Not again!
By spritzhenry
I wonder if you remember the story of my oriental poppy ’Patty’s Plum’? This is Patty.
Last year in the spring, I planted a new poppy close to lovely Patty. Its name was ‘Ruffled Patty’, and I checked the colour on the net. It should be a lovely pinky-lilac shade. Just before last June’s first open day, the first bloom decided to flower – and it was CORAL!!
It made the gorgeous Patty look a muddy brown in comparison, and didn’t ‘go’ with my pinks and mauves in the flowerbed at all.
There was only one thing to do -move it – so I got the fork and did just that! Oh, I knew I was taking a risk, moving a large plant in full bloom.
It looked a whole lot better without it though, and I much preferred its colour against the dark foliage of Lysimachia ciliata ‘Firecracker’ over the other side of the lawn.
Well, spring 2011 eventually arrived, and I spotted another pot labelled ‘Ruffled Patty’ in a Garden Centre. Surely this time it would be the pinky-lilac one? I waited in happy anticipation.
Errr – what do you think? Out with the fork again, and I’ve moved it along, about 3 metres, away from Patty. Oh, it’s a lovely poppy, but how disappointing that it isn’t as described – or have I just been unlucky enough to get a second wrongly labelled plant?
Footnote: The first one did survive, and it’s got six or seven buds ready to open any day now.
30 May, 2011
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I can understand your frustration Spritz, you are not meant to have Ruffled Patty of that particular shade in that spot, they are lovely as are all the other plants, very good photo`s...
30 May, 2011
It's on Thursday, Sticki. It's a nasty wet day today, so I'm indoors until I can get out there and get on. Lots more to do!
I'm glad you agree about the new position. The Assistant County Organiser didn't - but if she'd seen it before I moved it, she WOULD have had something to complain about! We have a new one this year. I hope she's not as 'picky'. :-(
Do you have a mixture of colours in your garden, then?
30 May, 2011
Ooops, Lincslass - sorry, you posted while I was typing. No, I shan't try again...that's it.
Thanks for the nice comments. :-)
30 May, 2011
There must be something about Pattys Plum Spritz. Last year as you know I took some root cuttings. Well..they all died, unlike the Turkenlouis and the B. of Liv. and my pink poppy rootings which are alive and well!
Then my pink poppy popped up either side of PP so Ken carefully dug them out (they have different leaf top to PP). But..Im sure you will guess..there is no sign of my PP and the poppy that bloomed is pink! I potted on the dug up pieces and they are all pink. Pattie's Plum has done a vanishing act. Will have to buy another now.
30 May, 2011
Hope all goes well on Thurs. Spritz, I`ll look forward to seeing a blog, wish I lived nearer or should really say I should have learnt to drive.....
30 May, 2011
i dont understand how people can be so critical ~ your garden looks just lovely ~ the poppy definitely looks better against the dark background.
30 May, 2011
I must be the odd one out then....I think your poppy looked lovely next to your purples/ brought the border to life. That's a beginner's opinion of course...and isn't it a beauty too? :)
All things good are wished for you on Thursday...hope the weather eases off for you so you can get on with your preparations. Above all, enjoy the day :)
30 May, 2011
My "Patty's Plum" is just starting to flower now - its first year, and has about 7 buds on it so I am very happy, but I can see what you mean about having toning colours together. It's a matter of choice anyway and you should do what you like in your own garden. I do hope your open day goes well because I know how much work you will have put in to make it so. Good Luck.
30 May, 2011
How frustrating to buy a specific plant twice to find its not true.
As for the 'Assistant County Organiser' .... Well, I would have felt like telling her to leave if she complained about planting, cheek, all a matter of personal preference anyway.
30 May, 2011
hmmm interested, try putting the ruffled Pp into google images it seems quite a few are like yours and the less ruffle the more plum, see what you think.....
30 May, 2011
Love poppies, so they both look pretty to me (but maddening to be misled about the colour). V brave of you to move it, but yes, it goes with Lysimachia better. See you soon, Spritz!
30 May, 2011
so annoying when what you want/hope for isnt the right plant.
your garden will be beautiful no matter what spritz. fingers crossed for thursday. hope the weather perks up for you.
