A GoY banquet and Gardeners Ball?
By stickitoffee
I believe I heard rumours of a medieval style banquet that Bampy is organising????
If you would like to come along please sign your name below ~ I hope you will know some people who have signed up already:
[the spelling may not be accurate]
Mrs Kerra and her son Hugh
Mr Lips and his son Chew ~ [think about it]
Mr and Mrs Ris and their son Peer
The prim daughter Rose but her twin sister sends apologies, as she is rambling
Dr Uldfare and her daughter Fee
Mr and Mrs Ling and their daughter Star
anyone else who would like to attend?
you may need to see this blog:
9 Feb, 2012
Previous post: When the world turns black and white
Next post: Winter sun and colour ~ you may need your sunglasses?!
Margaret Pie is coming but please call her Mag.
9 Feb, 2012
I would sign Sticki, but cant find my pen..does Bampy know about this ? bet you are up to your old tricks..lol.:o)
9 Feb, 2012
Ha ha love it......wish I could think of some to add to your list, brain a little sluggish due to too much time spent indoors!!
9 Feb, 2012
nice one Sticki,.... mr & Mrs Blossom and their daughter Cherry
9 Feb, 2012
Mrs Anthus and her daughter Polly will be attending,along with their African friend,Violet ..:o)
9 Feb, 2012
Lizzy will come, if she isn't too busy ...
9 Feb, 2012
Iris... or ... since she lost her razor .
... Bearded Iris ;o)
9 Feb, 2012
aw,she can borrow mine,Terra ! Lol..
9 Feb, 2012
There's a little boy lost, he says his name is Greenwood..are Mr & Mrs Pecker here?
9 Feb, 2012
Mrs Cow will attend as long as she dosen't Slip:)
9 Feb, 2012
Mr & Mrs Butter with their sheepdog Fly....
9 Feb, 2012
Miss May Denhair is hoping to come
Thank you everyone, looks like we should get to meet some interesting characters!
9 Feb, 2012
Mr & Mrs Line, and their son, Cordy. Mr A.M.Nesia, who's forgotten to bring his wife.
9 Feb, 2012
Love that one Sheila!
9 Feb, 2012
Mr Tunnel and his daughter Poly,
Kasy (with her Polish Spirit) is bringing her friend, Pope jean Paul and his friend, errm think its Bill D Lyon ; ) or is that the other Bill, Bill Mackenzie
Daisy will bring her chain of friends, Fern, Holly n Lily.
Ms Butt might not come, shes got water retention
9 Feb, 2012
That's an awful lot of tickets stevie but ms butt made me laugh so much they can all come!
9 Feb, 2012
send the invitation to Nike of Warsaw;-)
9 Feb, 2012
Adam will bring his Needle:-)
9 Feb, 2012
Angels will play the Trumpets
9 Feb, 2012
Not sure Sticki but Mrs Snow may Drop in.
9 Feb, 2012
Betula's ill her skin is peeling
9 Feb, 2012
do you think we need a bigger hall? i would hate any of these to miss out and now that the pope is coming we had better do it right!!??
how many angels kasy???
9 Feb, 2012
Marigold can't come. She can't find her gloves ...
9 Feb, 2012
poor marigold, perhaps fox could lend her some??
9 Feb, 2012
btw Joanella, i have sent bampy a pm to warn him!!!!
9 Feb, 2012
Very sad news, Mr.Nettle has passed away :((((
9 Feb, 2012
holly will lay a wreath for him :-(
9 Feb, 2012
Could you console Willow, she's very upset.
9 Feb, 2012
better not put her too near mother in law then, her tongue may make things worse?
9 Feb, 2012
Auntie Rhinum would love to attend. Also Mr. Al. Pine would be delighted.
9 Feb, 2012
they can definitely come Grandmage ~ thats very good
9 Feb, 2012
Dandi would love to come along with Lion, but please keep Will and Herb a bay .
9 Feb, 2012
Clem would have loved to come, but he's not at 'is best right now. And, please don't invite Virginia. She's a bit of a creep.
9 Feb, 2012
love it!!! these are so clever
thanks everyone, im sure there is room for a few more!!!
9 Feb, 2012
Rambling Rector will bless the gathering,he will accompany Dawn Chorus who is hoping it goes on all night...
