A small garden makeover..
By bloomer
" I’ve been thinking",a phrase that sometimes fills your OH with dread,but this was a little project I wanted to do..
I decided to paint some more garden pots..Some of you may remember a few years ago,I painted my chimney pot with Masonry paint,in a Sandstone colour,so I thought why not do a few more of the stone ones..why not indeed ? Yesterday was the day,so as they are heavy,Russell lifted them on to the drive,while he went out..to do more painting..this time at our daughters house..I must have caught the bug :o)
Ready to go…
I knew those bits of Polystyrene would come in handy sometime…to protect the Bacopa,which after a recent trim,are starting to grow again….luckily,there isn’t much else in the pots now..oops,I almost painted a bit.,but tucked it back in..Lol..
This is the new colour,,I was so fed up of the green I used a few years ago..and previous to that,I painted them blue :o)
All done,with two coats in no time,as it’s so quick drying,especially on a warm day ..I wandered around looking for something else to do,while I was in the mood..
Ah,a stone trough in the back garden..another boring green one… that will do nicely :o)
While I was at it,I gave the Chimney pot a freshen up as well..I really need to jet wash that north facing wall !
What do you think ? I’m happy with them,and so was OH when he came home..the painting carried on well into the afternoon..no.not me,,I was pricking out seedlings..,,. Russell is also painting our garden fence,in and among going back and forward to our daughters..two sides done,one to go..and we can put the brushes away :o)
24 Apr, 2015
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Fabulous job Bloomer very smart they will certainly show of your lovely planting to perfection! :o)
24 Apr, 2015
Very smart - wonderful way to get new pots for not much expense.
24 Apr, 2015
They look lovely !
24 Apr, 2015
They look great, especially the chimney pot.
24 Apr, 2015
A stroke of genius Sandra! The new paint really brightens things up. Even the plants look better.
24 Apr, 2015
Thanks Sue..it was better than dusting :o) I have a large collection of all shapes and sizes of Polystyrene packaging..even stored in the loft..do you think I need therapy ? Lol Good job Russell was out,as I was in a.'.if it doesn't move,paint it' mode :o)
Thank you Neellan,glad you approve.I'm thinking of planting some overwintered Pelargoniums in them..or I might completely change my mind,when the time comes..at least any colour should blend well :o)
Thank you Urbanite..so satisfying when you already have the paint..and as I'm a Yorkshire lass,I'm just staying true to my roots :o)
Thank you Kidsgran,I'm glad you like them..I'm really pleased I decided to do them :o)
Thanks Stera..I love my Chimney pot..we brought it with us from our last house..it fits nicely in the corner ..:o)
Thank you Paul,the green was looking a bit boring,and the edges were showing signs of wear and tear with the weather..nice and cheery at the front of the Bungalow..:o)
Thanks Steve,I think it seems to make them look bigger too..I find lots of uses for Polystyrene in the garden..I line my mini Growhouse shelves with the bigger flat pieces,trimmed to fit if necessary.,for extra insulation,and on the concrete base of a cold frame..also for half filling pots with broken up bits,if they are used for summer bedding plants..they don't need a pot full of compost..good job I have plenty of packaging from various items..Washing machine,TV etc :o)
25 Apr, 2015
they look great Sandra..:-)
25 Apr, 2015
New pots for old.......brilliant renovation Sandra and a perfect painting day ?
25 Apr, 2015
Thank you Sandra..nice to have a change :o)
25 Apr, 2015
Thanks Pam..I'm glad you approve,it's nice to get positive feed back from everyone :o) x
25 Apr, 2015
Yorkshire and parsimony were going through my mind but I didn't like to say ?
25 Apr, 2015
Lol.Urbanite...as yet,I haven't cut a current in half ,as we are said to do..give me time :o)
25 Apr, 2015
Very Chic! Sandra, I much prefer the Sandstone colour it brings the plants to life and I love the Chimmney pot, could kick myself as I left three at our old house!!
25 Apr, 2015
Sandstone is such a smart colour and I think it has made your containers look like new again and so fresh looking.
It was well worth doing and the finished result is great.......were you a sandstone shade too?!
25 Apr, 2015
Thank you Carole..so do I. The trough on the back wall
looks a bit 'in your face 'against the fence,but it will weather a bit and darken slightly in time..I'll get used to it :o) and yes,you should have kept yours..the things we get rid of,or leave behind sometimes..I think we have all done that...
25 Apr, 2015
Thanks Chris..they were ready for doing,and it was ideal weather ..I did quite well ,not getting it all over me..just the odd spot or too on my sleeves,which washed off ok..and a fingerprint on the front door,when I went to answer the phone.... I wasn't over polite with my reply,as it was one of those junk ones ..all evidence removed,before Russell came home ! Lol
25 Apr, 2015
Well done Bloomer .
Totally refreshed are they not ? Love them .
Do you think plain terracotta would take that paint ?
25 Apr, 2015
Thanks Driad..and I don't see why not,as my chimney pot was once painted with white gloss,at the other house,and it was no problem adhering to that,although I did rub it down first..It says on the tin 's label,'textured 'Masonry paint,not the smooth kind..
25 Apr, 2015
I think they look so much better in cream, a brilliant transformation, and they show off the plants better, well, to mind well done a smashing idea...
25 Apr, 2015
Thank you,Angela..it makes me feel it was the right thing to do,reading all the lovely comments..if it hadn't worked,I would still have changed them to some other colour..to what,I have no idea !:o) x
25 Apr, 2015
Bloomer you`ve started me off again, I`ve got about four or five plastic pots/tubs looking decidedly scruffy ... if I can make them look as good as yours I shall be a happy bunny.
26 Apr, 2015
Lol,Stroller..go for it girl,what have you got to lose? it's good to have a change sometimes :o) x
26 Apr, 2015
That made me laugh so much because as soon as I say 'I was just thinking' himself is - Oh NO, what now.
26 Apr, 2015
Hello Ginellie..lovely to hear from you..I think we all dread that expression ,don't we ? Lol ..
26 Apr, 2015
They look great and love the colours.
27 Apr, 2015
Thank you 3d..they do brighten up the garden..:o)
27 Apr, 2015
I commented on this one straight away but forgot to press Send. Again. Love them Sandra, a great improvement, especially the chimney pot.
27 Apr, 2015
you DID press send,Sue..your's was one of the earlier comments..but thank you again :o)
27 Apr, 2015
What am I like.....
28 Apr, 2015
Just like me ! Lol
28 Apr, 2015
Great job there Sandra.....I've got plenty of black plastic pots, if you fancy a visit to Leicester....you could go and see Richard 111 tomb when you've finished!!!!brilliant idea don't you think?:-)))
29 Apr, 2015
Thanks Val..you could always have a go at revamping yours,although my rates are quite reasonable :o) Not sure about the tomb of Richard 111..we could go to a garden centre instead :o) x
29 Apr, 2015
Yeah! Thats a better idea....plenty to choose from!!
30 Apr, 2015
:o)) x
30 Apr, 2015
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I think you have too much time on your hands Sandra, lol...
Seriously they look very smart and I like your bits of plant protection although it wouldn't occur to me to use bits of polystyrene, hope hubby wasn't thinking of standing still, he could be in danger of getting a new coat as well...
24 Apr, 2015