Out and about in the polytunnel - current status
Well had a bit of a tidy up and planted some seeds. Not a fantastically interesting premise for a blog i’ll admit but here it is anyway. An intermittent blog of nearly, maybes, mightbes, will bes.
Well staggered at how much both passion flowers have grown (in winter), the Lavendar lady now has reached the top with the caerulea not far behind
Wont be long Kia, keep an eye on things will you. Don’t worry folks i have now taken down my extensive xmas decorations ; ) (Its back on the top shelf ready for next year)
Ok first job is to take down (decommission) my clematis ballistic missile,.. It takes about an hour just to untangle : ) just what did I think would happen when I planted these??
hey whats that noise?
brrrruuu, oi you no I’m not making a pallet hen house you know
Ok trim it a bit, want to keep a fair bit of good stem for my new arch which I have and will put up for next season. The plan is to have 2 clems either side, a passion flower or two (what could go wrong ; )
get this baby on her side. I made three compartments with very thick cardboard, all of which has now completely disappeared. Note the montana root has gone crazy, and overrun the Dr Ruppel and Pixi. Just as well I am doing this now as it had gonw right round.
Thats those two separated and ready to go on the arch. Will keep the Pixi inside for a while into the season as its not grown much
Oh, must set the macro and capture these healthy buds looking just fine, now if i also use the fix focus button as well yess…. thats right!! capture the background just lovely (bloody thing). Still nice shot of the passion flower. Should have a button to press which says ‘how about you just focus on whats in the bleedin centre’!!!
Talking of which, those buds on the Lavendar lasy are just teasing me…OPEN dammn you.
But these plants are just loving it in here, will be a jungle come summer.
JJjjust a little bit more…..
Ok lets have a big sort and make a table for some seeds
organised chaos
move the propagator
have most of the plants over there
a fine selection ready to go, blackberries, climbers, clems, irises and herbaceous bits n bobs
come on damm you…
you want more sun?
Ok well lots of clem seeds to sew just to see if or how many germinate. Got alot of supermarket mushroom pannets to use up
and this is as far as I have gotten so far, with mainly clems, campanulas and a few other things.
Will add a pic of the passion flower when it opens…promise!!!
……..Sunday update……
Just thought I’d stick a pic on of the (high maintenance ; ) Pixi. Thing she didnt have enough light and water on the missile.
Ok lets plant some more seeds, this time for all the packets of seeds I had laying around
This is now starting to look like I’m gearing up on the plant front. They are
coleus wizaed pastel &choco mint
cineraria maritima
alternanthera dentata
dichondra repens silver falls
asparagus sprengeri & plumosus
pennisetum glauxum
iresine purple lady
gazania daybreak pink shade
begonia baby wing pink
morning glory skylark
Black eyed susan
perilla laciniata
aconitum napellus
(and yes ok I couldn’t be bothered to label all that)
Ok an here she is, a bit of sun today and yes….errr oh…
(would need a 100m extension cable for a hairdrier ok)
Just have to keep you waiting ; )
Update Friday 27th -——————-
Did some more seeds, this time tomatoes and assorted veg. Ok I would assume you have seen seed trays before but just thought it looked productive ; ).
NB this photo contains NO FOOD whatsoever…
NB Passion flower watch……………………..nothing!!
Update Friday 29th -——————-
also put out some early spuds for chitting
and no shes still playing hard to get
21 Jan, 2012
Previous post: The off your Trolley Rockery
Next post: Over on the ponds - winter whats happening
Coming on very well - lovely selection I can see there :)))) Don't know if it is phormium or cordyline you have - we have sundowner and it looks like that - absolute pearler of a plant !!!
21 Jan, 2012
My, you've been busy!
21 Jan, 2012
ah Sticki, thats my Pixi clematis that I rescued from the evil clutches of wilkinsons for a mere 50p, dont think pixi in Scotland is that cheap do you?? ; ) It does need a bit of TLC though so might be some similarity ; )
Paul, theres a phormium and a cordyline there as well as a Yukka. Got the phormium recently for about £4 so jobs a goodun.
Bit more to do yet Sheilar but will add some pics as i go
21 Jan, 2012
That's one brilliant polytunnel you've got there, STT. How do you find the time to keep it in order?
