A message to all those who have been flooded so far this year.
By wildrose
I am writing this as I listen to gales outside and rain lashing down yet again – it is a horrid night and yet another which will bring damage particularly to coastal resorts and to the Somerset Levels once more.
It has been exceptionally wet here in Devon but we have suffered less than our neighbours in Cornwall and Somerset.
I just want to take this opportunity to say how very sorry I am for anyone who has been adversely affected by this awful spell of weather. It seems neverending and when I see on television the troubles that people are going through it is really upsetting. Well done to every brave soul who is trying to help and NOT so well done to those in high places who could have done a lot more!
It was lovely to see Prince Charles down here today showing his sympathy and support.
Let’s hope that the weather will soon calm down and enable all those who are in such a mess at the moment to get sorted out and slowly get back to normal.
Wish I could do more than just write about it.
Bude on one of our better days in January this year.
4 Feb, 2014
Previous post: Winter outside. Spring inside.
Next post: Signs of spring in the garden - March 1st
thank you for your message we are not coastal but we have been very hard hit!
lovely place Bude i love the surfing there...nice calm sea...
4 Feb, 2014
I feel the same way Wildrose. We have been very lucky here this year...so far, but seeing the farmer on Countryfile on Sunday evening I was heartbroken for him. its time we stopped sending money to India, with their space programme, and did something to sort out some of our own problems. There is more awful weather on the way, and things may yet get even worse in Somerset. I hope and pray that they won't, and that the politicians will get their head out of the sand and turn their attention toward the people they are supposed to represent. While they argue about foreign affairs, the coast of Britain is being altered in front of our eyes, and people here are being devastated. Today they spoke about the countryside as though it didn't matter....do they not know where their steaks come from? Absolute madness. Very sad.
beautiful photo though, :)
4 Feb, 2014
All your comments are true, it does seem we care more about sending money elsewhere, than taking care of our own, shocking truth unfortunately, it is heart breaking for the farmers and the poor folk trying to live through this unrelenting weather, please let it end soon.
4 Feb, 2014
My thoughts are with all those suffering the effects of this bad weather (not that it will make any difference),
I hope they'll get the help and support they need, to bring their lives back to normal.
I also worry about the wildlife in those flooded areas. Poor creatures struggling to survive in that :o( I don't suppose much can ...
It's horrendous here tonight :o( I hope I'll have a garden left by the morning !
4 Feb, 2014
Thank you all for your heartfelt comments and your sound common sense.
It is such a shame that our country has been let down and neglected in this way.
4 Feb, 2014
It's the wild life also that i find a worry,
they've even less chance of help.
And the likes of rescue centre's have enough of a hard time when the weathers normal how the hell these people manage is just a nightmare.
Ive four rescue dogs and they've all be to hell and back but they're all ok now and all have their own little ways
When we tuck them in last thing before we go to bed i feel as if ive really done something very very worth while by having them here "Safe"
I hope by some turn in nature that this bad weather wont be a thing of a regular happening.
4 Feb, 2014
I agree with all the points raised above..We are in dire straits,as regards looking ahead to prevent,or to preserve the things that most of us regard as essential.How many times is clearing of drains,dredging rivers etc, seen these days? ...It breaks my heart to watch yet again,the latest news about the devastating conditions in already flooded and saturated Counties..and also for the poor people having to work to try and restore services in these conditions..just ordinary people like me and you,with no respite,and more than likely,with their own homes badly affected ...
Investment is, and has not been a priority in some aspects,for far too many years,and look where it has got us?
..Still,if the Government get their way,we will have a brand new state of the art train and service,cutting a little more time off a journey,across our beautiful Countryside here in Yorkshire.,destroying everything in it's path,costing billions...if there isn't any water on the lines of course,to be able to use or afford it..maybe boats would be a better alternative,if this is the way we are going....very very sad,and we are powerless to be able to help our fellow Country men and women..
Yes,Chris,a beautiful photo..:o) xx
4 Feb, 2014
Having experience of being flooded, I can empathise with the people living on the Levels, which are only a few miles from here. We saw what it's like there from the ridge on the way out the other day. Water as far as you can see...
It's all very well, the quango (COBRA) sitting up in London pontificating about it - why don't they get on with it? The local people were understandably angry with Owen Paterson who didn't bother to talk to them, nor did he wear his wellies. At least HRH did, and he visited a flooded home, too.
