Choisya Coiffure for Terra...and updated for Annella ! :o)
By bloomer
This was my Choisya last year,a lovely specimen..but suffered from frost damage on one side..I hoped it would regenerate,but they struggled..and it looked lop sided by the path..
I decided to try and trim the stems back to stimulate new growth lower down,and so that meant trimming some of the rest back as well…still didn’t look right,as you can still see the bare stems on the right..
So yesterday,I took it almost to the ground..not my intention ,but the more I trimmed, the worse it looked…till finally,after enlisting the help of OH,with his saw for the thick stems,,it now looks like this !!
Even Thomas tried to escape,at the thought of me starting on his,but what does he know :o)
Still want me to cut your hair,Terra ? no appointment necessary,as my diary isn’t full..can’t think why..btw,spray and conditioner is extra ! :o))
Just updating this for Annella …look what I’ve just found……in four days,two tiny specks of green have already sprouted in to growth..I am amazed and delighted..
Tarted up a bit,with some bargain Begonias..:o)
looks like there is going to be a happy ending ..Lol.
13 Jul, 2012
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Keep Conker away from her TT, could look like the dog on the specsavers add!!
13 Jul, 2012
Well done Thomas .. Great Escape !
OOooer ... that's certainly a very short back and sides ..
We will all steer well clear of the Bloomer scary secateurs !!!
Added to GoYpedia Pruning Ideas !
13 Jul, 2012
Well done i think all that good hair cut i think it will come back all the better for it.
13 Jul, 2012
if only I had known bloomer I would have booked my hair appiontment with you instead of the hairdresser, Thomas looks to be having a good time
13 Jul, 2012
I was thinking about a new haircut, but haveing seen your results with the sissors dont think I will Bother lol but joking apart it will probably regrow [in a few years or so] lol
13 Jul, 2012
I think you must know my hairdresser.....I won't need to go back for months........
13 Jul, 2012
Cheers Pimms..and I am feeling much better,thank you..and if you ever need an Army or prison type
haircut,you only have to ask ! :o)
So that's where the idea came from,Annella..It's all specsavers fault then! Lol.
So,Terra,I presume you have changed your mind then ? I don't need to use the scary secateurs..I have some tree loppers if you prefer :o)
I hope so Carol..maybe it will grow back curly ! Lol.
You should have done,Yorkshire..I do special rates for friends :o) don't even need to tip for good service :o))
Have no fear,Carole..I would be gentle with you..I think a Sinead o'Connor style would be quite easy to care for..a quick No 1 all over and so easy to look after..think what you would save on could go on a cruise with the money !! Lol....seriously though,,I think I went a bit too and your topiary ! :o)
13 Jul, 2012
Nicely cut back Bloomer, it will recover i had to do it to one of mine a few years back, now it's bigger that ever...
13 Jul, 2012
That sounds positive,S.lad,thanks ..I don't feel as guilty now ..I have had it about 8 years,and it was only after those two hard winters,it suffered..but a light trim wasn't going to do the trick ,this year.. If it fails,I might plant a hardy Fuchsia..or another Emerald and gold Euonymous,as I have cuttings of both growing nicely..:o)
13 Jul, 2012
I have had one for many years, and always chop it about. It comes back ok though every time.
13 Jul, 2012
My word, there was no stopping you once you'd got started!! Most things are better for a good cut back!!!
Did you stop there or were other things in for the chop!!!?
13 Jul, 2012
With all this rain it should leap up again in no time, but I don't know how you had the courage to do it! My straggly pieris had better watch out - it only got a fraction of your treatment last year!
13 Jul, 2012
If only I'd could've borrowed my Nicky Clarke cutting kit. Redundant after one haircut!!!!!!!!!!! Jx ✂✂✂
13 Jul, 2012
It worked a treat on my Berberis last year Bloomer and as you know I`ve already done my Viburnam, only thing stopping me attacking the Ceanothus is the fact that my bin is full at the moment, good job our trailer is out on loan as I`d have a field day....
13 Jul, 2012
Is that a No1 or No2 on the clippers bloomer? :)
I'm sure it will look absolutely stunning next year :))
13 Jul, 2012
Wow thats a haircut Bloomer. I'm guessing you went with the No 1 on the clippers lol.
I'm sure it will bounce back stronger than ever and look stunning for you :)
13 Jul, 2012
That's reassuring,Cinders..It has never had one this drastic before,but the stems at the bottom had got so thick and spread out,most of the growth was from halfway up...but on close inspection,there were tiny signs of life on them,so chopped it to those...quite therapeutic,really..and I must be a bit of a sadist at heart ! :o)
You are right there, a thing possessed at times..must have been the hot sunshine yesterday..unlike's never stopped raining once.!
