Garden gems New Years Day
By Janey
Remembering last years January 1st, with the heavy snow, and then the garden later with the amount of plants that had perished, this year is different again isn’t it? The garden is still looking good, with lots of interest and colour.
Here are a few pics of plants enjoying the winter so far.
Heathers Ivy and Grasses together.
Iris foetidissimo showing bright and shiny seeds.
Pyracantha berries hanging on despite the busy blackbirds.
So many Helibore flowers this winter.
Purple sage and Ladybirds, the garden is full of them.
Winter Jasmine brightening the old brick wall.
Winter Pansies doing well.
I love grasses in winter, this is a pony-tail grass (forgotten it’s real name).
Variegated Euonymus, ladybirds hiding in there too!
Sedum seedheads with emerald green Euphorbia and silver Cineraria, lovely muted colours together.
Graham Thomas, the last rose of 2011, or the first of 2012…Lol!
2 Jan, 2012
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Gorgeous pictures !!! love your plants - the grass is Stipa tenuissima I think :))))
2 Jan, 2012
Yes, lucky lucky you seem to have 'skipped' winter like Terratoonie! Fantastic photos. It's not like that here I'm afraid. We certainly aren't seeing ladybirds going about. But nothing at all like last year, and I do still have a few roses. I really hope it continues like this harsh cold...wouldn't that be great!
2 Jan, 2012
I love your big conifers on first picture, heathers are great as the ivy - I love ivy :)))))))) Pyracanthas are brill too - have a load I am training against trellis - reds, orange and yellows, your hellebores doing loads better than mine - no flowers on mine as yet. Variegated Euonymus is another beauty - have a lot I do here !!!!! I have Euphorbia but not your type - that is so nice!!! love the silver leaf too - also in the plant beds - great flowers and well planted together
2 Jan, 2012
Aw thanks Bloomer, it's great to eek out every spot of colour before the snows come isn't it?
Thank you Paul! Yes you're right, Stipa, I remember now, most of the spring and summer, its a pale lemony green, then it fades to this beigy quiet colour for Winter. I really fancy a yellow pyracantha, aren't they great for winter, Mum has a whole wall filled with a really old one, the flowers in Spring are stunning! I planted the Hellibores last Spring and they've done so well, tomorrow I'm off to cut all the old leaves away (Montys advice in the Mail weekend mag) I'm wondering though if they shelter the flowers, what do you think? I think the Euphorbia is just the basic one, I have another, Blackbird, that sends out amazing branches of flowers, planted last Spring too.
It would Karen, but your off on your hols...lucky, lucky you!! Have a great time and enjoy the SUN!
2 Jan, 2012
Your Helleborus is beautiful Janey....Perhaps we wont have an awful Winter this time....I lifted the last of my Dahlias today...This is the latest ever....:>)
2 Jan, 2012
I think your flowers are great - just protect in frost any non hardy ones - My Mum told me about Monty's advice - he had an article on ivy a few weeks back :))) the stipas are great have one on the front - real beauties :))))))))))))))
2 Jan, 2012
Here here Janey. This is why I feel so good about this year, when I looked into my garden on the 1st of Jan I knew it was going to be a good one. Just look at all these plants you have, I cannot understand how one cannot feel optimistic for the rest of the year, when we were trapped indoors for days last year, it has got to be a good start :)))
2 Jan, 2012
The euphorbia is another one I want like yours
2 Jan, 2012
shh,Janey..don't let Shirley know about 'beige' colour..she will insist it is 'biscuit' ..something about beige being an old person shade ! Lol...I had a lovely yellow Pyracantha,but gave it to my neighbour to hide an unsightly drainage pipe on his wall ..fool that I is lovely !
2 Jan, 2012
Thankyou Janey a real pleasure to share your garden .
2 Jan, 2012
Wonderful, and I always thought Lincolnshire was cold, being on the East side of the country. the planting is great too, all those lovely contrasts.
2 Jan, 2012
You have some gorgeous colour in your garden, Janey ... amazing for the time of year! ... How lovely to see the Ladybirds too ... I need to check my plants now for any ... the Winter Jasmine is a beauty ... :o) . . . . Oi Bloomer, I read that comment! ... lol!
2 Jan, 2012
Thought you might,Shirley ! Just passing on your words of wisdom :o)))))))
2 Jan, 2012
It doesn't look as if you or your lovely garden will be getting any rest this winter - no chance to put your feet up, then!
2 Jan, 2012
Hellebores=beauties I adore them, they have been flowering now for weeks and that Jasmine, adorable. Its a great season so far!
2 Jan, 2012
It's just so mild (well, here in the south!)
3 Jan, 2012
Lovely blog Janey - and great to see so many Hellebores already! Yes (to answer your question), I cut the old leaves off . . they're not really sheltering the flowers as the leaves are usually lying flat when they're dying.
Love the Stipa 'tenuissima' grass all year round (whether it's beige or biscuit!) - does yours seed itself around??
