Favourite 2017 flowers :)
By hywel
After Dotty daisy’s suggestion, I have been looking through my 2017 photos, and came up with some of my favourite flowers from the year.
I can’t say I’ve got any real favourites because I love them all, but I have chosen a few that ‘mean’ something to me …
Dotty daisy suggested 9 plants but I’ve got 15 lol … I started off with about 25 but couldn’t dwindle them down any more !
You will notice most are from the late winter/spring, because that’s my favourite time of year … from January to June :o)
1. Cyclamen coum – so dainty in the dead of winter when it’s cold and you want to see something colourful :)
2. Snowdrops – Couldn’t leave them out ! It wouldn’t be spring without them.
They remind me of my mother, who always liked me to take her for a drive in the countryside to see the wild ones, and kept moaning that they were too far away and she couldn’t see them lol
3. Hellebore – This is one that Beryl bought and she was so thrilled it flowered, so I have included it. I am hoping it will be even better this coming spring.
4. Aquilegia – This is a lovely colour combination, and self seeded. I am hoping it will come back this year.
5. Prunus triloba – such a pretty springtime shrub … I love the frothy flowers. Wish they lasted longer !
6 Pulmonaria – this grew in my parents’ garden. My mother used to say an old lady living nearby gave it to her many years ago, and said her father grew it, so it goes back a very long way. I remember the old lady and am reminded of her every time I see this flowering.
7. I had to include a cactus. It wouldn’t be my garden without one !
This is Parodia crassigibbus, and the flower is like satin. Beautiful !
8. The same with Fuchsias. This one is Venus Victrix. It’s a very old variety, and the first one ever to be seen with a white tube. It was bread in the 1840s.
I must shut up about Fuchsias and Cacti !
9. But here’s a succulent plant – Kalanchoe pumila. It gets clusters of dainty mauve flowers in the summer :)
10. Campanula lactifolia – I just love pale mauves and blues. That’s why I’ve included it :o)
11. Indigofera – Rather an unusual shrub, with dainty leaves and flowers. One of my favourite plants in the garden :o)
12. Phlox maculata – It just shouts SUMMER ! :D
13. Hibiscus – My father loved blue flowers, although he was a non-gardener, and this was in his garden. After he died I brought it up here. It always reminds me of him :o)
14. Sanguisorba hakusanensis – This reminds me of the garden in my parents’ house when I was little. My father killed it off but I always remembered it. I joined GoY to see if I could find it’s name, and after I did I bought one :o)
15. These are some Pelargonium cuttings I took last summer. They are much bigger now and spending the winter in a perspex shelter.
Pelargoniums always remind me of my Grandmother (my Dad’s mother) She had very tall ones on her windowsill, and she was the only other member of my family, that liked plants and the garden.
She always bought me plants for my birthday :o)
That’s my short list :o)
Looking forward to seeing them again this year …
4 Jan, 2018
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I agree this is a lovely selection and C. coum and snowdrop would be on mine too.
4 Jan, 2018
Thats wonderful, how plants and flowers remind you of people who have passed on. Every spring they grow again, and the memory lives on.
My favourite are Water Buttercups which grew in a swampy woodland marked on maps as The Ozier Bed near a farmhouse I knew as a child of 9.
They are still there, and I dread the developers of the new estate bull dozing them.
I have a root in my garden, keep it well watered in the hot weather.
One of the great joys of gardening.
4 Jan, 2018
Thanks Hywel
with the weather we have had past couple of days your pictures have encouraged me on to get my seed ordering sorted out ....
4 Jan, 2018
Great blog. Such lovely clear bright photos, nice to have plants as memories of your family.
4 Jan, 2018
A great selection Hywel. So many of your favourites are mine too!
4 Jan, 2018
Thanks for your comments.
I hope they save the water buttercups Diane. They grow near here in wet ditches and are a lovely rich colour.
Glad to have inspired you Gg.
4 Jan, 2018
All very lovely and special Hywel!
4 Jan, 2018
All so beautiful Hywel. Impossible to choose favourites...
4 Jan, 2018
Hywel would give me 0 out of 10 for that memory lapse,
although they have several country names, I should have
written 'Marsh Marigolds.'
The brook has flooded in the recent storms , causing great consternation in the village 2 miles north, everyone rushing about with sand bags. The brook is not deep enough with a build up of soil and plant material, so it could not take the sudden influx of water away downstream onto the Osier Bed which lies at the junction into the main stream going east. The Parish Council needs to get the whole system inspected by the D.of E. with a view to getting it dredged when Grant Money available. Hasnt been done for all the years that I can remember.
