Making my bed..
By lincslass
Hidden away in the garden I had a pine bed awaiting disposal, the slats I`m going to use in my greenhouse but the rest was bugging me, that wood was too good to just throw out, hubby had his two day rest period so it seemed an ideal time to ask a favour, I`m not allowed to use his big circular saw, too dangerous says his lordship and I`ve found a use for the wood… (I REALLY NEED) somewhere to sow lettuce and beetroot were the magic words I used, plus its getting near to fishing season, so he didn`t really take much persuading, LOL…
Brynner insists on digging a huge hole underneath this Juniper so nows a good time to fill it in and I have the grass to sort that out, wonder how long it will stay put this time..
The rest I`ve hidden away in my cubby..
Sorry its blurred but I got knocked flying by my pal Brynner and the butterfly obviously flew away, my pal had his name changed when that happened, lol…
The butterfly came back, obviously likes my flowers…
A pic to show that Brynner does behave sometimes…
I`m cream-crackered now but I`ve had a very good day, hope you have too…
23 Mar, 2012
Previous post: Last day of winter.
Next post: Buzz Off...
Well done you. Great blog, its made me want another raised bed, but I havent really got enough space for one. You will have a lot of enjoyment from that.
23 Mar, 2012
You've had a brilliant day Lincslass!
That looks great, so useful.
Wonderful creature pics as well. Morgan always looks so wise when he lays there watching the goings on.
23 Mar, 2012
Well done, Sue. You all had a good day ...
... even the butterfly was having a great time :o)
23 Mar, 2012
That's fantastic....I saw two butterflys today as well.
Love Morgan's...Seen it all, done that attitude.
23 Mar, 2012
What a great recycling idea....the colour looks good too!
I'm sure you'll enjoy whatever you decide to grow. Dogs are gorgeous and it's nice to see your visitors :)
23 Mar, 2012
Thats briliant Lincs..and gthe dogs look so happy too..thye like out in the sunshine like Suki..but she jsut watches me too..shame they cant help.
23 Mar, 2012
brilliant blog xx
look forward to seeing the produce you grow xx
23 Mar, 2012
They are good company and I chat to them whilst I`m working, luckily the neighbours know I`m never alone else they`d be sending for the men in white coats, lol.
Pixi you really wouldn`t like Brynners kind of help....
23 Mar, 2012
What a good use of the wood, be interested to see the little plants when they come up:)
23 Mar, 2012
great recycling sue, great idea on your part and guess good work on OH part to, better not leave him out haha
glad you had help from the lads to :o))
23 Mar, 2012
the wood looks much better wth the stain. did you have to prepare the wood, sand it down to get the varnish off, etc, or did the stain just go over the top? good job well done!
23 Mar, 2012
it looks amazing....looks like hubby had a busy rest i had mine home for two days aswell we got loads done.:-)
24 Mar, 2012
I like your new raised bed and the new colour stain is a great improvement. I like your butterfly too. Its not one we see here in Scotland. I looked it up on this website which has a very easy way of identifying butterflies.
24 Mar, 2012
You lucky so and so, having a comma butterfly visiting! Only ever seen one of those. Your raised bed looks great that clour - i wouldn't have thought of doing it, but its very successful. Hope your veg is a great success too, now it will have a nice home!
24 Mar, 2012
To be honest Fran I should have done all that but didn`t, its had two coats of the stain and I decided it would do, I like digging not painting, lol.
Thanks Scotsgran, I can`t remember seeing one in our garden before, I`ve seen them in the fields and meadows around here, didn`t know what it`s name was though...
Sandra I have to take advantage of his free time sometimes, he works weird hours so is not around much during the day...
24 Mar, 2012
thanks for that link, Scotsgran, saved it for future perusal
24 Mar, 2012
Great pics Lin - I like raised beds - I want to make another one for Rhubarb for my Mum she always looks at it in garden centre - but the room now ran out. It is a great job:))))) Butterflies and bees - it's definitely here !!!! Love the dove picture and your dog chilling :)))))))))))))))
24 Mar, 2012
That will be so useful, are lucky to have the space to do that..the colour looks great...our shed is a similar shade...easy on the eye .happy planting :o)
24 Mar, 2012
Great job well done, lovely idea too. Waste not want not it is my motto too. Like the colour my favourite. x
24 Mar, 2012
Loved the raised bed and the fact its recycled...see we do hold onto things for a reason lol.