3 Jan, 2012
lovely pics janey and isnt it nice to actually see the ground this year and still colour, very windy here in blackpool today though,hope your both doing ok janey :o))) x
3 Jan, 2012
How wonderful to have so much colour at this time of the year, and so many ladybirds too, we have gales here and rain like I have never seen before, tropical. you could not see out of the windows it was so bad, then the sun came out and we had blue sky........!!
3 Jan, 2012
Lovely pics Janey ,you still have so much going on in your garden , It's your lovely walls given them protection ,the Helibors are amazing and I really like the Graham Thomas rose as well it's a beauty ......
4 Jan, 2012
Garden looking lovely, Janey ...
Nice to see the ladybirds ... :o)
4 Jan, 2012
Incredible to see your garden looking so lovely, Janey, and with ladybirds too. Mine is looking rather water-logged after the recent heavy rain although I have noticed lots of buds and bulbs growing :)
4 Jan, 2012
Your garden is looking lovely Janey so much stil in bloom and Ladybirds too, not much going on in mine, just waterlogged and broken branches, still it should right itself pretty quickly if the rain stops and the sun comes out;0)
4 Jan, 2012
Janey, I can't believe we live on the same Island !!! here in midwales it seems to have been raining for Pansypotter my garden and yard are waterlogged..the polytunnel has ripped and only visable ground is the path along the middle. I have just taken the bin bags up to the top of the track (in the car about a quarter of a mile ) AND I WAS SOAKED THE WIND IS HOWLING and it is raining horizontally ...the local weather station says 2 to 3 inches tonight.
I truly envy you your beautiful garden at the moment..however, I have two pots of Daffs up about 6" and a lot if daff and narcissi poking apricot tree on the south facing wall has produced early leaves but poor thing is being battered to h.... tonight.
Oh well at least it is not -12 like last year with 2' of snow...hopefully the rain will ease and the wind die down before the whole garden is wrecked.
Once again beautiful pics
4 Jan, 2012
It rains horizontally here in Pembs as well but it seems to be taking a small rest right now. We had to drill some extra holes in our plastic urns last week as they were awash.
Janey your hellebores are gorgeous.
5 Jan, 2012
Its wonderful to see your garden in such good form Janey that Euphorbia looks so bushy and healthy, and I planted Graham Thomas this morning so your lovely photo has given me a glimpse of what to expect.
6 Jan, 2012
So sorry everyone for not getting back to you earlier, someone hacked into our email account and received our emails, thankfully we got it sorted, so back to normal now.
Thanks Moti, Paul and Michaella, today we had the damp, dark misty weather, but the birds were singing especially a Robin, could've been early Spring.....:))
Paul, I'm not sure which Euphorbia it is, but when it's time for cuttings, I'll send you one of each.
Haha, Bloomer, biscuit it'll be then...mmm...biscuits, can't be thinking about them after
Home bird, the Hellibores have been out for a few weeks
now, they're the Niger ones, they've been lucky, Lottie
has developed new paths through the borders, but gingerly stepped over these (she knows her Mum well....:))
8 Jan, 2012
Happy New Year Scotkat!
Ahah Stera, it's not bad this east side, when the winds from the west though, it's like Siberia from the east!
Thanks Shirley and Avis, the ladybirds are all
huddled up together today, not a one to be seen.
Lol bloomer, no beige words allowed....:))
Leaving the garden to it's own devices Gattina, it's doing quite we'll without me I think, so far we can't complain can we Grandmage and Lulu.
Thanks Sheila, I'll snip the leaves off then, ha, one the Stipa hasn't had change to seed yet, I keep on moving it!
Aw thanks San, pleased you are fine and enjoying your painting still. Yep things okay here, back to hosp tomorrow, bit grim the treatment, but Ians coping okay....:)) x
Hi Dd, strange weather isn't it, warmer here too today, not bad for Jan though.
Thanks Amy, yes it must be the walls protecting things, most of the garden won't get the sun again till March, roll on Spring! You know the GT Rose has grown so much this last year, I pruned off anything but 3 leaders, that reLly made it shoot up.
Thanks Tt and Gee, yep noticed the bulbs too Gee, makes you excited doesn't it, little things....:))
Your garden sounds like Gees Carole, , ooh I would hate that being water logged, poor you, hope it's draining okay.
8 Jan, 2012
We've had the howling wind here too Grandmamoy, hope it's a bit quieter for you now, like you say though, after last years snows, anything is better than that! Looking forward to seeing pics of you peach blossom in the spring too...:)
Crikey girls you have had your share of rain in Wales, got it here now, just the quiet miserable kind
Thanks Stroller, the flowers on the Euphorbias are must beginning to come, I love them. You'll be so pleased with your GT, mines been in just over a year now, and is top of the trellis, it is such a beauty, fab scent too!
8 Jan, 2012
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WOW Janey..a truly stunning show of the Hellebores,and Jasmine..and your rose is so pretty as well..lucky you..:o)
2 Jan, 2012