By bornagain
Now which do you prefer, the black or the bejazzled doggy bag?
I’ve noticed a new country craft
that’s sweeping through the nation
doggy bags on branches bare
Hung just for decoration.
Black the favourite and dark green
Are strewn among the branches
I wonder how this craft began
Who are these tree enhancers?
Perhaps they’re gifts for little folk
Who gather them with relish
To fertilise those fairy rings
That gardeners all cherish
Now a business opportunity
presents itself to me
I’ll make bejazzled doggy bags
That’ll look good on a tree
So when I’m walking with my dogs
The trees will look so pretty
We’ll all forget the contents
and admire the gifts so …erm.. witty
And when the fairies come to get
their gifts.. they’ll raise their hats at
Me for making doggy bags
A gift not to be sniffed at :-))
5 Jan, 2013
Previous post: NOVEMBER MOOD
Next post: Brrrrr
Lol BA ... please send some glitzy bags to my street for the person who repeatedly lets their dog foul the pavement ... then walks away ... grrr to him/her ... Happy New Year to you and yours ... :o)
5 Jan, 2013
Today on a country lane Isaw a very big black bag on top of a hedge do you think it could have been a passing elephant?
5 Jan, 2013
Nothing riles me more than to see these abominations, why folk have to do it is beyond my comprehension, our pair are trained to go in the garden before they go for a walk, trouble is dog- owners are all tarred with the same brush...
Very witty Ba......
5 Jan, 2013
And there was me thinking it was a new trendy 2013 christmas tree,
5 Jan, 2013
We Vals must think the same Yorks. I thought it was a new trendy christmas tree lol,prefer the bejazzled doggy bag! lovely poem BA, my OH is very good at that sort of thing, he puts little verses on all my cards and the grandchildrens,Ahhhhhhh
5 Jan, 2013
You have poetry in your bones BA!
Loved it but not quite sure about the contents!!!
5 Jan, 2013
Enjoyed reading that ... lol :o)
5 Jan, 2013
BRILLIANT!! On seeing your title BA - I thought you had put the fairy lights on around some of your plants :)
there is one of those black bags dangling from a branch on a bush near me and it gets on my nerves every day!! I hangs out over that river and too far away for me to reach to cut it down! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
5 Jan, 2013
Hi all and a Happy New Year to those I have'nt said it to already:-) Sticki, you don't have a dog! No glitzy bag for you my girl. Shirley I bet it's a man. I have noticed( sorry boys) that it's almost always a man who leaves behind his doggy's offerings. Pam, just how big was the bag? I've often wondered what goes through these tree adorner's minds, they pick it up then leave it, someone must have started the trend >:-] (puzzled look)
5 Jan, 2013
perhaps i should borrow one?
5 Jan, 2013
I know its not nice and nothing is worse than dirty walkways but out in the countryside and in the woods it would decay quicker when not in a bag, so to be honest the folk who pick up said deposits but then leave the plastic bags are guilty of making things worse........
5 Jan, 2013
Thanks Lincs, that brush we're all tarred's not the one you use to clean up after your boys is it lol?:-) Yorkie, the Christmas hols are over now, you really will have to stop drinking, even my Xmas tree looked better than that:-) Gralew , you and Yorky think alike? Oh noooo not two of you, but I bet Yorky doesn't get any nice verses from her OH:-)
5 Jan, 2013
No Sticki, it wouldn't be worth it:-) You're right Lincs, lots of creatures make use of it:-)
5 Jan, 2013
Ba I think you`d win hands down, my hubby wouldn`t dream of poopa scooping for me and my son-in-law has even gone so far as to ring my daughter for her to scoop for him so now they walk the dog together, lol.....I have a tool kit specially for that purpose,consists of a dustpan, cement trowel and special lidded bucket, mine are very big dogs, lol.....
5 Jan, 2013
Totally bril , Ba .
These adornments are certainly a scourge , the bejazzeled bags come in transparent too !
The said contents would be best left alone to let nature take its course , if they are not to be commited to the bin .