The pleasure when you can pick a whole salad from one little box is addictive, good luck with it.
I'm guessing you dont have cat problems with your dog around ?
24 Mar, 2012
Well done Linclass,I'm a hoarder (never know when it will come in useful) I used to forget I had things though, don't have space to store things now with downsizing,not without garden looking like steptoes yard!!!! Been sorting pots while waiting for sun to dry out lawn,after morning fog took a LONG time to clear,absolutely beautiful now hope all GOY,ers have the same.
24 Mar, 2012
Sorry, Lincs, just seen your answer to my question. I'm sure it'll be ok as it is.
Lol, Poppy, there's an old English proverb "keep a thing for severn years and you will find a use for it". My own version of that is "You don't find a use for it untill the day after you finally threw it out".
I hate throwing stuff; just because it's no use to me doesn't mean it might not be useful to others. I've hung on to stuff for years while trying to find someone to pass it to - now I've found Freecycle, the stack has gone down considerably.
Did you take any pics of your fogbound garden??
24 Mar, 2012
Ermm no,not very pretty Fran..Just come in my backs killing me,don't have a back for digging!!!! leveled up my bedding plant boarder its along a wall end of a row of townhouses I don't no whats buried there but been told builders dumped all their concrete leftovers under my lawns,and whatevers there I cant get it out,feels like concrete lintels, keep trying when I'm in the mood. Add that to my heavy clay soil and its a problem when I want to plant something there,oh AND it's north faceing and in shade most of the day..Buzzie lizzies always do well there but giving them a miss this year because of all the problems they had last year.
24 Mar, 2012
Thanks all, I am quite pleased with it, I have to admit to being a terrible hoarder inside and out, I have clothes in my wardrobes that are too big but I tell myself they`ll fit if I put weight back on, I have a house full of treasures, terrible to dust, it takes me ages, every time I decorate a room I try to clear them out but haven`t the heart to do it so they go back. My sheds are chocker block full of stuff but at least thats not all down to me as hubby is also a hoarder, I`m the same in the garden, if theres a space I`ll plant something in it, lol..
Been gorgeous again today so I`ve cut all the lawns and also been pricking out more seedlings...
24 Mar, 2012
Poppy I feel for you, a lot of mine is clay, the trick is not to dig too deep, it does get better over the years and the roses really love it...
24 Mar, 2012
im the same house,garden and shed are brimming...but it does come in handy for the fat clothes i'm finding they are only too handy at the moment after my winter rest time..hopefully shift a few pound as the spring rolls
24 Mar, 2012
The butterflies seem to be early this year. I enjoyed your blog , thankyou. Isn't it amazing what you can do with a bit of wood. A few years ago we had a pine head board given us , the ones with the spirals. I didn't use it , so came up with the idea of making a seat. I had an old bench, which could have once been small staging and I fixed the head board to the so called bench and hey presto , it actually looked like a seat!
24 Mar, 2012
That's great Sue. Good luck ! And it's a nice colour too :o)
Nice to see the dogs :o)
24 Mar, 2012
Practical and good looking too, and staining the wood that colour seems to have made the area look bigger.
24 Mar, 2012
I know roses like clay Linclass but I,m not keen (partly because of space) only have 2 both in pots,one a presant from a friend who's since died,so sentimental and the other I spotted on a club walk through Regents park in London a couple of years ago,it smelt beautiful and reminded me of how roses smelt when I was a kid,so I ran back to see what it was called because I was going to Gardeners World the following week and thought I would get one for the memory it gave me and guess what it was called...................................................shall I keep you won't be cruel its" NOSTALGIA"do you know it?
24 Mar, 2012
24 Mar, 2012
I wish I had your energy Lincslass:-) It has been lovely to get out in the garden hasn't it? I only hope we get some summer this year although I can't help thinking that this is it so we should make the best of it. I've been getting my garden straight, not finished yet, but broken the back of it (mine's not too happy either lol) although still much to do. The staining has certainly improved the look of your raised bed and I'm looking forward to seeing your summer pics:-)
25 Mar, 2012
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Excellent blog Lin!! Love the colour of the stain on your new raised bed . . . good job of work done there. (yes thanks, we had a good gardening day too.) :))
23 Mar, 2012