If it helps Mrs Iris sort her beard Wilkinson can bring his team, Sword Quattro Titananium and Disposable....
9 Feb, 2012
Heather will definitely attend, she said to me ..I really dig-it-alis. I asked another of my friends if she was going but she just said 'mind your own business!'
9 Feb, 2012
Parsley the lion with Sir Basil, Dill the Dog with Bayleaf the Gardener,Tarragon the Dragon with Belladonna not forgetting Mr Onion And Constable Knapweed..
10 Feb, 2012
Very funny Red, lol..
10 Feb, 2012
Gotta have an early night, catchup in the morning, lol...
10 Feb, 2012
Mr & Mrs Meaner & their unmarried daughter Dorothy ! ( think about it )
10 Feb, 2012
CO Tony Aster is on R&R and will be delighted to attend. He asks if he can bring his son Alab Aster, who is said to be a fine figure of a man!
10 Feb, 2012
Mrs Hock is bringing Holly........unfortunately Persi couldn't care and has gone off to Ria....Dula has the bug and cant get off the lavs so thats a dead end....what Choice do ya have? there is always Mrs Fother and her daughter Gilla ? if we could chose Ann, er would be a good one..well must rush and take the bull by the horns, and get us pants off the aga, before they singe and I wont have anything to cover my silly bum........
Sorry about some of the content, couldn't resist it lol
10 Feb, 2012
Sticki - just love that blog - going to my favs:)
P.S. Not too many angels I'm affraid - as you know they are bossy and need a lot of attention - they would want to steal the party, so be carefull with tickets, lol
10 Feb, 2012
Mr Stinkhorn would like a ticket, I know lots of people don't like him but I think he's a fun guy....
10 Feb, 2012
Lol. Lol. Lol. Annella ... :o)))
10 Feb, 2012
10 Feb, 2012
Poor Solomon's having a terrible time sealing all these invitation envelopes....
10 Feb, 2012
Good king henry said he would come....if he has the thyme
Queen anne promises to wear her lace
Bobby his buttons
And poppy promised to come or(the)chids willshed their babies tears
Rowan won,t come.. when asked why he said 'mind-your-own-business'. Well he,d be a wallflower anyway.....
(thanks Sticki...xxx)
10 Feb, 2012
Hello Pam\0/
Have you been listening to I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue again Sticki? Mr & Mrs Rella and their daughter Tia...Mr and Mrs Reticulata and their daughter Iris...Not very inspired I'm afraid and probably already done, but the best I can do at the moment. Been snowing here, but very lightly, mostly not stuck:-)
10 Feb, 2012
Hi Ba, be careful here some pests have arrived.....susie has a black eye, willow is weeping for over on the rockery his love lies bleeding, that snake in the grass timothy caught the lady in the bath wearing the dutchmans breeches......no its ok here comes the copper from the beeches leading his cyclemen to round(them)up
10 Feb, 2012
these are brilliant!! thank you so much everyone, im so enjoying reading these
we really should have a banquet/picnic one day!!!
more are welcome!!!
10 Feb, 2012
It's fun Sticki . . . amazing the inventiveness of people's minds!
10 Feb, 2012
aren't they all clever Sheila!!! took me a while to get bampy's but got there in the end!!! it is clever.
there are some that really make me giggle, i was telling some people at work today ~ they enjoyed it too!!
10 Feb, 2012
Ah got it now Sticki....
10 Feb, 2012
you have to think dont you!!
10 Feb, 2012
Can you hold off the banquet until I'm due back in the UK, please? I'd HATE to miss it!
10 Feb, 2012
dont worry gattina, if you send your name to the ticket office and tell them the date all will be sorted!!!
10 Feb, 2012
Poor Lily has worried all day that there might not be mushroom at the table. Old Ma Honia told her to pulmanaria herself together, she then shed a little tiarella.
10 Feb, 2012
OOOhhh, OUCH, Grandmage!
10 Feb, 2012
very good GM
10 Feb, 2012
Its a really funny blog, you have to keep checking to see what else has been added, lol...
10 Feb, 2012
thats what im doing lincslass and then i keep looking out of the window for inspiration for more!!!
