Garden pests?
By drc726
Garden pests is now a category on Goypeadia.
So what is a pest in your garden? Slugs, Whitefly, Mealy bug, Foxes or nextdoors cat?
I hope you will tell me of your pests and why? with any pics. This blog may be added to the Goypeadia if it does not digress too much?
19 Nov, 2009
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The Biggest Pest in my garden this year was Green/Blackfly on my Roses/Fuchsias Drc :(
19 Nov, 2009
Snails, always snails, Denise! I'm sure I have posted a couple of photos with snails tucked in the centre of flowers - but finding them....errrr...that might be difficult!
19 Nov, 2009
19 Nov, 2009
Snails AND slugs !!!
19 Nov, 2009
Slugs & Snails .
19 Nov, 2009
Oh - and BADGERS!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............................
19 Nov, 2009
Those slippery suckers.....slugs and snails (not the politicians) come in first place for me. Quickly followed by aphids. :-(
19 Nov, 2009
slugs and my terrier Ruby who just loves to dig....
19 Nov, 2009
I guess you are the only one who can call him a pest though Sandra?
Lots of slugs and snails on the page for you to squirm ay everyone, but no Aphids as yet?
19 Nov, 2009
I wont get slated as I do have a cat that visits me, she is'nt a pest but she is gorgeous and looks like a leopard, but the biggest pest I have is ground elder coming from next doors garden although we are both having a go at it, it just seems to come back with a vengence,I know I have to follow the root but any tips please would be great.
19 Nov, 2009
Snails ground elder and vetch for me and a few years ago a plague of rose chafers but after a watering with nematodes they dwindled the following year and no sign this year 1st June they appear on the dot!!
19 Nov, 2009
I also have cats that visit my garden,didnt like them there in the summer but we have seen a mouse in and around our sitting room and have tried everything to catch it, think it`s to cute for the traps,so i would welcome the cats now :~((((
20 Nov, 2009
Cats that try to fight with mine.
Birds - I have a phobia of them - uuurrrgghhhh
Vine weevils
20 Nov, 2009
I'm with Bob...ground elder, and neelan, vetch...both almost impossible to eradicate, though ground elder is easier to pull out than vetch, but quicker spreading.
You'll never get to the end of it Bob, especially if it's in hedge/shrub bottoms/borders. Just keep killing what you can with glyphosate, and killing, and killing and CAN try digging it out, but there's always a bit left in the earth, and it'll just come back, again and again. Boundaries between properties are the most difficult because both parties have to make a concerted effort, and risk losing plants. The only thing to do is dig the whole lot up, or poison it, including plants ( you could try moving them for a season, but you'd have to clean out the root ball because there'll be ground elder in there ) and leave the soil fallow for a year, poison any more that comes up, and then replant your nice things......
The young leaf tips are quite nice in salad, though...a bit aniseedy! Or maybe you could get a piggy - they love grubbing up ground elder! Bit extreme, though!
20 Nov, 2009
Shepherd's Purse is a pest with me, and also willowherb ( the small one ) Their seeds spread everywhere and I can't keep up with them. Convolvulus was a pest in another garden I had but not here.
20 Nov, 2009
I get dinosaur-sized snails, slugs, fire bugs and aphids - but I also have a lot of 'little helpers' in the little wall lizards and a family of larger oscillated lizards who love the snails and slugs (especially if previously squashed); praying mantises who enjoy anything they can catch; and families of Black Redstarts who hunt around the garden every evening for anything that flies, walks or crawls. In fact, apart from general weeding and removing snails when I find them, I never have to 'fight' anything with chemicals as the wildlife does a fine job.
20 Nov, 2009
On Ground Elder my neighbours also have it so I dont stand a chance. I think it was Monty Don? when asked this question replied 'dig it out, then spot weed it when you see it and learn to live with some'. Since I read and followed that it has not bother me as much and I only have a bit now in the big woody shrubs.
20 Nov, 2009
Slugs & snails.
20 Nov, 2009
It was slugs until Mrs Hoggy came back, but she doesn't eat those great big ones, I usually hurl those over the fence !!!!!!!!!
20 Nov, 2009
Foxes. They live in one of my neighbour's jungle of a garden where they have special treats put out for them. Then it's party time in mine - fox poo everywhere and Sophie has had mange twice. I know they are beautiful but I wish they would stay in the park.
20 Nov, 2009
Buttercup and ivy!
20 Nov, 2009
The worst pest that I have is the lily beetle, every year I have it but last summer it wasnt so bad, try to stay on top of it
29 Dec, 2009
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This could potentially cause a bit of a ruction, Denise! The first person to mention CATS will get short shrift from a LOT of people....and quite a bit of support from others!
Biggest 'pest' in my garden is ground elder, but that doesn't have legs, two, four, six or eight!
19 Nov, 2009