skyscapes of the post apocalypse
Ok folks time to get serious for a bit. As some of you know I am a bit of a conceptual artist. I like to mix photos of the ethereal with poetry to form an aesthetic poesis for the observer, or landscapes and skyscapes and observations of the futility of life and loss, a sharing from one survivor to another across the divide of life’s disappointments. The isolation of being, captive in the mind of constrained freedom with nowhere for that freedom to go, or to be expressed. So if you would permit me to reach out to fellow artists for you serious comments and contemplation on the great void that is our lives today. I thank you humbly and share with you an art project I have been working on for some time. Please read slowly.
skyscapes of the post apocalypse – the death of day.
thank you
In the end.
In the end there was nothing left, just a man
A man. who am I? he thought as he gazed at the world without sun.
Only a shadow of where it once was, like his life, void.
Sometimes there would be flares, of life. But only signs of what life once was. No more.
Memories of how it used to be, we could think and graze with our thoughts in safety
A safety so easily taken by them and their machines
and so we were cast into darkness, alone, afraid, with only the glimpse of the tear in the void left
Even our creator, a distant face in the dark clouds, is he their, is he real? was he ever?
and so the creator breaths a flare, a sign, a small flourish across the void, I am here for just a moment…maybe, or maybe for the last time…
Life now, like empty glass, jars that were once full now just sterile, washed of all life.
The last food, veg patch saviour, saving him from the riots and mobs as the supermarkets were ransacked.
and so I cry
and preserve my small provisions with what salt I have left
and wait
and think about the next day…drifting
The void weighs down on me like the weight on my veg
casting my brain adrift
I try to forget as I cut the remaining apple
and like life the sweet and the sour are bought to the boil as the sugar and vinegar mix and dissolve
into oblivion….
and as the juice has drained from life, we drain it off, just left…the soul
and whats left is added to the mix and simmered
after time we are ladled into those same jars,
they were waiting for us….
topped with remaining juice of life
whilst a different mixture is made, with added zest
oh what the hell give me some real fruit I cry
and so like life we are presented as different flavours
with two more on the go as well
this time a pickle
looking very presentable
and so what does the void say?
what is left of life to live?
whats important?
What is left to enjoy?
well that’s right, basically its;
Green tomato Chutney,
Spiced courgette Chutney,
Cucumber Pickle, and
Spiced beetroot & orange chutney
and although I didn’t have all the exact ingredients the links to the recipes are here
But whats this, all these leftovers
chuck it all in for a final show.
I used the remaining juice of all but the beetroot chutney mixed all together (well it might work ; )
and even add the last bits of the beetroot.
Just need to find another big jar or two.
and so who am I? he thought as he gazed at the world without sun.
Well I’m not really that sure, but what I do now is that I am now better off by serveral chutneys (and a pickle) then I was before
skyscapes of the post apocalypse – the day of chutney
The end, thank you
20 Oct, 2011
Previous post: Sky
Next post: Chutney, made with emotion - DVD extras
its a shame you cant taste it!!!
20 Oct, 2011
love it stevie, very deep, very amusing, very talented, gets you thinking, well done great photos to go with your meaningfull words, enjoyed thanx :o)
20 Oct, 2011
chutney - - - - - - made with emotion !!
20 Oct, 2011
great title for a film!!
20 Oct, 2011
check out youtube - - - The Fuplers Flow of Emo, funny guy does all the characters, your blog brought this to mind S the T.
20 Oct, 2011
Well - I have to say I was dissapointed with you Stevie... The blog said - let's be serious - so I thought - oh, good - he can be serious for once... but as I was reading- couldn't stop laughing... lol.
Once again you've proved to be a person of many talents, lol. All that jars - wow...
I gave up on home made products long time ago, lol...
and one thought - is your ambition to become the president of WI???? lol
great pics:)
20 Oct, 2011
Brilliant blog & pics Steve..i think we should have a National Chutney Day now ..every year on the 20th Oct..we all get a day off to make
20 Oct, 2011
great idea joanella!! St Pickle of Monmouth's Day!!!
20 Oct, 2011
I like that one
20 Oct, 2011
20 Oct, 2011
Can't tell if you're actually wiping away a tear or just blowing your hooter on the tea towel Stevie.
Either way, brilliant blog.
20 Oct, 2011
Sticki?? ''in this world or the next'', ''its a shame you cant taste it!'', so just to confirm this is NOT a suicide not ; )
The beetroot is quite sweet and can be eaten straight away bit better to wait. The rest minimum of 2-3 weeks but I am keeping these for the family xmas evening buffet
20 Oct, 2011
Well you really had me going for a while there with all the deep and meaningful captions to go with the striking photography Stevie, I`m not sure whether to laugh or be disappointed.
Have to say the contents of those jars look delicious, well done...
20 Oct, 2011
Thanks everyone, yes Bamps a very emotional experience, as frybo says genuinely weeping! seems to happen quite often when I am chopping onions ; ) I thought 'I can use this'
I will write to the queen and PM regarding the new National Chutney n Pickle day.
St Chutney of Pickle
20 Oct, 2011
i didnt mean YOU cant taste it ~ i meant me!!!
post apocalypse could mean in another world???
need plenty of cheese for all that chutney!!!
will you be making the cheese too?
20 Oct, 2011
Where's that, Stevie? lol. Your sky photos are amazing! :-)))
20 Oct, 2011
will i be getting a day off for national chutney n pickle day??
20 Oct, 2011
yes, let's have another Bank Holiday - Chutney & Pickle National, lol
20 Oct, 2011
seeing as we sell chutney in the supermarket im sure i should have a day off!!! havent seen St Stevie's chutney on the shelf yet though!!!
