GoY Winter WELLIE Olympics
By terratoonie
Good luck to all the GoY Winter Wellie Olympians !
We hope you’ll enjoy participating in the Winter Wellie Games, and you’ll win a whole bundle of gold medals.
Team Terra patriotic bonnets were designed and knitted by the brilliant Pamg
Team Terra Wellie Olympic events …
slide and glide … extra points for decorative wellies
stylish wellie-leaping over your raised alpine beds
descend the mud as fast as possible … on a seed tray.
Please explain in the comments below, your ideas for Wellie garden-theme Winter Olympic sports in which you’d like to compete …
… the more wacky the better !
7 Feb, 2014
Previous post: DREAM AGAIN ...
Look at Conker's little face!!! Such a loving doggy.....ahhh! Truffle...how did you get those wellies on? and will you get them off? :)
7 Feb, 2014
Good luck Pam with your iced buns ...
Hi Karen ... Truffle isn't wearing the wellies ...
they are strategically placed ;o)
7 Feb, 2014
have tried the downhill mud slide this year, the wellies stayed clean but the rear end didn't fare so well,my bonnet is not half as good on me as Conker's and Truffle's is on them, did crocus get one too
7 Feb, 2014
Lol Aquilegia ..
Last year, Pam did make a tiny bonnet for Crocus, but not in red, white and blue ... maybe we should request one ? ;o)
Good luck in your Wellie Mud Slide event ... you seem like a definite medal-winner .. go for gold ! ... :o)))
7 Feb, 2014
Aww, they look so cute! Gold Medals to both!!
7 Feb, 2014
The Lincs Tug-of War Duo have been practising Verrrrrrrrry Hard for their event Terra, in fact most of their props have had to be renewed on a regular basis as they perfected the art of Tug, Pull, Slip, Slide and Scatter, all training done on soggy training area so they are raring to go and ready for anything......
Love the photo and the bonnets are amazing, lol.......
7 Feb, 2014
Thanks Julia ..
My dogs would pose for photo-shoots all day if given the choice !
Ah Sue ..
the Tug, Pull, Slip, Slide and Scatter event ...
only suitable for the resilient specialists ..
Your duo is the obvious choice to represent GoY in that event ... please report back on their medal wins ...
they are sure to succeed !!
7 Feb, 2014
Conker and Truffle will be snug and warm in those colourful bonnets :o) I'm sure they'll win a gold medal each !
Bella will be entering the 'Jumping over garden shrubs' and 'Skidding across the decking in the rain' events :o))
Both events will be held at 5.30 a.m. !!!
7 Feb, 2014
Didn't Crocus get a wee hat?
Hmm need to find my knitting pins....
7 Feb, 2014
Hi Pam ..
Yes, you made Crocus a SUPER hat ... http://www.growsonyou.com/photo/slideshow/232538-mystery-bird/member/terratoonie
... but he doesn't have a bonnet in red, white and blue ..
Hello Hywel ..
All snug and cosy here .. :o)
So ... Bella is competing in TWO events simultaneously ... jumping AND skidding ... and at a VERY early hour ! that's sure to be two gold medals for Wales ;o)
7 Feb, 2014
Yes, she practices every morning :o))
7 Feb, 2014
Lol. Hywel ..
I bet Bella appreciates your cheering her on ...
'Sunrise skidding ... hit the deck before dawn' ;o)
7 Feb, 2014
lol !! She does insist I go out with her sometimes :o)
7 Feb, 2014
Behind every medal-winner is a supportive coach ;o)
7 Feb, 2014
Quite so :o))
7 Feb, 2014
There is a request from The Lincs Duo's coach, who already has the Pink Wellies clean and ready, can all training be done during daylight hours please as her team are apt to wander off in the dark,lol.......
7 Feb, 2014
Lincscoach .. Yes .. daylight hours it is ..
... unless you can fix those torch hats to the Lincs Duo ? ;o)
7 Feb, 2014
How about mud stomping, see who can make the loudest squish? (without losing a welly)
7 Feb, 2014
Hi Steragram .. Thanks ..
I've made a note that you'll be representing GoY in the mud stomping ...
Good luck with your very loud squishes ..
Do you have special techniques to keep the wellies on ?
7 Feb, 2014
it's taken me while, but I've just realised Molly's event...it is 'laminate skating' she is great on speed but lacks control!
7 Feb, 2014
Hi Karen ...
That's such good news ... I'd been hoping you'd nominate Molly for the laminate skating ...
... rumours are circulating of her top-rate trial times ... Let's hope she can tighten up on the control ... and that will be another certain gold !
