The off your Trolley Rockery
On fire here, screaming into 2012 with another wonder bodge for your delectation.
Now sit back and be amazed as your resident pallet wood artiste fights the gales to bring you another solution to the world crisis.
Ok so here’s the problem.
Just before xmas the front of my old trolly fell off (don’t worry I didn’t take it personal). It wasn’t lined so over time had rotted : /
So took all the plants out for an inspection. The base wasn’t too bad but when the sides and back just fell to the ground, it confirmed something wasn’t good ; )
So lets try and keep these tidy
and remember which order they go in.
Hmm now what material do you think I should use??
and yes a veritable selection, oh and including a rather nice looking small pallet : ). However it was blowing a gale…and as I am taking the two bits of wood off of the pallet….and to make matters worse
a sound behind me..kkkeerSkrunch!!, OMG the blinking propagator has collapsed. Those plastic bits are so brittle aren’t they. Oh well that pallet framed propagator project is looking more favorable now
Ok so I had this old plate rack I’m gonna use for extra base support
add the two bits of wood,
Rather helpfully the trolly has a couple of nice struts to attach the top, why try harder ; ) I then add a higher rim of wood around the outside
Used a bit of poly material to line it this time so the wood doesn’t rot, yes i know what your thinking!"!!! but just wait….
aha, make a few drainage holes, which will fill my wet trays below (for the frogs and wet bog plants). I’ll make more holes in the base if its holding too much water but in summer it can get quite dry
nice n even
Kia looks on riveted (she would look much more enthusiastic if she hadn’t already had a biscuit chucked up)
Ok just gonna stuff these back for now, or I should say aesthetically place my rockery plants to convey the feeling of deep contentment
and there we go (all stuffed in ; )
will rearrange the plants before the season starts and stain the front later on when its a bit drier
This has been another StevieTT-Pallet-Wood Ltd communications product x
Update March 17th
This is how she is looking now, painted up. The dianthus in the back row are coming up nice
5 Jan, 2012
Previous post: 2011 Review - Come Dine with Stevie, The Chutney Tasting and how it went down!
Next post: Out and about in the polytunnel - current status
Good blog Mr. Terrible... :o)
but this is probably written in invisible ink and you won't see it....
5 Jan, 2012
Stroller, the end photos dont show that the propergator is one layer lower!!
TT I can't quite see what you've written there, but if you click 'like' I'll know you are there ; )
5 Jan, 2012
Hi Mr. Terrible..
I've clicked "like" ..
I realise you often request those ...
I hope you can see it .. :o) x
5 Jan, 2012
A couple of wheels seem to have come off that beleagued trolley too , but as expected it has been resurrected by our pallet expert extraodinaire , not a moment too soon ! Well done , Stevie . Kia was just nodding her approval I suspect . (She was probably saying "here we go again ").
5 Jan, 2012
Another great creation Steve,i dont know where you get these fantastic ideas only have to look at a pallet & something new & beautiful comes from someones rubbish..& yes you will see i have clicked "like"
5 Jan, 2012
Thats a lot of hard work, you could hardly call it a trolley now ~ much too up-market ~ more like the Moveable Gardens of Monmouthshire?
You could wheel it round and show the nation!!
You dont think Kia has committed the unforgivable sin of falling asleep on/in your blog has she?
Once you get the frogs in situ it will be a triple decker trolley!!!
I dont think i will be able to look at a pallet now without thinking ~ i wonder what stevie would make with that!?
5 Jan, 2012
I would call it 'A new roof for frogs' blog, lol.
but hats off to Mr Terrible for working in that horrible weather conditions;-) I was straggling today at work the wind was so strong today.
5 Jan, 2012
Thanks folks,
Yes Driad, thats how i got it, wheel came off and my employer at the time couldn't be bothered to repair it so i stepped in.
Joanella, its my new veg patch philosophy, if its there..use it : )
Good idea for a book Sticki, 'The man who took his rockery about Britain (and was then sectioned ; ) or 'Me and my Trolly Rockery' dont worry the frogs are there, saw one sitting there as I worked.
Kasy, my sympathies, just said to myself must get something productive done today.
PS its ok folks you dont 'have to' click 'like' (but of course given the work i put into this it would be extremely petty not to ; )
5 Jan, 2012
Me, my trolley and the frog blog book, yes, snappy title but I'm sure it would be a fascinating read and definitely unpredictable!
5 Jan, 2012
Stevie - you're a wonder!
5 Jan, 2012
Yep definitely off yer trolley man! Brilliant!
5 Jan, 2012
Very clever. I hope it lasts for many years :o)
5 Jan, 2012
You have so really great ideas, and giving others ideas like it.
6 Jan, 2012
Do we have to give a like ? YES ! Like ~Like~ Like ~
6 Jan, 2012
Lol Amy, glad you appreciate my efforts : )
6 Jan, 2012
My daughter has a Husky Stevie his name is Koda , a beautiful dog ........