10 Feb, 2012
Lol folks, all such good fun.
10 Feb, 2012
I haven't "got" Bampy's . . . help!
10 Feb, 2012
here is a clue ~ the name could be Dorothy or Daisy or Demelza???
does that help?
10 Feb, 2012
and ( if I've go it right) miss......
we're having lots of nice things to eat arn't we Sticki....
I think Chocolate cosmos, Candy tuft, Lollipop primulas
now savories.... Beefsteak tomatoes, Drumstick...primulas Cherry Pie dianthus.......ooh and lots more....
10 Feb, 2012
Brilliant blog stickie I've had a good chuckle at some of the names, still haven't worked out Bampy's yet though.
I've asked about and have a couple names for the ticket office, Dai and his wife Lily have said they will come along with their cousin Ian (he's quite a gent I hear - get it?)
10 Feb, 2012
guess what.....Exochorda xmacrantha ... .....
carries Spirea ...... ......
officiated by the Dahlia ...... .. ........
I really must have a nice lie down......
10 Feb, 2012
Sheila, I didnt get Bampy's either!! Lol Please explain
10 Feb, 2012
you have to start with Miss [or should i say mis] then the initial of the first name and put the surname at the end.
10 Feb, 2012
Jacob wants to bring his ladder,as he is a bit concerned about the climbing of Graham Thomas and Ena Harkness..will they get higher by getting entwined ? Or just get high ? maybe Marie Juana shouldn't be invited,..but if there was any impropriety ,Iris could flag them..
10 Feb, 2012
come on you lot...a good clue from Sticki..anytime now,Bampy ! :o))
10 Feb, 2012
So . . . Mis-de-meaner ?? There was I, trying to think of a plant or a garden bird !!
10 Feb, 2012
Well done Sheila..you have won a GoY red rosette ! :o)
10 Feb, 2012
Sheila, you're not the only one, I too was looking for a plant:-)
Don't you think we need some worthies like the Bishop of Llandaff, or the Dahlia Lama?
Yes Pam, worked it out and I've pinched a bit of yours lol:-)
11 Feb, 2012
They would help to keep things in order,Ba..spoilsport ! Lol.
11 Feb, 2012
Perhaps sweet William would come?!
I'm hoping King Edward will arrive in his jacket!?
11 Feb, 2012
I hope he brings Charlotte and Nicola..nice girls,and not a bit thick skinned ! :o)
11 Feb, 2012
Its funny the way ones mind works, I couldn`t fathom Bampy`s, kept going back to it and came up with "Mr & Mrs Me-an-er" no way could I figure out how to add Dorothy, wrong track completely..
11 Feb, 2012
Its like anagrams sometimes the answer pops into your head without conscious though and others never come!
11 Feb, 2012
Hurray, put the flags out there,s Iris....
11 Feb, 2012
OK Sticki, I have just booked my return flight to the UK for 24th April, so I'll leave it to you and Bampy to take it from there.... (You think I'm joking, don't you?)
11 Feb, 2012
Mr Pak Choi, an overseas visitor is delighted to accept your kind invitation.
Still flumuxed over Bampies!! Quite Confucshias really.
11 Feb, 2012
i better warn him gattina!!!
Mr Pak Choi you are very welcome!
bampy's guest isnt a flower or a plant at all GM ~ have a look at Sheilabub's last comment.
11 Feb, 2012
Gattina - how long are you staying? Will you be able to visit the Malvern Spring Flower Show (May 10 -13)? If so, see you there!!
11 Feb, 2012
Oh how I wish I could stay that long, Sheila! Unfortunately will be leaving in the first week in May. Shall be doing a lightning tour of bank, doctor, Specsavers, supermarkets, friends, Boots, Marks and Spencers, relatives and garden centres. Not necessarily in that order. Now if a nice big GoY group could strategically place themselves in Milton Keynes, Manchester or Banbury the weekend of the 27th, I could meet my adoring fans all in one go, and do signed photographs for all of you at the same time as soup and chutney samplings, seed swaps and a right good natter. ;o)))))
11 Feb, 2012
Banbury is easiest for me!
11 Feb, 2012
I Know, Sticki, I know!
11 Feb, 2012
anyone else manage banbury?