21 Jan, 2012
You can persuade 'reluctant' flowers to open by blowing hot air from a hairdryer on them (tip: as used by exhibitors at Chelsea and other Flower Shows)
21 Jan, 2012
Hehehe..Aye you couldnt afford me Stevie! ;) and I dont like being kept inside too long!
Great blog..good on ya for being so organised..I do that every now and then..btu then i have long periods of leaving things to pile up then it makkes the work much harder.
21 Jan, 2012
Things doing well in there Stevie, really must make a start here...
21 Jan, 2012
That Pixi Clem..is it the Greenish flowered scented Pixi Clem That Poppylover has? 50p well done.
21 Jan, 2012
Brilliant work Steve, are you this tidy indoors??? Lol. Those passions are wonderful and have served you well all year, just fab.
22 Jan, 2012
Pixi is a slow and small clem (hence the name Pixi!)
My camera does the same as yours, wish there was a button to focus on what's in the middle....even on manual it does it's own thing, regardless of my pleading and bad language!
22 Jan, 2012
You trying to say I'm slow??????????? lol
22 Jan, 2012
A couple more pics on folks
Lol Pixi 'couldn't afford me' (another high maintenance chick) but yes I know that clem is slow, did well to start with, should have left her where she was.
Pimper, no idea hasnt had a flower yet, was almost dead when i got it, will leave it in the polytunnel to build up its strength.
Grandmage, of course I am, my Royal Enfield is very tidy in the living room ; )
Lulu, didgi cameras are getting to bleeding clever for their own good, role on common bleeding sense mode
22 Jan, 2012
is that climber with the nice leaf the pixi clematis? does it have white flowers? i had one similar but i think it was called avalanche???
be interesting to see if you can recognise everyone of those seedlings coming up?
forecast is sunny for tomorrow here ~ should we be taking bets on your passionflower coming out?
22 Jan, 2012
Avalanche is a gorjus clem too!!
Blimey Stevo, thats alot of seeds............
I wanna ploytunnel...............(that huge greenhouse is not for the loiks of me:)
22 Jan, 2012
it isnt doing very well though lulu :-(
22 Jan, 2012
what do you reckon lulu ~ what day will that passionflower come out?
i guess tuesday???
22 Jan, 2012
me too, although rain is forecast for the next few days...
those small evergreen clems don't always do well, they are fussy beggers which is why I never succumbed! They would love to live in a polytunnel though..
22 Jan, 2012
are you saying i should donate my clematis to the polytunnel pallet project??
22 Jan, 2012
for free jars of chutney in return and a ride on an Enfield!!
22 Jan, 2012
but i havent got a helmet.
how many people can you get on an enfield??
22 Jan, 2012
oh, I want the polytunnel as well...
but knowing Stevie I am affraid it would be another 'no women' sign on an Enfield, lol.
Lovely blog Stevie - are you starting a nursery? lol.
22 Jan, 2012
Sticki, well to be honest I would have prefered an 'avalanche' as the name suggests an avalanche of flowers, but hey for 50p what do you want!!!
22 Jan, 2012
Lulu, hope you are bearing up there girl, go on get yourself a tunnel, you know you want to. Ok I'll take your advice and keep it in there in a corner : )
22 Jan, 2012
Ok Sticki, you're on lol for some chutney and a ride on the RE, would love to see that. Would definitely post that pic folks.
22 Jan, 2012
Dont worry Sticki have a spare helmet and pillion insurnace lol. I think in india you can get a family on : ) as its the family car so to speak over there.
22 Jan, 2012
Good idea Kasy, would love to have a much longer tunnel, just think what you could do with it : )
22 Jan, 2012
I used to have a Royal Enfield bike, Stevie, it was an old wartime sit-up-and-beg pedal cycle that I inherited from my great aunt! We didn't need helmets, but we did need strong knees and calves! Not QUITE the same thing as yours, I guess.
22 Jan, 2012
NO Paparazzi thank you!!!
22 Jan, 2012
Gattina has lovely calves Stevie..If you were riding a Tandem I would put her up front.
22 Jan, 2012
pimpernel you are such a stirrer.