30 May, 2011
supposed to be warmer here by thursday.
30 May, 2011
Lovely garden, Spritz! I see what you mean about the Poppy being in the wrong place where you moved it to, with the dark background it looks a whole lot better!
Good luck for Thursday!
30 May, 2011
Thanks, all. I had to laugh when we got a thank-you letter from the ACO after the three days (one 'by appointment' day extra) were over - she complimented me on my colour schemes!!! I thought that was very funny in the light of her comment. We have a new lady this year - she seemed very nice when we met her, and she's coming on Thursday. I hope she doesn't comment on 'Ruffled Patty', or I'm sure I'll just be speechless. :-D
Pam, I did google RP, that's where I saw the lilacy-pink colour. I'll do it again now you've mentioned it.
30 May, 2011
im sure the new lady will be delighted you are part of the NGS spritz ~ what a job ~ going round lovely gardens!!
30 May, 2011
I have Patty's plum but it is the pink one I think, hope everything goes well for Thursday :-)
30 May, 2011
Good luck on Thursday from me too!
Your old ACO sounds like a right fusspot, from all the pictures we've seen your garden looks stunning! Hope the new one is much nicer :)
30 May, 2011
I agree with all of the above, I think it does look lovely with the Lysimachia, they tone together very well! From what I have seen of your GORGEOUS, garden already, it should go down an absolute storm on Thursday, and although you don't really need any, I'm going to wish you all the luck in the world, and I hope you have a very happy day! I'll be thinking of you! x
31 May, 2011
i hope they dont get a storm libet!!! :o))
all the very best spritz.
31 May, 2011
Thanks, everyone. I'll let you know how it goes. :-))
Off out now. (of course!)
31 May, 2011
Gosh, you're right Sticki! I shall pick my words better in future! Hope you have a non-stormy day Spritz!
31 May, 2011
i knew you didnt mean it that way ~ im only teasing!
31 May, 2011
Oh Wow! No storms, thanks very much! :-((((
31 May, 2011
no, its forecast warm and sunny i think
31 May, 2011
I think so - I hope so! :-)
31 May, 2011
not long now spritz ~ hope you can relax today! i think bampy has one of these poppies ~ i saw it on his photos or blog recently ~ it might be the right colour??
1 Jun, 2011
Just wanted to send you all my best, Spritz, for a fab open day! I hope it's everything you hoped for!
(And I promise Sticki, I will do my very best not to send a storm! ;0) tease!! :~}) oh, look! I've given myself a double chin!! Lol!
1 Jun, 2011
i shall be watching the forecast carefully ~ i hope no one is doing a rain dance!!
1 Jun, 2011
no Libet thats Bornagain's Poirot moustache.....
good wishes flying from me too Spritz xxx
1 Jun, 2011
Thanks, all. The forecast isn't for storms, thank goodness. It should be a warm day, with some sun, too. :-)))
1 Jun, 2011
Of course it is Pamg! Silly me! ;0) hope she doesn't mind me borrowing it! Lol!
2 Jun, 2011
Ba's on holiday at the moment so she probably won't need it! Libet
forecast set fair Spritz, have a wonderful day :0)))
2 Jun, 2011
today's the day!!
the sun is shining here ~ im sure it is for all of you too ~ hope you are having a wonderful time.
2 Jun, 2011
We had a really good day, thanks Sticki - but I'm really tired now. Lovely to meet Tetrarch, Scotsgran and Sheilabub. I'm sure they'll tell you all about it.
Our new ACO is very nice! :-)))
2 Jun, 2011
Glad it went well for you Spritz . I would have loved to be there but we had a joint birthday party for son Huw (41) and his son Thomas (1). Maybe I'll get there for the 9th.
2 Jun, 2011
really glad it went well. i shall look forward to seeing the pictures.
2 Jun, 2011
Phew! I'm really glad you had a good day Spritz! You can have a well earned rest now!
2 Jun, 2011
sounds a wonderful-- if tiring day Spritz , been looking at the blogs--)( )( )( )( round of applause xxx
3 Jun, 2011
LOL. Thank you!
