Merry Christmas and a Very happy New Year to all on GOY
By drc726
What a difference last year the snow lay deep while this year plants are still flowering.
The snow in my garden 02/12/10
The Clematis flowering 12/12/11
16 Dec, 2011
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Wow, lets hope we have a mild Hywel i am with you on that..Merry Christmas drc to you & yours & a happy New Year..:o)
16 Dec, 2011
All the best to you Denise too X
16 Dec, 2011
That Clematis is astounding, what contrast between the two pictures. I have upped the cover on my tree fern this evening...the ground was freezing at 5pm.
Merry Christmas, stay warm..
16 Dec, 2011
Thanks Denise, and you have a lovely Christmas too!
16 Dec, 2011
Fabulous amount of blooms on the Clematis ... what a strange year it has been ... weatherwise ... have a lovely Christmas, Denise ... :o)
16 Dec, 2011
What a change eh?
Merry Xmas to you! :))))
16 Dec, 2011
Merrrrry Christmas Denise, and a GoY New Year!
16 Dec, 2011
Have a lovely Christmas and a happy New Year Drc.
16 Dec, 2011
Its been a crazy mixed up season hasnt it Drc. One that we have all talked about a lot here on Goy. Lets hope it doesnt get too cold and end up like your first photo! Stranger things have happened.
Happy Christmas greetings to you too.
16 Dec, 2011
Wow! Look at your clematis! That's totally astounding! Have a wonderful Christmas, Denise, and thank you for all your hard work you put into this wonderful Goy site, it's much appreciated!
17 Dec, 2011
I second that! Hywel yo have fallen at the first hurdle and looked at a snow picture! You were tricked into it by the title of the blog.
17 Dec, 2011
We have four buds on our Magnolia Susan, or I should say we did till the high winds whipped across here in the last 36 hours....what a difference...this Season...
I also would like to say thanks for your hard work on GOY Denise, behind the scenes goes on constantly....:)))
Have a great Holiday with your loved ones, and a healthy fresh New Year, ready to go again...xx
17 Dec, 2011
Hope you have a lovely Christmas, wishes to you and your Family..looks like we won't be having the white stuff,according to the forecast..and going to be a lot milder later on in the week :o) I still have a scented Geranium in flower,in a basket ..looking a bit bedraggled,but still hanging on ! :o)
17 Dec, 2011
Certainly a different year - how nice to see the 2nd photo!!! Thankfully we got no snow at all this side of winter this year - in fact 2011 has been snow free really - horay!!!!
Have a great Christmas and great mild 2012 :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
17 Dec, 2011
Our big rose bush (Golden showers, I think) still has an abundance of glossy green leaves and is covered in buds!
17 Dec, 2011
That sounds good, you think the buds will open ?
17 Dec, 2011
Such a difference!
Have a very Happy Christmas and all the very best for you and yours in 2012, Denise x
17 Dec, 2011
One of them already has, Bloomer - I can see it from the bedroom window. Gorgeous! If the rest can hang on until the beginning of the week when the temperatures are set to drop dramatically, who knows? I am tempted to rush out and drape it with something to insulate it, but looking at the forecast, it'd have to stay on for a darned long time. I think it's on it's own!
17 Dec, 2011
Seems such a shame ..would they open indoors,if you cut them off? .sounds like you are going to lose them at least they would have a warm death ! :o))
17 Dec, 2011
That's a thought, Bloomer. We don't normally have cut flowers or plants in the house - it's too dark for them to survive for more than a day or so, but what the H*** - I think I'll get out there with the secateurs!
17 Dec, 2011
Happy Christmas Denise and a very Happy New Year, much prefer this years picture :-))
17 Dec, 2011
Merry Christmas, Denise,
and all the best for 2012. xxx
I've added this blog to GoYpedia Climbing Plants :o)
17 Dec, 2011
Merry Christmas and a happy new year hope we dont get the snow :-)
17 Dec, 2011
My goodness you are all up and about early this morning! Thank you all, I do so enjoy GOY.
