Young LLama in a field in East Sussex
By drc726
On our walk today we came across young llamas grazing in the sunshine.The black one carried on eating but the brown one was interested in us and was happy to be snapped.
29 Nov, 2011
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I think he was Sheilar.
29 Nov, 2011
he's a little poser :D nice pic there :))))))
30 Nov, 2011
Oh bless, he's lovely.
30 Nov, 2011
I've heard of llamas being kept on farms. I think there's one in wales somewhere - not near here though.
30 Nov, 2011
They are quite popular now and must be just like keeping sheep Hywel.
30 Nov, 2011
Maybe we'll see llamas on these hills soon then :o)
30 Nov, 2011
I dont see why not Hywel Lol
30 Nov, 2011
awwh aint she/he cute. There are some in a field near us and they always come across to say 'hello' or perhaps to laugh at us :o)
30 Nov, 2011
They have such cute little faces they are becoming more popular we have some not far from us .......they spit at you don't they ?
30 Nov, 2011
I love Llamas...there are a few places keeping them now..
Amy,haven't you taught them,it's rude to spit ? :o))
30 Nov, 2011
they have Alpacas at the local country park running with the sheep, the'll chase off such as dogs or foxes, they have the most beautiful eyes...
30 Nov, 2011
I've heard that, Pam - they make wonderful guardian "Sheepdogs", apparently. The lovely eyes are a bonus!
30 Nov, 2011
Wonderful animals, Denise ... we saw some at the Ardingly Autumn Show last year ... not too far from your area ... :o)
30 Nov, 2011
aparantly alpaca wool is lovely to knit
30 Nov, 2011
It makes you wonder what else we could be seeing in our fields lol
30 Nov, 2011
arent they so sweet Denise, we have some near me at farmer parrs lol, people can go and feed the animals and stroke them ;o))
30 Nov, 2011
used to have ostriches in a field up the road but they struggled to keep them in, when we go across the pennines on the A66 theres a farm shop & restaurant that has all sorts of animals happily in its fields.
I remembered this from school
the one l lama
he's a priest
the two l llama
he's a beast
but I would bet a silk pyjama
there isnt any three l lllama
30 Nov, 2011
Oh Denise he's so cute (from a distance lol).
More and more places seem to be keeping llamas now. Theres a small field (attached to a house) in Little On (I think) in Stafford that has always got 3 or 4 llamas in. Its a very quiet stretch of road, just one house (lovely house) alongside an abandoned air strip and a fabulous stretch of canal. The llamas are always quiet curious when they see people and generally come over to say hello. My OH once managed to stroke the one younger llama. Hasn't even got close since. I'll have to take some photos next time were down there.
30 Nov, 2011
Glad you are all enjoying the photo.
30 Nov, 2011
That's so cute! They always look at you so incredulously!
2 Dec, 2011
These two certainly did Libet
2 Dec, 2011
They are gorgeous animals, Denise, and we've seen a few here in France...on private land...
The wool, I've heard too, is beautiful and soft, to work...
Glad I caught up with this Blog...:)))
17 Dec, 2011
Thanks Crissue.
17 Dec, 2011
My pleasure...:)))
17 Dec, 2011
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He looks as if he's saying 'what you looking at then?' lol
29 Nov, 2011