Local council to charge for removing garden waste!
By drc726
I have 5 different council bins – soon to be 6 and all collected fortnightly
To date they are:
1 for garden and cardboard
1 for is for glass
1 for newspapers
1 for household waste
1 for plastic bottles
The local council say they are short of money and next year will no longer collect my garden waste unless I pay £25 a year.
No the green bin will still be collected but instead of cardboard and garden waste it will then be just for cardboard and a new brown bin will be supplied for garden waste alone but only if I pay £25 a year for it.
So if I now have 6 bins instead of 5 how is this saving the council money?
How long before we have to start paying for all our waste collections? Seems to me its a way of raising council tax through the back door.
I feel I have no choice but to have yet another bin as what I cannot compost need to be recycled.
20 Nov, 2013
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It is ridiculous as they can look so unslightly and get in the way. Our council do charge for their compost bins and I have 2 lijemc but I not all garden waste can be composted and they are very big so I only have 2.
I think once one council start charging its not long before the others do!.
20 Nov, 2013
Totally crazy Drc. fancy having all those bins to wheel about, our daughters garden bin costs £40 per annum (spelthorne council) which is more than they can afford as you say where will it all end! Hopefully being recycled but having seen some prog. about our rubbish being shipped to China, I have my doubts. We are lucky here we have 3 bins and all our bottles,cans,paper, plastic & card etc goes into 1 bin, then we have a garden bin for kitchen waste and garden stuff and a black bin for non recyclable stuff, so I cannot complain, but our rates are high so I suppose in some way we are already paying.
20 Nov, 2013
3 of our bins are not on wheels Grandmage and have to be carried.
20 Nov, 2013
I think we could all run the council recycling efficiently don't you? Drc. my son has the box/bins too such a pain if it windy as the lids blow away!
20 Nov, 2013
In Bucks I now have six different bins - A black wheely for general household waste bin, a blue bin wheely bin for tins, bottles, cans and aerosols, a green wheely bin for cardboard and garden waste, a smaller brown food caddy with a grey one inside it and a black and another green box type bin! And that is after telling them that I didn't need or want anymore NEW bins!!! My bins were under a year old as it is a newly built house. What a load of timewasting, money-guzzling, strategies that these councils come up with!!! It is disgraceful that our streets are lined with all sorts of bins with vermin running to and from them! The councils are the ones wasting our hard earned money that people who work or have worked cough up to finance all the rubbish they think of. Absolutely ridiculous. Thankfully, I can keep all these bins in my garden and they are not small and my small shed! Last week I took 3 out to be emptied and guess what? The council had changed the dates of collection when I was on holiday and not bothered to tell me, so my bins are sitting there ALL full to the bin with not been emptied for over a month!!! Disgraceful. The people who take calls are also rubbish with no clue of what headaches all their ideas and strategies are causing the whole country! When I asked the reason for these new bins, they said it was because the contract had changed and the vehicles that took the old bins away were unable to empty the new bins! So we have our money and taxes spent on new trucks and bins to empty the rubbish :(
20 Nov, 2013
I find our service is just like yours Snoopdog and yes the lids are always blown away Grandmage. I also have watched my 3 box emptied in to one cage lorry too Gorgeousmam.
20 Nov, 2013
We only have two bins,black for household rubbish,green for paper,recyclable plastic and cardboard..we were provided with a green box for bottles,but this has now been stopped,so we take them to the bottle bins at a Supermarket as before,which is no problem if you have a car..
Any garden waste not suitable for the Compost ,we take to the tip,as there is a special container for it..luckily we don't have to go very often..
I wouldn't really want anymore bins,as these are adequate for our needs..but I can see how it affects a lot of people..I have often wondered why they still have containers for different coloured glass at collection places,as ours used to be all thrown in together,when they were collected at home..! where is the logic in that?
I don't blame you for being angry,Denise,especially as some of yours aren't wheely ones..Someone sitting at a desk trying and come up with other moneymaking solutions..which in the main,are totally impractical,and expensive..
20 Nov, 2013
We have black for everything not recyclable and black for the rest, they are emptied every two weeks, this isvfine for recycling but chicken carcases and fish especially smell awful by the second week and in the summer attract flies even though triple bagged....most unhygienic and certainly with all the wrapping not helping recycling!