11 Feb, 2012
I didn't read all the comments and have been furiously thinking of a plant called banbury.......doh!
12 Feb, 2012
sorry pam!!!!!
perhaps i should have put that Mr and Mrs Keynes are attending and bringing their son Milton. ???
12 Feb, 2012
I saw the white horse at Banbury, it did make me cross!!
12 Feb, 2012
Watchet! everyone you never know who might be coming or Ware they come from!!!
12 Feb, 2012
Even I'm groaning now:-)
12 Feb, 2012
12 Feb, 2012
Well so many Regal lilies are coming Sticki think you should get the Angels to blow their Trumpets!
12 Feb, 2012
thats a good idea PP, most appropriate!!
better not invite the wicked witch known as Hazel with her wand then!
12 Feb, 2012
Hazel might arrive on her Broom or worse could bring her Cytisus.
13 Feb, 2012
well fancy introducing that on the 100th comment GM!!
13 Feb, 2012
Must invite Mr & Mrs Heu Chera think of the food the'll bring .....creme brulee, raspberry ruffles,key lime pie......
13 Feb, 2012
Oh yes, we MUST have them, lets hope they will also bring blackberry jam and plum pudding!!
13 Feb, 2012
:~) Not forgetting: Chocolate ruffles, Sparkling burgundy, Tiramisu & Peach flambe!
13 Feb, 2012
well if they cant come i will be very disappointed!!!
13 Feb, 2012
if its a really good party and lasts all night we could be on the Lime Marmalade for breakfast!!
I believe Bacon and Eggs could be there too??
13 Feb, 2012
There will of course be some VIPs [all of us] but there are Lords and Ladies coming too ~ NOT to be eaten!!!
13 Feb, 2012
Is there a plant called Alka Seltzer out there......?
13 Feb, 2012
The Scarlet Emperor will also be in attendance....he can be eaten(if you can catch him...)
13 Feb, 2012
there will need to be i think gattina!!
Red Admiral will come if Scarlet Emperor will be there.
13 Feb, 2012
By golly Pam, you opened up a rich vein there. the Cheras also bring the spices like paprika. Has any one mentioned limnanthes douglasii?? far better for you than fried. I'm not very good at this lol:-)
13 Feb, 2012
Is there a plant called Alka Seltzer out there......?
13 Feb, 2012
What day are you doing the Malvern show, wouldn`t mind going myself.
Is anyone else going?.
13 Feb, 2012
what is the date stroller? i might go
13 Feb, 2012
Sticki the show day is Thurs 10th May £31.50 book in advance with booking fee of £1.50,
or Fri, Sat, and Sun £18. and £21. with £1.50 booking fee.
It would be nice if one or two of us could meet up.
13 Feb, 2012
Gatt. I have found these herbs that are good for various areas of digestion!
Fennel, Garlic,Dill,Gentian,Mint,Rosemary & Thyme, think they should all be welcome, dont you?
13 Feb, 2012
I do like fennel tea, and peppermint.... not sure about garlic tea....
13 Feb, 2012
I can't even bear someone in the same room as me eating a peppermint - violent aversion! Ginger, I believe is good for a queasy tum.
13 Feb, 2012
saturday or sunday would be best for me stroller
13 Feb, 2012
you had to think out-side the box to get that one! well done, it was indeed an intended misdemeanour.
Part of the entertainment at the Goy banquet for the ladies was the world famous Russian striptease artist Iva Vestoff & his beautiful female partner Peeloffabit Moore for the lads. ( but thats a whole other list for another time)
It has been noted that Peeloffabit is also available for light cleaning duties S the Tour just in case our infamous care giver ( remember her? ) has run off with the gardener :-O
14 Feb, 2012
If we are now organising the entertainment can we please have, from the very popular heuchera troop, Firechief, I'm hoping in uniform!
14 Feb, 2012
They might need 'policemans helmets' for protection and to save blushes.!
14 Feb, 2012
well the policemens helmets can come but i prefer the firemen in their clothes.
14 Feb, 2012
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ermmmmmmmmmmmm lol , sounds like a great idea !! we shud start a club , with name badges , so we can recornize fellow goyers on our travels !!! how gud wud that be lol .o)))
9 Feb, 2012