I am a wimp!
By spritzhenry
Why? Well, I have containers in my garden that should have been planted up with bulbs ready for the spring. Are they? Nope. I have a problem – I suppose I can blame the strange weather in part, but I am a wimp!
It’s not my wall trough – I replanted that with Heuchera ‘Paris’, cream pansies and Lysimachia nummularia. There are a few little crocus corms tucked in, too.
Nor is it the pots in the porch – they’re planted up with dwarf Narcissi, and Cyclamen and Ajuga on top.
The hexagonal pot has filled out since I took this photo – but it’s all done, more dwarf Tulips snugly underneath an ornamental Kale and more pretty Cyclamen with my favourite little ‘faces’ – Violas.
The two green pots were re-planted three weeks ago, with early tulips, more violas and an evergreen plant in each – one has Skimmia ‘Magic Marlot’ and a Euonymus that I keep from year to year. The other has a small Osmanthus ‘Goshiki’ teamed with cream flowers to ‘pick up’ the colour in the Osmanthus foliage.
I didn’t hesitate to pull out the Petunias and replant these pots!
My back garden containers are all planted up as well – no problems there. I kept the ferns in the shade, and added small wallflowers to the ones in the sun.
At the top of the steps is another trough – it has 50 pink Scilla sibirica under a mixture of purple and almost black Violas. No problems so far, then.
Going back down the steps, something stops me in my tracks.
Look at that colour! It’s a Coleus, and with it in the pot are Calibrachoa.
I planted this pot back in early July, and loved the colour scheme then.
Here it is in late October – the Coleus has grown and the Calibrachoa is still flowering happily with lots more buds on it, too. Every time I go to take out the summer annuals, I just can’t. Yes, I’m a wimp!
That’s not the only container waiting to be redone, either.
The Cuphea were put in with the Nemesia as a temporary measure to replace other summer plants. I shall have to steel myself to take them out!
Finally, the smaller blue pot was planted up with blue plants back in the summer – a blue Scaevola and a tender blue Salvia farinacea.
They’re still flowering away, looking so pretty when I pass by – I am a wimp! I simply can’t just throw them in the compost bin – not yet…well, could you?
23 Oct, 2011
Previous post: True Blues!
Next post: Not without that...or that...part 1.
Definitely not a wimp Spritz, they are still looking good, I hang on to mine as long as possible but I honestly cannot remember having to deadhead on a daily basis as late as this in the autumn, guess its an excuse to buy more pots otherwise we`ll be planting in the cold....
Nearly forgot to say, lovely selection, you certainly have an eye for what goes well together..
23 Oct, 2011
Nope! I couldnt Spritz. All I can say is Im lucky (or is it unlucky?) that I didnt pot up many annuals this year, so lots of empty pots now filled with daffs, tulips, dutch iris, anemone blanda and ranunculous!
But would have preferred these lovely plants right now especially that scorching coleus!
23 Oct, 2011
May I suggest buying new pots for the bulbs!! I know I would.... your pots are beautiful and no, you are not a wimp.
23 Oct, 2011
I couldn't dig 'em out either Spritz, so I am a wimp too!!
23 Oct, 2011
i am fining my self with the same situation not wanting to pull the flowers and plants up and still dead heading and we are nearly in November but the colours against the turning leaves of other plants look so lovely so i most be a wimp too think the session are changing and think we gardens will have to rethink some of the things we do at different times of the year and your pots look stunning :)
23 Oct, 2011
I couldn't either, Grandmage's suggestion is a good one :-)
23 Oct, 2011
I'm glad you've left them alone. They're pretty, and it's nice to see them. I always leave flowering things alone aswell. I've got separate pots for autumn/winter plantings.
24 Oct, 2011
No - I couldn't! I have a Scaevola on the edge of the balcony, so it hangs down and looks sooooo pretty from below, that I just keep it hanging on! It looks awful from above (only our view) but I won't part with it until it's mummified! :o)
24 Oct, 2011
I wouldn't call u a wimp, if I did I'd have to call myself one too because I most certainly wouldn't pull those lovely plants out. I get the last breath of life out of every plant before I give up on them. I agree with Grandame to have summer & winter pots.
Be sure to take some cuttings from your Coleus to start some more for next year. Just keep them inside in a sunny window over winter.
24 Oct, 2011
Welcome to Wimp world. Your pots are all expensive pottery pots so can I suggest buying plastic pots which will fit inside those you already have and when the summer pots are ready for decanting you have killed two birds with one stone. You have instant colourful pots of plants and you do not need storage space for the summer pots. Your pots are glorious I could not throw them on the compost heap either. That coleous is a wonderful partner for the Calibrachoa.
24 Oct, 2011
Nope, I couldn't, no way. You will just have to buy more pots B...nothing else for it! :))
Your container blogs always inspire me...I picked up two packs of tulips at GC yesterday and put them back. I am very lazy when it comes to pots. All of mine are now full of permanent perennial planting. I shall buy a few small pots of pre-grown bulbs in the spring. Last year I was very good, doing loads of bulb displays...this year...nothing! Lazy.