Oh and no polystyrene in any bin, not even the tip!!
20 Nov, 2013
We have a black bin for general waste, but all the kitchen waste that is fit for the compost...veggie peelings, coffee grinds etc I take down the garden and put in the compost bin, then we have a yellow bin for plastics and tins. The council put other big containers in different parts of the area, one for paper and cardboard, one for clear glass, one for coloured glass, one for electrical bits and bobs and one for old clothing......all paid for with our general taxes.
20 Nov, 2013
We have a grey wheelie bin for non-recyclable waste and a green wheelie bin for garden waste, that are emptied fortnightly. Then we have a box for paper, glass and tins/foil, which is emptied weekly. We also have a kitchen caddy for food waste, which goes in a small green bin which is emptied weekly. (I freeze and bones/meat bits and only transfer them on collection day). Next year we are getting a blue wheelie bin for cardboard and plastic. I'm quite glad about that, because at the moment I have to take all that to the tip myself. I don't mind any of that. What I do mind, is that the collectors so often spill food waste or leave paper that's blown or fallen out of the recycling box - no lid for that. They also often leave the emptied boxes in front of the gate. The postman says he often has to move boxes in order to make his deliveries. And if they don't empty the food bin, which happens more often than you might expect, I never know what to do with it.
20 Nov, 2013
Utter madness ! :o(
and it's obvious they're putting the council tax up by devious means.
We haven't got bins here, just sacks.
20 Nov, 2013
Bromsgrove District Council charge £35 a year for garden rubbish to be taken away fortnightly but considering how much it would cost me to take it to the tip each time I don't have a problem with that
My Mum lives in Devon and has no such collection............as she can no longer drive she has no option but to wait and hope for people to collect the garden rubbish for her..............she would love them to collect and be happy to pay.
[We currently have 3 bins, all on wheels ~ one for general rubbish, one for re-cycling and the third which we pay for ~ garden rubbish]
20 Nov, 2013
we have one back! one blue! one green! blue and green go out fortnightly together and black fortnightly on its own...our bins are on wheels too... no payments are paid for collections....plus if we have to much for the tall bins we can use smaller ones and put those out as well...
20 Nov, 2013
At least we don't have to pay. In fact I think it's a very good service - just not so good when they make a mess. The council was going to charge for garden collection, but decided against it in the end. Apparently, the blue bins will pay for the green bins. (I don't quite understand that, though)
I think the waste food collection is a very good idea, even though I don't put much into it - my mother lives just over the county boundary, and doesn't have one. The bin can get a bit smelly in the summer, because it's only emptied once a fortnight.
20 Nov, 2013
I've thought for a long time that the councils are all slightly mad. They are also dab hands at wasting our Council Tax.
Here, we have; a black wheelie bin, for 'non'recycled waste. A brown Food Waste bin, into which all our peelings, food waste (not cooked) including bones, T.bags etc; A white 'Bag' for plastic bottles, etc but not yogurt pots or similar, and we must remove all tops; A green Sack for paper, card, but not glossy or corrugated; A grey box for cans and bottles, which we are supposed to wash out before putting in the box! As for garden waste...forget it. If you're lucky, you might manage to get a garden waste bag from the council yard, but more often than not, they've run out. When you have a full garden bag, you have to get it to the council tip yourself. The 'non' recycled bin gets collected once every two weeks, the rest every week. Compared to some I don't suppose we're too badly off...but this stupid council has just wasted a small fortune building various white elephants...too much to mention here...and have plans for even more!
20 Nov, 2013
i think all the councils should use the same plan....its so complicated getting used to all our bins. if we all had the same system it would be easier for all of us.
the best way forward is for there to be less rubbish in the first place. less packaging and to get back to deposits on bottles like it was years ago.
20 Nov, 2013
We have one bin for house waste and two special plastic bags, which differ by colour. We pay for all three as one. Yellow is for paper and clean plastic garbage and blue is for plastic bottles. Then each street has large bin for glass and clothes. It is free of charge, village pays that.
Garden waste should be taken by every gardener to a special compost plant inside the village and as we are local citizens, we are not charged for this. Garden waste is processed into compost here and the plant owner is doing his business from it next year.
20 Nov, 2013
just a after thought... that its good to keep it as clean as possible as none of us want to encourage rats etc...and i do feel that i should be conscientious in the matter..