Me and secateurs have a love/hate relationship ..:o)
Be brave Steragram..have a go with your Pieris..I have given both mine similar treatment a few times..just go to a new shoot wherever you want to chop it will be fine,honestly..and ideal weather conditions at the moment..just give it a good mulch of ericaceous compost will love you for it :o)
Lol, you tell me !....I will remember that for the future :o) x
I think you are right,'s just a case of going for it ..I have done it many times with a few of mine...but not as far back as this has two choices :o)
Thanks Scottish..definitely a No 1...I hope you are right..I gave it a plenty of new compost round the roots,and it has been well watered in with the non stop rain today..I can almost hear it singing (or crying ) Lol.
Thanks Sam..glad you have the faith ! we will this space in a few months...or not ! Lol.
13 Jul, 2012
This made me smile Bloomer I did a blog way back last September `You`ve got a choisya` recalling how I cut back my sundance in the march and how it had grown in six months and then what did I do but dig the whole thing out ~ just hope you have more patience than me.
13 Jul, 2012
Keep us posted, there are plenty of shoots left on it.
13 Jul, 2012
I have just had a look at your Choisya blog,Stroller..oh,it was growing so nicely again could you ? ..:o)
This gives me even more hope and no is your other one doing,and the rooted cutting? ...funny how sometimes we decide we no longer like something...
13 Jul, 2012
I will,Denise..I tried to give it some sort of frame work ,so fingers crossed.:o)
13 Jul, 2012
I'm sure it will be fine Bloomer - in a while - I have done the same with my 15' Laurels and a chain saw!! oops :o)
13 Jul, 2012
Wow,Neellan.chain saw massacre !..and I thought I was
a butcher Lol.
13 Jul, 2012
Lol there were 5 of them Bloomer 15' high 6' round, you can see much more of the garden now!!
13 Jul, 2012
Funny blog Bloomer....:>)
13 Jul, 2012
Hi Moti..glad it made you smile :o)
13 Jul, 2012
I reckon you must be related to my OH thats the sort of
"pruning " he does and they usually grow back ........eventually lol.;o)))
13 Jul, 2012
Bloomer there are times when you just have to.
But this is the sort of pruning my mother-in-law does, or if a plant is flourishing, she declares it an overgrown weed and out it comes. Needless to say she has an empty garden, but she cann't understand why, afterall as she says "I religiously prune them." She must think mine is an overgrown jungle lol. Looks like theres one in every family lol.
14 Jul, 2012
oh dear sandra i thought it was ok when you trimmed it but now its bald lol, hope it grows back ok.
think i would like to play in there with thomas, look great fun ;o))
14 Jul, 2012
I know what you mean,Niverdeen..I won't ever dare tell him he cuts things back too far again ! Lol
It really was one of those 'one off' things,that had to be done,Kfunster, would have been the weirdest shape if I had just cut the worst bits off at one side....
So did I at first,San, but it really didn't ,especially when you walked up the path,and just saw all those grotty bare stems..with the tiniest bit of manky leaves on ! Lol...You could only see it's good side ! :o)...Thomas loved it in there..we went to a caravan park with them for a long weekend...of course he had to try and climb up,instead of sliding down! typical lad :o)
14 Jul, 2012
Bloomer, the choisya ternata and the cutting is doing fine, I do feel wicked sometimes but all of a sudden I just didn`t like gold or yellow in the garden and guess what I now keep looking in that corner for the glow of sunshine and it isn`t there ~ serves me right. :o(((.
I just know yours will be fine and I shall be jealous.
14 Jul, 2012
Glad the Ternata and cutting are both ok,Stroller..strange how we dislike something all of a sudden..I know what you mean about the splash of colour,especially in the winter...and I had another rash moment yestreday...I dug out an Achillea and lobbed it in to the compost bin ! I wasn't keen on it,the first time it flowered..not what I thought it would was what I would call a miserable mucky pink ! :o)..It gave me immense pleasure to see it gone ! Lol.
14 Jul, 2012
Aww lol, itl be fine! ive took trimmers to lavender, spades to ferns-and secuteurs to fingers-they all grew back fine! :o))
15 Jul, 2012
I'm sure it will,Leigh,just takes time,,and there are little signs of life lower down you,I haven't lost anything yet,with harsh treatment...time will tell .:o)
15 Jul, 2012
Im so careful now, its cus i feel guilty lol :o)
15 Jul, 2012
So did I at first..but it soon passed ! :o)
15 Jul, 2012
lol, until next time ;-)
16 Jul, 2012
I was out again with the secateurs last night,Leigh...but only a light trim on some Euonymous shrubs...I can be restrained when I want to ! :o)....Bought some cheapo Begonia Semperflorens yesterday too,to keep the Choisya company ! Have you ever been to Tong garden centre,near Bradford,? Good place,and not as dear as some GC's..nice cafe too :o)
16 Jul, 2012
See my blog Bloomer, all your fault!!
