Sad news...
By Greenfingers
It is with total and utter sadness that I write this blog. My big cat Tom has been run over and killed during the night. He was almost 11 years old and I considered him to be one of my best friends as well as a much loved family member. He gave his uncondtional love and asked for nothing but a few strokes and tummy rubs in return.
He usually spends the nights in the conservatory with his brother Jerry, but last night he must have had itchy feet and wandered outside. He didn’t come in for his breakfast this morning and no matter how many times I called his name, he just didn’t appear. I thought he’d be back before I went to work, but as I drew back the curtains, I saw a neighbour walking her dog looking underneath another neighbours car. I though ’I’d better go and check – just in case….’ and there he was – what a sight! I’ll never forget what I saw. I picked him up and bought him back inside, but I could tell it was too late…..I couldn’t save him – he’d gone. I never got to say goodbye to him and my last hug was as we lowered him into the ground.
‘I will miss you so much Tom, the pain is unbearable. I will always love you x’
18 Feb, 2010
Previous post: I'm still alive....
~Really sorry to hear your news~the loss of a cherished pet is always dreadful but worse when it is so sudden~words are inadequate but I also send deepest sympathy~
18 Feb, 2010
Oh,Greenfingers,I am so very sorry to read your sad news.You must be absolutely devastated,finding him like that.I can imagine the pain you are going
through right now,as a lot of us have been there.Its not much consolation,but you still have Jerry,and he will miss Tom too,as they are all part of your Family.
Its good we have this site to express our feelings on,and for all the compassion that is shown by everyone,at a time like this.Tom obviously had a good and happy life with you,....Thinking of you,take care.....Sandra.x
18 Feb, 2010
:( Big Hug GF im so sorry your Tom has gone in such a Awful way u must be feeling terrible :( Take care ur in my thoughts Jacxxx
18 Feb, 2010
Oh i'm so sorry :-(
My thoughts too are with you.
18 Feb, 2010
So sorry to hear this awful shock for you.Take care.x
18 Feb, 2010
and mine :( xxx
18 Feb, 2010
This is so sad...
God bless your special Tom... xxx
18 Feb, 2010
so sorry,such sad news you have my deepest sympathy..
18 Feb, 2010
So so sorry, what a shock! My deepest sympathy too. God bless.
18 Feb, 2010
So very sorry at hearing of your sad loss you have my heartfelt sympathy xx
18 Feb, 2010
So sorry to here,sorry i pressed like did'nt realize i'd done it at first. what a terrible thing to wake up to. My thoughts are with you on this sad loss of a much loved family member.xx
18 Feb, 2010
Greenfingers, I'm sorry too. I hope your pain gets less and less. You had him for a long time, poor Tom.
18 Feb, 2010
That is so sad and you must hurts so much. I cannot say anything that makes it less painful. So so sorry.
18 Feb, 2010
Gf I am so sorry to read this, it is so painful to lose a beloved pet at any time but it must have been so shocking to find your Tom like that. My thoughts are with you and your family. Take care. Sue XX.......
18 Feb, 2010
Oh no Greenfingers, so sorry to hear your sad news, you must be gutted, I really feel for you, what a sad day.
18 Feb, 2010
so very sorry to hear your sad news gf
18 Feb, 2010
My deepest sympathy goes out to you and Jerry GF. I think that most if not all on the forum will understand just how close we get to our four legged members of the family. It's hard to imagine how one could get over such a tragedy. I'm sure that Jerry will suffering along with you, console eachother and try to be strong. I know you'll be in everyone's thoughts.
18 Feb, 2010
Poor Tom,so sorry to hear this sad news,how painful for you GF.
18 Feb, 2010
i know how it feels when a pet dies but here is a story for you
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance.
His bright eyes are intent; his eager body quivers.
Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.
The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….
Author unknown.
ps here is a hanky
18 Feb, 2010
oh no im so sorry, i have tears just reading this, its such a worry with cats when they are out and about, tom had a loving home and a loving mum, he will be missed i know, god bless him xx
18 Feb, 2010
Piersdad That says it all thanks for the hanky
18 Feb, 2010
Big hugs, Gf. xxx
18 Feb, 2010
Thank you all for your wonderful messages - I thought I had run out of tears today, but Piersdad has made me find some more....they are such wonderful words and I believe it is true, there is a place Called Rainbow Bridge - just at the moment I feel so far away from it - one day Tom and I will be together again - until then I will miss him unconditionally x thank you all x
18 Feb, 2010
So sorry to hear of the loss of your Little One, Gf....very sad.
