Hastings this evening.
By drc726
Supper in Hastings this evening. The sun was out after the thunder storm but very few people about.
Walking toward the pier which was destroyed by fire in 2010.
Ruins of Hastings castle.
A short ride up
A long walk down
Lifeboat house
Crazy golf
Shingle beach
Tall black buildings used to be net sheds and a winch to get fishing boats up the steep shelf
Fishing boats
6 Jul, 2012
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We only went at 4pm because the weather cleared and stayed for a meal after a walk. No he would not play with me PIX!
6 Jul, 2012
Oh bad man! lol I would have played wiht you! :))
6 Jul, 2012
Thanks Pix, its a good size and was almost deserted but he would not play. There was a cute little girl who kept putting her ball in the water and daddy had to go in and get it.
6 Jul, 2012
Aw lol.
6 Jul, 2012
I've never been to Hastings - it looks lovely - I'll have to visit.
6 Jul, 2012
Haven't been to Hastings for many years now. It looks very smart and tidy too.
6 Jul, 2012
Look at the blue sky it could be summer!!!
6 Jul, 2012
It has improved a lot of the last few years. But its still the poor relation to Eastbourne and Brighton. Its has lovely country side outside though, which is where we live. about 12 miles from this beach.
6 Jul, 2012
looks lovely there with the sun out Denise, nice change from rain i bet, it came blue here later and to late to do anything, glad you enjoyed the walk :o))
6 Jul, 2012
Hi Sanbaz, we dont have the golden sands you do.
6 Jul, 2012
not so sure about golden Denise but it is improving in blackpool, they have done so much to all the promanades, its looking nicer.
i quite like shingle beaches, the sound as you walk along them.
6 Jul, 2012
Looks like a nice afternoon, but personally, I would have avoided shingle beach! ;-)
6 Jul, 2012
Yes we were talking about the sound Sanbaz. Glad they are spending money on Blackpool after all it earns enough.
As long as I have shoes on I love the crunch and its smell Lil.
6 Jul, 2012
i cant believe you had blue sky!!!
i was there a few years ago, i liked it, also called in on 'Battle'
6 Jul, 2012
I spent an enjoyable hour in the Fishermen's Museum, by the Netting Sheds in Hastings. Found it most interesting, particularly as it contains so much contributed by the ordinary people who accepted the awful conditions of that livelihood as part of their lives.
The voluntary staff do a wonderful job. I wrote to them afterwards for copy photographs of the guns on Hastings Promenade in WW2, which they sent to me. I sent a donation back which was very much appreciated.
7 Jul, 2012
Lovely pics, but how sad to see nobody about in the beginning of July! B****y weather! I had many happy holidays in Hastings as a child - are the caves still used? I remember excitedly telling my dad that I bought a baking set from a REAL PIRATE! ;o)
7 Jul, 2012
Lovely pics Denise.
Thank you :o)
7 Jul, 2012
Lovely to see Hastings again, went often with my parents when I was a teenager, we played pitch and putt at the top of the lift there......it was good fun as the course was so rough and te wind would move the balls about, I seem to remember a pottery was it halfway up the steps?......(over45 years is a long time ago.....)
thanks for the memories Denise
7 Jul, 2012
Enjoyed the blog Denise and glad you managed to find some sunshine:)
7 Jul, 2012
I so enjoyed your D amazing blue sky .
Fab photos.
7 Jul, 2012
Spent many a year with our children exploring hastings because my uncle lived at three oaks and we used to take over his bungalow for our summer hols. while he was away. We love Hastings and played so many rounds of crazy golf and walked up and down those cliffs a million times, very happy days. Thanks Drc. lovely memories for me in those pics.
7 Jul, 2012
I remember bue sky......back in the day.......
7 Jul, 2012
The pirates are still around Nariz, but modern somehow! Nearly all of the potters found around here and especially in Rye have died off Pam, the lovely chunky things they made are no longer wanted! sadly. Glad you enjoyed the visit Grandmage. No blue sky this morning. By the way the lovely old cricket ground in the centre of town became a shopping precinct about 12 years ago.
