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By clarice


The other day Karen was saying about the herons with Flip & Flop, but got up this morning, to see something i’ve never known before, no herons but one magpie flying from the pond with Flip or Flop, i was stunned for a bit, but then i went to look and it had taken them both,

But i blame myself as since i’ve had them about 7-8yrs a couple of my grandchildren bought this for them both to play with

and i took it out only a few weeks ago, and i’m sure it was this what kept them safe, so now its back in the pond to keep
Ebb & Flo

safe. Should never have taken the plastic duck out as Flip & Flop where so friendly and would come to top and stay there when i was close to pond, so from now its there permantly.

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Oh, poor Flip and Flop..
are you saying that the model duck keeps the predators away ?

7 May, 2010


Dont know for sure, but it just seems funny how this happened a couple of weeks after taking it out, at same time if i had not seen it with my own eyes i would not believe the magpies would have taken them, i had just got up walked in kitchen to put kettle on and the magpie was just flying from the pond with one of them in its mouth, so next time they come for a drink in birdbath they had better watch out as i'm not pleased with them ful stop as Flip and Flop where not just fish in the pond they where pets to me, not going to get attached to Ebb & Flo as much.

7 May, 2010


Oh! i am so sorry to hear about Flip & Flop, what a shock for you..
Your Duck in the water, kept them away, such a shame... do not blame
yourself Clarice, there is probably a good reason, for the Magpie, to have taken
Flip & Flop, perhaps she is feeding her young...i know its a terrible thing to happen, but like we keep saying....Nature is so cruel at times!!
I keep a net over my pond at all times, as i lost 12 Koi to the Heron, it is unusual for Magpies to swoop and snatch Fish...: >(((

7 May, 2010


I know its only nature, and yes we should know it happens but it dont stop hurting when it happens, but did'nt think magpies go for fish, and no herons round her.

7 May, 2010


Last two mornings there has been a Heron on the roof of nearby houses and we've had Magpies around as well... It seems Magpies help themselves to almost anything.... even if that is nature, that doesn't stop your being upset, Clarice.

How is Smokey today ?

7 May, 2010


Hi TT for the last week he as been on a high, and to me looks quite good, but Sandra saw him on Sunday and think she was so shocked with him, anyone who dont see him much see how he's going down more than me, its vet day again on monday, so hoping they keep his medication at the same as this last month, as he seems a lot happy cat as they are. Hows Conker doing, hope he's still keeping well give him a hug from me, As for Magpies not my favourite bird, they was'nt before and they are at the bottom of my list now. xx

7 May, 2010


Oh Carol, that's such a shame for you. You DO get attached to Goldfish , even though you can't actually make a fuss of them ! A Magpie has been into our garden for past 3 days, takes bread from ground and dunks it in the birdbath leaving a right mess in the water ! Now I'll have to shoo him away as well as the Pigeons !

7 May, 2010


Thats 2 of us doing it then, at least the pigeons leave my fish alone, anyway hope putting plastic duck back in pond will do the trick again.

7 May, 2010


Oh dear, sorry to hear that carol :o(

7 May, 2010


Thanks Hywel, didnt think i was so quite that attached to both.

7 May, 2010


Well you have been looking after them and feeding them every day so you're bound to get attached to them I think.

7 May, 2010


Thats true, these other two dont seem as friendly as the other two was these intend to stay at bottom, dont think magpie bothered with the little ones not enough on them to feed their babies.

7 May, 2010


I hope all goes well for Smokey at your vet visit on Monday, Carol...

Conker is doing fine thank you. Growing lots and lots of hair .... and he is eating plenty ! ...

I'm glad the Magpies didn't catch Ebb and Flo as well.... xxx

7 May, 2010


Thanks TT going to have a bit of lunch then go in garden for a while, mind you it feels quite cold outside today xxx.

7 May, 2010


So sorry to hear about your fish Clarice, never heard of a magpie catching fish, have too watch out as we have loads of magpies in the garden.
We have a magpie that does that too Shirley tulip, dips bread in the birdbath, he also hides it in a morning when I put it out, among plants and leaves in the garden, then comes back for it later, if Fudge hasn't found it first.

7 May, 2010


That's a bit cunning ! The birds have just started coming into our garden again, especially Blackbirds, a Robin, Greenfinches and Coal Titss so I do shoo the Magpie and Pigeons away when I spot them !

7 May, 2010


it may look odd but childrens windmills have deterred the heron as they are sensitive to movement but not so reliable on a still day !