As for the despicable low-life who've been looting the flooded houses, I can't think of a suitable punishment for them!
5 Feb, 2014
Isn't it just the way everything goes these days,Barbara,when there is a serious crisis to be dealt with? It makes my blood boil..but most of them don't have to live in such circumstances..or else it would get done sooner,rather than later..as you say,at least HRH has compassion,and offered some financial help..
How are you faring throughout all this? I truly hope you are safe this time round..and as for the looters..words fail me..just the lowest of the low..
5 Feb, 2014
That's unbelievable ! :(((((
5 Feb, 2014
How have the looters got in I wonder? all roads are flooded, they must have had boats. I feel sorry for the poor people who live on the levels. It has been an exceptional year, they are used to the land being flooded but not the roads and not being able to get out and about for as long as this. Do not think dredging is going to make a lot of difference though, this is exceptional. I know it will help a little it maybe would keep it off the roads if it were to be done. Those pumps are working 24/7 and still it is not going down. Absolutely heartbreaking for the people who live and love their homes and work the land. I hope that something soon is sorted out for them - insurances are not possible for them, someone needs to sort something out to compensate them. Good to hear Prince Charles's trusts are chipping in and another one of the Dukes has promised money to help them when they are able to start the clear up. Good Luck to all those poor people who are devastated by the flood waters, hope they can soon get back to normality.
Our river is not over yet, but very close at High Tide. So fingers are crossed for the poor people who live over the floodplain side near here.
5 Feb, 2014
The point ref looter's,
It's something i never even thought about, Yes it really is yet another nail in the coffin,
Ive try to think what it must be like stress wise for couples with and without children, old or younger having to try to keep their tempers keep their cool, try to put a smile on their faces try to pick them selves up,
But they're only as good as the next storm, the next rain fall and the thought knowing for those who do have to pay monthly for whats a flooded mess,
It's not over yet.
The future is yet another problem, Do you sell , move away??
No the fact's are your going to have trouble selling,
buying housing Now has taken on a whole different factor,
it wont be has the house got a nice garden by a stream or near the beach,
It'll be whats the house built on whats under neath the garden the house, and when was it last flooded,
Even to sell such a property isn't going to be simple and what was the price paid for today will not be anything like the selling price tomorrow.
My big nightmare was when i use to drive along the M6 past those skyhigh flats to the Birmingham side of the motorway,
Ive looked acros in the direction of those flats and thought what a nightmare to live in one of those!!!!!!
But i wonder if the people living a few floors up have the security of flood damage being on their side?
Its now time to really rethink what huge amounts of money is being spent on railways airports and offering funds to other countries and the problems caused by dictators .
The Uk really needs to look after its own first,
The people who have'nt bombed their own people,
The people who have caused all this pain to their own are now standing back watching the western world sort it all out and pick the bill up.
We've now got a very big problem that needs sorting out
and our own people need to be helped And the future taken into account (it may happen again)
All those houses built on what was someones front garden and all those paved in parking areas have tobe looked at! have we really thought out drainage of such past building ideas??
Was it a good idea to build on flood land?
As for gardening and after all this is a gardening forum,
I just cant see these victims wanting to even think about the subject and who can blame them.
5 Feb, 2014
Agree with all the comments and add my support for us to look out for our own then help the rest.....it was watching the Red Cross delivering humanitarian aid to the flooded that did it for me........
Why should it be up to charities when so much public money is being wasted.......
5 Feb, 2014
Well said everybody - if only our comments could make a real difference because they deserve to.
Listening to Local Radio today, it is one long tale of damage, catastrophe and devastation. Weather forecasts predict more of the same to come.
The tremendous power of nature........reveals the inadequacies of 'man' doesn't it?
5 Feb, 2014
It does indeed reveal the inadequacies of mankind. Unfortunately, it also demonstrates the readiness of some people to take advantage (and whatever else they want). Words fail me when I hear reports of looting. I cannot imagine how those affected must feel - totally let down and very angry, I should think.