6 Jan, 2012
Kia belongs to my neighbour Amy, I think shes a husky cross, not sure of the exact type but she sure knows if theres a biscuit in my pocket or not : )
6 Jan, 2012
I'm sure she does Stevie and you do nothing to encourage her do you ? !!!
6 Jan, 2012
7 Jan, 2012
7 Jan, 2012
what are you loike?
7 Jan, 2012
Yeah, this wooden trolly looks much better. Wood is better combination to green then rusty iron :)
7 Jan, 2012
I think everyone on the Titanic would also have agreed with you ; )
7 Jan, 2012
stevie, you are on form today!!!!
7 Jan, 2012
boom boom, I'm here all week : )
7 Jan, 2012
should be a good week then!
7 Jan, 2012
Good Grief!
7 Jan, 2012
I only clicked like for kia...and she is not yours! Nice bench though.
7 Jan, 2012
Pimper, I can't imagine folks just posting pics of dogs to get lots of likes!!! surely not ; ) And SHAME on you Pimper, this is a GENUINE old school post office sorting trolly as used by Royal Mail sorting offices which was then used to collect and circulate internal mail in an office. Well I say genuine, now its a genuine BASE of a genuine trolley. I would have thought you would have loved this!!!
8 Jan, 2012
8 Jan, 2012
I was going to click Like and couldn't find it
9 Jan, 2012
Did you nick it when you were a postie Stevie? You've had it stached all these years!
9 Jan, 2012
nicked the 'like' button?????
9 Jan, 2012
I estimate its about 40inches directly above this.........X
but dont worry I've made the top three ; ) that'll do
9 Jan, 2012
no sorry............try this....... ...........X
9 Jan, 2012
I think someone has nicked the 'Like' button on my life!!!!
BUT seeeeee Sticki, top of the blogs this week!!! well done. I'm going wrong somewhere, I keep making things and putting in loads of effort, cracking jokes when what i should be doing is taking random pics and come up with some arbitrary BS title ; ) 159 comments Sticki hehehe ; )
9 Jan, 2012
and all i do is ramble on. sorry stevie.
9 Jan, 2012
there is nothing better than healthy competiton, lol.
9 Jan, 2012
and a few wisely chosen comments!!!!
9 Jan, 2012
This is 'only' 120 comments behind Sticki lol, keep it going, talk amongst yourselves. Have you noticed the price of sugar has gone up again?
9 Jan, 2012
economy sausages 47p NOW 57p!!!!
9 Jan, 2012
oh, no Stevie - what's the choice now? will you become a vegetarian? lol
9 Jan, 2012
you mean we are allowed to talk in your blog??
9 Jan, 2012
sugar and sausages how does that work?
9 Jan, 2012
oh i know barbecue sauce and chutney to go with the sausage
9 Jan, 2012
toilet roll x12 used to be £1.12 now £1.15 for 4 slightly larger rolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 Jan, 2012
and how much does the bread cost?
9 Jan, 2012
so long as they are not used toilet rolls its ok.
9 Jan, 2012
Soon i'll have to print this blog off so I can wipe my ....s, well actually to be fair will probably print one of kasys off ; )
9 Jan, 2012
oh, dear Stevie- I am not getting as many comments as you. So I think mine probably won't be of any use for that purpose. Stick with yours, lol
9 Jan, 2012
seen any good films or books recently??
9 Jan, 2012
not films - no time to watch it. Bought myself a book on climbers - Hilliers series - discounted - higly recommend:)
9 Jan, 2012
Huge pothole at the end of my lane and what is the council doing NOTHING!!!!!!!!!
9 Jan, 2012
could fill it with their bills??
9 Jan, 2012
or their parking tokens!
9 Jan, 2012
now thats a good idea.
cant fill it with the salt for the roads cos they dont provide that either.
9 Jan, 2012
Amusing blog, and ten out of ten for a good idea and recycling at the same time - a person after my own heart, I've got plants standing on old fridge racks protected by sheets of glass from old fridges as well. Don't look great, but does the job in winter.... I am slightly concerned the wood on the pallet won't dry out sufficiently to be painted now it's got plants growing inside though... Still I guess you can always get another pallet, lol
10 Jan, 2012
Thanks Bamboo,it'll be fine till spring and then i'll give the front a coat, the inside should be protected from the two layers of poly material : )
10 Jan, 2012
quick update (no need to click like ; ) 'economy sausages' are now a staggering 67p!!!! might as well push the boat out and by some nice ones for 87p or even 99p!!
7 Feb, 2012
Did someone mention sausages? Is it breakfast time? I'd like mushrooms and scrambled egg as well please?
