possible future grandchildren????] but to be honest it wasnt the sort i wanted. its a very simple one for young children ~ not really the collector type; i would really like to make it more interesting but not sure how.
3 Dec, 2010
Have you looked on the Dolls House Emporium website Stickitoffee, I've bought quite a lot of things for mine from there, they have childrens ones too so may give you some ideas, :-)
3 Dec, 2010
thanks simbad i shall try that now
3 Dec, 2010
Gerda Bengtssen is the floral designer I was thinking of. The danish threds are pure cotton and usually single stranded. well worth a look. I have many books of hers.
3 Dec, 2010
I just remembered....I have a cross stitch that is older than 10 years and still unfinished. When I was expecting my daughter I started a Christmas stocking which had a Victorian little girls bedroom design on it. My daughter just turned 17 and the stocking is still sitting there half finished. I'm thinking it will do for a Grand-daughter before it's done...or maybe a Great Grand-daughter!!! LOL
3 Dec, 2010
Wow Kathy, they are beautiful......I love the mystical fairies...
5 Dec, 2010
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You've created some pretty pictures there..
good variety, and carefully made... :o)
2 Dec, 2010