24 Oct, 2011
Hi Sh...
You have lots of plants in flower ..
looks like you need extra pots for new plantings ... ;o)
24 Oct, 2011
Thank you all - I do have replacement plastic pots for the chimnies, so that's easy, but maybe I'll think about trying to fit plastic pots into the ceramic/terracotta ones.
What would OH say if I went out and bought 24 (or is it 25) additional 'posh' pots? I think it might be unprintable! LOL.
24 Oct, 2011
24 is okay... 25 might be too many ;o) Lol.
24 Oct, 2011
Remind him of the 3 wise monkeys..hear all, see all, say nowt! If he's wise lol!
24 Oct, 2011
summer pots and winter pots--- simples.....x (if you explain it to OH!)
24 Oct, 2011
... and spring pots ... and autumn pots ;o) Lol...
24 Oct, 2011
Shhh! not all at once girls, you will frighten the poor man to death....softly, softly, catchee monkey!
24 Oct, 2011
ooh Tet you're so sneaky...... I'll have to give it a go....:o)
24 Oct, 2011
I think you are very sensible, they are so pretty still. Not a whimp at all, lots of my plants were hit hard by the first frost last week, it was quite a heavy one for this time of year. Not looking forward to the next three months, brrrrrrr. think I might go into hibernation. xxx lol.
24 Oct, 2011
I'll join you, Olive! Thanks for the nice comment. xx
Exactly HOW am I supposed to get all these new pots home, please? I'll need to hire a lorry! lol.
24 Oct, 2011
W I M P = What's In My Panatechnicon ???
W I M P = Wickedly Increasing My Pots .... ;o)
W I M P = Wow, I've Millions Purchased ....
24 Oct, 2011
Hot pots too!!!
24 Oct, 2011
Lol... :o)))
24 Oct, 2011
Oh Barbara, you are funny. Some wimp! You work so hard you put me to shame: all your pots are looking gorgeous, and definitely much too full of colour to hoick the plants out just yet. :))
24 Oct, 2011
<blush blush>. Thank you Sheila! However, I must add here that it isn't me being funny - read the above comments! Tsk, tsk. lol.
I couldn't get a pantechnicon along our narrow lane, Tt.
W I M P = Why I (can't) Make Purchases!
W I M P = Why I (can't) Murder Plants! :-((
24 Oct, 2011
I took the pretty geraniums out of the pots and put them in plastic ones in the GH which is now empy of toms,peppers etc-- now I've a pretty GH again! ( delays the murder and depending on the winter saves the plants......)
24 Oct, 2011
Yes, I've got some in there too, Pam. I couldn't do that with the Coleus etc, as the roots will go right to the bottom of the pots!
I suppose the first real frost we have will murder them for me. :-((
24 Oct, 2011
WIMP= when I mow pastures
will I manage petunias
womens institute mud pies
will I master peas
weakness is my perplexity
worms in mulch please
weld iron much pleasure
As you can see I have had far too much time on my hands today, hubby was out and the housework got boring! Sorry TT. :~)
24 Oct, 2011
Well, I' M Poleaxed . . .
What Is Madge's Problem?!!
We're Into Merry Poetry,
Where Is My Pudding??!
24 Oct, 2011
Wheel In More Pots ... ;o)
24 Oct, 2011
I wouldn't get rid of them yet they still look beautiful.
24 Oct, 2011
Lol Sheila & TT, might get some more tomorrow its pouring with rain here and forecast for all day, mind you we do need it.
'Well I must part' (to bed) ! Nite.
24 Oct, 2011
Sleep well!
24 Oct, 2011
I will, have got a good book and am almost at the end!
24 Oct, 2011
No leave them be, still plenty of time to pot up B........
24 Oct, 2011
Thank you, Dd. :-)) I'm intending, late though it is, to try cuttings from that Coleus.
My brain isn't in gear for any other W I M P comments! I hope you haven't all got headaches thinking them up!
25 Oct, 2011
years ago my mum rooted cuttings of coleus in water on the kitchen windowsill
25 Oct, 2011
Sorry Spritz. we did get carried away, I blame TT !!! Lol.
25 Oct, 2011
Poor Tt! xx
I've taken two cuttings off the Coleus today - one is in water and the other in gritty compost. I've got all my fingers and toes crossed that at least one of them roots.
25 Oct, 2011
Keep us posted our Coleus were very disappointing this year, not sure if it was the compost or the seed.....
25 Oct, 2011
I couldn't possibly ditch any one of those lovely plants. The problem was solved for me by the first sharp frost last Friday, so my conscience was clear as I composted my (meagre, compared with yours) summer annuals :-))
26 Oct, 2011
You have some beautiful, beautiful pots Spritz. I don't blame you for not wanting to oooik them all out whilst they still look that good. There will be time for more pansies and winter stuff all too soon. :-))))
26 Oct, 2011
I will, Dd. :-)
Troddles and Poppy - thank you for helping! I shall leave the pots alone until I have to change them.
