My woods
It was such a nice day, no wind or rain, I went up to my woods with my camera. It is all up hill to get there:
The entrance is right at the top;
On the right are several Geranium maderense that have become established and self seed. They get the afternoon sun in the summer. On the second tier, left, are Crinums. Most of the trees are either Acacia melanoxylon or Pittosporum undulatum. In the center, just peaking over the rock, is Billbergia nutans:
The strong winds knock a lot of branches and leaves down. I have planted several groups of the Billbergias and Aechmea types of bromeliads around. A red Billbergia flowered in November, the pink ones are opening now, and the Aechmeas do it whenever they feel like it.
Here is all 3 types in a group:
Looking at my woods from the left:
The tree ferns I have growing there are only a few years old:
Established ferns in the area are better looking:
The second photo looks like it is about to be swallowed by acacias.
There are also free range chickens running around. These escaped someone’s coop and lay eggs that hatch:
- 11 Jan, 2016
Previous post: Sculpted Daylily
Next post: Development of a daylily seedling
Great photos....nice to see dry weather.
11 Jan, 2016
I love these tree ferns . Fabulous country side.
12 Jan, 2016
Thanks! What is fascinating is this is all growth that developed after the area was abandoned. There are the skeletons of rock walls where someone took the trouble to clear and farm. There are even terraces, but these imported trees have taken over. Altares was settled in 1480, and the population is now only 900 in an area of 22 sq. K. The highest point is 2,700 ft.
12 Jan, 2016
Lovely exotic woodland Wylie,so peaceful looking, nobody for miles by the look of it , I love your tree ferns too :-)
12 Jan, 2016
this looks like heaven on earth to me. you are very lucky owning woodland. I 'd love to but there aren't any suitable bits near enough to me.
so thanks for sharing.
13 Jan, 2016
Few people go through there. On one side, the owner lives in Canada; and on the other, he goes there once a year to collect chestnuts. The junta (local council) has its workers go through there cleaning the gutters every so often. The workers are people on unemployment and have to work for the junta either every morning or afternoon or they loose the payments. I took a friend to see it, and he gave me an orange flowered Aechmea pup to put up there!
13 Jan, 2016
A lovely blog and, what great plants.Particulalry the ferns.
13 Jan, 2016
Wylie! I am in Gran Canaria! And as I tend to on my hols, I've been Google-earthing in my down-time and 'discovered' the Azores which look like heaven on Earth! I am about to scan your blogs for more photos as there are weekly flights from Gatwick, and it looks like my ideal holiday destination!
13 Jan, 2016
Most tourists go to São Miguel, but Terceira offers bulls on a rope during the summer (check out YouTube videos). 1 beach with sand - the rest have rocks and pebbles.
14 Jan, 2016
An area I know nothing about, so I found your blog most interesting, certainly an away from it all place....loved the chickens too!
14 Jan, 2016
So interesting! My OH sailed to the Azores to gain his "yacht masters" certificate ( so useful living in Hertfordshire, lol), and I've always fancied a visit.
15 Jan, 2016
Well, there is a down side... For the next 2 hours we are waiting for Hurricane Alex to pass. It's the first January hurricane since 1938 in the Atlantic, and it is headed straight for my end of the island. Not too much wind, yet. But a lot of rain.
15 Jan, 2016
Oh dear I saw there was a hurricane heading your way hope it doesn't do to much damage :-(
15 Jan, 2016
Oh dear, such very strange weather, hope you don't suffer too much damage....
15 Jan, 2016
There is more wind now than during its passage. When I was on Okinawa, after a typhoon there would be several days of calm weather. But the wind has risen to 30-40 KPH and more rain is predicted for Tuesday. We just can't get a break this year.
15 Jan, 2016
Hi Wylie - I hope this isn't an inappropriate or daft question, but would I be able to purchase some Gillian x Thomas Tew daylily bulbs from you? For the not-very-opaque reason that my wife (Gillian) and I love them! Happy for you to email me directly ( Thanks. Tom
23 Jan, 2016
Fantastic..How great to get some summer rains. Are those Cyathea cooperi's?
Nicest clump of B.nutans I've seen. Vresia broms also do well in cool temps. If you run across them to try.
18 Jun, 2016
July is statistically the driest month, August is second. The place looks like California with its brown grass, which is hard on the cows. Those are probably Cyathea cooperi since we have them around here, and they wandered into my place. Billbergias go crazy here, and I'm trying to add a few more broms to the mix.
18 Jun, 2016
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Fascinating set of pics.
Very scenic... thanks for sharing. :o)
11 Jan, 2016