People think these pretty villages are safe, they are not !
Insurance claims for flood damage to property eventually arrive on our payments.
5 Jan, 2018
Water Buttercups/Marsh Marigolds also known as Kingcups ... Caltha palustris.
They live in marshy places. "Palustris" means marshy. Several plants have that word in their botanical names.
Sometimes I see them in ditches or wet fields around here.
I've got a photo I took of them. I will try to find it and post it on GoY ...
5 Jan, 2018
Another spelling mistake. Marsh Marigolds or Marsh
Marybuds around here. I still love them because when we have a cold spring they are cheerful and bright in wild places. Havent seen any in the Osier Bed for years. Treasure the plant I have, think originally it was by my pond that is no more. Gardeners are important conservationists of wild life. There is no harm in taking a poly bag and small trowel in the pocket on walks, just take up part of a plant to reintroduce at home. Always providing you remember the geology/ shade of the area where the parent plant was !
5 Jan, 2018
There was a nice clump in the stream in the village but it has disappeared. I fear its gone to someone with a trowel...I miss it in the Spring.
5 Jan, 2018
I knew you would not stick to nine plants Hywel such a rebel!! lol
And what a smashing selection, love how the majority of your plants remind you of your family.....number11 I particularly like....also the Campanula... thanks so much for participating, lovely choice all 15!!
5 Jan, 2018
you do know it is illegal to dig up wild plants [Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981] Diane. Take a small amount of seed by all means but never dig up the plant.
The native orchards near us have been decimated by gardeners? thinking they were not doing any harm.
5 Jan, 2018
Thanks for all your comments :)
Dd I've tried to include reasons for selecting them as you suggested. I know I've got too many but I dwindled them down from 25 lol :D
5 Jan, 2018
I have loved looking through your photos Hywel ... a really cheering sight on this grey and dismal evening. Your final photo just says 'Summer' to me!
5 Jan, 2018
Such lovely choices and really lovely photos too.
Isn't there something magical about the early flowers like cyclamen, hellebores, snowdrops and daffodils?
Thank you Hywel, enjoyed this lots.
5 Jan, 2018
Thank you both :)
My cuttings did so well last year Shirley, I had to include them as one of the things that did best :)
I think it's such a relief to see the spring flowers after the long dark winter Chris, and they look so delicate :)
6 Jan, 2018
Hywel, I can see why ... they really performed last year didn't they?
6 Jan, 2018
Absolutely lovely selection Hywel, you have chosen well but I do know that would have only been a few of many, gosh you'd be busy all winter with all of yours, you couldn't possibly not include a cactus or a fuschia, lol, I liked the recall of memories you have associated with them and thank you for sharing those with us, lovely photo's Hywel...
6 Jan, 2018
I didn't include Cyclamen coum and Salvia in my choices, I feel guilty now as they did me proud!
6 Jan, 2018
Thanks for all your comments :)
I left out lots of things too Dawn. Dottydaisy only suggested 9 but I had 25, then dwindled it down to 15 :)
7 Jan, 2018
I know Hywel, so many special plants.
8 Jan, 2018
Wonderful choices and what lovely memories they bring back to you Hywel that Cactus is stunning.
9 Jan, 2018
Enjoyed viewing your collection. It's very inspiring.
9 Jan, 2018
Thank you all :)
10 Jan, 2018
I'm a bit late in commenting on your blog, Hywel, but you did yourself proud - not only by choosing such lovely plants, & giving a reason for your choice, but also limiting yourself to just 15! I must make up my own blog of favourite plants as well but, like you, I shall have a great deal of difficulty in reducing it to only 9 - or 15! ?
A smashing blog! ?
11 Jan, 2018
Thanks Balcony ... Don't worry about being late. I only look when I get a chance myself.
It was difficult dwindling my list down to 15. I started off with 25 and that was difficult enough lol
12 Jan, 2018
Great photos...as I sit looking at a snow capped mountain, your blog is a life saver. A whole pack... Now I see a deer eating my favorite bush! Your plants are beautiful, so crisp and perfect. Thanks for posting.
14 Jan, 2018
Thank you. I hope your snow doesn't last too long and the deer don't damage your plants too much :)
14 Jan, 2018
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Lovely selection Hywel, especially the beautiful blue of the Hibiscus. Stunning!!
4 Jan, 2018