7 Feb, 2014
i would like to be on the ARTISTIC MUD SKATING team..i have been training for this each year at the Glastonbury music festival..i'm sure i'd be good at it...lol
7 Feb, 2014
Gotta laugh at that one, I now have a mental image of Molly skidding across the floors, its always funny to see the animals skidding but little Molly must look like an elongated snowball when she does it, lol.....
7 Feb, 2014
Sue ... you may well laugh ..
but she's a definite contender for the GOLD !!! ;o)
7 Feb, 2014
Hi Sandra ..
'Artistic Mud Skating' ... with the added effects of annual Glastonbury training ... fantastic !
You're definitely on the team :o)))
7 Feb, 2014
yea I'm on the team...I will wear my new wellies they are just the job..lol
7 Feb, 2014
That's good, Sandra .. glad you have all the correct kit and equipment ...
With your new wellies, you'll look splendid .. Lol.
7 Feb, 2014
I have my new Christmas wellies....they are ancle length, pink with white dots. With my artistic background and living in the rain capital of the UK ......Glasgow! I know all about mud. Can I join the team? :0)
7 Feb, 2014
Are cats eligible for entry? My 3 would make up the best part of a Curling Team..... Curling up in front of the fire that is :)
Wish you had posted this 2 days ago.... Kooki got stuck down a rather large hole made by the water board....filled with a good 6 inches of muddy water, is mud swimming for cats an event? My kitchen floor was testament to how well he did to get himself out.
7 Feb, 2014
I don't understand the power of numbers Terra but hows this for coincidence..
You posted the Goy Wellie Olympics in 2008 and it reached 714 comments, you now have this blog,
7-2-2014, I've checked and comment number 22 is yours, you better buy a lottery ticket, all the numbers are there, lol......Forgot to say that at the time I spotted this you had received 8 likes....
7 Feb, 2014
You had better get Pam to knit them nice Boleros to wear in the ice dancing competition.
7 Feb, 2014
Hurling the Wellie with Cowpat attatched.
Two events in one.
Points deducted for seperation of faeces and footwear.
All entrants to retrieve their own equipment with bonus points, if the competitor's pet can call an approximation of the word 'Fetch'.
8 Feb, 2014
Hi Linda ...
Pink Christmas wellies ! ... so suitable, having all those white spots ... just what the doctor ordered.
With your artistic talents, could we please ask you to construct the scenic backgrounds for the Wellie Olympic Closing Ceremony ? Wellies, flowers, mud etc. ? Thanks.
Hello Angie ..
That's excellent !! ... we'll rely on you to supply numerous members for the cat-curling-up-in-front-of-the-fire-team ..
.. and, yes, feline mud-swimming has been recognised for the first time this year as a Wellie Olympic event...
... please keep up the training ... the kitchen floor is obviously your secret practice area ...
Hi Sue ... you've amazed me with your number knowledge !!! .. yes the Aug 2008 Wellie blog was my first blog for GoY ... Lol.. seems a long while ago !
Scotsgran ... 'Boleros' Lol. Lol. Lol. Top marks !
Good morning Mouldy ... 'Wellie-With-Cowpats' ..
you are now short-listed for that event, but could you please enter the DOUBLES with Laithe58 ...
... Mouldy AND Laithe58 .. what a double-act ..
definite gold medals there ;o)
8 Feb, 2014
Dont know about wellies, but kayleighs definitely training for catch the postman, gets faster each day and gets a great number of letters in her mouth to chase round with..... rip rip give me my post back...lol
8 Feb, 2014
Lol. Holly ...
Seems like Kayleigh could be hired to run around and give out the medals to the winners ... or maybe she'd want to keep them all for herself...
... Kayleigh ... come back with those medals !!! ;o)
8 Feb, 2014
Myself I think will go in for the mud sqellching, squelch squelch.... round the garden.... it is a sport in itself not to get stuck..... :)))))
8 Feb, 2014
Good one, Holly ..
... Squelch, squelch, squelch !!
yes ... you could be timed on how long you took to tug your wellies out of the garden mud ... sounds like you've had plenty of practice, and so you're one of our very best medal chances :o)))
8 Feb, 2014
Awe so cute love the expressions on both Truffles and Conkers faces bless. Well I have a stinkpot turtle, mmm always in water so she should have wellies on but there are none out there so small to fit. lol
8 Feb, 2014
Hi 3d ... thanks :o)
A mud sledding event would suit you and your stinkpot ...
... so please keep a look-out for turtle wellies ...
... we need you in the team !
8 Feb, 2014
Lol Terratoonie , I shall look out for some promise , he could always mud slide in the outside pond when that gets urk lol
8 Feb, 2014
What is the turtle's name ?
We need to know, so that we can cheer him on during his mud sliding events ;o)
8 Feb, 2014
8 Feb, 2014
Hee hee ...
