Up Front n personal
Ok so what do you do when you take a load of pics of the front of your place? (stick em in a blog of course)
Ok well just wanted to record for posterity how the front is looking this season. These are from the end of last month and this one : )
Well lets start with a few geraniums that did well this year
and Lily came to visit as a present from my next door neighbour, was just a tiny bit of root, starts to open
bit shy ; )
ah hello, blessed
may your path be laid with petals
The front has been looking really well
ah bit o sun, the front has never looked so good : )
ah coming out
in all her glory
the japanese garden ; )
a real mixture of texture
NO distracting cans here ; ) (they are part of the fabric of my place)
And at the end of June the arch has shaped up
and the passion flowers a comin out as the big trellis covers
as does the small one
without cans
and in full : )
the clematis Bill McKenzie filled the gap well, here with vill de lyon
dark to light
Acer in situ and rocker trolly
as the sun comes up
Piilu on July 1st
looking through the Gems
texture again
plants for the bench?
into the texture
sun on the arch
the front
the side
the buds
more piilu
light n shade
red clems this year
both sides meet at the top (the comb over improves ; )
Might add a few more come the end of the season : )
18 Jul, 2012
Previous post: Birds, Animals & Benches
Next post: Freds Cousin?
that has to be a whole large garden's worth of plants all across the trellis, arch and walls.
an impressive welcome to your front door!!! love the acer best and then the lily
but i also like those lovely geraniums and all that texture and light
so many plants ~ you need a poster size photo for these!!!
18 Jul, 2012
Thanks folks, good idea I think to just record how its looking during its best month : )
18 Jul, 2012
i agree!! and then compare with another year? changes in plants and weather!
btw im very envious of those blueberries ~ i have enough on two bushes to fill an egg cup ~ what am i doing wrong ~ what else do they need?
that last picture is absolutely beautiful
18 Jul, 2012
Somehow, you have managed to get across the sheer joy that your garden brings you. It is really special and the water lily is a delight.
Thanks for this.
18 Jul, 2012
That Acer is a fab colour Stevie, I love plants that have copperie shaded leaves, just beautiful.
18 Jul, 2012
A lovely blog, into my Favourites for the winter months to enjoy again. Thank you.
18 Jul, 2012
Fab blog Stevie! all looking great :)
18 Jul, 2012
Wow, looks like a jungle, everything has grown so much. Lovely place you have Stevie. Jx
18 Jul, 2012
Thanks folks : )
18 Jul, 2012
Lovely! Room for everything and everything in its place!
19 Jul, 2012
It all looks fabulous Stevie...
19 Jul, 2012
Looks like you were observing your front garden for the whole day, Stevie, lol. Of course, it is a master´s work - I like the arch and acer, too :) I did not understand one word, nor vocabulary at hand helped me. What does it mean "piilu"?
5 Aug, 2012
Thank you folks and Katarina, yes the spelling 2x 'i's foxed me at firat two, its the piilu clematis, was great last year and just as good this, but with bigger flowers.
If you go back a bit more pics are here
5 Aug, 2012
I understand now :)) Thank you.
Still - foxed me at firat two? Sounds like incantation :))
5 Aug, 2012
keyboard lol
6 Aug, 2012
This is the final comment/Q (I promise to all who have impression I have had monopol on comments): do you have any idea what is the sort of blueberries you have? Or do you fertilise it frequently? I tried to grow blueberries for several times, unsuccessfully. I did all what was recommended, but they didn´t thrive. Any advice?
6 Aug, 2012
Comment all you want Katarina, friends and nice people always welcome : )
Not sure which one it is Kat but its always performed well and given loads of blueberries. I repotted it when it got larger but have left it since but its done well. So sorry dont have much advice other than this is a sunny warm spot for it and keep it watered regularly, maybe grow them quite big in a pot before putting them out. I think they are supposed to like ericatious soil but this had quite rich soil to start with
6 Aug, 2012
i have two blueberry plants, cos i was told they would fertilise each other better that way, they said slightly acidic soil. i have quite a few berries on mine [not as many as stevie by the looks of it though] mine are not in a very sunny place.
6 Aug, 2012
Do you have single bush or two? I read also that they must be always two in order to get crops. But never had any, in spite of I had three :))
6 Aug, 2012
i have two separate bushes in tubs. they are now about 50 - 60 cm tall, i have had one of them for two years but the other i only got last year.
6 Aug, 2012
I gave that questions to Steve, as he is the one who has the crops, while we do not have :)) I never grow it in the tube, but perhaps it is a good idea.
6 Aug, 2012
oh sorry
by tubs i mean pots.
6 Aug, 2012
I know what you meant, it was MY bad expression, LOL.
6 Aug, 2012
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looking really good STT, love the water lily :-)
18 Jul, 2012