22 Jan, 2012
If Stevie had his eyes on my calves, he wouldn't be able to watch the road ahead, and I'm used to driving on the right, so there could be a bit of a pile-up, Pim. Thanks for the compliment, though.
22 Jan, 2012
you could use the middle lane gattina??
22 Jan, 2012
Don't encourage me, I've only just managed to stop doing that, Sticki! I had to organise a season ticket at the local garage, 'cos I needed to replace my wing mirrors so often. (On the car, silly, tandems don't have wing mirrors)
22 Jan, 2012
You think I'm joking, don't you?
22 Jan, 2012
some bikes have wing mirrors i have seen them!!!
well you do better than me cos i have never......... well i was going to say driven on the wrong side of the road but perhaps i have by mistake...........i have never driven out of this country!!!
22 Jan, 2012
When we first moved out here I used to have dreadful nightmares about coming up to a roundabout in heavy traffic, and not being able to remember which way I was supposed to drive round it!
22 Jan, 2012
and i worry about traffic lights here!!!!
has everyone else gone? do you think they are worried about our driving gattina??
dont worry stevie we wont be driving through your polytunnel!!!
22 Jan, 2012
Gattina has Fab legs Sticki..She was a Tilla Girl and could have been a big name at the windmill...Too shy with a fan..Ended up as one of Pan's People...Then a Yoga Guru in south Manchester..
Some of the above was made up...Fab legs!
22 Jan, 2012
how do you know all this pimpernel??? oh yes thats right you are a postman!!!
have you been delivering postcards from the windmill??
22 Jan, 2012
You forgot, Pim, Pan's People threw me out - it was pure jealousy, you know, and of course it wasn't shyness with the fan that got me sacked from the Windmill - the feathers WOULD moult! Fluff everywhere!
22 Jan, 2012
what is stevie going to say when he comes back and finds all this on his blog ~ he might be very cross!!!!
22 Jan, 2012
Not if we all ticked the like tab
22 Jan, 2012
Nah! Stevie's a pussycat! (I ticked it before we began all this rubbish) Anyway, he started it all with his Enfield.
22 Jan, 2012
ah thats true, we should be ok then.
22 Jan, 2012
Food is missing from this Blog
22 Jan, 2012
great!! a picnic in the polytunnel
what you bringing pimpernel?
22 Jan, 2012
Oh Goody, Goody, I'll bring the porcini bruschette and the prosecco (Or would you prefer hot chocolate and pecan brownies?)
22 Jan, 2012
A prymus a kettle, some Ham and a pallet.
22 Jan, 2012
A pallet???? are you going to eat it????
perhaps we could have passionfruit cheesecake ~ or was that a passionflower??
there has to be some chutney hiding in there somewhere!!
22 Jan, 2012
Are you volunteering to bake the cheesecake, Sticki?
As it's STT's polytunnel, I think we can safely rely on a magnificent supply of chutney to eat with the pallet.
22 Jan, 2012
a pallet to put the cheese on???
yes i can do the cheesecake ~ never done that type before but i will have a go.
what else do we need??
22 Jan, 2012
What the hells going on?!!!!
Has everyone clicked like?? ; )
22 Jan, 2012
The pallet was a gift..and you two ate it! Shakes head
22 Jan, 2012
eeeeeeeeeeek! Sir is back!!!!!
22 Jan, 2012
I'm lookin at my feet an shufflin'
22 Jan, 2012
22 Jan, 2012
Im hiding.
where is gattina???
22 Jan, 2012
i clicked too.
22 Jan, 2012
She's run Sticki..Told ya..Good legs
22 Jan, 2012
so quick reality check
Blog = tidy up seeds plants
Comments =
porcini bruschette, prosecco (Or hot chocolate, pecan brownies)
kettle, Ham and a pallet
cheesecake ,chutney (mine)
and a pallet full of cheese
: /
22 Jan, 2012
whhhhooooops sorry stevie! we did like your blog though.
and it looks a great place for a picnic ??
22 Jan, 2012
Quite a good deal Stevie
22 Jan, 2012
I'll walk over one evening, and seen flashing lights, the hum of music and people laughing and the shadows of people dancing and then see a sign, 'private party' : / then someone will approach me and say 'Hey you, what took you so long, do you have all the relief catering'?