We live in a nice road amongst people who take care of their property. Two nights ago, the near-side wing mirror (which was turned in) on our car was ripped off and left dangling. That is at least the third time this has happened in the last five years. It costs nearly £200 to replace. Why do people do that? :-(
5 Feb, 2014
It breaks your heart to see all that devastation and knowing that so many are helpless whilst the forces of nature keeps on attacking in this manner, knowing that the poor people living in these places are going to suffer for months as they have to try and salvage what they can and get their lives back on track..
Had to delete what I feel about the looters and although I am and always have been proud of my country and its laws and beliefs, its time for a change !!! in so many ways.....
5 Feb, 2014
Good for HRH, donating money to help. At the same time Manchester United are shelling oput several milions for one player. Something's badly wrong somewhere.
Looters deserve dipping in the flood water.
5 Feb, 2014
I too feel great sympathy for all those affected. I would think 'weatherproofing' our Country would be a far better way of spending those billions set aside for HS2, a line which most won't be able to afford and it will only cut a half hour off the journey from London to Birmingham ...madness....someone must be making a packet out of that deal. When I say billions set aside, I mean borrowed from China. What type of person would take advantage of this awful situation to loot? I was thinking it was a modern problem, but apparently people looted bombed houses during the second World war too:-(
Three cheers for Charlie, let's hope he shames the politicians into action:-)
5 Feb, 2014
There's not much more I can add to this, Chris except to say all these people who are flooded and have been flooded have my deepest sympathy. Its time we had a government that does something for British people instead of sending all the money to other countries ! Look after your own, should be their motto ! Ooh, it makes me so angry !
5 Feb, 2014
Rose, never allow yourself to get angry, it can cause
acid in the stomach, which in turn causes
stomach ulcers. A GP told me once.
5 Feb, 2014
Rose I wrote what was going through my mind as I was looking at the news and then had to delete most of it but my thoughts were like most peoples....
5 Feb, 2014
One last different take on the floods and another look at it all,
Some people who have insurance And paid off their home buying many years ago
And have enough to see them through life in a setteled manner
And have not been flooded,
You'd think this sort of every day person wouldn't feel the stress those who have been flooded feel,
But some of these people, Infact a lot of people who are now living without their partners due to death have the thoughts of the likes of cemitary floods,
I myself lost a brother, both grand parents and a aunt all in the same plot and ive thought about the resting place and water damage taking place.
Such a disaster as these floods really do change a lot of peoples lives and when in comes to nature "Well" our hands are well and truly tied.
Maybe some good will come for some folk out of all this,
It happend during the war, it's happend in other bad times,
People meet and friendships come to life,
Some even fall in love,
Lets hope this side of things comes to a bit of good.
5 Feb, 2014
Did anyone see the Dawlish rail line on the news tonight? How dreadful and those houses just behind it, almost falling, where is this all going to end? Will their insurance companies be behind them or will they say 'it is an act of God', what can be done? It's shocking and extremely sad. Those looters need stringing up, they should be shackled and made to dig the rivers (blood boiling, as we speak!) to help those poor folk clean up the mess, I had better stop now................. ;)
Well said Rosie love your photo.
5 Feb, 2014
There is no rail link now into Cornwall after the damage at Dawlish. The people who live alongside the track are expecting to lose their homes. It is a tragic to see their faces and all I can do is hope that they will be looked after and receive all the help that they deserve and that they won't have to wait too long for it.
Thanks to everyone for your comments.
We all seem to feel as 'one' on here and if only we could get together I think we could become a mighty force!!! Just what the country needs!
5 Feb, 2014
There are still many people who feel genuine empathy for those poor people. How terrible to lose your home and all that it entails. But it is hard not to feel powerless in the face of such greed and criminality as shown by looters. Some believe it to be a "victimless" crime (!) and think the insurance companies will pay - as if that made any difference. And then we all pay anyway.
I haven't noticed any disaster fund appeals...
5 Feb, 2014
I too feel for these people and the little critters which will lose their habitat. Shame on those that loot, with cuts I feel this will increase as yesterday I got an email and a phone call one oap was robbed when she went shopping for an hour and a half with her daughter, they broke into her bungalow and raided her bedroom took her cash box and ring. Another was a lady I chat to her friends sister was in her flat with her window ajar for fresh air and was robbed while she was in, she heard some thing but took no notice, later a few day s later they tried again while she was in bed, she turned the light on which scared them off and there are no floods here.