7 Jul, 2012
What a lovely place. It would be nice for a holiday :o)
7 Jul, 2012
Yes D. I knew that because we often 'pop' down and have a mosey round. What a sad day that was to see the cricket ground go, my OH. would often slip in to watch a game while i scoured around the shops! We also love Bexhill beach and Rye & Winchelsea, Pett level etc. Such happy memories.
7 Jul, 2012
Enjoyable blog Denise - glad you had blue sky and a quiet walk: I love a deserted beach. And I'd have played Crazy Golf with you - it's a laugh a minute - in fact I tend to get somewhat hysterical (you know the one, when the ball keeps rolling back down the slope?)!
Hastings was featured in yesterday's paper: a new beachfront gallery was mentioned, plus "stylish plans to rebuild its pier".
7 Jul, 2012
Looks lovely Denise, its nice to know there is still life outside, it seems ages since I was last out as I hate getting wet lol but I have said to my hubby that rain or not we should make the effort and do something tomorrow, what exactly I do not know as its still forecast for more of that miserable stuff...
7 Jul, 2012
There are ideas about rebuilding the pier floating around but it could take years! Its rained nearly all day today and very cold with it.
7 Jul, 2012
Good thing you got out there when you did :))
7 Jul, 2012
Even my green fingers are turning blue Sheilabub.
7 Jul, 2012
I`ve never been but it looks lovely and certainly my kind of place, I prefer the quiet ones, its not my age I have always been like that, give me a quiet little place any day.
Lovely pics Drc, pleased you managed a few hours whereby it looked like summertime..
7 Jul, 2012
Just a few Linclass, so cold and wet today.
7 Jul, 2012
Lovely Denise. It looks so clean and tidy
7 Jul, 2012
Glad you had a nice supper out Drc...looks lovely down there in Hastings. Nice to see a blue sky and something resembling summer!
Thanks for sharing :)
7 Jul, 2012
What a beautiful evening Drc AND you had the place to yourself. Such a nice way to walk off your Supper. :-)
7 Jul, 2012
It is clean nowadays Sheilar People seem to take more care if a place is spruced up. Glad you enjoyed it Scottish a local fish super needed a walkafterwards MW.
7 Jul, 2012
WONDERFUL PLACE:-)))))))))))
8 Jul, 2012
Thanks Junna
8 Jul, 2012
Lovely blue skies overhead as you stroll along the beach I wouldn`t mind that especially as you don`t have to travel to far, glad you enjoyed your day.
9 Jul, 2012
Thanks Stroller, its been awful weather, cold and wet ever since.
9 Jul, 2012
Never been, looks rather nice, and you were so lucky to have sunshine and blue sky, could have been a summer's day....lol thanks ages since we walked along the beach, and it is only 5 mins away!!
11 Jul, 2012
We had a thunders storm and hail this morning and again this afternoon. Normally we go down to the coast quite a bit but not this year DD.
11 Jul, 2012
Lovely pics Denise. I've now started singing..............oh I do like to be besides the seaside. Oh I do like to be besides the sea. Just need a brass band to play tiddly om pom pom :-)
11 Jul, 2012
Hi Jane, We have had 3 bad rain here storms today the pond has over flowed and the garage is 1/2 flooded. At least the electricity stayed on.
I hope you get some positive response re the cow damage. It must be a nightmare loosing a crop like that.
11 Jul, 2012
Ooh flooding sounds bad Denise, we have actually had a bit of sun for a change. The cow/hay situation not resolved, the farmer not been round. We think he just won't bother. He's not a very nice man. Heyho, looks like trouble on the horizon. Jx
11 Jul, 2012
Its going down even though its still raining. Its awful when you have to fight for your rights. Must be such a worry when you have animals to feed in winter. Can you insure against it?
11 Jul, 2012
Oh we ARE insured, but if we claim, they will in turn claim off the farmer, soooooo still WW6. We are leaving it till weekend when Mick off work, then he will go round to see him. Jx
12 Jul, 2012
Good luck Jane
12 Jul, 2012
Thanks Denise. ❀❀❀
12 Jul, 2012
12 Jul, 2012
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Oh what a lovely day out..did you play crazy golf? :)) thanks for sharing :)
6 Jul, 2012