22 Jan, 2012
Oh B*****y H**l, I'm laughing so much I've started wheezing. The reason I've disappeared is 'cos I've gone to look for my inhaler. Gasp, gasp!
I'm sorry, you lot, I'm going to have to go to bed now: It's nearly half past midnight here now and I've had a long hard day GoYing and Google-Earthing, and heaven knows, I need some beauty sleep.
Sorry to have messed up your blog, Stevie, Sir. Won't do it again, Sir. Honest!
22 Jan, 2012
can you google earth inside the polytunnel gattina ~ i want to know where the chutney is hiding!!!
have you come to join in now stevie??
i have giggled so much over this blog, it has to go in my favourites.
22 Jan, 2012
Shss...Look Stevie....She Blooms ! the Pink Lady Blooms...
Leg it Stickie while his backs turned..Go!
22 Jan, 2012
whispering...... thanks pimpernel
22 Jan, 2012
Just before I get my JimJams on, I want you to think on this, Stevie: I think some fairy lights, a fridge and some comfy seating would do wonders for your polytunnel. Hows about It, then?
22 Jan, 2012
i thought you had gone to bed gattina!!!
22 Jan, 2012
My eyes are shut.
22 Jan, 2012
One can only imagine the entries 'Dear Trip Advisor, we had booked.......
22 Jan, 2012
oh no!! im never going to get to sleep now, i have giggled too much and now it seems i have to write a letter.
where has that pimpernel gone ~ never find a postman when he is needed.
22 Jan, 2012
I slept really well last night. It must have been all that "Lolling". Very relaxing, (and exhausting) laughing.
23 Jan, 2012
Ha..I had to do another 93 updates last night left them running and went to bed..Off to Work now...:0( I hope we didn't leave to much mess in the tidy tunnel.
23 Jan, 2012
Dear Polytunnels of the West Tour Guide
I am writing to ask for some clarification; I recently booked on one of your tours, believing it to be instructional for polytunneling in the 21st century.
I was, it must be said, both surprised and truly educated during one particular tour to Monmouthshire.
The well stocked and neatly organised tunnel including original features was truly inspirational, the confusion however was due to a small group who appeared to be searching for food?
Could you please let me know if, by mistake, I had got onto the wrong bus and found myself on your other tour 'Persuasive pickles and their origins'
I would like to add I have never been on such an entertaining, not to say hysterical, tour before and would very much like to book a second trip. Please would you send your brochure.
A traveller.
23 Jan, 2012
When are we going to get the (damning) pictures, then? Acres of opportunities for some industrial grade blackmail, there I would have thought, Stevie, what with Sticki stuffing her face in the corner, Pim munching pallets, Stevie lurking in the background with unopened jars of illicit chutney, and me trying to hide my cellulite behind a moulting bunch of feathers. Is this the face of twentieth century horticulture? I ask myself. The answer, in all too many cases it seems, unfortunately, is yes.
23 Jan, 2012
Gattina have you ever thought of writing a book ~ im absolutely convinced there are some great potential authors out there ~ you, pimpernel, stevie ~ you all have a way with words!!!
23 Jan, 2012
Oh Goodness, YES, Sticki! I'm not talented enough, though, and definitely too lazy. I think your prose style is quite distinctive, too. How about YOU writing the book?
23 Jan, 2012
not so good at that, better with 5 year olds!!!
23 Jan, 2012
One more pic..(no FOOD ; )
27 Jan, 2012
27 Jan, 2012
steady!!! kebab shops still closed!
27 Jan, 2012
perhaps you should open a chutney shop??
27 Jan, 2012
still nothing on the passion flower front ; )
29 Jan, 2012
but got the spuds in for the buffet
29 Jan, 2012
how long do they take to grow?
29 Jan, 2012
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that is looking really good!!
im just wondering maybe those flowers will do even better now you are talking to them ~ or was it the camera you were talking to??
if you talk really nicely to that hen maybe you will get some eggs too??
btw does pixi know she is growing in your polytunnel?? i thought she lived in scotland??
21 Jan, 2012