But it seems this has been known by government for ages, as Gordon Brown prior to him leaving was asked a question, what did he think the next world war would be like his answer was it won't be nothing like the previous wars, it will be floods that will kill hundreds and germ warfare that will kill thousands. I recall Bush saying too the people have to fear the weather more than terror.
On documentaries I ve watched recently with Greenland melting this will cause low lying countries to flood Uk is one, Spain another, on the documentary last week it stated this will cause floods around our coast lines. They also stated with Greenland melting is great for them as there lies load of oil trapped there. On scientist forums one I read a reply stating the oil keeps the heat in and by extracting the oil causes warming of the planet.
I know Greenland has melted before hence its name Greenland. Some weeks ago Nigel Lawson stated there is no global warming on Question time, the other mps disagreed, so I leave it up to you s to decide. As I know watching eden programs of documentaries we have had 31 ice ages so far. If you find this not apt you can delete it all.
It won't make any difference which Government is in they are all the same, look at Cumbria no one helped them there.
5 Feb, 2014
Well, our garden flooded again yesterday, but thankfully, not the house. We're trapped, though - all the lanes are flooded. :-(
There's yet another storm on the way here...so the flood gates are staying in position. I am just thankful we don't live 10 miles up the road on the Levels! They've been told to evacuate their homes, but some aren't going, and I can't blame them - unless their lives are at risk, they're better hanging on protecting their property. I really, really hope the Police catch those looters.
How people can stoop to that, I really don't know.
Apparently, the Police are patrolling on horseback, but they can't be everywhere.
6 Feb, 2014
Been wondering how you were faring Spritz, so pleased to read your house hasn't been hit again, stay warm and safe...
6 Feb, 2014
don't want to make enemies with anyone, but with global warming increasing sea levels and with that trend continuing the has the time come to plug on low lying areas of the britis countryside?
i agree with a previous contributor's remarks about the government's decision go ahead with the intercity upgrade. i do suggest that the money could be more wisely spent on general improvements to the network.
also think that there are too many nimby organisations when it comes to solar panel energy and wind farms. there are too many people who want their cake and to eat it
6 Feb, 2014
Listening to the tv a lady crying of being now homeless wondering who might take her and her husband in with no where to go, I gave a thought when I was made homeless with two young children and poor at the time years ago and of no fault of my own, having to live in a car or sheds, it shows weather your rich or poor being homeless has the same impact on peoples emotions.
I just hope these people who have become homeless through this disaster do not experience the same as my self when people look down up on you especially government bodies and councilors when you have nothing left. Money and property talks very loud but when its gone your treated as a nothing.
I just hope this couple and others alike find refuge some where and can start to build their lives again, as I did on my own.
6 Feb, 2014
I was litening to farming today this morning, 500 cows and young stock were being emergency evacuated to a cattle market, these animals were up to their knees in water, no food no bedding and risk of pneumonia.......they were asking for people to take hay straw or silage if they had a spare bale.......its only temporary , until somewhere can be found.
the people moving them were exhausted soaked through and in tears.......
the whole situation, storm after storm ,man and beast is beyond my
power to express.
7 Feb, 2014
I just dont understand government one bit they know where the floods are why is nt all this rain captured drained and piped into a resivior or build one so they dont get draughts instead they build and build on what they know are flood plains then ripping out trees and plants that would absorb some of this. They then put flood barrirrs up which in the 60s we were taught at school where ever they try and prevent floods it just floods else where further down . At one time England was a rain forest so what do they exspect.
I feel for these farmers and we too will feel it with food prices and holidays so this will be a knock on effect .
7 Feb, 2014
Take a look at Porthleven photos on google today, so frightening. I also saw some farmers on TV last night having to put all their stock into trucks and ship them off to drier ground the poor women farmer was crying. :(
7 Feb, 2014
We have room for a couple but I don't know who to contact.
7 Feb, 2014
Maybe contact their local police/council Stera and they might be able to give you some contacts. :)
7 Feb, 2014
My cousin went down to Cornwall to her son's for Christmas and spent days need deep in water. She returned with a dreadful cough and a chest infection. They spent Christmas upstairs as downstairs was the welly zone.
Some people have had this for weeks.....it must affect their health in many ways.