5 Jan, 2013
Chris, as I said, the contents are not to be sniffed at:-)) Thanks Hywel:-) Thanks Scottish:-) The fields where I walk my dogs comprise two cricket pitches and a football pitch with rough wilderness at the edges. I should think the man who looks after the fields gets very annoyed, do they think they're helping him? There's a bin for doggy bags near the clubhouse, obviously too far for people to walk!
5 Jan, 2013
Thanks Driad, can anyone remember when this 'craze' started? I'm sure it's rather recent:-)
5 Jan, 2013
i borrowed this one but its a very clean puppy and doesnt need a bag!
5 Jan, 2013
Thats cute Sticki....
It was a dusbin bag Ba, not bejewelled but on top of a hawthorn hedge around a field......I suppose it could have been the wind?
I do think Ba verses. com is going to be an excellent venture for 2013
5 Jan, 2013
Ahhhhhh, he`a a cutie Sticki,plus he won`t need a bag, lol...
5 Jan, 2013
That's very clever Sticki and the best sort to have, but I'd miss the kisses:-)
5 Jan, 2013
Pam I think the elephant was the best guess. Wasn't it Sherlock Holmes who said.. when you've ruled out the impossible, then, what ever you're left with, however improbable, must be the answer? Something like that anyway:-)
5 Jan, 2013
Bet you'd miss the kisses too though Lincs:-)
5 Jan, 2013
:-)) thanks, i googled him!!
5 Jan, 2013
Oh yes and the bruises I get from Brynner because he insists on pawing my legs when its playtime, don`t think my daughter will miss Morgans, he`s in bad books for stealing her salmon as soon as she go it out of the freezer, he was like greased lightning, lol....
5 Jan, 2013
great blog BA and iv noticed alot of these doggy bags all over, either on branches or thrown aside on boarders, its unbelievable, even when there is a bin not to far from where they abandon them, so annoying, :(
5 Jan, 2013
I read in the local paper about a park that has problems with a few irrisponsible owners allowing agressive dogs to run loose frightening small dogs and children......the owners think its amusing or are so far away so as not to lobby wants All dogs on leads........
I think chips and licences would be the answer......and good old fashioned park keepers!
6 Jan, 2013
Ha ha Ba! Brilliant!! It is so true, in our village there aren't many doggie bins, but I usually bag it up and take it home, it is the scourge of pavements though especially when school kids and mums are going by in a morning. Not so long since, a young bloke went by and let his dog foul straight outside our front door, I bagged it up and felt like clocking him round the head with! Another time hubby was infuriated that he stuck a stick in some on the path with a notice saying some filthy dog owners had left this least no one trod in it!
6 Jan, 2013
B/A my OH sings to me,
6 Jan, 2013
Ah but Yorky, what does he sing?:-)
6 Jan, 2013
Lincs, my Rosie is going bad ways too, daren't leave anything sweet on the coffee table now. She used to be so good:-) Pam some of the dog owners would be impossible for one poor park keeper to control, they'd probably set their dogs on him! Thanks Janey, someone not far from us used to draw around the offending articles with white chalk, possibly hoping to shame the person (fat chance) and hopefully ensuring no-one stood in it ...but I like your husbands stick method.... he could hang one of my sparkly bags on the end of it:-))
6 Jan, 2013
Hi Sandra, it beggars belief doesn't it! It gives the anti-dog brigade lots of ammunition. I can remember when Boo was a baby, wheeling the pram into the house and spreading doggy doos all over the place... I was not happy:-))
6 Jan, 2013
O Sole Mio, and lots of Pavarroti songs
6 Jan, 2013
I dont think we have anything to worry about BA as there will shortly be no trees near us to hang bags from, apparently over the last couple of months people have been going out at night and cutting them down for fire wood - is it a sign of things to come as belts are getting tighter.
Loved your poem.
7 Jan, 2013
Yorky, now you're talking...Pavarotti was my favourite tenor. I love operatic arias, not so much the 'pop' type songs, but he could sing anything for me:-)
7 Jan, 2013
Thanks Phyll, I hadn't heard that about the trees. My OH lived on a council estate in Sheffield as a boy and people there used to chop up and burn the doors for some warmth....hopefully not the front door or that would defeat the purpose:-)
7 Jan, 2013
I read somewhere that because of the poorly ash trees there should soon be lots of wood for sale.....