18 Feb, 2010
Such sad news GF, so sorry to hear of this. (( )) take care x x
18 Feb, 2010
I am so sorry to hear of your loss gf, when i read your Blog i felt a big knot in my stomach. Its very sad news, about your precious friend! My thoughts are with you.
18 Feb, 2010
So sorry for your very sad loss Gf i`m sure you will miss your very dear friend & companion. We become so attached to our wonderful pets you are in my heart & prayers Take Care Rita xxx......
18 Feb, 2010
I love your verse Piersdad - so comforting for Greenfingers and many of us who have lost beloved pets. That will be a speical day
18 Feb, 2010
What a terrible shock for you, GF. There is nothing I can say but - remember Rainbow Bridge.
18 Feb, 2010
Ah.!...this is such sad news.........take care xxxx
18 Feb, 2010
thinking of you Gf.
18 Feb, 2010
So sorry to hear about poor Tom how awful for you......thinking of you O hugs x
18 Feb, 2010
hugs xxx
18 Feb, 2010
hugs from me toooooo......xx
piersdads story is wonderfull...
19 Feb, 2010
So sorry to hear your sad news, your in my thoughts x
19 Feb, 2010
It's terrible to loose your own pet friend! So sorry to hear this sad news...Big hugs...xxxx
19 Feb, 2010
Dear Piersdad iv lost so many beloved Pets in my life & Rainbow Bridge sounds wonderful the story made me Cry thinking of them ,But i now know 4 sure il be seeing them all again :) X
19 Feb, 2010
Piersdad I can hardly see to type......
19 Feb, 2010
I believe in Rainbow Bridge and it has brought me great comfort over the years.
19 Feb, 2010
I am so sorry Greenfingers for you and poor is terrible to lose a pet like love goes out to you........XXX
What a lovely story Piers Dad......and one we can all hold onto, just beautiful................
19 Feb, 2010
So sorry to read about this sad news.
20 Feb, 2010
I'm sorry to be late in coming to this blog. I feel so sad for you Greenfingers, what you're going through is every cat owners worst fear. Try not to dwell on what you saw and remember your beloved Tom as the beautiful happy cat he was for over 10 years......I'm sure he had a very happy life with you. x
21 Feb, 2010
I'm so sorry about Tom, Greenfingers. My ten year old housecat, Willard, walked out the back door last fall and never came back. I think he left bcs I adopted a Beagle/Rat Terrier puppy. There just wasn't room for two dominant pets in the house. That's my best guess. I believe I saw him four blocks over but he ran from me and remained elusive even tho I kept going back and leaving food and water where I had seen him. One night I had a realistic dream wherein I picked him up and hugged him then he placed his nose on mine. He was a wonderful smart and loving pet.
22 Feb, 2010
cats are often unusual in their behavior.
we had a cat called mustard and he nearly always slept on dads bed
when dad died (many years ago now) the cat would not go near dads bed
nor sleep on mums bed.
one night a year later mum thought she saw dad waving good by at the end of her bed exactly as he always did when going to work.
at that moment mustard strode in purposely and plonked himself purring loudly on dads empty bed.
24 Feb, 2010
Hi everyone - thank you so much for visiting my blog and for all your lovely comments, stories and sympathy. It is 1 week today and I can not tell you how much I miss Tom.
Piersdad - on the day I found him, following his burial, I was standing in the garden buried in my grief and thoughts, when I heard him 'meowe' - Tom had a very distinctive meowe - I believe he was saying 'it's OK mum, don't be sad'. I looked round swiftly - but saw nothing......then last Saturday night, we were in the lounge watching TV, both Jerry and Butch were sleeping in the house, when the kitchen door opened - we both looked at each other, then I got up and went out there to see what was happening. The door was wide open, but no sign of anything untoward, so I closed the door again, came back into the lounge and unphased, said ' it's OK, it's just Tom coming in for his tea'.
I believe he is around still, keeping his mark on the house which is of some comfort.
Only 1 week has passed but it feels like a lifetime without him x
25 Feb, 2010
Bless you Gf, We know.....XX
25 Feb, 2010
God bless..he`s gone to the rainbow bridge....I know how sad you will be ..but just remember the good times you had together and how lucky he was to live with you.
25 Feb, 2010
I'm so sad for you. xx
25 Feb, 2010
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22 Feb, 2010
Oh no ! That's a shock for you. You must be davastated. I know what you mean by our pets being our friends and part of the family. Well they just are. I send my deepest sympapathy. x
18 Feb, 2010