7 May, 2010


I can understand how upset you are, Clarice, it was only a few days ago that you posted a photo of Flip and Flop and were saying how friendly they were. You can't help but get attached to them. I think you will find Ebb and Flo become more friendly as the summer goes on. Like Pamg I was going to suggest some sort of mobile near the pond that might deter the magpies. I didn't realise they could do this sort of thing.

7 May, 2010


So sorry to hear about Flip and Flop Carol they bought you so much enjoyment, so pleased to see you have but the duck back on guard.

7 May, 2010


sorry to hear about your fish clarice......

7 May, 2010


Thanks everyone, you know if i had'nt seen it with my own eyes, i would not have believed it myself, never thought magpies eat fish, but this magpie as a big nest in a tree about 2-3houses from me, and i saw it as it flew out my garden with this orange thing in its mouth, and it took me a second to realise what had happened, by then it was in its nest, the best bit where the pond was still in tack no mess or anything,but i know when i get up which is always around 7am i put kettle on feed Smokey, then get the fish food out go to the pond and Flip & Flop would be there waiting in same place as i feed them at top of pond. So when the magpie had them they would have been like sitting ducks waiting there.

7 May, 2010


I have allways said that magpies are nastie pasties although a bonny bird they do eat everything and anything.The Blackbirds abandoned their first nest because of the Magpies then they pinched an egg out of her second nest I think she has given up now.The magpie also dunks his bread in my birdbath,I leave a bit of cat food out for him in the hope some baby birds survive ,they have just had a neighbours cat up in the tree teasing it further and further towards the the end of the branch he got down safe.

7 May, 2010


Mavis i have a window feeder on my back porch and i could not believe it they where trying to get in it to get at the mealworms and suet pellets.

7 May, 2010


aww carol im so sorry about flip and flop, i cant believe it after us talking about them last week, never known that before even though magpies will grab food, didnt know they would go for fish ;o((, thats so very sad, xx

7 May, 2010


Oh no! That's unbelieveable Carol. I'm so sorry...I must have had a premonition....that's terrible. I was thinking of you at Edinburgh botanic gardens. the carp there were about a foot long! Flip and flop were such fine fish! Hope the duck was indeed doing the trick....I bet it was! Blooming wildlife! If it's not Badgers digging up your lawn it's cats and dogs digging up your plants or herons and magpies nicking your fish....then there's the birds nests crashing to the ground, the bunnies that destroy your vegetable patch...and everything else...the mice, the vine weevils and lily beetles, the green fly and red spider mite.....need I go on? I do hope that your fish will be as nice as the last ones were!

7 May, 2010


Poor Flip and Flop, you must be very upset at losing them like that Clarice. I had no idea a magpie could steal fish from a pond. They`ve never been my favourite birds and know I like them even less. :o(

7 May, 2010


I've been reading up about it on protecting fish in ponds, and i knew i was'nt seeing things this morning with that orange thing in a magpies mouth. according to google magpies do take goldfish from ponds.

7 May, 2010


thats awfull isnt it carol, so apart from putting netting over thats all really, but it does spoil the look i think

7 May, 2010


Thats true but on saying that them 2 fish was quite freindly and i'd bet the 2 of them was at top of pond waiting for there breakfast, as for the other 2 fish least movement near pond and they dive and hide, but on the bright side if you can call it that gone 7-8yrs with no problems.

7 May, 2010


yes your right carol and guess it happens to most at some time, still sad though,

7 May, 2010


Its very sad,you know what i keep thinking of Smokey, they say everything happens in three's, and he as been in his bed most of today, funny TT was asking about him this morning and i said he was having a few good days, but you was shocked when you saw him how poorly he looked, but since about 11 -11-30 he as not moved, and usually he his on my knee every night.

7 May, 2010


strange how they can have good days near the end carol, its going to happen we know but we still hope they will pull through, we dont want to let go do we, poor little lad x

7 May, 2010


You've hit it right on the nail, know its going to happen but its like waiting for a close member to go, also if you look at the first photo on this blog you will see how close to the top of the water Flip & Flop use to get, and it was most of the time they where there. xx

7 May, 2010


yes they did get right up close carol, damn magpies x

7 May, 2010


Hate them i do, They wont be bathing in my birdbath anymore if i catch them. xx

7 May, 2010


the doves chase them off in my garden carol,, great to watch that

7 May, 2010


They do here aswell but they 'll have me aswell doing it to them, when the magpies goes in that big conifer tree at bottom of garden, its like world war 3, with all the noise from all the birds. x

7 May, 2010


i bet, i remember when i had my lab and use to walk her on fields, magpies attacked her cause she ventured to close to nesting site, it was awfull i had to chase them off her clapping loudly, vicious

7 May, 2010


THe magpies have got a nest in a tree next door to Donna's house, so not very far for them to get plenty of meals with all the birds nest in conifer and my fish.