26 Oct, 2011
I am..
you did not have the heart to commit these plants too soon to the compost bin too soon, Spritz, and also, took cuttings from the Coleus. Have really enjoyed the comments following the sneaky substitute inner pot suggestions, too. Makes great sense, and something I had forgotten about. The pots at my front door are currently showing - nothing! Should have been better prepared, using this basic technique.
26 Oct, 2011
Hiya David! I've missed you. I like your W I M P...:-))
I think you'd better get yourself off to the GC for some instant colour - it really lifts the spirits.
26 Oct, 2011
Aldi have 20 pansies or violas in flower now, which means they will flower through the winter, for only £2.99.
26 Oct, 2011
That's good value - if you live near a store, that is! lol.
27 Oct, 2011
just found this blog today. not a wimp at all or perhaps you are:
wont injure many plants!
27 Oct, 2011
You're right - and that's a good one! :-)))
27 Oct, 2011
Me too, Spritz. I have a few that are still looking good, but, like you, I will have to harden my heart and replant. Lovely pictures...
28 Oct, 2011
Thanks, Breda. I'm not taking mine out yet! lol.
28 Oct, 2011
Lovely pots...lovely lady.. :o) Happy you are doing well and your pots are too! Bulb planting time is still at hand and will be for a short while still..no hurry ..no worry.. xx
29 Oct, 2011
Hi Catfinch! Thank you for your comment...Nice to see you. :-))) xxx
29 Oct, 2011
That also puts me in the same category of WIMP as the rest of you as I can't bear to do away with my plants till I absolutely have no remedy but to do so!
I cleared my balcony of the Petunias, that have done so wondrously well this summer, just a short time ago. They had turned very ugly & I couldn't eke them out any longer. Fortunately I had the foresight this year to plant up pots on the allotment ready to go in at a moment's notice!
Even on the allotment I find it hard to get rid of plants! My tomatoes were picked a couple of weeks ago but I left the plants in the ground. Today I had a look at them & they are flowering like mad & have even produced more tomatoes! I'd pinched out all the growing tips more than a month ago yet, with the warm October we've been having,they have all grown again!
29 Oct, 2011
LOL. Tomatoes for Christmas, Balcony?
29 Oct, 2011
Unless there is a miraculously warm November, not likely! LOL!
Though there are still some in the GH ripening as well as some in the fridge that haven't ripened yet, so I may still have some of my own toms for Christmas yet!
30 Oct, 2011
don't know Balcony as its almost halloween and 16c outside today!--- mind looking at the weather in the USA it could be snow.....
30 Oct, 2011
Nooooooo.....that weather's going NW away from us. :-))
30 Oct, 2011
oh good!!
31 Oct, 2011
(Thank goodness!)
31 Oct, 2011
Although the morning was rather chillier than yesterday we still ended up with a few hours of lovely warm sunshine! :-)) If only it would last till Christmas - at least!
Seems like here in the East we can expect some rain on Thursday. :-)) We really need it! On the allotments I've been digging a few of the beds to get them prepared for winter. Even when I dig down on spade's depth (a spit) the soil is bone dry! Even the beds that had frequent watering all summer & start of autumn the ground is no better!
1 Nov, 2011
The headline in my paper today is SCARY!! Enjoy the mild weather while you can. :-/
2 Nov, 2011
The promised rain has scarcely done more than lay the dust! Just this evening it seems like we have had a little more but even that hasn't left any puddles! ;(( We are told to expect some more rain during the night & early tomorrow morning with heavy showers in the late afternoon that could continue over the weekend!
If you are referring to the D EX I've seen it also but then they have been forecasting extreme weather events for some time! I'm not sure it's not a case of Jack & the Wolf! The baking summer they forecast turned out to be a damp squib!
3 Nov, 2011
That's true. I keep saying 'What summer'...<sigh>
Well, fingers crossed that they've got it wrong.
3 Nov, 2011
We had the first decent rainfall in months overnight here. We must have had more than an inch of rain! But the forecast heavy showers during the afternoon didn't turn up & we haven't had a drop of rain since around 9 this morning.
Couldn't do any digging on the plots today because of the rain we had! I did do some weeding & covered t
4 Nov, 2011
Hmmm...I've just watched the news, and on the BBC National news was the report of a major accident on the M5, as well as the results of flash flooding in Bridgwater town centre...the river wall has collapsed! That's what kind of weather we've had today. Just awful, isn't it.
4 Nov, 2011
I couldn't finish the post above because my anti-virus was scanning the computer & threw up a message which I hardly glanced at before clicking on the OK button & it restarted the computer! During the previous 2 days it had also thrown up a message telling me it had found some hidden file & if I wanted it to continue scanning I clicked on the OK button & the scan continued - without shutting down the computer, so last night I thought it was the same message & just clicked the OK button without reading the message till it was too late!
When the computer restarted I couldn't find the post I was answering when the computer shut down! Of course I no longer remember what I was about to write & that's why the post finishes in mid-sentence!
5 Nov, 2011
I did wonder what had happened!
5 Nov, 2011
I got the same message again last night! Now I look at the messages a bit more closely! LOL!
6 Nov, 2011
That could be sensible. ;-)
6 Nov, 2011
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Very pretty pots.
23 Oct, 2011