Chutney, made with emotion - DVD extras
Due to unprecedented interest and feedback (including PMs!!) on my last seminal piece of conceptual fine art (working within the medium of chutney), I have added to the chutney portfolio.
Just to say a big thank you for some of your comments which ranged from,
’’Can’t you EVER be serious’’
‘’what planet are you on, and is there chutney there?’’
’’you’ll need more than chutney to impress the WI’’
‘’I feel cheated : ( but chutney looks nice’’
I was also touched by the few people who were genuinely disappointed that I was NOT manically depressed and suffering, I can only apologise : /
and no I can confirm I was not blowing my nose with a tea towel, I’m not a monster!!! Just grabbed it whilst moved by the onions ; )
I will however think on before I attempt again to combine skyscapes together with chutney but I am thinking of applying to dragons den with the sky n chutney calendar, I think £200k should do it for a 10% share.
Ok so I know you want to see more chutney, here’s the latest developments
Noticed these lovely yellow tomatoes for sale at a local garden centre, thought hmmm
did the overnight salting with onions
looking nice
used the clear distilled vinegar I had left and a bit of the last mix and added some of the vinegar from a jar of pickles. Only a bit of sugar as I feel i’d like this one more pickley. I also added some nice spices of turmeric, tad of mixed spice n nutmeg and a couple of granny apples left over
Used all the dill and stuff from the jar of pickles and as an experiment added some herbs, parsley and a bit of thyme
and here’s the role call. I think this takes care of the xmas evening buffet chutney selection : )
chutney on x
23 Oct, 2011
Previous post: skyscapes of the post apocalypse
Next post: Polymancave - all is well
You keep them coming Stevie, your chutney recipes are far more interesting than any in my books, lol...
23 Oct, 2011
Im hoping to see Stevie TV very soon ~ the sun channel or the chutney channel ~ either or both will be gratefully received.
i may even make some pickle and or chutney now ~ thanks again stevie!!
23 Oct, 2011
I can just see myself becoming very popular on a TV cookery show, with a difference. People could really identify with 'hmmm well that doesn't really taste as nice as i thought it would', never mind. Anyway i think I am quite safe with chutney hopefully. Although I did catch myself standing at the fridge looking at the ingredients on the side of a jar of sweet pickle thinking ...all this for 22p.
good tip, if you need a medium size jar, tesco value pasta sauce is 18p. Not a bad price for a jar I thought! I am a bit full of gherkins and pickled onions!!!
23 Oct, 2011
Thanks folks..get to it Sticki
23 Oct, 2011
oh, Stevie - don't you ever dare to get serious, please, lol...
23 Oct, 2011
Will let you know - Sir!
23 Oct, 2011
I'm about to wash out a 'body butter' jar someone gave me for xmas 3 or 4 years ago....never use it. It's exactly the same as a pickle jar...har har!
24 Oct, 2011
Lord preserve us got chutneyitis!
24 Oct, 2011
lol, may the lord preserve us from evil, and not allow us to fall into temptation (of chutney too much).
I am assuming the 'body butter' was a kind of body shop skin cream pampering thingy.
I was in Adsa today for a change, (along with all the other big brother contestants), and they had a 1L kilner jars at £1.50. A bit plasticy but seemed ok
24 Oct, 2011
25 Oct, 2011
help stevie ~ my chutney wont go thick!! how long do i have to cook it for?
27 Oct, 2011
oh just read this, how did it go : /
28 Oct, 2011
not so bad, thank you ~ im putting a picture on in a minute.
28 Oct, 2011
28 Oct, 2011
Made my beetroot chutney this week , so much that when all was in the saucepan ready to cook I had to transfer half to another pan so that it didn't boil over . OH drifted through the kitchen and helpfully remarked that the local supermarket shelves are full of pickles . [At that point I was inclined to agree with him.] Any way it all turned out well ; now I have to find some unsuspecting souls to give some to !
Like the look of your tomato one Stevie --got some green pending .
29 Oct, 2011
Good going Driad and thanks, I have some mixture from my beetroot for one last batch when I dig the remaining ones up then that will be that last of it. Might use a bit of ginger or chilli
29 Oct, 2011
Have you tried Borsht ? Its very good and I would think it would freeze well if you can't eat all inone go .
29 Oct, 2011
Haven't but looks fab : )
29 Oct, 2011
oh, Stevie - I know how to cook Borsht:) but knowing you I canhear you saying something about bloody soup, lol...
29 Oct, 2011
might have a go ; ) stay tuned
30 Oct, 2011
apple and beetroot soup is nice.
31 Oct, 2011
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Well done that man, a fine selection.
I do recommend that next chutney making expedition, go to Tesco and find that magic extra ingredient!!
23 Oct, 2011