7 May, 2010


lets hope the duck helps now carol,

7 May, 2010


Sandra the 2 kids that named them was the two that got the duck for them to play with, i just thought seeing as they live down south of england i could take it out and just but it back in pond when they come to visit, as thought they just can't pop in nearly every day like they use to, that will teach me, i dont know for shore if it was the duck, but funny how a couple of weeks after this happened, someone as said moving things on ponds do help, so you may need something like it in yours, rather have duck than netting, it would be hard work taking netting of everytime we clean the fountain pump out would'nt it. x

7 May, 2010


yes i wouldnt want nettind either so a duck it will have to be lol x

7 May, 2010


Thats sorted that out, it also said on google that herons in winter -spring go looking for mates so if they see one in your garden even if it is plastic it will entice them in so they are a no go aswell. xx

7 May, 2010


makes sense really, and so many people have those plastic herons,
im off now carol, eyes stingind with being tired and work tomoz, nite and have a good weekend , take care xx

7 May, 2010


Night Sandra i'm off to bed aswell see you later.xx

7 May, 2010


So sorry Carol for your lovely Flip and Flop........blessed Magpies I hope the duck keeps Ebb and Flo safe for you I hope Smokey is ok too x

7 May, 2010


just to say, my neighbours a farmer and really dislikes magpies...

8 May, 2010


Magpies are so horrible, they will pinch anything they wont, where one of my sisters lives she as known them to take washing of the clothsline, Neellan thanks for asking about Smokey he is back at vets again on monday, dont know about him, but i'm getting to feel its my second home.

8 May, 2010


Sorry to read about your fish, know what it is like to lose fish you have reared for a long time, better luck with your new ones Ebb and Flo........

8 May, 2010


Thanks Dotty, had the two little ones about a year now,best bit is since it happened on Friday these They come out of cover and dive back in, dont seem to wont to move far from their cover at all, and they say fish have only a 3 second memory, some how i dont think so.

9 May, 2010


No it has been proved they do have much better memories..........

9 May, 2010


They sure do, think that what happened to the 2 big ones as they where always ready in the spot where i fed them, plus they where always at the top of the water with there noses out the water, plus they where bright orange.

9 May, 2010


So sorry to hear about flip and flop Carol :-(

9 May, 2010


So very sorry to hear this news Clarice.....seems the magpies had worked out your routine...and took advantage.Perhaps Ebb and Flo are better being less friendly.......x

9 May, 2010


BB you are right i read that as well about how they work out every movement and timing. .x

10 May, 2010


one thing that we did in a pond once and really worked well was to put some lengths of clay drainpipe in and the fish soon learned to hide in them

10 May, 2010


I've got a old plant pot in bottom where they winter and hide the 2 small ones wont come out of them now except to eat, but Flip & Flop where always at top of pond they did'nt move when i went up close to them, you can see with the photo of them at top of this blog how close they they got to top of pond.

10 May, 2010


I can, its very upsetting, we found one at the side of the pond recentl with a hole in its side that the heron had done and not taken away :o(((

10 May, 2010


So sorry Pam it is very upsetting :o((

11 May, 2010


it was Clarice--- it was the oldest in the pond :(

12 May, 2010


Know how you feelthese two where about 8yrs, put even worse i think when they get them then leave them, like they did with yours.

12 May, 2010


what a shame Carol so sorry to hear this, it makes it worse when you have had them a long time ,my son had a lot of expensive fish taken by herons he has a net over it now..

12 May, 2010


its been around for days now and when he flies over the garden he's HUGE-- makes me think Ptereodactyl.......

13 May, 2010


I didn't realise that they would this type of thing Clarice so I am gutted for you.

Try not to blame yourself as these unfortunate things do happen I suppose.

Thinking of you and hoping that Magpie stays well away.

17 May, 2010


OB i've got a water pistol to frighten them off when they come in garden, touch wood they have'nt been for a few days now.

17 May, 2010


Hi Bingy.. you might get some ideas from GoYpedia Netting.. scroll to base of page.. click on N, and then click on Netting. I hope this helps.

24 May, 2015

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