20 Oct, 2011
Sticki, I might've know you meant 'you' tasting it lol, hmmm yes but I am assuming the xmas teatime buffet will have a bit of cheese n crackers. I think the big leftover mix will produce some spare if you would like me to send you a taster jar.
I think you deserve a day of sticki, you really have been working hard...(on the internet : )
Spritz, yes I hadn't really noticed it much before but as I have been nipping over to my polytunnel, there is a ridge over the way so as the sunsets over it it backlights any cloud, a bit of under exposure and bobs yer uncle.
20 Oct, 2011
I need a day off to compose letters to the WI ~ im sure they will want to know there is now a national chutney n pickle day!! they will probably celebrate somehow ~ hope it wont be making another calendar!!!
20 Oct, 2011
How about a Chutney n Pickle Calendar?
20 Oct, 2011
Only if your sky photos are on it too. ;-)
20 Oct, 2011
sky and pickle pictures!!! hmmm nice combo!!!
January ~ snowy sky with a jar of Juicy Juniper chutney
February ~ stormy sky with spoonful of Fig pickle
March ~ windy sky with marrow pickle
20 Oct, 2011
Brilliant I to had the feeling it would not stay serious for long Its your reputation.
21 Oct, 2011
Brilliant blog and photos loved the sky photos.
21 Oct, 2011
Dear Pickled of Monmouthshire, a blog most excellent!
21 Oct, 2011
To enchanted vision, here it lies within imaginations deepest eyes. Tis to Dawn's eve I you invite, to dance till morn this starry night.
We'll open the doors to your imaginations soul. And tickle your fancy.
21 Oct, 2011
I really enjoyed your blog with great relish:)
21 Oct, 2011
Ha ha ha Nana!
21 Oct, 2011
Hi Lulu couldn't resist that one:) How's your mosaicing going?? Got about another week before I start mine again but really looking forward to it lots of ideas!
21 Oct, 2011
Dragon one just sitting there! Poem one, I may work on today!
22 Oct, 2011
more chutney to follow in part two : )
22 Oct, 2011
Can't wait!
22 Oct, 2011
More chutney tonight..
Ploughmans delight :)
22 Oct, 2011
lol, excellent poem Lulu but you were out by one letter!
To enchanted vision, here it lies, within imaginations deepest eyes.
Tis to Dawn's eve I you invite, to dance till morn this starry night.
We'll open the doors to your imaginations soul. And pickle your fancy.
22 Oct, 2011
Ha ha!!! Good one!
By the way, I found a good one today but don't dare post the pic I took of it on GoY...tempted as I am!
I was just paying up at Tesco, when I spied, deep in the bottom of my marijuana leaf!!! I took a pic of it laying on the receipt!! It's drying on the boiler now!
Am I off my trolley (before someone else says it!)
22 Oct, 2011
wow what are Tesco up too?, I bet its the guy who collects the trolleys needing something to help him through the day, cant say i blame him!!
22 Oct, 2011
i wouldnt know that leaf if you showed it to me.
22 Oct, 2011
I might put it onto GoY questions just for a laff!
22 Oct, 2011
Lulu you are a horror!
22 Oct, 2011
ah yes I know that one, its Tesco economy dope, or is it 'essentials'?
22 Oct, 2011
Perhaps it's 'every little helps'?
22 Oct, 2011
So we now know the identities of two (Stevetheterrible and Bilbobaggins) of the four horsemen of the apocalypse - who I wonder are the other two?
29 Oct, 2011
can't be me! How's about an Android!?
29 Oct, 2011
I would say we had more than four ; )
29 Oct, 2011
great blog and all the comments..made me think about your acer there..i have obe similar,,dont iits keaves remiknd you of the leaves oh the Tesco weed?
29 Oct, 2011
Just a different colour!! Leaves that is!
Just come back from Avebury where David was drumming with 'The Drunken Druids' headlining tonights was fab. I may go back tomorrow with ma wee drum for the more sacred festivenesses!
30 Oct, 2011
Yep tho when its green it does look suspicious lol
SOunds great Lulu..You take part then?
30 Oct, 2011
sounds lively, dancing round the stones. At least at Avebury you can get near them and give them a hug.
30 Oct, 2011
Well if I needed convincing there were folks on here with one short, so to speak, I need look no further...great blog, great pics, fun remarks and love the little poem Lulu. Im off to hug a big stone (its called "getting stoned" lol), even tho they raise the hairs on the back of my neck!!
1 Nov, 2011
'Pardon me for being rude it was not me twas stevie's food.Just popped up to say 'hello' and now gone back down... apocalypto.' - Sorry, thats how poetically creative being naughty at school gets you :)
But can i join the poets corner now please??? I'll bring my peace pipe and tambourine, and we can try and summon Ra... :)))
1 Nov, 2011
Lol good poem FUnguy! ;)
1 Nov, 2011
Can you bring some chutney funguy?
1 Nov, 2011
The more the merrier!
Yep Pixi, I did join in!
LoL a GoY trip to Avebury, what fun!
Are you still hugging that stone Tet?
1 Nov, 2011
Lets do it : )
1 Nov, 2011
when? take me with you!!!
1 Nov, 2011
my stevie got married near there this august ~ there was a lot of music and dancing for that.
1 Nov, 2011
Done (in spirit) Pity I have family in Dec for the Solstice on 22nd! Or we could go then!
1 Nov, 2011
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Stevie the sun god philosophist! Amazing ~ chutney the spice of this world or the next.
20 Oct, 2011