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Quietly Seething!


Oh dear, just when I thought the garden couldn`t look any worse along comes the strong winds and heavy rain to flatten a couple of fence panels. What was even worse one of them fell against an obelisk supporting a Passiflora flattening it completely. I fashioned the obelisk myself from silver-coloured spiral metal supports that I bought from Gardeners World LIVE last year. I had one spiral left over so I fitted it on top of the obelisk so that the climber would grow across it and over the trellis at the back of the border. It was really doing well until disaster struck. Jim went outside and took the panels away and he found it wasn`t just the elements that had caused the problem. Our neighbours in their wisdom had put a couple of heavy old window frames over our side of the fence, leaning directly against the panels and the weight of them had snapped the fence post in half causing the semi-destruction of my border…to say I was upset is an understatement! Jim returned their property to them immediately by way of the wire fence between to two gardens. Now we are just waiting for them to complain about it…..grrrr!

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Oh what a shame, pity he didnt knock the door and tell them they were dangerous in this wind as it had already flattened your fence and damaged an "expensive" garden ornament!!! Just as an aside, you understand.

17 Jan, 2011


how very annoying sandra and such a shame about your passion flower grr, think i would have gone round there to and given them a piece of my mind, how stupid to lean something heavy like that, some people,

17 Jan, 2011


That is a big problem when neighbours lean heavy objects against your fencing... ... and if these objects are out of sight .. you aren't always aware until it is too late and your panels have been broken...:o(((

I hope you can fashion some sort of repairs... tell Perry to give the neighbours one of his angry frowns...

Well done Jim, for returning their property !!!

17 Jan, 2011


I`m considering saying something to them as I`m pretty sure they`ll just put them back once the fence is rebuilt. They aren`t gardeners and seem to think I`m a bit strange spending so much time in the garden!

17 Jan, 2011


will they put toward the replacement panels sandra, they should, then they might think twice about leaning things on it.

17 Jan, 2011


Oh dear Sandra, its really off putting when your property gets damaged through anothers thoughtlessness, I`d be spitting feathers too, hopefully your plants in the border will recover.....

17 Jan, 2011


What a shame Sandra. Thoughtlessness by others can cause such problems. Do you think you will be able to mend the obelisk ? I hope you can, and also I hope the damaged plants will survive aswell.

18 Jan, 2011


Oh dear Sandra, so sorry to hear about that, but you may find the Passiflora will survive, shooting again from the base. I do hope so.

18 Jan, 2011


So sorry to read of your precious garden features being destroyed due to your neighbour's thoughtlessness. To avoid further episodes I would speak to them about the damage and ask that they be careful in future! (It would be nice to think they'd contribute to the repair costs but they don't sound like the kind of neighbours who would even consider that.)

I hope you can reconstruct your obelisk, Sandra.

18 Jan, 2011


How thoughtless some people are! or is it they just dont care, So annoying and expensive grrrrr... My neighbour (shes lovely) errected a new fence, even tho we said she could use our posts decided to build the fence about 18" away from ours, It gets full of weeds, especially bind weed! Now its our job to clear it as she has a solid fence and ours is wicker and the weeds grow through it.. Nowhere as near as your problem i know labdancer, but it irritates me to heck lol...

18 Jan, 2011


So sorry about your problems with the fence its so anoying when people do things without thinking about the damage it can cause.

18 Jan, 2011


Thank you all for your kind comments. :o)

Hywel, I`ve managed to put the obelisk back together because the Passiflora is wrapped around it. I just hope I`ve done a good enough job to withstand the rest of the Winter weather.

Sandra, We found after inspection that the panels are easily repairable though the fence post has snapped right through.

Young Daisy, Bindweed! don`t get me started, the same neighbour doesn`t do anything the dreadful stuff and it all comes under the now flattened fence!

Whistonlass, My neighbours would probably just ignore me if I mentioned the damage, they`ll probably be more annoyed that their old window frames have been thrown back into their garden!

18 Jan, 2011


well thats something sandra, hope hubby had a word so they dont lean anything against it again,

18 Jan, 2011


Hi Sandra, sorry to hear what happened. If its any consolation, I would agree with Cinderella and expect your passiflora to recover as it was'nt uprooted. Good luck.

PS - make sure your neighbours realise what has happened and that you are NOT HAPPY!

20 Jan, 2011

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