GQT on R4 was talking about a disease affecting conifers like christmas trees, all the needles go brown and fall off, the trees often grow new ones but it can affect plantations.....their explaination was the import of diseases with the global plants market
7 Jan, 2013
Love the Glizty bags but only if they are empty! great poem Ba you clever thing;0)
7 Jan, 2013
LoL, so funny (the poem) and not the doggy bags!!
7 Jan, 2013
Thanks Carole and Lulu:-)
8 Jan, 2013
I heard that too Pam on GQT. I've got flippin flu at the moment, only had it a couple of times before, so not able to do anything except moan lol:-)
8 Jan, 2013
I got a cold within two days of having my flu injection early Dec, was really bad over xmas but determined to enjoy my time with the family, last week felt so much better apart from the coughing, now its back with a vengeance, I`m right fedup with myself and woe betide anyone who rings me trying to sell me something or going on about flipping PPI claims, I won`t be taking any prisoners!!!!!!!!!!!
8 Jan, 2013
Oops , Ba , was that me putting you off the "jab"?
I do hope not ; please feel better soon .
8 Jan, 2013
Who should have had the Jabber Jabber doo then!!!!!!!!
Hope your feeling better, sending you a big HUG.
8 Jan, 2013
Lol lincs:-) Driad, yes it's your fault, I feel as though I weigh a ton and my appetite has gone, not to mention the pain and I'm sleeping a lot of the time if the pain allows, but don't feel guilty lol:-) Phyll, I'm going to have one next year, thanks for the hug:-)
9 Jan, 2013
I missed out last year and was healthy apart from mega weightloss, put that down to stress because we lost my Dad, the way I feel at the mo" I WISH" I`d never had the darned jab, think I need a hug as well, PLEASE!!!!!!!!
9 Jan, 2013
Ba and Lincs , plenty of fluids and vitamin C for you two ........ and lots of hugs .
9 Jan, 2013
And me! I got the flu christmas night......I felt awful christmas eve but you just carry on, then started coughing, couldn't get warm, shivery pain everywhere......I haven't felt so ill for many years, he got it two days later, we coughed our way through the rest of christmas....I couldn't eat.......lived on peppermint tea and rich tea biscuits.......two weeks later much better but still coughing.....
Hope you soon feel better (((((((((((ba)))))))))))) big hug
Love Pam xxx
9 Jan, 2013
Its horrible isn`t it, typically British, I`m blaming the weather, lol....
9 Jan, 2013
Well it keeps being forecast to go cold, but I still think the few days of warm sun we had helped me to feel better, all those months of cold and wet lowers your resistance
I hope you feel better today Ba xxx
10 Jan, 2013
Ha I'm back! I actually got dressed today \0/ feeling human and I've eaten, still can't face tea..oh no:-( I think I had sleeping sickness along with all the other stuff. My family helped with feeding OH, but I was afraid they might catch it. My poor girls haven't had a run for ages, I'll try to take them tomorrow. Thanks for all your good wishes and hugs:-) It was all frozen here this morning, but sunny later on:-)
13 Jan, 2013
Its three weeks today Ba that I started to feel distinctly odd, I,m much better too but have to watch what I eat.....
I did read that the virus is rife in the usa, with the mayor of new york declaring a flu emergency.....20,000 cases in new york alone according to the bbc
Good to hear you are on the mend x
13 Jan, 2013
Yes Pam, this bug seems to hang around, my son had it and he said to take things easy for a while even though you think you're ok. I wonder which strain it is? All I can drink is very diluted Ribena lol. I hope I can drink tea soon and maybe a slice of Shirley Tulips plum cake if some kind person would bake me one:-) I shall give you a hug back as you're feeling rough still((((((((((((Pam))))))))))Here's one for Lincs too(((((((((Lincs)))))))))) as you're still poorly. It's snowed here tonight. All I need now is to fall flat when I feel well enough to take the dogs for a run lol:-)
13 Jan, 2013
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BA you are amazing! that is quite brilliant!
I would prefer the glitzy bag please ~ empty one!
5 Jan, 2013