'Come on Bubbles !'
Tell her she gets points for speed AND for style ;o)
8 Feb, 2014
I shall Terratoonie, Does she get points for knocking every thing down in her tank and pulling the filter and heater off the sides lol.
8 Feb, 2014
Extra points ? Oh, yes, definitely, 3d ...
those filter/heater talents count as STYLE ;o)
8 Feb, 2014
Lol Terratoonie if she does nt like the way the tank is set up she rearranges it all, rearranging furniture I think . especially if the Pleck is chasing her around the tank to clean her shell.
8 Feb, 2014
Lol... I'm confused here 3d ..
is Bubbles a 'he' or a 'she' .... or 'unisex' ?
8 Feb, 2014
Bubbles is a she
8 Feb, 2014
Glad to have that clarified ...
wouldn't wish her to be disqualified, for competing in the male competitions by mistake ;o)
8 Feb, 2014
lol I notice I put his but now I ve righted it he he.
8 Feb, 2014
No. you must mean she she...
Hollyeaves, you will have to train well if you want to beat my mud squishing...but I think we are all in training for that just now, in the South West at least! I hope its not as bad in Sussex.
8 Feb, 2014
The GoY Wellie Olympic Team is planning for Gold Medals in both mud squishing and mud squelching ...
... so let's hope rehearsals are going according to plan for Stera and for Holly ..
... extra mud is available if required ... ;o)
8 Feb, 2014
'Woman's best friend' are these two!!
I have never squelched around in so much mud in all my life and am just grateful when I stay upright without any somersaults, acrobatics etc included.
Might collect some though to improve my complexion!!!
8 Feb, 2014
Hi Chris ...
thanks ... the doggie duo are definitely my best friends ...
today we've been trying on yet more hats ... if my dogs had a choice, they would spend every hour on 'fashion shoots' Lol.
Am I getting the impression you're willing to enter the following Wellie Olympic event ...
'Don't-Fall-Over-While-Wearing-A-Mud-Face-Pack' ?
Seems your ability to balance in the mud is exceptional ... you'd be a gold medal prospect ;o)
8 Feb, 2014
Please can I nominate my daughter's greyhound, Stanley, for the laminate skating? He is very experienced (I think he may have been coached by Bambi) and he is especially skilled when Millie runs underneath him and out between his back legs! Millie and I would like to do the 'pairs' mud squelch, we practice daily, but please clarify if the 'squelch' is as the feet go in or as they come out again? We can do a very good 'two tone' squelch, in unison :)
We could also take part in the 'flick the mud the highest without knowing it' competition - to be measured from the ground, regardless of how long the competitor's legs are! Missing yourself and hitting your opponent scores double points (Stanley is very good at this too)!
8 Feb, 2014
Hello Gee ..
My goodness it seems that Stanley and Millie have been working on secret mud-training for many months ...
... therefore I'd like to suggest you three enter as a team trio in the Multi-Tasking Mud Events ... this requires very versatile performers, able to skate, skid, flick, squelch .. feet and wellies going in AND out .... :o)
Please keep up with the daily practice ... we need your input (and output) .. thank you !
8 Feb, 2014
I like the idea of being part of a team, TT, as long as we don't have to enter the ice bum skating. I tried that a few weeks ago in the woods, very uncomfortable, I didn't like it and couldn't get home quick enough to warm up :)
8 Feb, 2014
Never fear, Gee ...
all GoY Wellie Olympians will be provided with padded, water-proof Michelin Man outfits ;o)
8 Feb, 2014
Love your smart Olympic bonnets and Wellies Conker and Truffle good luck in your events I'll be cheering for you XX
Green spotted wellies and I are ready and well trained in down hill skating my speed surpasses my ability to stay upright but I'm working on it.
My Bolero, however is a sight to behold, forget Torville and Dean - I crocheted it myself!!
8 Feb, 2014
Hi Neena ...
Conker and Truffle send you special hugs xxx
There is a NEW EVENT, just been created, for CROCHETED WELLIES ... this seems to combine all your talents into one discipline, so would be ideal for you ... uphill, downhill and sideways ...
Thanks .. you are a Gold Medal winner for sure :o) xx
8 Feb, 2014
Well...I must admit, I'm just lazy ! So no Wellie Olympics for me ! lol. I must say, they both look so cute in their little bonnets ! xxx
8 Feb, 2014
Hello Rose ...
Pam made the bonnets very nicely didn't she ...
Maybe you could be 'Chief of Coordination' for the Wellie Spectators ... it's a sit down job ...
... you just cheer on the GoY Wellie Olympians !