7 Feb, 2014
If this was happening in a country overseas, there would be a flood aid concert, a text number to donate money to, celebrities begging us to donate!!..........has anyone seen anything, heard anything?, NO of course not, WHY not? don't we deserve the same compassion, we show to other countries?
It is unbelievable, a stiff upper lip, is just not going to get us out of this I am afraid, we need help!!
7 Feb, 2014
Ironically I have an advert appearing on my goy pages today asking me to donate to the Phillipines.....
8 Feb, 2014
This weekend, more storms are moving in from the West, with very strong winds ... NOT the weather forecast we want to hear for those already overwhelmed with floods
... the people, the pets, the wildlife ...
Stay safe, everyone ...
8 Feb, 2014
Stera= maybe DEFRA could help too ??!
8 Feb, 2014
Dottydaisy 2 I have been saying the exact same for years, I did nt see any one outside or inside this country bring in any helper when Aberfan happened all those years ago it was the miners from other valleys came to their aid, not even when Cumbria flooded a few years ago did they get any aid or help as I know of. Its the same as our nhs they fly in from all around the world to have operations and then fly back out, which we are paying for and a nurse told me this she also told me nothing is in place to keep record of who comes in and out. Yet if we need an operation we have to go on a waiting list. As each party have admitted they are all the same, also agree on most things I shall be voiting for a small party for the 1st time of voting. No matter rich or poor we should stick all together, like others do.
Lincslass I can believe any thing.
8 Feb, 2014
Teerratoonie I awoke this morning to gales here trees rocking awaiting for the one by my house to fall lol.
8 Feb, 2014
Good idea Grandmage. Have contacted Somerset and Avon police. Don't know what OH will have to day about it....
8 Feb, 2014
It has been announced that this is the wettest spell of weather in the south west for 248 years.
Today in meteoroligical terms, the waves were forecast to be 'phenomenal' but this was not a compliment!
The misery that has been caused to so many people is heart-breaking and to see them on the news, just carrying a couple of bags away from their homes, is unbearable.
I know we all wish for some some respite from the awful weather and for some good news soon. It will be so heart-warming when it happens.
8 Feb, 2014
Good luck Stera, let us all know what happens. x
8 Feb, 2014
I found this today thought it might be of interest to you all, I thought the replies were interesting beneath were too.
9 Feb, 2014
Did you hear that after his visit Prince Charles rang Cameron........
suddenly money available....
I loved that comment to the enviroment minister "see you brought your wellies this time!"
and thst the dawlish rail tragedy was discussed last summer and was waiting for enviromental reports on inpact on bird life in the area.....
to strengthen a sea wall??
beggars belief doesn't it!
9 Feb, 2014
It certainly does Pamg, makes you wonder should we have Charles run our country rather than the ones we have at present.
9 Feb, 2014
Our MP keeps popping up on the TV news - why wasn't he around before and making people listen? Unfortunately he has a safe seat...
Did you hear that they are asking the Dutch for advice now? They spend FIVE times what the UK does on flood defences each year!
10 Feb, 2014
Hi Spritz.....is a safe seat one high and dry above the floods :0)
I just read that on the news about the Dutch.......I suppose these conveyor belt of storms is unprecedented and at least they are finally taking advice.
It must be that we are the first land mass the storms hit , when you watch the forecasts the curl right over britain.
10 Feb, 2014
I watched country file Spritz yesterday, they said they can't afford in the long run to keep paying out, so they are going to do what they done in Hull where it broke the defence wall, leaving a large gap, so they heaped up a high incline earth bank then let the sea have the farming land which has worked they class it as soft defence, instead of hard defence , then concentrate the money defending the places of some farm land which is our bread basket also where homes are.
As for Mps are nt they all the same you never see them until they want your vote lol hence why I don't vote they have admitted they all agree on all things not like years ago they said and nothing ever changes does it.
10 Feb, 2014
Been watching the news through the day, it beggars belief that parts of Somerset have been flooded over 6wks and its only in the last few days that they are getting help from the people that actually know what is the appropiate action to take in a crisis, how come we can put them on a plane and get them there in a matter of hours for another country, at the side of some of my goy pages and also across the top is a request for me to donate to the Phillipines, yes they are desperate and need help but where is the request for those in my own country, I mean the ones that pay their taxes to this great soggy country of ours...
