A visit to a GoY friend
By hywel
Yesterday I visited Steragram (Sue) at her home in Pembrokeshire.
I had a lovely welcome, and a look around her charming garden.
It is very pleasant there, and she has many interesting plants.
There were lots of nice hardy Fuchsias, which were very colourful and I felt rather envious of them :o)
There’s an attractive pond as well, but I haven’t got any photos – the time went so quickly, I never got round to taking any …
… except this one of Sue standing by a bed of colourful Fuchsias :)
I had a photo taken by some Fuchsias too …
Sue’s cat, Rowan, enjoyed investigating the canvas bag, in which I had taken Sue some Fuchsia cuttings …
and played with me on the lawn as well – she’s lovely :o)
And in the same canvas bag, I brought home some rooted Pelargonium cuttings, Fuchsia cuttings and another plant which I can’t remember what it is lol …
(could you remind me please Sue …)
In the afternoon we went for a walk on a near-by beach, where there were lots of people and children enjoying the holidays …
The time flew, and I missed my return bus lol :)
It was very kind of Sue’s husband to drive me the 30 miles to Carmarthen, in time to catch the connection for home :)
Thank you for the nice welcome Sue,
I enjoyed my visit :) x
16 Aug, 2014
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Hello Hywel and Sue ..
Lovely photos ..
and what a beautiful area to live ..
like another world ! :o)
16 Aug, 2014
It is indeed Terra - but by now it feels like the real one and the rest feels like "other" We feel very fortunate to have found it.
Hywel, having you here was a long anticipated pleasure and I am amazed you were envious of my fuchsias as there are far fewer than what you have. Two beds are part way to renovation so there was a lot of bare soil I was not very proud of!
The other plant is a blue Canterbury bells - I think so anyway as I sowed blue at one end and pink at the other and only one pink one germinated as far as I know.
I think there are some pics of Rowan on an old blog somewhere but if you want one send me a PM. I can't take any more at present until I've sorted out why they won't transfer to the computer all of a sudden.
You are right, time was all too short and we enjoyed the extra time with you going to Carmarthen!
You will be interested that today we have taken out two more privets from the hedge in the back garden. The ground behind is dangerously steep but it looks a lot better already.
16 Aug, 2014
Yes, Sue ..
you're very fortunate to have found such a lovely place, but you obviously appreciate it very much, which is good :o)))
16 Aug, 2014
Looks very much like Monterey California. Beautifull. You are certainly blessed.
16 Aug, 2014
True, I count my blessings very often. I don't think it is as warm as Monterey Loosetrife, but that would be too warm for me and I know it would for Hywel!
16 Aug, 2014
Another friendship through GoY Hywel:o) I am so pleased you both had a lovely day together..and good weather,by the look of it :o) your Fuchsia's are beautiful,Sue..and so big! ..I don't see either of you having a paddle on that lovely beach ! or is that the real reason you missed your bus ? ha ha..Lovely photo's too..Thanks for sharing your day...:o)
16 Aug, 2014
16 Aug, 2014
How lovely to spend the day with another GOYer and what a beautiful place to live, we live by the sea, but it is not pretty like this.....My OH did some gun training at Castlemartin many moons ago......
16 Aug, 2014
What a lovely blog! And what a fantastic place! The beach is beautiful. I love the fuchsias. It looks as if you had good weather, too.
16 Aug, 2014
How lovely to meet up and share plants, enjoying a lovely day together with a delightful walk on the beach too, thank you for sharing your pictures :o)
16 Aug, 2014
Enjoyed your blog, Hywel. How nice that you were able to meet up with Sue. Now I'm wishing that I lived a bit closer to the sea, I've always liked it.
17 Aug, 2014
Thank you all for your comments ...
It really is a beautiful area, and Sue was so welcoming, and made me feel at home right from the start :o)
Sue, yes I was envious of your fuchsias. I may have more varieties, but yours were so big and so full of flowers. I think I'll group mine together like yours, next year, and hope they'll grow so well.
Thanks for the name of the Canterbury Bell ... It's settling into a nice pot now :)
17 Aug, 2014
Glad you both were able to meet up.. and you had a nice day out Hywel...
17 Aug, 2014
Thank you. It was a lovely day :)
17 Aug, 2014
Yes I agree :o) I had a lovely welcome ...
17 Aug, 2014
I always think"I am alive to see it,everything else is a bonus"and you certainly had a "Bonus " day,what a lovely place to live.
17 Aug, 2014
Thank you :) It's nice to be able to appreciate nature's beauty ...
18 Aug, 2014
Oh Hywel how lovely to meet up with Stera. I know you were discussing it on a blog one day, so now you have done it, great. Nice to see your face Stera ! and your garden looks very pretty, Hywel would have been quite at home with your fuchsias. I would love to have that beach on my doorstep, all that wonderful fresh air.
18 Aug, 2014
We do have a spare room folks, all comers welcome!
18 Aug, 2014
Glad you had a lovely time meeting up with Sue, Hywel ... the Fuchsias look good too!
19 Aug, 2014
I too really enjoyed reading about your visit Hywel and lucky that the weather was good enough to visit a beautiful bay. Sue always sounds very busy improving garden. Lovely that a pond has been installed - adds such a lot of interest.
I have been off line with comp and phone for weeks as BT are having to replace a cable which has been damaged by a tree root a short distance away. The p.c. is back for the timebeing but phone is off until 25th!!
Still,no distractions means loads of weeding and cutting back done.
19 Aug, 2014
I have been more busy than usual this year Linmar, trying to catch up on two years neglect when I wasn't well. I keep trying to get the garden to look after itself but it hasn't got the message yet. Wouldn't it be nice if everything grew as well as willowherb, speedwell and ash seedlings... Hope your cable gets repaired quickly.
19 Aug, 2014
Wonderful blog Hwel. I love seeing different parts of the world through your visit. Awesome you got to spend time with another GoY'er. I'm a little envious, LOL Sue's garden is spectacular and the beach looked refreshing. I"m glad you enjoyed your visit.
21 Aug, 2014
You can't judge a whole garden by one carefully chosen shot though Bathgate!
21 Aug, 2014
Thanks for all your comments :)
22 Aug, 2014
Hywel I'm so pleased you pointed out to me that I had missed this blog , how lovely for you to meet another GOY member Sue and to see their beautiful Fuchsias and kind of them to make you so welcome , the beach and scenery looks stunning I'm not at all surprised you missed your bus home Thanks for letting us enjoy it as well ... x
23 Aug, 2014
Nice to see the faces of a couple of GoYers as well!
Even if was a carefully chosen spot for a photo there's no denying the Fuchsias look fantastic! Shame we can't see the photos at a bigger size so we could appreciate them more (as well as those behind them, Lol! ;-))
23 Aug, 2014
Thank you both :)
23 Aug, 2014
I missed this earlier but so glad to see you out meeting up with a fellow Goyer. Nothing like it is there. Stera you live in another glorious part of south Wales and that beach with "LOTS" of people on it will be the envy of us all. It is idyllic. Thank you for sharing. It is almost as good as being there oneself as your photos are so well taken Hywel.
25 Aug, 2014
Thanks. I'm pleased you found this blog :)
25 Aug, 2014
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Hi Hywel pleased you enjoyed your visit to Steragrams, what a lovely display of Fuchsias, and a lovely garden too. That beach and scenery looks fantastic;0))
16 Aug, 2014