Hopefully back on board.
By homebird2
Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve been able to, or felt like participating. I hate the dark miserable days of winter but I’m so relieved to see the days lengthening. Although this morning we have the snow that’s been predicted at least it’s lighter. We have had very little sun for weeks on end, too wet and the soil and lawns are soggy.
The main problem for us though has been T’s poor health. Anyway we see a consultant in orthopaedics next week and fingers crossed he can get a timescale for when he can have his hip replacements. The only place we have been visiting regularly several times a week have been the doctors and the hospital with one thing or another.
I can’t wait to be able to immerse myself in the garden. Doesn’t it just make you feel good.
I took a brief walk around the garden on Tuesday and was really pleased to see several clumps of snowdrops opening, crocus popping up and cyclamen flowering. I did feel better for seeing them but I didn’t take photos as the wind was very strong and off course today they have disappeared under a blanket of snow!!
I have today enjoyed looking through a few of the goyers photos and a couple of blogs. I must try to set aside an hour or two each evening to catch up on everyone’s news.
I have been spending a little time with my watercolours lately and had a go at painting a blue tit last weekend. It didn’t turn out too bad. The light hasn’t been good to be able to paint or draw for ages.
There won’t be any gardening done today. Hopefully soon.
8 Feb, 2024
Previous post: February and signs of spring in my garden.
Next post: February 2024 in the garden
Good to see you Sheila, but sorry to hear about your family health troubles. I do hope you get some positive help soon.
Meanwhile I love your blue tit! And we all have Spring flowers to look forward to 🙂.
8 Feb, 2024
Lovely painting of a blue tit….. We are all looking forward to some warmth and blue skies….. wet again here! thankfully no snow!
Sorry to hear your husband is having problems with his hips….. I hope you get it sorted ASAP..
8 Feb, 2024
Thanks everyone. It looks like the snow has thawed quite a bit overnight. Only rain forecast for the next week, It will be good when the ground has a chance to dry out a bit.
9 Feb, 2024
Hb, I adore your Bluetit painting, it's wonderful! Definitely cannot say the same about the snow, horrible stuff. I hope T. has positive news from the Orthopaedic consultant.
9 Feb, 2024
I do hope your OH gets a date soon, Sheila! It must be terrible, the pain and the impact it has on quality of life.
It's awful when your only outings are to hospital appointments.
Hopefully, the consultant will have positive feedback! If things are sorted soon, you can both enjoy the summer months in the garden.
I do love your blue tit painting, you're very talented.
11 Feb, 2024
Such a pretty watercolour, HB and such talent!
I hope your OH is given a date very soon.
Luckily, we've avoided snow so far this winter, but the rain!!
11 Feb, 2024
I do love your blue tit Sheila, he looks as ready for Spring as we are!
But I am sorry your hubby is suffering with his hip, fingers crossed it will get done soon. My friend has her hip replacement on Friday, after waiting ages.
Yes the gloomy weather has been a real downer, I think my little dog is fed up too..:((
11 Feb, 2024
I loved your painting of the Blue tit, HB! I have no talent whatsoever for drawing or painting! My only talent is growing plants! 👍
I really hope your husband gets to be seen soon it's a life changing experience when you have a hip replacement done - not that I'd know from personal experience but 2nd had as several ladies at my old church had hip ops & once they were well again they were much happier ladies! 👍
13 Feb, 2024
Thank you so much everyone for your good wishes for T. It’s tomorrow we see the orthopaedic consultant and fingers crossed we get some encouraging news. We are off to dermatology this morning for a follow up. T’s had 5 Bcc’s removed over the last 5 months and the stitches from the one they removed from his back last week will come out today. What with appointments at the GP’s trying to bring down his blood pressure, treatment for very recently diagnosed B12 deficiency, three appointments for injections last week and this, I’m not kidding, I wonder what T can come up with next! At least I’ve found a conditioner to calm his frizzy curly grey hair!!! He was starting to look like a mad professor.
15 Feb, 2024
Hb, I feel for T. as I have had three Bcc's removed, two on my face and one on my back so I know how he feels!
You did make me smile about his hair conditioner ... :o))
15 Feb, 2024
Nice to see you back Homebird. The painting of the blue tit is lovely.
I hope your husband gets on ok and is not waiting long for his op.
This winter has just gone on and on and I for one will be glad to see the back of it!
Not much happening in my garden at the moment.
26 Feb, 2025
Recent posts by homebird2
- March in my garden
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- February 2024 in the garden
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- February and signs of spring in my garden.
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- Early June in my garden.
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- End of April in the garden..
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- Spring has sprung in the garden at last…
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well we have had nothing but sleet all day so it is a bit miserable here too.
your blue tit looks wonderful. a talent I dont have sadly.
I have managed a few days in the garden and as you say it doesn't half improve the mood.
8 Feb, 2024