Birds, Animals & Benches
Its the birds n the beee….enches ! a, what? Whats bench got to do with it, got to do with it…
Ok so how about a few birds to start with, hmm thanks for the nuts Stevie : )
Hmm hes got his back to me
Landscape format, no problem!!
Well excuse me!!!
Thanks dear!! (NB could be said by either so not sexist)
So hows GNuts? (cue mission impossible theme) hmm think i’ll turn back
Hmmm seems solid, tap, tap,
ah ickle frog
more little things, hello, what you doin down there, tweet!
Just havin a sniff about Stevie
Quick bit of peace before…..
Bang doors pushed in rush rush rush
what do we want?
Come on!! you know what we want Stevie
Who us? can we have another one pls????
Ah yes here she is, another masterpiece
and heres the mess
Kaia, pose for me!, Ok Stevie but whats all this bench stuff about??
Hmmm ‘Honesty box’??
Ahhh now it all become clear!! (I think Drc guessed it)
YES welcome to ~~Stevies Terrible Plants!!~~
In situ, just pull over, pay and your garden will never forget you ; )
‘’Spare plants’’ NB note deluxe weather proofing for box and specially added carrier bag hook facility
Now you know : )
Newsflash, neighbour made first purchase kitty =£4, looking at yacht brochures now ; ) (or maybe i’ll just buy a wheelbarrow)
3 Jul, 2012
Previous post: March of the mini Frogs n Passion, Pond Bits (& no brake pads)
Next post: Up Front n personal
No wheels Drc, its not so heavy but can leave it there : )
3 Jul, 2012
a lot going on there Stevie:)
just stay minimalist - start with a wheelbarrow;-)
3 Jul, 2012
that is fabulous stevie, can you put an IOU in the box for me ~ i would like that light green plant thats on the front left hand corner ~ please!!!......oh and that coloured leaf climber on the bottom shelf.
might be better not on wheels Drc ~ no one can take it away that easily!!
i like that little bird thats hiding stevie ~ has he/she got a name ~ Fred2??
3 Jul, 2012
ps did your neighbour buy Gingernuts kitty????
how come ALL the dogs are in your house?? have you taken them all in too or should they be on the plant stall?
3 Jul, 2012
Sticki, its first come first serve (or self serve lol ) dont worry I have more of that light green rockery sedum whatyamadoffersthingy.
and the leafy climber is a virginia creeper, got a couple more of those too but not sure you would want that!!
left door open =dogs came in
3 Jul, 2012
ok, i will get in the orderly queue then!!!
I really like the rainproof cover for the money box!!! ingenious!!
3 Jul, 2012
I dont want ALL those notes getting wet ; )
3 Jul, 2012
nor the cheques, but the credit cards should be fine!!
3 Jul, 2012
Fantastic Stevie!!! Love it, and hope folk respect what you have done and pay fairly for your efforts! I want one of everything please!!!! :)
3 Jul, 2012
Aw that's brilliant!!!!!!! Well worth waiting for! Great blog love Gingernuts balancing act! lol
What a great idea..have you sold any more? Hope people ARE honest! If I did that at my front gate..some youngsters would come along and take the money!
Wonderful..certainly do appreciate it! :)))))))))))
4 Jul, 2012
Just going out now to check with high hopes, well actually as its been drizzling and no ones been down the road I daresay it will be EXACTLY the same. I think its more for the weekend when folks amble by so gradually folks will spread the word.
They'll have conversations like 'oh I saw a bench with some spare plants for sale'' ''yeah so what''? ; )
4 Jul, 2012
Aw well i think its a great idea! :)
4 Jul, 2012
newsflash just in, first bench sale this morning, ramblin rose (2nd in from the back left) gone, £4.30 in pot : )
4 Jul, 2012
going for the most expensive first?
excellent ~ you will be chartering that yacht before you know it ~ but if not rowing boats are very nice!!!
its a very quick take-up stevie ~ well done!!!
4 Jul, 2012
man found clinging for life in paper boat!!
4 Jul, 2012
this isnt quite right but something reminded me:
4 Jul, 2012
Ah that;s fantastic! lol you into Origami Stevie?
4 Jul, 2012
cant quite picture that somehow pixi can you???
4 Jul, 2012
GamiOri maybe ; ) Palletgami
4 Jul, 2012
palletgami = jenga for grown up risk takers???
oldest son played jenga with tables and chairs while at uni [amongst other unmentionable activities]
he is still a live wire!!!
4 Jul, 2012
Yay, great news on your first sale :)
4 Jul, 2012
haha Jenga! Gammy palettes!
4 Jul, 2012
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Looks really good, is it on wheels?
3 Jul, 2012