No matter what we think about the government there is no excuse for not voting, its your right and the way to show whom you want to run the country, if we all stop voting then nothing will ever change, its not hard and in this day and age if you have access to the internet then you do not even have to leave your home to do it..... How difficult is that?????
10 Feb, 2014
Actually to not vote is a fact stating you don't want to be ruled, Canterbury Tales is where the people could nt get to parliament to tell parliament what we the people wanted as there were no other way, hence the long travel of telling stories on the way to stop the boredom, hence later we got MPs , now we have the net, also the telephone, to tell parliment, as there is nt a party out there I personally believe or agree with hence I shall not vote, and whats the point when they are no longer our rulers the EU are and we will never be allowed a referendum neither will Germany fact, as they don't know what they have signed up to none of them understand what they were signing up to.
10 Feb, 2014
Thanks 3d for your PM, I shouldn't have said to you about the voting, for that I apologize, its not allowed to be discussed on here really but anger won the day I'm afraid as I was watching the flood news at the same time, watching all those poor people having to leave their homes and not being able to help does your head in, normally I think twice before I press the key, I worded it wrongly anyway, I do in fact believe it should be made law that we vote..If that gets me into trouble then so be it...
As to your PM I feel I should say that I am and always have been a staunch Royalist and am shocked to read what you said......
11 Feb, 2014
WheneverI'm tempted not to vote I think about what the Pankhursts went through to give us the opportunity.
11 Feb, 2014
I do hope we haven't got any GOY-ers living in the Thames Valley? It's their turn now, poor souls. Soon the whole of the UK will float away if this incessant rain doesn't stop.
I really don't know what the Government can do with such severe weather hitting us all the time. At least they're listening to the Dutch who seem to have solved the problem.
11 Feb, 2014
Agree Stera.
Much more to the point of this blog ........I truly hope this conveyor belt of storms calms down, theres limit, now well broken thats normal......
mere mortals have no chance againt 90 mile an hour winds and 40 foot waves......
11 Feb, 2014
I've just read and watched a video interview put up from my local paper, the local community brought together by a farmer from Fotheringay are collecting hay bales and are sending them down to Somerset, Tesco's have donated the transport to get the bales taken down to the stricken areas, people all over do care and are willing to help each other, as the farmer has stated its not just now but in months to come that more feed will be needed.........
11 Feb, 2014
Thanks fine Lincslass I understand your anger. If you care to read the link I gave you it also states the same in black and white on there, of Blair and the Queen which was given to me on this site some years ago from a male member of 38degrees. I lost believing in Royals when the Queen asked for 1 million for extra heating for Buckingham Palace , they asked her which benefit will she chose to take it from she chose the OAP S and one parent benefits. No arguments intended on here so we shall agree this will be the last mentioned on the subject. Its now snowing here lol what next I wonder
11 Feb, 2014
Spritz I was watching late last night part of London flooding , they blame the people for living there how sad is that. It is nt the first time the Dutch has helped us out of this kind of situation , back in history.
11 Feb, 2014
Thats good to hear Lincs, I heard the plea for dry fodder on farming today, good of tesco too, the cost of moving it would be expensive!
11 Feb, 2014
Yes snow, hail and rain here as well, lucky compared to others.....
I take it you are still ok around your house Spritz, you must be living on the edge as regards the flooding and your nerves, the water just has nowhere to go does it, helpless at the moment but know that you are in our thoughts..
So true Pam........
11 Feb, 2014
I think that everybody's comments on here prove one thing and that is that we cannot be ignored over this and that the government will HAVE to deal with all the problems and deal with them properly..... the whole country is watching every move now and waiting to see what is going to happen.
I am very relieved to hear that Dutch experts have been called in. Let the government call in as many experts as possible to sort us out. Prince Charles had a big influence I think in stirring the PM into action and he is going to be kept quite busy for some time I trust!!
It is still tragic to see how people who have been flooded are trying to cope and it will be a long time before life is remotely normal for them again.
The help was so slow to begin but I think it will be rigorous from now on, as it should have been from the start. This problem can't be brushed under the carpet - the whole nation is watching!!