20 Nov, 2013
Bracknell has three bins - green for household waste, blue for paper, cardboard, tins and plastic (but not all types of plastic, you have to guess which they will take and which they won't!), and brown for garden waste (for which we are charged £30 a year). Most of my garden waste goes on the compost heaps though.
Up until last year, you could have a green crate instead of a blue bin of you lived on your own and didn't generate much recycling stuff, but now you have to have a bin (on Elf and Safety grounds)
20 Nov, 2013
Our council doesn't supply bins except for garden waste, and those have to be paid for. Because foxes rip black bags most of us have bought our own wheelies. We have a box for glass, orange bags for paper and plastic, black bags for general waste and a non- compostables food caddy, which hardly ever has anything in it as we don't do waste, OH eats it all except chicken bones and fish skin!
And the reason they don't wheelie bins? The new lorries can't deal with them as they were breaking them when tipping them up!!!
20 Nov, 2013
I'm reluctant to say what our collections are because I don't want to jinx something that includes the words free and weekly. I guess we still get a good collection service because we're feeding the Biffa Ball Mill.
20 Nov, 2013
Our council has just this year started charging £29 pa to empty the garden waste bin fortnightly. The council thinks this is fair as many people don't need or use a garden bin, but unfortunately they haven't had their council tax reduced at all, so it's really just a way of making more money out of us. I think this is probably swallowed up in replacement bins as they have cracked 2 of mine in emptying them!
21 Nov, 2013
That's one good thing about my area just outside Brussels. We have to pay a sort of council tax amount annually but that gives good services. As for rubbish collection we buy refuse bags at the supermarket and you can put any amount of them out on the specified days. Weekly for general and garden rubbish; two weekly for recyclable stuff. Glass though we have to take ourselves. The cost of the bags depends on what they are for and the size. More expensive for general, less so for recyclable and not a lot for garden. I have been known to have 15 large garden bags for collection and they all went! They also collect bulk rubbish and paper items monthly not to mention wood and three collections for ex-Christmas trees. Naturally, the more rubbish you have, the more you'll have to pay for the number of bags you use. But I reckon that's fair.
21 Nov, 2013
Shakespeare would call this "Much ado about garbage" :-)
21 Nov, 2013
I too shall join the protest! Six unsightly bins is dreadful and to threaten to charge is so wrong and unfair! Perhaps if the council was to simplify its service and reduce 6 bins to a maximum of 2 perhaps, they would not need to ask for more money.
What a mess!!!
21 Nov, 2013
Lol Katarina!
21 Nov, 2013
We have to put black sacks out for rubbish, a green recycing bin and if u want to have garden rubbish collected you have to pay yearly for a brown bin which costs about £58 if I remember rightly... and its annoying as we have to pay for full year even though I dont use it from now till march or april... dont know quite where I would put 6 bins....
23 Nov, 2013
We go to the dump more and more as we are finding it harder to cope with so many different bins not just storing them but get them up and down the drive as they are very heavy when full especially those bins without wheels.
23 Nov, 2013
How dreadful six bins!! I would be livid, thankfully we only have two, a black, and a green bin, the garden rubbish is collected for free (bagged up) but you have to buy the bags , green of course from the council.....OH takes our garden rubbish to the tip which is luckily very near, quite often he has to visit the tip at least twice a week...every council is different, I believe we are well looked after here.:-)
23 Nov, 2013
24 Nov, 2013
We have to pay £30 a year for our green bin with Cotswolds District Council. That takes garden & food waste. We have a black bin which is for rubbish, a blue bag for cardboard and a big white bag for plastics.
Then we have 2 black boxes, one for glass & tins and the other for newspapers & junk mail type stuff.
If we want anything big collected that is another charge - £15 I think.
We still have to take juice cartons & foil to the recycling depot.
What do we pay Council Tax for which goes up & up every year?!!!!
It smacks of legalised robbery!!
I can still remember when I was a child the dustmen used to FETCH the bins from round the back of the houses and they were the heavy galvanised bins in those days holding ALL the rubbish!!
I can just see the men doing that today!!!
Probably wouldn't be allowed to anyway - 'elf & safety & all that nonsense!
Sorry folks - I'm on my soap-box again!!