7 Feb, 2012
I'll leave you all the sausages (not big fan, lol) but I affraid you'd have to share mushrooms and eggs with me Sticki, lol...
hmmm - what should I have for my breakfast?
7 Feb, 2012
thats ok kasy, would you like some of my home made bread?
7 Feb, 2012
omg its the WI!! sigh...
7 Feb, 2012
oh, yes! I am bit crazy about fresh home made bread, lol. Bring it down and let's invade the polycave, lol.
7 Feb, 2012
we will await your letter Sir!!
we will have to be very quiet kasy? will we get away with it?
7 Feb, 2012
well, hmmm - I would say - who cares!!! let be ourselves, shall we? lol
7 Feb, 2012
NOOOOOO!!!! not again no all in foodfest in the polycave not on this blog!!!! no women no WI
7 Feb, 2012
well i can bring the bread and you can start cooking the mushrooms? is there a stove in there?
7 Feb, 2012
oh sorry stevie
7 Feb, 2012
oh, Stevie - once a year??? please??? we talking Special Women here, lol. fun to be with, plenty of laugh. How about that? and willing to cook for you, lol....Tempted to throw a party? lol
7 Feb, 2012
well i suppose we could do a sausage BBQ, special needs women n all that
7 Feb, 2012
hoooray!!!! That sounds like an invitation. Thank you Your Majesty.
Girls - pack your bags - we are coming!!!! lol
7 Feb, 2012
on my way kasy!!!
selection of sausages to be bought on the way!!???
Much appreciated kind Sir
7 Feb, 2012
'Special needs night' at the polycave, a night for disadvantaged women who can only conduct their lives through the medium of pure gossip and stirring ; )
Lets give these poor wretches a huge hot dog each in the hope that at least for a few minutes they will shut up and we can get some peace. Security for the night will be on 'amber' alert.
7 Feb, 2012
im not saying a word.
but im scared of that goosey, is she the security guard?
7 Feb, 2012
gossip? stirring? huge hot dog? are you doing another party Stevie?
it's not for your friends at GoY! it's not us and you promissed us BBQ, mushrooms, chutney, chutney and more chutney...
I told you - we are happy, fun to be around, plenty of jokes - do not invite anyone different to OUR party, would you?
7 Feb, 2012
Stevie, best women night parties are in Poland, believe me :)
7 Feb, 2012
7 Feb, 2012
Cor blimey - 'economy' sausages, whatever next - might as well buy an even cheaper pack of lard with a bit of transfats thrown in and add some salt and pepper and a bit of wood dust...
I'll bring the sausages, thanks...
7 Feb, 2012
Who woke him up ? It sounds like he was having some sort of nightmare and now we are all going to decend on him and his poly tunnel with comestibles fit for the WI . That will teach him to have cheese and pickle before bed . Hope that he is ready for us !
7 Feb, 2012
(Who woke him up ?)!? Driad? just merely updating on the shocking price hiking at the supermarket..its my blog ; ) well if they are bringing cheese and pickle might let them in.
Bamboo well yes they are a bit ropey but if cooked low for a while they taste ok, and with the price of bacon well!!
Katarina, I shudder to think, once took a polish class for english and had to tell one girl to stop spitting continuously, (nb not saying kasy does this, well ok she probably does but if its in her own house)
Lulu, women+vodka=shudder to think even more!
might have to go higher than 'amber'
7 Feb, 2012
hehe - Stevie - I just wanted to say I am not a typical representative of my nation!!! I mean I don't do night parties, I don't drink, I don't swear and I DO NOT spit either!
My leaving do party is next week - how it will look when I will be drinking only orange juice??? lol...
7 Feb, 2012
leaving do kasy? you arent leaving GoY i hope.
7 Feb, 2012
oh, no!!! not GoY!!! work. have been made redundant:(
7 Feb, 2012
oh kasy, im really sorry.
i hope you find something you like.
but im glad you arent leaving GoY.
7 Feb, 2012
Another door opening for you , Kasy !
7 Feb, 2012
have already got a job offer - another GC. Hope it will be less stress than current job.
I really like it here on GoY - wish had more time to enjoy it:)
7 Feb, 2012
oh yes Driad - nothing happens withouth the reason, lol.
7 Feb, 2012
well all the very best kasy!!!
dont spend as much time on here as i do ~ its bad for you!!!!
7 Feb, 2012
thanks Sticki.
Oh, tell me about it, lol.
7 Feb, 2012
i dont get anything else done!!!
7 Feb, 2012
Good luck with the new GC Kasy x
9 Feb, 2012
Thanks Lulu - starting next Monday;-)
9 Feb, 2012
kasia, do not be shameful, +thanks to polish turks did not reach western europe, thanks to john paul ii happened what happened etc. And reminding him i wish you in a new job new experience and knowledge for your, maybe, own succesful career. As he said, do not worry, as i am with you. Good luck.