8 Feb, 2014
As our garden is under water think we could put on some ''rowing around the cherry tree'' rather than 'rocking' but with these high winds I'm not so sure now! Lol Great fun TT. I do love your boys in their bonnets. x
8 Feb, 2014
lol :o)
8 Feb, 2014
:-) I am not a participant in GoY Winter Wellie competitions. I am in the audience ....cheering.
8 Feb, 2014
Wee hat in production.........
9 Feb, 2014
Thanks Pam ...
I've tweeted Crocus to let him know ;o) x
Hi Klahanie .. Thank you !
We're very pleased to have you as one of the spectators, supporting the GoY Wellie Olympics Team ... please don't forget to join in the Mexican Wave ! Lol.
9 Feb, 2014
I have no pets to be able to partake in this spectacular event,Terra..but I would be willing to hose them all down afterwards..in case showers aren't available? They have to look their best,to collect their medals..:o)
9 Feb, 2014
Hi Sandra ...
... thanks .. warm water would be good !
I was wondering if you could also drive the Zamboni machine which resurfaces the ice rinks ?
Just a bit of steering and pressing the foot pedals ... ;o)
9 Feb, 2014
Warm water? of course..goes without saying,Terra..and I am willing to give all pets,a nice soothing make over with a good quality brush..even on those that don't need it..we don't want them to feel left out,do we? ..erm,not sure about the Zamboni machine..no licence any more...and no,it wasn't taken away.:o).are you sure it isn't an off road thingy..and for Ice only ?..
9 Feb, 2014
Hi Sandra ...
For the Zamboni, we can supply L plates ..
You would look stylish in your gardening gear, steering such an impressive machine ..
... could put a whole new meaning to 'skating on thin ice' ;o)
9 Feb, 2014
Unfortunately, Terra, after lending him cash for plastic surgery, I haven't seen Laithe, since.
At least, I don't think I have. ;-)
9 Feb, 2014
I am sorry to report that Bruno and Barney will not be taking part in the GOY Winter Wellie Olympics as they are still hibernating.
And Maureen wonders what all the fuss regarding flooding is all about, as the water round here hasn't reached even her ankles.
9 Feb, 2014
Hi Mouldy ..
Laithe58 is still around ... take a look ..
it's all done by mirrors ;o)
Hello Andrew ...
Maybe Bruno and Barney are hoping for a winter theme Polar Bear friend to join the Devonia menagerie ;o)
... Maureen will need very lo-o-o-o-o-ong wellies !
10 Feb, 2014
She's looking at waders - they reach half way up her calves
10 Feb, 2014
Calves as well?
are they the ice dancing team or curling?
10 Feb, 2014
They'll certainly milk it for all it's worth ...;o)
10 Feb, 2014
Cheek! They are the (ice)cream of the teams!
10 Feb, 2014
(Mouldy lights a fag)
You're right, Terra...smoke and mirrors. ;-)
10 Feb, 2014
Ice cream, Pam ? ... Rum and raisin please ...
Mouldy ... handsome chap like you doesn't need to hide behind the smoke ;o)
10 Feb, 2014
Made some once Terra, soaked the raisins overnight in the rum.....my it was strong :0)
10 Feb, 2014
I'm not hiding, Terra, I just can't see where everyone is through all the smoke. Lol.
10 Feb, 2014
Pam ... did you mis-read the recipe ?
... supposed to be 20 raisins to each thimble of rum ..
... not 20 tots of rum to each raisin ;o)
Mouldy ... we are still here ...
10 Feb, 2014
.... not 20 tots of rum to each raisin. Don't spoil the fun TT
10 Feb, 2014
Hi Andrew ...
On my weather photo thread, you are WAY OFF on the ideal proportions of milk to whisky ..
... now you seem to have your rum and raisin proportions all OUT OF ORDER ...
How about entering the Great British Bake Off ... ?
you'd delight Mary Berry with your liqueur scones ;o)
10 Feb, 2014
Oh well Terra, I think I could just manage that ! Lol
10 Feb, 2014
You can't beat a chocolate orange scone (or several) fresh from the oven.
Very more-ish! :-9
11 Feb, 2014
Funnily enough just taken a batch of sultana scones from the oven.....mmmmm
11 Feb, 2014
Yes... Rose and Mouldy ... scones are what we need to keep up the strength of the GoY Wellie Olympians ...
Pam .. just plain sultana scones ...
.. or sultana and rum ?
11 Feb, 2014
Plain sultana......with apricot jam, they are still waaaarrrrrmmmmm
11 Feb, 2014
And a big glass of chocolate milk.
12 Feb, 2014
Funny how many threads finish up in the kitchen...
14 Feb, 2014
The heart of the home, when I was a boy.
Warmth, food, chat, etc.
15 Feb, 2014
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I like the tea tray slide and glide......
oh and the Ice bun skating......
7 Feb, 2014