20 Dec, 2013
Sounds as though you take the prize for the worst off Shirlwhirl - never heard of anyone having to take juice cartons to the tip! What happens to the poor folk without transport i wonder.
20 Dec, 2013
I agree with you Shirlwhirl and they use to be full of cinders too.
20 Dec, 2013
Yes , it was called the "dust-bin", wasn't it ?
20 Dec, 2013
We have to take plastic bottles and cardboard (includng juice cartons) to the tip, although I believe they are going to be collected from later next year.
21 Dec, 2013
They sell our recycling rubbish so they are making money both ways, one of my family refused to have but one bin they told the council to fetch the other two back which they did , the council said they could put all their rubbish etc into the one bin and so they do now including garden waste just like before these other bins came about. I shall be doing the same if they start charging here.
23 Jan, 2014
Shirlwhirl... Do you remember when ONE galvanised bin, largely full of cinders was big enough for a family of 4, 5, 6, 7 etc, without the need for plastic bags spewing out of the top and all over the street? And just about the only time you ever had more than one binful was at Christmas or during the annual town holiday (assuming that you didn't go away yourself during that week/fortnight).
24 Jan, 2014
That s because Urbnite we did nt back then have all this packaging with our foods, nor plastic milk cartons we had milk in glass bottles which was delivered by the milk man to be washed and reused back at the depot, pop bottles were taken back and we use to get a refund non of these plastic bottles like we have now. Dinners were cooked from fresh no boxed frozen foods, sliced bread was wrapped in waxed paper, when finished they were used to wrap my fathers work lunch in. Hardly any tin s were used as we ate food from fresh wrapped in paper, recently reading that tin food should not be consumed if you have heart trouble in your family as it contains a gas which is leathel to the heart. I think we are going backwards not forwards.
24 Jan, 2014
those were the days Thrupennybi
24 Jan, 2014
Were we happy though ?
If we weren't we didn't know it .
24 Jan, 2014
They certainly were Drc726 and we are better for them I think, I try to buy fresh not to gather so many box s I did have the milk man with the bottles until he tried to fiddle me so I stopped him, I get the bottle milk from the shop as plastics hold more germs than glass, and just have to return the bottle back to the shop.
24 Jan, 2014
We knew no better did we Driad :o))
24 Jan, 2014
Just as well , I think , Thrupenny !
Some of it wouldn't do for us now , would it ?
One heat source , in the living room , no duvets ; tin baths once a week in the kitchen , etc . etc .
26 Jan, 2014
Ice patterns on the inside of the windows
26 Jan, 2014
Jack Frost on the windows Andrew lol
Believe it or not Driad I lived like that up until the 80s, tin bath and all and no roof on the house all the time I lived there.
26 Jan, 2014
Windows , Andrew ?
You were lucky ! (Only joking) :o))))
We all must have been a bit on the cold side , but I read this week that that is why we weren't too large , it burnt up the calories !
What , no roof , Thrupenny ?
27 Jan, 2014
I can believe that Driad about not being large burning the calories, we did nt eat between meals either lucky if we had food hehe with 7 of us fighting over what was there hehe. Nope no Driad roof they only put one on when I moved out.
27 Jan, 2014
Oh dear , how come ?
29 Jan, 2014
Dying to hear how you kept he rain out???
29 Jan, 2014
It was classed as 3 rd part accommodation, Driad where they put the homeless to punish them but I had nt done any thing wrong except being homeless with two very young children.
29 Jan, 2014
It was nt only myself oap s they had living like this too Steragram, my job to fight this was to get photos of oap s home s and the state of them wish I had kept the big photos now which was for the court case. I shall send you a poem by pm which I wrote which explains and as not to take over this posting of Drc s and spoil it.
29 Jan, 2014
Do tell !
30 Jan, 2014
I ve sent you a pm Driad :o))
30 Jan, 2014
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it's ridiculous, isn't it? where are people supposed to put all these bins. I have to say our council are pretty good. we only have 2 bins. a green one for anything that can be recycled and a black one for anything that can't. they provide free compost bins for garden waste or you can take it to various sites around the borough. even with 2 bins though I find them unsightly as they have to stay in the front garden and I've tried everything to hide them, but haven't been successful in doing so.
20 Nov, 2013