9 Feb, 2012
hehe Katarina - don't forget Chopin and Maria Sklodowska - Curie and squadron 303 and many, many more Poles, lol.
Thank you for your wishes - I should be fine.. just starting new job, trying to remember all that new faces and their names, lol.... but it will be fine:)
better post my own picture - before Stevie will start chasing me for stealing his blog, lol
9 Feb, 2012
...and Curie-Sklodowska, Helena Rubinstein, Mikulasz Kopernik and my tutor :)
9 Feb, 2012
Is the squadron 303 the very same best squadron in the Battle for England?
9 Feb, 2012
Well done Kasy, with the Pope blessing your job it should be ok, although I suspect he was on a bit more than minimum wage : /
Lech Walesa just phoned and he also said to send his best wishes, Oh and Roman Polanski also says hi!
Didn't Chopin live most of his life in Paris?
9 Feb, 2012
Yes, Stevie, you are right, because John Paul had minimum wage, he used to go for skiing to Slovak mountains, taking skauts with him too. But still, skiing in Slovakian mountains, they were Polish. By the way, what is with Polanski?
9 Feb, 2012
There is still small wooden cottage where JP used to sleep during skiing trips. Can make a photo a send it to you. Very nice little cottage :)
9 Feb, 2012
Hehe - the list is really, really long - we could go on and on....
Yes Katarina - it is the same - the very best of Polish pilots.
Stevie - at least this job is more than minimum wage, lol. Looks like new place really saw the potenial in me, lol.
yes, Chopin lived and died in Paris - but his heart is buried in Poland.
9 Feb, 2012
His heart is buried in the tower of the church in Warszaw.
9 Feb, 2012
Stevie, this link will interest you, somebody similar:,r:0,s:0&tx=89&ty=53
9 Feb, 2012
what the hell is happening to my blog? : 0
9 Feb, 2012
oh, Stevie - we simply keep your blog 'alive' - hope you don't mind ;-)
9 Feb, 2012
Where is the cockney goose? Tell us and we will stop. Did you kill her?
9 Feb, 2012
No trouser legs today but I am sure shes ok
9 Feb, 2012
I would immediately adopt her. How does she eat? I am curious, as she had guite big deviation of the "nose", but looks healthy.
9 Feb, 2012
great blog, Stevie, and nice clear how-to steps!
Question: how much depth did the plants have? I'm always a bit worried about not giving my plants enough depth to grow into, and so probably give them toomuch.
17 Mar, 2012
Thank Fran,
I would say an inch of gravel at the bottom then about 6 inches of soil. I am not an expert Fran ; ) but I dont think you need that much. And this time I insulated the sides with sheet so the wood doesn't rot.
will stick a pic on of how its looking now.
well dont on your DIY efforts to date : )
17 Mar, 2012
thanks Stevie dear, look forwrad to seeing the pic. and thanks for your encouragement, I've tailed off of abit, wondering what to do next, and with what. Now to get off the fence and get down to it
17 Mar, 2012
Take your time Fran, with the pallet wood material I have now I could make a nicer one I think
If only I lived nearer I would bring a bench round, (competitively priced at £1 ; )
17 Mar, 2012
*s* thanks dear! I have looked at getting pallets, but three probs: how to find them, how to get them home, how to take them apart without huge nails sticking out all over hte place, and how to store either whole or parts till I can use them ( okay, that's more than three!)
Time was that pallets couldn't be given away, now they're plentiful but expensive to buy and truck home (same with the old tea chests, remember those? they used to be dumped at the roadside and only needed carrying home) - eBay has lots, some quite cheap but, sigh "pick up only".
Ah well, I can buy 2x1s from the hardware shop over the road to use as frames for the mdf I salvaged - the wood might be enough on its own, as it was for the bench, but I'd rather it was too strong than the reverse!
17 Mar, 2012
That's the thing Fran, They can be heavy and it is a pain to get them apart, needs a bit of muscle and patience to bang all the nails out. Some are lighter though.
for the benches its better to choose two lighter ones the same size/type, those can be gotten into a car, and all you need then is the upward struts and screws.
There are also pallets which have four struts between, so all you need do is to cut the middle bit out and they make a good platform for trays. 10minutes job with my power saw.
If you look at my last blog, at the pic after the shadow on the trellis pic, my tray of wet irises are raised on such a pallet. Sorry its very difficult to see as its hidden by the tray. I can put another pic on it if you like to show that
17 Mar, 2012
Good morning, gentlemen! Is this The Pallet Gardening Center, please? :)
17 Mar, 2012
Hello dear, well yes it is, come on in, all welcome : )
17 Mar, 2012
17 Mar, 2012
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ok Stevie your a breathe of fresh air, had a good giggle and cheered up no end. Gold points awarded for working in this weather, and hope there`s not too much damage to your plastic propergator.
5 Jan, 2012