11 Feb, 2014
Quite right W'rose, we need them pulling together at the moment, even though we are not living there ourselves it does have an affect on us all as a nation and we want it putting right for all caught up in, I don't care whether its a farmer, villager, townsperson, billionaire living on the edge of the Thames or a homeless person, they are our people and need all the help possible and that is going to take time, effort and most of all at the end of the day money, yes we are all thankful that at last things are getting done, recriminations will have to go on the backburner but not forgotten........
11 Feb, 2014
I just don't think they really realised the seriousness of whats happening, probably none of us did.
its the relentlessness of the storms that is shocking and thankfully finally action is being taken. Its what they do in the future,......at the moment its just coping .......
still think it took P Charles to open folks eyes :0)
12 Feb, 2014
Pam I agree with you totally about Prince Charles.
12 Feb, 2014
Bit windy this afternoon hope everyones safe x
12 Feb, 2014
Hoping and praying for everyones safety tonight, its horrendous isn't it, I keep checking on goy looking to see when members are about, we are not likely to be flooded here but I keep thinking of others I know in so many places and wondering how things are for them and their families, so many without power as well and others possibly stranded, not able to get home, feeling so helpless because we cannot help them...
12 Feb, 2014
3d. all through this you have written a lot of sense, pity mp's can't read except a pay cheque
cut and pasted what you wrote as i agree with it. the idea is years old and needs to be considered in all low lying areas. building sea walls is not the entire answer. if you get a tidal surge coming down the north sea with all this water in the thames then the barrier won't hold jack shxt. we have to consider releasing parts of low areas back to the sea
"needs to they are going to do what they done in Hull where it broke the defence wall, leaving a large gap, so they heaped up a high incline earth bank then let the sea have the farming land which has worked they class it as soft defence, instead of hard defence , then concentrate the money defending the places of some farm land which is our bread basket also where homes are."
the government is not providing new money, but shifting from one area or another and that one will go without.
12 Feb, 2014
The strength of the wind today has probably been worse than ever and it is very frightening.
All we can do is sit tight and wait for it to calm down again. The thought of anybody being out on a night like this is just terrible. If only an end to it was in sight.
Take care everyone and take no risks.
12 Feb, 2014
Just seen on the news headlines very soggy princes william & harry filling sand bags and a list of people and businesses supermarkets and headed by the queen arranging supplies such as food to rescue centres and fodder/bedding for livestock.
not too bad here.....at the moment. Keep snug x
14 Feb, 2014
Lots of us thought that help would start coming when the SE was affected. Its wonderful; that the Dutch are helping, they are the real experts and have the equipment too.
Grandmage. I had an acknowledgement from the police who said they would pass the info on, but nothing further.
14 Feb, 2014
I saw that Pam and heard William telling the news people to help as well.
Its been coming down in torrents again here all day but according to the forecast supposed to be better over the weekend, lets hope it means for everywhere...
14 Feb, 2014
Hear, hear! It's still battering us and has been for 24 hours. Bridgwater town itself is now at risk. That would be major! Even when/if the rain ever stops, the water still rises for some time.
15 Feb, 2014
There still seems no end to it and even when its not raining the water is coming back up out of the ground, sadly I saw on the news that two more people had died because of the storm and so many near-misses its unbelievable that count is not higher, another deep sinkhole opened in the ground, this time in a cul-de-sac in Chatteris, luckily in a garden but 17 houses been evacuated whilst the ground is checked near houses, so even if not in danger from flooding thats another worry to add to the list.......
15 Feb, 2014
The flooded fields near the river here are going down, its all flood plain and the river runs into the Trent, still the usual suspect lane flooded, it seems a calm day , if only it would stay calm and sunny for more than one day........
16 Feb, 2014
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I could not agree more, I feel very sorry for all those people, and I feel that they have been badly let down by the environment agency, I remember when I was young the rivers always used to be dredged, why is it that this and past governments have been able to send millions of pounds in aid to foreign countries but turn around and say that they cannot afford to keep our rivers free to take all this water, I am sure we had rain just as much years ago which came off the Welsh mountains with out the rivers overflowing to the extent that they are today, spending money on barriers is not the answer, by what I have seen on the TV these people in charge of this country have to do what the EU tell them, ie that they cannot dredge the rivers because they have to protect the wildlife, did it effect the wildlife years ago, did we not have more then than we have now, if anything affected the wildlife it was mainly because farmers took out the hedgerows
4 Feb, 2014