Buzz Off...
By lincslass
Very busy in the greenhouse at the moment pricking out my seedlings, I know I`ve gone way over the top again, silly me I forgot I don`t have my dads garden to fill up this year but no doubt I `ll find a home for them somewhere.
I was so happy in my work when I suddenly had a visitor, a very noisy one at that…
I only like them in a garden or a pic, I`m petrified of moths and spiders as well…Flipping heck it then came my end…
26 Mar, 2012
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lol sorry just imagining the scene! they do seem to make a noise when trapped and never seem to find the open window!! a welcome coffee anyhow I'm sure. I was busy gardening in the sunshine today too, got carried away and missed my lunch - one way to loose weight I suppose!!
26 Mar, 2012
lol, thats true Hywel. Poor plant was shredded and little devil was rolling on it, I am to blame because I put shredded leaves in his toys,lol, I rescued what I could and hoping it survives....
26 Mar, 2012
It was a beautiful day Neellan and I`m always going without my meals because of the garden, very bad habit I know, its a good job I don`t live alone, I know I have to feed hubby and daughter when they arrive home so guess I won`t starve...
26 Mar, 2012
Funnilly enough, Blodyn takes very little notice of the catnip. It has peace to grow away.
The cat before Blodyn wouldn't even look at it lol
27 Mar, 2012
Hope you have got over your panic attack,Sue :o) ..Funny, the things we are scared of in the garden...I used to be,but don't mind now.. I used to be terrified of worms...but,when your dad tells you to hold your hand out,as a child,and puts a worm in it ..can you blame me ?
Glad the phobia has gone..without counselling ! Lol.
27 Mar, 2012
some real big bees about - not nice to be afraid - I have somewhat overcome my spiders phobia since endless gardening - I can now even pick up a garden spider - but never a house spider. I have a big phobia of wasps - because they fly round you and always near the ears for some annoying reason. We also have a little mouse that runs around - they don't bother me though. Good luck with all your seedlings :))))))))))))))
27 Mar, 2012
They are so big the bees out in the garden at the moment, my oh found a really big buzzy bee in the house it was huge, looked it up apparently it was a queen bee. We caught her up in a glass tumbler and released her very quickly. I am not afraid of them but my youngest is absolutely terrified of bees and wasps after being stung badly as a toddler. Good excuse for a coffee break anyhow. :o)
27 Mar, 2012
Very noisy indeed if they trapped. They are many of them due to the exceptionally warm weather we are having lately. I find them trapped in my conservatory.
27 Mar, 2012
Aw it wouldnt hurt you! lol I had many bees in the garden yesterday while I was working..I jsut say hello to them all lol :)
27 Mar, 2012
Dont get me wrong im not a scaredy cat ,the honey bees i can cope with but unfortunately we are getting some huge bees and they freak me out lol:)))))
27 Mar, 2012
I had a wasp in the house the other day not to keen on them but I dont like killing them so I managed to shoo it out of the window :-))
27 Mar, 2012
arrr poor you sue, im ok with bumbles they dont hurt you unless harmed, wasps are a different story i hate them, glad you got things done , just take deep breaths and calmmmmm :o)))
27 Mar, 2012
It's maddening, isn't it . . . I'm frequently accompanied by a huge bee when working in the greenhouse, and they bash against the windows except the ones you've opened specially! Even tho' I know they won't sting, I can't handle them, but have to try and get them out so that they don't die!
27 Mar, 2012
I know what you mean,Sheilabub..even if the door is wide open they won't fly out,will they? They try and hide in a corner too..I get my trusty plastic jug,put it over it ,then quickly put a newspaper or similar over the top to stop it flying out..seems to work..but sometimes they beat me to it .Lol.
27 Mar, 2012
Good thinking Bloomer . . . I managed today with a plant pot and label, but it would be (bee!) a better idea to get your "kit" ready for tomorrow's visitors, lol!
27 Mar, 2012
I think you should (bee! ) ready too.Lol :o))
27 Mar, 2012
Funny this topic should come up today as I had to catch a big wasp that was flying around inside our flat this morning. I'd seen it moving around & because of its size I thought it must be a bee & that my wife & brother were wrong about it being a wasp. They weren't! Nevertheless, although I have been stung by them on several occasions, I'm not overly scared of them. I respect them & do nothing to provoke them, like waving your arms around! I was able to capture it in a plastic container with a lid & put it outside on the balcony. It flew away immediately!
27 Mar, 2012
They don`t bother me when I`m outside as I can move away but no way can I be in a confined space with them, I `ve always been petrified of moths and spiders but I`ve never ever passed it on to my kids and that I was always proud of, in fact they used to move them for me.
I `ve seen some really big bees here this year, they surely can`t all be queens, I realised later that I could have used my fishing net but it never occurred to me yesterday, its now on standby in the bottom greenhouse, lol...
That happened to my grandaughter Olive when she was a baby and she gets hysterical now, bless her.
Bloomer thats the sort of thing my dad used to do as well, lol...
Its all happening to me, I had to rescue a bird today, Caspar brought it in to the dining room via the window, it got stuck under the furniture so that was a debacle to catch it and return it to the garden....
27 Mar, 2012
Have you wondered why you are seeing so many large Bumble Bees. Here's a bit I borrowed from Google :Bumble bee queens will find a sheltered place to wait out the winter. The drones and workers will die as the temperature falls. In the spring, the queen comes out and looks for a new nest site and starts producing new drones and workers. The Queen wasps are the same. I too have some phobias , some have started as I have got older in age. I use to hate going walking down my village as there were always loose dogs sitting out on the pavements, some not as friendly as other's. My pet hate I admit are spiders . They give me the shivers.
27 Mar, 2012
We have them in the garden room they are enormous, it takes me ages to get them out, even with the doors wide open too.....
28 Mar, 2012
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It's terrible to have a phobia of something isn't it :o( Never mind, you probably needed a break anyway.
Now don't blame Caspar. It was your fault for puting the seeds near the catnip lol
26 Mar, 2012