Garden had a drink..
By lincslass
No it hasn`t rained since Mothering Sunday but I have been collecting rinsing water in old bins, saving my water in the butts for the greenhouses . This morning whilst waiting for the washing to finish I used all the collected water on my borders, it has been left long enough for any chemicals to die so know it won`t harm anything, then it was a case of traipsing up and down the stairs emptying the bathwater that daughter had remembered to leave for me, thats a flipping job and half, there are times when I wish my bathroom was at the back, I could then rig up a pipe and save my little legs but now my spare bins are full up again. The flowers are all smiling at me so I know they appreciate my efforts, lol…
All my plants are doing well in the greenhouses, the bottom one is filling up nicely, I always transfer my trays the day after pricking out so thats a good thing, it means I`m keeping up with that job, as you probably know its very time consuming..
30 Mar, 2012
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Your garden looks sparkling green and fresh, and the baby plants look strong and healthy.
I'm never sure about reusing household water, cos of detergents or other stuff that might be in it - apart from not having anything to keep it in or way to get it outside.
I can only use tap water, but I've started storing it in 5-litre water bottles outside, so that at least it gets the chance to warm before use; I watered mine, too, yesterday (normally that's a virtual guarantee that it'll rain the next day!). touch wood, it hasn't happened so far ...
30 Mar, 2012
Yes I agree Ojibway, I know compared to other years that I am way in front, trouble with that is I have to keep them inside longer, don`t trust our weather that much...
Its ok Fran, I`ve been doing it for years just not this early, I leave it to stand for at least a week so its pretty much lost its nasty chemicals by the time it goes on the borders, I never use it for any fruit or veg and definitely not in the greenhouses.
I do realise that a lot of people haven`t the room to store it like that though, so therefore cannot do it...
30 Mar, 2012
You have got a lot of planting to do when they are all ready, busy busy busy bee. Lovely blog, good idea about saving the bathtub water. Still nice here but forecast to turn chilly tomorrow. We shall miss all this lovely sunshine.
30 Mar, 2012
lovely garden and aren't the plants doing well.
30 Mar, 2012
Your garden is looking beautiful in appreciation of all your efforts saving water. All your plants are looking very strong and healthy, I know how time consuming it is I spent the full day Wednesday potting on all my seedlings too, but just think how lovely our gardens will look when they all come into flower, well worth the effort;0))
30 Mar, 2012
Well done Lincslass . . . loadsa work there, but loadsa satisfaction too! I've been potting-on like crazy, and will soon be planting up my hanging baskets, but keeping them in the greenhouse obvs.
Your garden is looking pleased with the way you've been looking after it, lol.
30 Mar, 2012
Thats what I call dedication Lincs and your garden is singing your praises.
30 Mar, 2012
Such a lot of seedlings :o)
30 Mar, 2012
Your garden is looking lovely:)
30 Mar, 2012
I`m not planting up many pots and baskets this year Sheila because of the lack of water, I`ll have my ones in the front as its shady out there but my patio and walls will have to have ornaments, lol.
Gone way over the top Hywel, as is usual but no doubt I`ll find homes for them..
Pansy I put the world to rights when spending time in the greenhouse, I`ll be planting out en-masse when the time is right, the trick will be keeping them alive when they do go outside, I`ll be carting bathwater for all summer at this rate, its no wonder I never put weight on, lol...
30 Mar, 2012
You have a wonderful garden Lincslass :-)
30 Mar, 2012
On Masse me too. Linclass, it is such a shame about your water shortage it must be very difficult to keep everything growing , hope you get rain and lots of it very soon!!
30 Mar, 2012
Would water-retaining gel crystals help to reduce water loss, or at least, reduce the amount of times one has to water plants?
31 Mar, 2012
All plants looking healthy.
1 Apr, 2012
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Your garden and all your plants are looking really good and healthy. I'm sure the watering was appreciated, because everything is just parched. We haven't had rain for weeks either during this wonderful hot spell. Some of the spring plants even look a bit stressed with the heat, poor things. Me, I'm loving it! Have got so much heavy work done.
30 Mar, 2012