Will you accompany me on a journey?
By tuesdaybear
We begin our journey in semi-shade, just below the kitchen window, where I have a raised bed filled to bursting with the lovely bronze geum marmalade, an exuberant white-froth topped grass, tellima and heuchera, fox and cubs, aquilegias not long departed and soon to flower lythrum spires. To its left is ‘the herb bed’, so-called because when we first moved here some 17 years ago, that is what I planted there. In fact, the bed is too shady for most herbs and the only one to remain is the marjoram/oregano which seems happy to grow anywhere. For company, it has (currently) Rosa Gertrude Jekyll, dicentra formosa, a huge elderflower the delight of the garden birds but the scent of which I could live without – a large weigela and my beloved nectaroscordum siculum (honey garlic). I love this plant for its multiple bell-flowers, wine on the in, cream on the outside and, if you ask the bees they’re with me on this! I love too its graceful Swan Song; as the flowers fade they shoot for the sky transformed into little turrets on an enchanted castle – much too beautiful to cut down. If you haven’t tried it, I urge you to give it a go.
Let’s hop out of the herb bed then and into the first long border. We start with a climbing rose of which, sadly, I forget the name. This must be one of very few roses in my garden without fragrance because that is normally a must. In this instance, however, I was seduced by the colour, the deepest of reds- a burgundy or a claret and the petals like velvet; the ‘lips as red as blood’ of Snow White perhaps? Below, grows lysimachia firecracker and blueviolet-tipped spears of iris sibirica are just appearing with feverfew and London’s Pride frothing up the foreground and weaving her charms throughout, Etoile Violette completes the tapestry. and thus concludes the first stage of our journey. Shall we retire to an inn to change the horses and resume when we are suitably refreshed?
24 Jun, 2012
Previous post: When God sends a rainy day, play in the puddles!
Next post: Summer, where art thou?
When you write a blog, if you type a hyphen like this - before and after words, they will appear crossed out in your blog.
-Tuesdaybear- would look crossed out when published,
Tuesdaybear (without the hyphens) will not be crossed out.
So if you go to "edit blog", and remove the hyphen after "elderflower", and the hyphen before "cream on the outside", then the crossings out should disappear.
Likewise, remove the hyphens before and after "not long departed".
I hope this helps you. :o)
24 Jun, 2012
Drat. I like my hyphens!
24 Jun, 2012
Lol. I've sent you a message.
I hope it helps. :o)
24 Jun, 2012
Your garden sounds very colourful with or without hyphens :o)
24 Jun, 2012
That was lovely tues. i dint even notice the cross to be honest! :o)
24 Jun, 2012
Thank you Hywel and Leighleigh. Hoping to have photos soon but they're on husband's laptop as this one is very temperamental. Can only have it when he's not working on it.
25 Jun, 2012
Lovely blog ... Sometimes you don't need photos ... Just imagine ... Sounds sooo pretty xx
28 Jun, 2012
Thanks for reading, Cristina, and kind comment.
29 Jun, 2012
Sounds wonderful Tuesday . . . hope we can see photos sometime?!
6 Jul, 2012
Thought I'd finally sorted it, but no! Every time I try to upload a photo it fails because the format is not acceptable. With help of OH, we changed the format and, once again, thought we'd cracked it, but still unsuccessful. AAARGH. It's really been getting me down. OH promises to help over weekend when he will have time - something which has been in short supply of late.
6 Jul, 2012
Good luck ~ computers, eh? :((
7 Jul, 2012
Thanks Sheila - and for your kind comment too.
7 Jul, 2012
A hyphen is this - , as in lily-of-the-valley, but I really meant a dash!
4 Aug, 2012
I had trouble uploading pics, too.
1st ever touchphone, hadn't been on an interactive site before & wanted to give a good impression.
Fat chance! Lol.
Took me a couple of weeks.
Just pics, then blogs.
The site can be tempramental (kant spel), too, at times, I've found, choosing not to post some of the pics.
Sans your photos, it was still another great blog!
7 May, 2013
Thank you again, Mouldy. Am hoping for new phone with better camera soon and then will have another go at uploading pictures.
7 May, 2013
The site seems compatible with my fone.
Maybe it will with your's, too.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
8 May, 2013
Thank you.
8 May, 2013
Welcome. :-)
9 May, 2013
Recent posts by tuesdaybear
- A bit sad today.
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- Round and round the garden, like a Tuesdaybear!
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- Oh, the joys of Spring!
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- Things are looking up - we hope!
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- Drunken bees?
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- We have pictures!
15 Jun, 2013
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Mysteriously, some of my blog has been crossed out - but not by me. What does that mean?
24 Jun, 2012