17 Dec, 2011
A merry Christmas to you Drc and a Happy New Year ... :o))
17 Dec, 2011
Thanks Amy
17 Dec, 2011
Happy christmas... lets hope we dont get to much snow...
17 Dec, 2011
what a contrast! interesting to see the difference,
happy christmas!
17 Dec, 2011
Merry xmas to you, i'm so pleased this year is not like last year.
17 Dec, 2011
I remember it well!! much prefer this years picture, the clematis is doing so well for you;0) We have snow here today just a light covering, but hope Sandra is right and it isn't going to get any worse!
A very Happy Christmas and New Year to you and your family Denise;0
17 Dec, 2011
There are about 4 or 5 of us insomniacs up early most mornings, if ever you can't sleep? ..someone will be around from about 5.30.-6am...!!!
17 Dec, 2011
I dont sleep till well after 2am Bloomer but dont wake till 8 in the winter. In the summer I am a very early bird in the garden.
17 Dec, 2011
You lazy slattern Bloomer ! By 5:30 my step is donkey stoned at least three children are hoovering a chimney a piece.
17 Dec, 2011
That`s a lovely sight Denise, even more so considering the date, lets hope it doesn`t mean we`ll be having snow next April, lol..
Merry Christmas to you and your family.xx
17 Dec, 2011
I hope so to Lincslass
17 Dec, 2011
merry christmas Denise and all the very best for 2012 :o)) x
17 Dec, 2011
I hate it,when I can't get to sleep , seems never ending,lying awake..but at least you aren't up so early..strange how we all have different sleep patterns.
You flatterer you,'s ages since anyone called me lazy.! I only had time to black lead the fireplace,and make the gruel..some little so and so kept asking for more..never satisfied,the kids of today..and no credit card to pay for it either..only 150% interest a month over 25 years..I ask you..what is the world coming to ?
17 Dec, 2011
Not good at maths, Bloomer, is 150% compound interest every month as bad as the 5,578% APR that one of the payday loan companies is charging? (I kid you not - look for the small print at the bottom of the screen in the TV advertisements.) I'm surprised that Twist kid has got any sort of credit rating at all.
17 Dec, 2011
Lol, idea ! bt wil take your word for it,as never paid it..If that twist comes round again tonight,I'm not sharing my steak with that little greedy guts....well maybe just a little ,with a crust >:o)
18 Dec, 2011
18 Dec, 2011
Blimey, I'd forgotten how early it had snowed last year. Its been such strange weather this year, I'm as confused as the plants lol. Keep thinking its August/September lol.
Merry Christmas Denise, hope you have a great time. heres to a happy and healthy new year.
18 Dec, 2011
Thanks all. Its very cold today and we have some real frost for the first time this year.
19 Dec, 2011
It was a hard frost here too this morning, not much fun clearing the windscreen to get to work. Merry Christmas Denise x
19 Dec, 2011
We actually got snow overnight, but it's a lovely day again, and everything has melted! Was rather hoping for a little bit of a white Christmas! It'll be the first time in 7 years we won't have had one. :-(
19 Dec, 2011
I hope for no snow at all as it is so restricting and dangerous.
19 Dec, 2011
My dog slipped three times this morning, as the snow melted and froze in sheet of ice over night, light rain added to the problem...fortunately it has gone now.
19 Dec, 2011
Merry Xmas Denise I too have a clematis flowering looks very strange as everything else is looking wintery:)x
19 Dec, 2011
I think mine has gone at long last to this mornings frost.
19 Dec, 2011
Thank you, Denise! Merry Christmas to you :)
21 Dec, 2011
And to you Uma
21 Dec, 2011
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Clematis Orientalis 'Bill Mackenzie'
£12.50 at Burncoose -
Jasminum Officinale Affine 'Aureum'
£14.50 at Burncoose -
Jasminum Officinale Affine 'Argentovariegatum'
£14.50 at Burncoose -
Magnolia Nitida
£20.00 at Burncoose
Thank you Denise. Merry Christmas to you too :o)
I know which photo I preffer lol
16 Dec, 2011