16 Jul, 2012
OMG,Annella the Annihilator ! Lol..I have just seen it,and I am NOT taking the blame ! :o))wheeeeee!
16 Jul, 2012
LOl LOL LOL I love my new name!!!! Wheeeeeeee xx
16 Jul, 2012
Had to look in the Dictionary to see how to spell it....just perfect for you ! least mine still has a few leaves on..! ..ha ha..x
16 Jul, 2012
I just copied your spelling so it had better be right. Leafless is the new green you know...ha
16 Jul, 2012
Trust me,'s right! I don't think I've ever had to spell it before....always a first time for everything,Mrs Stumpy! :o).....and is it really?,we might have started a you think I should take the rest of mine off then ? ...erm,let me give it some thought....I've thought..and no ! :o))
16 Jul, 2012
Good Plan! At least you can still see what yours is...well just about ;O))
16 Jul, 2012
Exactly, of the reason why it still is modestly dressed,as it is by the front door,for all and sundry to see..don't want to shock the neighbours with a vision of nudity! :o).....sending you a PM :o) x
16 Jul, 2012
16 Jul, 2012
NO,definitely not!..Respect my privacy, Annihilator !! Lol..
16 Jul, 2012
no bloomer i havent bee-yet, it was the nearest one when i looked so am wanting to go when ive got some pennies-and when OH is in a good enough mood to handle it lol. itl cost me a mcdonalds or something to bribe him too! :o)
16 Jul, 2012
Well! I have just discovered this blog. I AM SHOCKED! You bloodthirsty lot!
It does look fun, though. Pimpernel has been encouraging me to get brutal with my huge viburnum (:o)), which used to be a joy to behold, but has now got out of hand and is now dead or dying in the middle, and is straggling all over the shop, with a diminishing show of flowers and berries. I must obviously learn to use the chain saw. He assures me it will survive and come back more beautiful than ever, and that late summer is the time to do it. I shall spend a week or so summoning up the courage - I can't do it yet, we have invited loads of people to tea next week and am busy getting the garden looking like something (albeit a bit brown and crispy) out of Gardeners' World.
If I subscribe to your slash and burn philosophy, Bloomer, we'll be able to see much, much more of the mountain, and it'll be quite shocking, there'll be so much empty space around it! Gulp! I'd better get the ladders and a truck.
17 Jul, 2012
That's a first,Gattina..being able to shock you ! Lol..come on,a good Northern lass has no fear of going beserk with a chainsaw or tree loppers...I have every confidence in your could be known as Gattina the Grappler....:o))
17 Jul, 2012
Bloomer, I am constantly shocked, especially by the revelations on this site (mostly the ladies, sad but true) but have learned to put a veneer of strength and world-weariness on top of the horror! I daresay, however, if I really put my mind to it, I could be Italy/Lancashire's answer to the Yorkshire Ripper.
I shall "Stiffen the sinews" and "Summon up the blood", "Bite the Bullet" and "Grasp the nettle". First things first, though: How do you get the bl***y chainsaw started?
17 Jul, 2012
Stop procrastinating Gattina
17 Jul, 2012
All well and good,Gattina..just remember your gloves when grasping the the chainsaw...turn the power on first ! :o)..just watched the link pimms suggested...see,it will be fine !
17 Jul, 2012
Stop bullying me! I've just watched your clip, Pims - very interesting! I clicked on some of the other clips, and found a whole range of Italian ones. They are far more wussy than us - a very light trim is all that's allowed, apparently. I shall probably revert to being British and attack it when OH isn't watching, next week some time. I need to summon up a considerable amount of courage and energy for this! Should I take pictures, do you think? The only thing that concerns me slightly is the lack of water. Things in the garden are very stressed as it is with the high temperatures and dryness, and we shouldn't be watering anything (finally got our hosepipe ban). No I'm NOT procrastinating (well, only a little bit) but I would have waited until we've had a bit of rain before I did it. Waddya think?
17 Jul, 2012
If it is as big as you say a drastic reduction would actually mean less stress on the plant as it has a huge root and little growth to pump water to. ??? No?
17 Jul, 2012
Oh you're so darned knowledgeable, Pims, it makes me feel useless and stoopid: why didn't I think of that? :o( I've just been telling OH about this and he looked shifty and told me that the chainsaw wasn't working. Just yet ANOTHER thing to be sorted out.
17 Jul, 2012
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A good restorative prune there Bloomer !
Hope you are feeling better. :)
13 Jul, 2012