R'smum - I do hope you can come. It would be lovely. :-)
I admit to having a snooze in the garden this afternoon....then I did some dead-heading and watering, that's all.
3 Jun, 2011
I watched Gardner's World this afternoon & Monty mentioned this Poppy & we saw it. It's a nice looking Poppy!
5 Jun, 2011
Which one - the real one or the coral one, Balcony? I missed GW this week. :-(
5 Jun, 2011
I think it was the pink one like the one you put at the top of your blog.
5 Jun, 2011
Ah - the lovely 'Patty's Plum'. :-)))
5 Jun, 2011
I think you mean the muddy brown one Spritz lol, I do remember your last Patty's plum saga. Maybe I'll grow to love it one day..that day has not come. Maybe if I had all your lovely surrounds I would love it, most plants are beautiful in the right place place aren't they. As for that ACO, you should have got Henry to see her off...cheek! :-))) By the way, I took my moustache with me on holiday in case there was any detecting to do;-)
10 Jun, 2011
Good for you, Ba. :-)) Errr - what's a 'holiday'?? lol.
Our new ACO came and helped yesterday - I would NOT have even asked the previous one - such a nice difference. :-))
Sorry you can't take to lovely Patty. When she is juuust opening up, she is soooooo beautiful - it's when she's almost finished that she goes brown.
10 Jun, 2011
That was really strange Spritz. I googled 'ruffled patty's plum' and got on Flickr. Viewed the picture of a rather chunky looking ruffled poppy ???? very pink. The trug is very pink and they match! Moved down the avatars and read a comment or two. Spotted my old snowman avatar at the bottom of the list.....thought strange I never ever heard of RPP before.....clicked and there was some of my artwork!!!. Not seen for ages as I forgot the password.
10 Jun, 2011
How odd! I must do the same and take a look. :-))
I did check that RPP was a toning colour, so who is labelling these coral ones wrongly?
10 Jun, 2011
Spritz, you should have seen the work i had to do before leaving...all worth it though as everything was alive and well on return:-))
11 Jun, 2011
Good on yer, Ba! :-))
11 Jun, 2011
My kitchen stank as I had put lots of soaked newspaper on the tiles for pelargonium tutti fruiti still in trays and pots:-) I suppose I was lucky as it rained while I was away, but was worried by reports of some hot dry days:-)
12 Jun, 2011
WOT hot dry days?? Who told you that rubbish? I haven't worn my bikini since April! lol.
12 Jun, 2011
Friends in Melksham told us recently how wet it has been their way for some time and cool. We had many days of sunshine and dryness but not very warm. My brother paid a visit to Essex and East Anglia and managed a 16 day 'staycation' with no rain, using their campervan. They are now back in rain soaked Cheshire!
12 Jun, 2011
It's the wind that's been so bad here. We haven't had a lot of rain, but it has drizzled rather a lot. Chilly? Oh yes!
Sun? What's that? We did have two nice days on 2nd and 3rd June. Since then, miserable. :-(
13 Jun, 2011
Bet you're not moaning today Spritz:-)))
14 Jun, 2011
glorious today...... wow!
14 Jun, 2011
No, I loved it! :-))) Unfortunately, I've just watched the local forecast which is distinctly different. Back to damp and grey tomorrow, with rain on the way later this week. I may well hibernate.
14 Jun, 2011
The weather is being really ghastly this year in different ways in different parts of the country. Wet in one area and dry in another or damaging gales or sudden gusts that brought your fruit branch down. Lovely day in Essex yesterday.....OH and I spent a waity sort of afternoon in the local hospital clinic being weighed and measured and punctured and wheeled about ( not me ). 24C on car thermometer on the way home......phew.
15 Jun, 2011
What a waste of a lovely day! I hope all's well?
It was quite nice here this morning, but this afternoon, it changed to match the dismal forecast. More of the same on the way, I'm afraid. :-(
15 Jun, 2011
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what a naughty patty!! doesnt it look lovely against the dark background
i must learn to sort my plants out according to colour ~ i can see the huge benefits in your garden
how did the open day go?
30 May, 2011