Dare I mention next Sunday!!!
By drc726
‘St. Swithin’s day if thou dost rain
For forty days it will remain
St. Swithin’s day if thou be fair
For forty days ‘twill rain nae mair.’
Is there anyway we can cancel it this year?
10 Jul, 2012
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It's a frightening thought - still what's another 40 days?!!!!
I really am joking here!
10 Jul, 2012
Fingers crossed, then!
10 Jul, 2012
Yeah I think its been moved forward too lol..hope!
10 Jul, 2012
Oh grief that's all we need lets hope he takes pity on us this year and turns a blind eye :o)
10 Jul, 2012
We need stevie the terrible or bampy to build us an ark!
10 Jul, 2012
Yes we'll cancel it lol :o))
I think it's going to be like 1981 ... a hot week in May, and then rain until August Bank Hol :o(
I remember that year because we went camping in the hot May week, and counted ourselves lucky we went then.
And I remember although the Aug B Hol was nice, the September was wet :o(
11 Jul, 2012
I always think of this too,Denise,as it was my Grandma's birthday...Surely he won't be so cruel ?
11 Jul, 2012
ah yes but you then after st Swithin's you have about 10 days grace until St Bartholomew's day, (24th Aug) another one for rain on the day, 40 more to follow. :-)
11 Jul, 2012
i agree cancel it,i think we have all endured enough rain for this year.It should be 40 days of sun lol:)))))
11 Jul, 2012
St Swithins Day was my late parents wedding anniversary and so remember this verse.
And have seen rain in July for many yrs.
But so hoping no rain for our holidays.
And my Ben Nevis walk.
11 Jul, 2012
i'm getting a bit fed up too - I usually reduce my work hours in the summer as my business goes quiet if the sun shines, and its just busy busy busy, with no breaks. Which I know is great, before you shout but enough is enough I need a break.
11 Jul, 2012
Oh dear! we all feel the same, lets hope your late grandma's birthday changes things Bloomer, even if its only for your walk up Ben Nevis Scotcat!
11 Jul, 2012
St Swithin is haunting us this year so lets hope he takes a day away trip....
11 Jul, 2012
Terrific down pour here Lincslass.
11 Jul, 2012
Sunshine and showers here, even that is an improvement....
11 Jul, 2012
St. Swithin.....he can take a run and jump as far as I'm concerned - the further the better! :)))
11 Jul, 2012
I do hope he does Scottish, we had thunder and hail this morning and again this afternoon and now the pond is overflowing, just hope the fish stay in!
11 Jul, 2012
Oh well, here we go again, I`ve heard it said "wet Friday, wet Sunday" its chucking it down, who needs the weathermen.....
13 Jul, 2012
What a Summer, heating still on and umberella and wellington boots weather everyday, I m looking after next doors cat this week and he just refuses to go out in the rain, think I better stock up on Cat Litter!
13 Jul, 2012
My cat hates the rain PP. He sits and looks at it with such a sad look.
13 Jul, 2012
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I was beginning to think St. Swithins day had been brought forward by 40 days. I can't remember the last time we had 24 hours with no rain at all.
10 Jul, 2012