Tatton Park,part two..
By bloomer
We are now arriving at the Japanese Garden,which was built over 100 years ago,and is one of the most regarded aspects of the 50 acre garden.
It is cordoned off,so as to preserve it from so many visitors,which would cause untold damage..but it is easily admired from every angle,as you can see..such a wonderful place..This is known as Golden Brook,on the approach..
That’s the end of this tour,and I hope you have enjoyed it as much as we did….now back towards the entrance,via the Orchard….
..You can see we had a heavy shower,but luckily enough,we were in the Conservatory,admiring the tropical plants,then into the Fernery house,and it had stopped before we reached The Gardeners cottage..another cafe,where you can eat inside or out,in a lovely setting..this was newly opened in early summer this year..it was very tempting , but time to get on our way..as afternoon tea awaited at our hotel :o)
I hope it meets with your approval,Cottagekaren :o)
18 Oct, 2013
Previous post: A visit to Tatton Park..Cheshire..
Next post: Don't do what I did !
The Japanese gardens are beautiful aren't they Bloomer.
Spotted it was raining and glad too that it didn't dampen your spirits
18 Oct, 2013
Thanks so much for the tour, Sandra. I just LOVE Japanese gardens, and have always wanted to visit Tatton Park for this reason alone - so it's great to be able to see it :)
18 Oct, 2013
Thank you,Terra,it really is a lovely place,and I'm so glad we went..A shame to miss it,when it was on our way .:o) x
18 Oct, 2013
Thank you,Scottish,They are..We had a laugh when it started raining,as we had started to run to the Conservatory for shelter,and two elderly ladies on mobility Scooters caught up with us ! Lol ..Turbocharged I think ..in fact I just kept thinking about it for ages..and laughing to myself...I haven't been taken away yet :o)
18 Oct, 2013
That makes it a good reason for posting it then,Sheila :o)
I'm glad you enjoyed it,and thank you.I bet it is looking even lovelier now,with more autumn colour..
18 Oct, 2013
Well, I can't apologise enough! I'm embarrassed by my tardiness! I've been occupied on the telephone all evening! But now I've found it! It was well worth the LONG wait! ;)
Isn't it a shame that you can't walk around them....but just so beautiful! Every vista is perfect and so atmospheric. You've captured it beautifully Bloomer! :))
18 Oct, 2013
Lol,Karen,and thank you....I hope the other Goyers realised we were just having a bit of lighthearted banter ..I'm sure they did :o) I'm so glad you enjoyed it,and your description fits it so well..a very special place..now you can have your nightcap before you go to bed :o))
( It wasn't THAT long ) x
18 Oct, 2013
Lovely blog Bloomer the Japanese gardens are beautiful, the gardener's cottage garden area is an ideal place to enjoy a coffee, a shame you had to pass on it. :o)
18 Oct, 2013
Thanks Neena..I loved the cottage..sadly,we had leave,but it did look inviting ,and we had already had coffee in the other one earlier..same menu :o)
19 Oct, 2013
It's very pretty and I enjoyed all the photos :o)
19 Oct, 2013
Thank you Hywel..pleased you liked them :o)
19 Oct, 2013
19 Oct, 2013
Loved it, I wouldn't like to go to Japan though ...no tea and scones:-)))
20 Oct, 2013
Thanks Ba..you could have Sushi,followed by Japanese Knotweed crumble..apparently it tastes like Rhubarb when it's cooked !...custard or cream ? Lol Get your Kimono ready :o)
20 Oct, 2013
... erm ..... a little busy at the moment Sandra, otherwise I would love to eat raw fish:-(
21 Oct, 2013
Well this certainly met with my approval too Sandra ... what a fabulous place ... :o)
21 Oct, 2013
Thank you,Shirley,it was well worth the visit,and wished we could have stayed longer...It's lovely around Cheshire too :o) .I might post a blog and pics of the glasshouses,as I took so many photo's..I couldn't possibly have done them all on just one..everyone might have got a bit fed up by then :o)
21 Oct, 2013
What beautiful gardens, Sandra ! There's something about Japanese gardens, isn't there ! You must have a good zoom lens on your camera to capture all the quirky features too. I hope the weather stayed kind for you !
24 Oct, 2013
Thank you,Rose..I love Japanese gardens too,so I was in my element..It does have a good zoom on my camera,Rose.but it's not an expensive one. A Canon Power shot from Argos,it was on offer at the time..Russell bought it as an Anniversary gift .I think he was fed up of me using his :o) I hope you and Rick are ok .xx
24 Oct, 2013
Both of us have been ill, Sandra. A fluey cold and Rick's developed into gastric flu ! so much for the flu jab !
26 Oct, 2013
We have just been for our flu jabs this morning,Rose,and always been ok so far..Sorry you and Rick have both felt ill..I don't think they stop you getting the Flu,but supposed to lessen the chance of it being really bad..I hope you both recover quickly..it's horrible feeling so poorly..take care xx
26 Oct, 2013
This is my favourite part of Tatton Sandra I could sit there all day especially in the Autumn the colours are stunning;0)
26 Oct, 2013
It is beautiful,Carole,but I bet it was looking even better this past week,as they were just starting to change colour,when we were there..If we get these storms,there won't be much left at all ! :o( I've been emptying a few more pots today,and put some under cover..I got as many Begonias as I could cope with ,indoors now,and Pelargoniums..so at least they are potted up..Still got lots in the borders,and still looking good..but for how long though ?
26 Oct, 2013
I have been doing the same Sandra all on the utility rom staging now and most of the bulbs planted, like you say still lots looking good in the garden and Im loathe to dig them up yet, maybe after all this weeks bad weather!
Lots of computer problems with it freezing up and taking ages to load, hoping to get Simon to take a look this coming week, so just bobbing in and out of the CP when I can;0)
27 Oct, 2013
Sorry to hear your Computer is playing up again,Carole..I hope Simon can fix it for you..I wish I had room to pot more up,but I have had to put a 'no vacancies ' sign up now :o)
28 Oct, 2013
I could quite happily turn the whole of our garden in to a Japanese garden, love the clean lines and the tranquility.... not sure OH would approve though!!
31 Oct, 2013
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Hi Sandra ..
Those are pretty gardens ...
... cute little thatched building :o)
Thanks for the tour ...
and I'm glad the rain didn't spoil your outing !
18 Oct, 2013